
Tuesday, June 1, 2021


JOB CHAPTER 12 KJV Spell check has not worked on this site since election day....and what is the world wide connection of info going to and fro to this part of the whole of all that info? I DO NOT KNOW! and in admitting this...have erred on the side of being wise....and not the fools who think they have all the answers....and have rebelled against the Almighty.the only one who does know it He made us to be good and wonderful....and care for one another....and grow into being able to handle more and more knowledge as we make the good choices to use wisdom for good and reject any temptations to use it for ways and matters that do one and another and all of creation... And we messed up....and messed up and kept on repeating the mistakes of our ancestors.....and we have come to a time...when we can at least have history accessible to study...and learn from...and what does a few do...who think they have full wisdom to decide what is best for us.....instead of the Almighty making that decision....but decide what we should or should not be able to access to know if we have no wisdom at sort out truths....from lies....and half truths....which much of the what humanity deals with....and is nearly always on a journey of seeking full truth...or we can make even more mistakes for history to record..of harms done to one and or all...or many... as we act on part of the info... And this is the situation me and mine have been in...just trying to help our loved one....get medical care,,,and stay alive and we fell into knowing of a massive horror of our health care system...getting worse and worse since 2002...and much on the way to horror back to the mid 1990's when the wisdom of those we asked to go serve us well in elective office...(or did we choose them?) got them to think that govt did not need to exist to watch out for those who would skirt the laws...and put all of us at physcial and mortal risk...along with our livelihoods....and decided govt did not need to do anyhting to over see....and contracted out with no budget allowed to be spent to even protect all our data and records of govt...which much is that of individuals...and companies and organizations...and we have a full expectation...of the govt protecting those from parties and entities with no business accessing or misusing for any kind of purpose illegally....and here we an over thrown horror....and we have health care.,worse than most nations....or most have fallen into the same overhrown horror and in lock down...and finally someone else in the main media and Dr Fauci..admitting we have gone through a nightmare of covid...of where is the truth...and the govt no way of getting it from the contractors here, at the UN, arount the world and even over in Red becoming our medical providers in the USA>..and our nations and US Constitution as ameended to ensure even more rights of each...and security of the nation....means....our lives each have value...and right of life is basic to human rights for one and all.....and here we are... Finally seeming to over come....discriminations of who one is by differences...and knowing all have rithts....all have wisdom from just living...and all are valued by the Divine..who made us all and loves each one of us...and offers the promise of life eternal...we can accept or reject......and who would ever choose the evil ones side....and be lost to the future... The voice of to say..I DO NOT KNOW.....and the action of the to say...WILL SEEK THE ANSWERS...FROM OTHERS WHO MAY KNOW...and if none know the answers.....the DIVINE ANSWER is asked in prayer and study....and look to a future time when...the answers will be manifested to us....maybe when Christ returns....and TRUTH IS..and never leaves us... In the name of us from uur foolish ways of thinking we know all You know...or even close to it.....and know that each of of us...knows things...and has a part in the whole of creation...and pray it be used for good....and not abused...or coveted to do knowledge can and has so often been.....and we have to find our way back in a struggle to journey on to find our way back to You...and You are always here...we just have to know that one basic knowledge.... Prayers for Doyle...that one day soon...home will be....and maybe sooner than later....if anyone can find out who their doctor is....and make sure....everythings is signed for, prescribed...and no issues of what is needed to continue.......and the minor hiccup of a payment got taken out of bank today...when should be canceled....seems of little concern...when life is the objective..and healing...and surely all the laws and rules...and basic ethics of those dealing with will make things right...and refunds....given...where and when should... And have been dealing with only part of the info....and why the hiding of what should be knowledge....and may others be warned....if a loved one or you...need to be in a hospital or other nigher level care place....MAKE SURE THEY HAVE DOCTORS WHERE THEY LEGALLY ARE TO BE.....AND THE NAME..OF THAT DOCTOR.....and if they cannot provide that then....its your life....that is on the line....or your loved ones....and we need to make it clear to both state legislators and federal....we have had enough of our public funds....being spent on all of us. and them disappearing inside those contracted to do the work...and we get more disappeared...and work not done...and in health care...our physical.bodies take the harms...and we too often do not survive as You made us to be....until oee more sickness. or death...and one not yet here...and pray it will be soon...but we will keep on the path...ot good...even if its not for awhile...and may one lose faith if its not this date or that we hope its soon...but hope is real...and we will find our way one day....and pray...we not get sidetracked by the master of evil and lies and deception...and all make it on the we share Your good news...and believe in the we know its the real thing...and may all who seem to have given up on hope........and we not even have the basics met when we need them.. like millions like we with no theapeutic oxygen..and one world wide near monopoly and regulations put in place to block life being sustained that has no common sense to them..but to allow this monopoly....and lies passed around as truth...that an irritant gas called ozone is good to breathe into ones lungs 24/7..when its proved not to be...and why does the FDA SAY IT IS..? and now causing massive harms...and premature deaths...and yet we hang on .to sustain life...and be treated and in best health to come out alive and in better shape than when we we still have survival instinct...and those who have given up....please do not as the freedom and free will is also the will to live...and our eternal future....and ask You Almbhty for help to know You...and none give You have never given up on us....even died...and rose from the dead so we could find our way to eternal life by mystery of eternity we have not fully understood and yet we believe as we know in our souls....You are the real way...of life, love and always.... And this is too often not happening right now.....and its past time that those who do have a lot of training , experience and knoweledge....our good allowed to be in head of the whole...and not at the bottom...treated as if they have no knowledge and being treated like....enslaved thought zombies....and even shunned by new foreign owneers of our places of healing....when our own good doctors we entrust our lives and health to for years.....are cast worthless to the new owners who seem to be in business...for too often the new heads... take actions....that are even illegal stealing....and worse is non caring....of best health and healing.....and the whole is like a apiritual battle ongoing of the good people in healing professions...who want to care for us...and themselves....when sick...and in need....and patients and their families get caught in a real spiritual battle tween good and evil....of love and disregard for such if none care about sustaining life...of loved ones or even strangers....we care about just because they are members of the one human family....which we are and have been from the beginning of the Garden of Eden.....and if we love one another.....and uphold that...wars and feuds....and harms..and horrors...can we care never get to the level of hate and destructive ever be in such a horrible state of affairs... Pray for those helpng our loved need to get all the prescriptions...and medical needs met...and appts there is a smooth transition....and all go well....and all have some personal joy for helping one more find their way medical need.... rayers for protection for the process....and may Your Holy Spirit guide those making the needed preparations....of the next step in care.... In Your Holy Name...Yahusha. Amen! Will keep all up to date... family /friends through these posts.... and thank for prayers from one and all....and many pray for all those in need....and there are so many now for many reasons....and surely we can pool our wisdoms...and make things better in this world...for all of each one of us has wisdom....from what we know..and expeeirence....and be able to share and add to the pool of knowledge to find the best and btter ways for one and all of the best possible when we still have to deal with some led by evil and others still it...and we help each other find our way out...and none alone when we have the Almighty...carrying us we are all like Job in a way...and keep our faith and hope evem wne things can really get rough in this world...where evil has had a prsence and tries to take each onf os us to death and ddstruction along with all of the good of creation itself... Linda Joy Adams 6/1/21

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