
Saturday, April 3, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 38 KJV (SPell check not working since election day...and not much in this world seems to be working well either...and we were alredy in big trouble for decades especially since law of 2002 that removed the restrainer of law of our use even existing budget to audit a govt contractor and worse inbestigate and prosecute illeal actors among the govt contractors...which has become nearly all an international organized crime ring here, other nations...UN and Wuhan china...with trillions of missing public monies and the rights of all of us in the trash can with out constitutional as well as human and civil rights...that has cost massive suffering and ongoing premaeditated genocide.....states cannot deal lack of fundng to take on the new rulers of our govts of the world....voted in by our leaders....but for a few dctators who still understand control and power are one entity over all....and we the people went along to get along and bound our souls to face we are in a horror of evil....where the ones we sent to serve us by our sceptors of rulership our ballot we do not know who is ..and they forgot we are the boss and they serve us.... Those who wish to do so. find themselves nder real thraats and coercion of horrific illegal ways....and still who is there to protect and serve....and we now waking up find our abiiity to share from all sides, knowings and opinions being tharted for some one somewhere has some idea that one somewhre might decide to do something illegal and cause harms to other... When few would..just trying to figure out how to stop the suffering and be just and fair...but tnose in control now do not wish sharing of all kinds of info to be....even if its legal by our laws...and wonder if those we say is in charge of high tech really are....but some other entity that has them bound up from changing the ways....and doing good and joining the efforts for fair and just all can have opinions...and share...and we the people sort it all out...for TRUTH TO BE REVEALED... Taught to pray for heaven on earth...and we have let our selves fall deeper into a hell on earth instead...and who is even in charge in this world...and nation...? has become a horrid nightmare..we can either give up our faith and hope...or better find our way to our Divine Savoir and allow His teachings and Holy spirit lead us to find each other to halp each other find the way of goodness out of this...and seems the first step is to take back oversight of our sceptors of ruling our ballots and have an army of volunteers from every political party on the ballot, ready with training and all in oversee the chain of cutody of the whole never again is any taint on the we know, even if we have various ideologies....that life and love and caring and good over the best for one and not one among us is harmed by what the most wish to do....Then those elected will never forget we are the boss....and serve us well or we find another who will come next election day... This is so out of control that it seems the best we can do is try and perservere until Christ returns with the hosts of take our evil and its cohorts for all time...and its said to be some rough times...but the promise is that we have the Divine promise to believe in HIm...we will get us to safety....before that happens.......even if some fall into death before the hands of the evil millions already have...we also have the promise of the resurrection of the dead. for the second time in history as occurred when He came the first time...2000 years ago.....and one day peace and goodness will be for all of eternity....and our lives for all of the fallen state of humanity to face death will no more be.....and no more sickness or sadness ever again... Pray for our be in good shape and resist evil and its last attempts to destroy our faith and life here on earth....before that day it flexes its final horors of strength and tricks....that are not as powerful as the Almighty's and it knows that....and comes after us...first and all of creation... In the name of us from what we let ourselves get tricked and led into....for not keeping on Your way, truth and teaching...even as You carried us througn to now....until we wake up to whole truth...and evil never is able to deceive and fool us ever again.....and for those who went laong for a few dollars of a job....ignoring the harms being things being asked to do...that harm in many ways...for others.....we have some difficult choices to make of our choice for eternity of death of hell of life etennal....we put our trust in You that somehow You will help us make it through...and You did make us a human family....and may we find each other to lift us up in their faith shared....and what they know nd me and others..can put together the whole truth of matters to expose what is going on...even if some try to intervene and stop the sharing...and may those doing so...wake up...and realized they are needed on the side of goodness....and help the truth BE REVEALED ALL OF IT...AND THE PROMISE FROM yOU OF ONE DAY ALL THIS EVIL WILL BE GONE...IS A HOPE WE HAND ONTO AS WE KnoW yOU LOVE US AS WE LOVE yOU AND OTHERS....AND MAY NONE END UP FOLLOWING EVIL TO THE LAST CHANCE OF SALVATOIN... as we know in our souls....all are precious in Your sight...and loved equally....and may they find their way back to You and may none of us...belivers lose our way apart from You....a horror to even consider that way... Prayers for all in need of healing....and for me to get the full right to breathe...without any ozone traces and full therapeutic value...wich is being puled form millons and millons now in the USA...and vevery reason mentioned is pure evil to do this...some more evil than others....and all leading to premature deathe for illegal acts being done....and many in my gorup...even most of us...are injury cases from some unsafe or illegal act by one or this world...kowing full well by most...they would be causing harm....and why is this not premedictted murder to do this....?? To cause the injury and then...block any attempt to treatment and one day cures.for our lung and other injuries....why are there some among us that hate even their own humanity of flesh and blood also.? Thanks for my not being able to undertand such evil....and many also...and makes it harder to recognize when some among us grab power and set out on mass if that is good for what... not even for themsevls for some power grab for a few years of human life...for what?? makes no sense to me to lose the way of life and love...that no mattr what ones postion in the golden sceptor of worship You....and know Your love comes with freedom and free will....and not enslavement and rights of even precous free will and personal thoughts of the one of evil....where our desire for peace and love and freedom to love and care.for each other in this not part of the world of the evil one...and why would any even follow such?? Even pulling back when we get tricked into following and saying No to we know You are there for get out and save our souls...for life eternal... In Your HOly Name...Yahusha...Amen! foing a good series on the lunar /solar calendare Yahusha...tried to get the Talmudic pharasees of His first coming get back to taught to all in the dserset by Moses from You....and then messed up again by ROman trying to form a one world relgion of merged faiths of opposites teachings....and never our history of all....(do the nath as some have online) our ancesors woaled out of Egypt with MOses 3600 years ago....and spent 40 years of miracle in the desert of daily miracle and leating the basics of love...and fredoms and 10 underlying rules of governing...of faithness and justice...and not to abuse power...act like a god...and be idolozied and worshipped as one.... and to have an orerly cociety of some rules or laws for time and place....ahd making sure that what is creted agrees with those 10 basic rules and the prikse directvie of Love one anoter as He loves us...and we cannot go wrong if we remeber that is the underlying base...but we do have to dig our where over gtime...we got led asray by smoe....for reasons not so good....and we went out and formed nations..nd even other faighs....but our historicl what we still have in for a few who went into a way of evil as its real trying to deceive nd destroy us and all of creation....and that is a 'strange god' we should never folow of hate, death and destrouction...a way to a void of one should ever wish to end inveited to the way of life and love....and may all of us keep on the good way...and find ourselves...saved for all of eternity...with the Divine...the I AM WHO I AM...who was, is and always will be....and came to us as Yahuha to show us the part flesh so He died and rose so we also could have heve the pathway paid for that each of us can follow if we die before He returns....and death is ended for always and ever.... Linda Joy Adams..4/3/21

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