
Friday, June 25, 2021


NEHEMIAH CHAPTER 1 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day.....and it gets better then...backslides...just as the world seems to get better then fall into evils of suppression and enslavement of the evil one of its 'strange gods.." The one not permitted by the 10 Commandments as it declares it is god...and none other exists but his evil dominion....and the opposite and any kind of freedom, self worth..or respect for one and all of be free and have perwonal rights of property and thoughts even.... Something the founders of the USA well understood when they posted them on the wall and set up monuments with them on our public places....FREEDOM OF FAITH EXISTS AS LONG AS WE HAVE FREEDOM AND THOSE 'STRAGE gods of suppression means NO FREEDOM OF FAITH EXISTS... That does mean we have to belive all faiths are equal....but since we are now aware that we all have ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Moses...led by the Amighty....we and the people of the ancient world....all understood what they meants as all the other paets of the known world.....were bowing to their leaders who was worshipped likt a god....and if a tyrannt....suppression of all human rights....left none worthy of evevn living....and ism....that has surfaced now and again over human history....and even incorporated into some Christian faiths....for political purposes which seems to been part of the conversion of stop the myriad of interpretations..of over coming Christianity...and the FREEDOM it even question actions of a ruler.....was something that even wars and soldiers could not surppress even massive genocide of them...did not stop their the TRUTH WAS OUT...and how can one rule as a dictator....and god....when all the people know he is just another human among all of them...and can make mistakes....and needs others to help one along....and that he is not god...but crated by a DIVINE...LOVE....who came, died and rose from the grave to offer even a Ceasar eternal repentance and salvation....and be the ruler with justice and mercy...and fsirness.....for one and all.... Harder to have to bow to those principles when one HAS IT the physical realm...but can lose their eternal soul by resisting and defying....the one in three parts John says is his gospel.... And we have entered into another such time....when ones faith in Christ....and as just referred to....all of us had our historical roots in the desert with Moses...and even as we sinned...and lost much of our history...somethow most of us maintained that teaching and knowing in our souls of LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE LOVES US....and FREEDOM AND FREE WILL...and consequences of harm to self and others if we do not pay attn to some basic concepts of good and fair governing....and one day...ALL WILL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS...and that is ALL IS ALL....and for the first time in human nistory nearly every adult in this holds that sceptor of rulership and the mantle of minister to each other.....even if not all profess to be Christians....nearly all are close....and when He returns...surely most will know His voice and follow to safety as evil and its cohorts are removed....Plus we have one the timeline of come....of the OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON ALL FLESH..maybe something like what happened 2000 years ago at the first Pentecost during the wheat festival....which on the calendar from Moses time....may be soon to come...the wheat harvest celebration....when the GOLDEN purifed on the threshing floor so the tares of the evil one is its important each be in good relationship with the ALMIGHTY...and know Him in your answer the call when it comes now, tomorrow or some day in the future...after the rest of the shared events take place....and not all have yet... And before then we have some rough times ahead....and those who thought they were safe in the arms of the Almighty and had a strong faith group....just who does one think is going to be the target of evil and its cohorts on its last attmpt to rule this it knows the timeline of events also....and has no wish for the real Divine to be....and yet knows He is..., was and always will be... Some words are being rmported in recent weeks out of the White House attributed to our current leader.....and just before therapeutic oxygen was not to be sold....and already a monopoly existing most real death panels of who gets to live or not.....even in the USA where we thought we had human rights...etc....and HAVE NOT FOR TWO DECADES OR MORE.....and has nothing to do with race...but more to do with consider all precious in His sight.....and we to respect that right also...even if some things done...are not liked and legal systems put in place to stop illegal acts...etc....JUST BEFORE 3/1/21//its was shared and reported that our president said anyone who supported Trump would be targeted....and it was the nest action to pull my right to live and one can go back to them....and Black Rock has carried this out as holds the purse strings pretty much world...wide....and too much ill gotten gains....seems to be in their funds to wide...domination...and just who is the head....a CEO IS NOT...that is just the 'hired hand' And our GENERAL has been Lynn Blodgett etc..if that even be a real name....hard to know the more elite one gets...the more they profess fake bios....and hide the truths of their orgins....and why? most of us...have a real history....and to