
Wednesday, April 28, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 10 KJV Spell check has not worked since election day...and seems the world is falling more and more into chaos...and hell on earth.....with natural disasters....human created ones where we neglected to make sure our govts served us well for all to have their freedom, free will, rights of even life...and safety from harms....we have agreed should be done for one and all of us....Where is this upside world....where the wicked rule...and the ethial are treated with derision and disrespact as weakness....seem as bad.....and evil seen as good...and strength.... How did we get nothing seems to work for us...we thought was being put in places...and FORGOT...WE ARE THE GOVT....and when we neglect to take care of the garden of earth....we neglected ourselves...and our rights of even survival ...and protection of all we have been given of creation to over see and have to use for our health and well being....and for the beauty and goodness of one and all of us... How could we neglect every part of our survival of the biggest threat to like....our health care to stay alive...and have made what has been allowed to be done to us....each one of us...doing our special divine calling to help in just any small way...but billons helping, if only in a small way....has not happened....and we let a few take advantage of our many worked even harder....and been robbed and losses of life growing as our enslavemnt tot he beast system of revelaton...means we are only worthy by how much we can labor for the master of evil...that has no regard for our well bing....our freedoms of free will and individual the intentions of evil is to end humanity...and all of creation.....and we need divine help to get out of this mess.....and first we all need to find our way back to the good and uneerstand we are in charge on this planet and universe....and each one is a precious soul...with a crucial and important purpose.....and may none forget that blessing of being loved ucodtionally by our Divine Creator....who will make sure we have eternal life of only good is we just accept His love....and finally undestand how to know evil and resist its temptations....and never tricked into following it in any way.....into the horrid mess we have allowed to entangle all of us in its web of lies and deceits... Again many paid to ansser phones...and yet have no way to solve its a cover up....of what the ones in charge have done all over....hire the deal with the goodness of the people which we are all created to be.....and then have no information...that is needed to know and find out and solve issues...each needs taken care of or no call would have been made in the first place.....and when the day started out with me checkkng nnoline with the major pharmacy in the USA...and showing...all kinds of a messed us computer file....and several meds in the bin to be picked up and some of he same meds...same doctor and differing RX # and none ever contacted he head of security at CVS? or did they/ and it was a disaster last month and delay getting another med.....and dates filled and other info inaccurate....and finally got out all bottles...over the last few months....and actually nothing was in th bin to be picked up....but one bottle....and the date last filled with not even correct from what the actual bottle said....and over the next couple of hours....this info changed several times....and still all is not correct....WHO IS PLAYING GAMES WITH OUR LIVES.ONLINE....AS THOST AT THE PHARMACY ARE TOO BUSY...TRYING TO PUT OUT FIRES OF ISSUES.....AND MUCH SEEMS TO BE THAT SYSTEM...OF INSECURITY....AND WHO IS IN CHARGE....DID BLACK ROCK...HAVE IT CONTRACTED OUT AND HOW DID THEY GET CONTORL OF OVER 90% OF THE STOCK OF A MAJOR COMPANY....? SEC, WHERE ARE YOU?? where were you....and worse is finding out wha is in a pill.....and our pills....often made in China yet seem to be all kinds of caner causing...and other harming addititeves....and makes no sense...we have to have harming disinfectants....that are even used for mechanical gresse one has to clean up in a garage....and our bodies are not automoviles....and the greasy mess they can create when worked on....? Major companies our ancestors created that made the industial revolution...inventions...and ease of life....and the price we have loss of health and life..and enslavemnt to those allowed to take over... as neglected to make sure our govts work for we are the rulers of this world....and for the first time in history...nearly every adult in this world holds a golden precious sceptor of rulership our one vote each.....and we have neglected to protect that sacred right given each of the divine...DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS...IS TO EACH ONE AS ALL ARE KINGS AND PRIESTS in the Kingdom of heaven...where male and female are equally with rights...and those came from the Divine who came to us in human teach and show us the way to life eternal and goodness forever....and only asked to believe....and love one another as He loves us....and a lot of doing is on each of do this....but the way of goodness...and passing on the to have a world....of all who can stand up to evil....and over come evil with love.... In the name of us get out of the mess we have got ourselves..into....and without Your Divine help...we now know we need You to fully overcome...evi....and its You , only You removed it from ever mere around wherever none of us would wish to go for all time....and pray not one of the human lost to it for all time of the future of all time with no end... Prayers for Doyle's continued healing and not sure when coming home...but hope and pray for no more set backs....and what is needed to help is able to be help for better recovery and many more years of living....until one day we all will have life eternal....and may that day come the world monopoly on therapeutic oxygen....has left even me....without it...and ozone is harming...and hurting....and little can even get to us allowing one company get contorl of the right to breathe for all of us.....and I am not on the list as worthy to live....and millions of other either...just in the USA...and the same is going on around the how did we get into this....I know what the regs that got passed over the last 12 years....caused this in USA....and tried to warn others...but none wished to know....and with 350 milllion unprepared to breathe toxic gas off a volcano south of our border....that in summer the winds will blow over us.....and all will suffer and no meds...made or in safe diagnostic testing calibrated for us....and our good the bottom of the pecking order in health....and criminall kind of threats and coercions....for even trying to do once was respected for trying to do for each one.....and how did we get ourselves into such a mess......and we not listen to You...and Your warnings...You have given us for all of the span of humanity in this world...and before we got into the defiance in the garden of Eden....and knew all ...and lost all as we could not know all and use if only for good....and pray we all wake up sooner than later.....and we need Your do we over come this...what do we do..? In Your Holy Name...Yahusha...Amen! Please understand that what is going on with one major health care not unique to them....all are on an illegal medciare billing ssysgem..all have to buy from the unaccountable govt contractors....of one entity now world..wide.....and its inservure...and once its connected to companies...then security issues....are real....and they can get insde...and sabatogue your compnay...and woe if your leadership hired one of them...for inhouse systems...also....Wake up ther is no govt allowed to protect us...when tehre are no audits or investigations...allowed let along proseuctuions of blantant...horrible crimes.....and taxes to be make up for the stolen public funds.? How about shutting down law breakeing by tnose the govt turned onver to....and hire some ethical do the work legally and the public mones...not disapear and work not done....and clams not paid in muliples...with the govt contractors....disappearing the money....not the companies....prayers for all who work in health care...trying to do best for each one of us....and may those who are doing evil tings...repent , stop and be saved...and clean this mess up..... and first of all find out who is in charge of you....a coporation is not in charge...people are....and who are they working for...above them etc..... Linda Joy Adams...4/28/21

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