know it helps us become a stronger build on the good parts and overcome the not so good....makes us more caring and compassionate....if our ouuls are led by love and know the one of ALMIGHTY LOVE...AND EVEN CHRISTIANS OF HE LAST FEW CENTURIES....HAVE USED NAMES NOT USED BY Him 2000 years ago.....we know HIm in our souls and one can go back to a DREAM I had...and find it by DAILY RECAAP + I HAD A DREAM....and once one has a full experience with the Holy spirit even in a dream that resurected memoroes of prior times of complete surrender to matter what comes....TRUTH has been revealed....Rare instances....but becoming more and more common now world wide by many and most etc....and in some way seems to be part of this timeline of events....wich one prophetic preacher...pointed out online and linked video....FREEDOM IS SURRENDOR to GOOD THAT OVER COMES.. but in no way...means we will not be under duress and harships as satan wants all of humanity gone along with creation itself....even those it has tricked into following it..and its cohorts... SO DO NOT BE SURPORESED IF YOU HAVE A MEDICAL APPT CANCELEED AFTER MADE...AND EVEN WITH A DR ALREADY A PATIENT we have a new master in town....we still do not have the name of in charge....but seems we have financially bankrupted the medical community...and being bought out....and coercively finaniced by an entity that now seems to discriminate on the basis of faith....and those who value life, love and goodness seem to be UNWORTHY TO LIVE....and this is happening with appts already made......and no reason for medical care not to be continued.... In the name of Yahusha.....our salvation...many call by Christ and Jesus......our faith and belief in You is being given as an option to our faith....or deny You and maybe live a little longer....with some medical care....and this happened to the last few months an intent to obstruct that got a delay as apprt to be made by dr orders did not happen....and not sure that will get past their new manageres...GETTING FINACNIING...IS WHAT SENT MUCH OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE USA...INTO A WATERED DOWN...FAITH....BACK IN THE 1950'S WHEN THEY WENT TO THE BANK TO GET A LOAN TO BUILD A NEW CHRUCH....AND INSRUANCES OF ALL KINDS....THEN LIABILITY FOR PASTORS WHO MIGHT ERR IN ADVICE OR COUNSELF....OR PREACHING AND CAUSE SOMEONE TO HARM...OR DO AN ILLEGAL ACT.......and now they have the new managemnt team in town....and not the same tyes as before.....and some still there.....are in a precarious position and konw it....if they have a soul of compassion...and fairness......and the TIME OF TESTING FOR OUR FAITH IN YOU...has again arrived....and FREEDOM OF OUR FAITH....TO BE FREE AND CARE...AND BE LAW AVIDEING CITIZENS...EVEN....seems to be weakness to the new head....who has yet to be revealed....but some in high places are bowing to it...more than any time in recent the USA...even leaders we htought did a lot of evil....its a step up.......and we fedeeral employees seem to have been the canary in the we could not go to the state ofiicals for precluded....and had no balance of powers as our Us Constituion mandates....for one to step in when the other gets actions....Help all to understnd not to lose faith in You and not to defy it is falling into evil's trap....and a binding of our souls to lose all we have in You for eternity...and may each one know as they face and evil that has overcome us worse than govt contractors being unaccountable and in total charge which was bad and deadly evil.....but often....enought to allow some ways of even physical survival to be.....and now ITS BECOME BLATANT....AND DOWN RIGHT RUTHLESS...and our good doctors....being mistreated more than ever.....even losing all for just doine what is considered good and proper medical care....and that has been going on for decadeds now...worse and worse....but nearly all kept on trying and helping us get better and much as possible....and now....even what they can do is being taken away from help all to underatnd not to turn on our healers....and try to allow them to help as they can....careful how much one shares publicing....but for this...canellation of our rights....and not by the medical professional.....ITS REAL AND YOU WARNED US....of these times...and as one dealing with some ot these same people as others now face over covid....and not happy about about the GULF WAR VETS NOT PAID.....BY GETTING RID OF 6 CASES BEING TRACKED FOR TOXIC AND CHEMICAL INJURIES......BACK IN 1990 SO THE PROCESS TO PAY THEM AS MEDICALLY PROVED IS REAL BY OUR OWN HHS AND NATIONAL INSUTITUIE OF HEALTH...RESEARCH.....9one of those sic was me).....and the phrase injustice to for all the same......and now can all begin to understand what evil some of us has been facing all along....and touchded your lives but not so directly until now.....and the to do over these vaccines.... since 2010 no preservative ones of anykind are alowed to be made by Novartis or anyone else....AND formaldehye and other inflammers can inflame the whole body even the heart....SO how can some in charge....feign ignoracne.....has less to do with covid....but what all havw in them....that is a known harm....and what for? are they all need disinfectants in them?? and about 1/5th of the population is KOWNN TO PROBABLY REACR WHT EVER THE JAB IS FOR....what happened to all the known research....proven and suprpessed since 1989...from the 1988 research...?? I got asked if I had had the covid vaccines....and said can;t formaldehype in them....the disease had nothing to do with if the rest would harm....but this weaponed ether alcohol delver into our cells...labeld as a plant or begetable....only beings like that....and used in most meds now...even even the natural....has beocome a probable danger for 1/5th og us....and as toxic fumes get breatehed off of ever increasing activ will find...NO TRREATMENT EXIST ANY MORE...andone might go to 4/12/21 and before that 5/1/20 for MEDICAL REGIMEN....AND ASK ONES DOCTOR IS THIS OPTION CAN BE TRIED... as You said CHRIST..TO US...2000 YEARS AGO...heal the sick an feed the hungry....and even he wealthy afe in trouble to get this now.... and You said we should pray for Heaven on earth or we get hell...and seems wo negleced to oversee things and we have a hell in charge....of our own..doing for not overseeing as You made us all to be.......Help us out of this mess we have let happen....and may all wake up and help all have the human right of life...and best health as long as medically possible.....and FREEDOM OF be allowed by our leaders and others.....and those who follow a strnge god...of death and detruction...its good our laws say those are illegal....and one is not to worshipp by murder, theft and perjury....and prayers for healing for me, nd mine...and the shcock....of real crosses to bear for our faith in here....and a financial for nay to get out form under...we keep the faith...until one day You return...and evil like this is out of here....and may none of us fall into its traps and be lost for eternity of good with You....In Your HOly Name...Yahuaha Amen! SEEMS THE HAMMER HAS COME DOWN....that some os us have been dealing with for years already....but to break the ficanieal back....of our medical community by looting of public treausres to cut govt fundings....due to no over sight to sotp illegal mssing monies.....and whom I or anyone voted for in the last denial of our political freedom....and seems most of us are in trouble for our lives if this be truthe being reported....and the latest is to nuke the USA>>..I HOPE THESE REPROTS ARE FALSE.... but actions soon after..seems to be crried out....and nvver heard of an atoorny geting law license suspeded....for public sharing with no gag order in place their alleegatons backed up by ulitide of oath given testimony...and state and other pubic hearings......more than most who take the case to the public to discuss.....MAKES IT HARDER FOR ANY TO GET AN ATTY TO STND UP FOR CIVIL OR HUMAN RIGHTS....EVEN IF IT BE FOR A CLASS OF 55 MILLION FOR A DISEASE CLASS...or THE MAJORITY OF THE USA FOR BEING A CHRISTIAN.....AND ALLEGEDLY MORE THAN MOST FOR THE LAST shut up winessed for real court cases just finally getting into courts after good part of a year since elections.... WE NEED NO TAINT ON ANY OF OUR ELECTION PROCESSES....whomener wins....or no change in winner....oher wise we have tainted our freedoms basied in our we the people as the ruler and if we cannot rule at the ballot box.and be respected for whomever we choose....then we have fallen to an evil...far worse than....any human leader....and why in ancient times...a king....allowed those who served him be able to return home and build their place of they lived lives of a faith that professed rights of life and service and respect for one in authroity who did not abuse any in authroity is callwd to do...DO NOT COVET.= d not abuse power when one s in aurhroity) and a way of thinking we got in the desert from Moses....from the divin finger of he Almighty.....A SHACKING UP OF THE WORLD AT THAT TIME....AND WE HAV LOST SOME UNDERSTADING OF THIS...IN TRANSLATON....CHECK IT OUT...ITS COMMON SERNSE AND COMMON TRUTH... to know this...and it changes the whole world of evil has to take down thoses 10 rules of governing before he can enter into the seat of world power and be worshipped as god.....when the posting says NO DEITy seated here....the ancient world well understtod why the poeple of YAH wrere so differnet....and had a priest hood separate from the civil govt...which its leaders looked to that presthood and the Divine for moral guidance....if they were considered a good king...or leader. Hope this laterst reports is false that our president said he wanted to nuke the USA...somene please clarify well as saying all TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE TARGETS....and we have no idea who is going ot be on the ballot in 2021 politica...that is a long way off... as for 11/20 exposed some wrongs that we need to make right....and all thoses saying TRUMP WILL BE IN TE WHITEHOSE BY END OF THE YEAR.....I DO NOT EXPECT who decides this... every court in the land will b tied up with cases to hear....of what the constituiona means.....and seems that was deciedd before the the US Suprme its the states who decide when they cerify the election....and if they mess up....then...what do we do?? NOT CLEAR IS IT.. seems to be the first time in our history we ever got urselves into such and issue....and we have to pray and have work trough this...and congress needs to pay attn....and moderate anytihing too far far worse of natrual and other disasters are here....and the best is for wnomever is in seek good and divine guidance and do the bet to serve all the people....and that is the best strategy for winning in 2022 or 2024 isn't it....You do a good job oor all of us....and we pray for your susccess.....and...we decide...who is worthy of the jobs to serve Lindq Joy Adams...6/5/21

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