
Friday, April 2, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 39 KJV: Psalms chapter 39 KJV (King James Version) (Spell check has not worked since election day...and find no speical help for these aging fingers or eyes to catch every typo...forgive me for the desire to share what I other can find the whole truth of why so many suffer and even die....and no right to even sustain health and life...or livelihoods by the actions of a few...who forgot we are all equally loved by the ALMIGHTY...and for them to forget that...means...surely the Almighty is not going to be pleased with their actions on the day of final judgement...and ones etrnal life is judged for good outcomes...or the pit of hell with evil and its cohorts..) Time to repent and perserver for good...and much is TRUTH shared ao all can know and be led by the Holy Spirit to do what is legal, but exerts influence for good...if only just be all being allowed to know the TRUTH...and prepare for what is coming or some few think is ocming...and why some grabbed all of the liquid oxygen and hide in their elite's bunkers aand leave all the rest of millions of us...with no chance at quality of fully breathe....and in the works a long time...back to even 2002....when it was being plotted and planned...for theie underground hide in and guess they did think of the need for oxygen....but as for me...if we are going to have earth shaking and earthquake and the underground really the safer place.... When we believers have the promse of some place of safety...for those alive...and the other the promise of the second resuurection of the dead when Christ returns with the hosts of heaven...and evil and its cohorts are take out of here....Some of you who did all this harm for 20 + years...dreaming up how for only them to survive and ignoring all the oters in this world as less than human rights of life also....may get a shock when...who is going on to etrenal life...and who repents of their sins...and is forgiven for far less than committiing massive genocide to save ones own life for the expense of billoins even 2/rds of the world...instead of all being repentate and prayeing for Divine help...and use our brains to figure out how to help save all of us and this world we live on....and this global warming seems now to be a sham.coverup of a solar event....that what we do on this planet has little to do with that but more about a desroyer event that is said to come by hre every 3600 years....and ignoring what to do for all....and thinking running to an underground bunker with all our liquid oxygen tanks...and already made liquid oxygen....that does not last forever at all....It has to be made continually also....and how do you do that uderground and not have air vests to the top side?? IS THIS THE TRUTH..? as one online..shared with the public on one sight that has a lot of good info....and its not Alex Jones who has a lot to share....but seemed to have picked up on this blog since 2/1/21 2h3n our son went to get my tank filled for another week....and was turned away...suddenly...without warning of any issue of no available but for those in failitiy which most of us like me...nneeding theratpeutic level and not make the harmful ozone for us that gets sucked back into the tubing into our lungs...of 10% or more around the machine...a fog of it...that does not dissapte and emans we have to keep it 50 to 70 feet from us depening on any semblance of ozone fileter.....and none since 2002 law....which not seems to be not just stupidity of leader of this nation and UN and world...but an intentional.plot of pure evil to over throw over sight of our public be looted for a few to survie in underground bunkers....and stealing our liquid oxygen...must mean they think the end is near....maybe for them for us who are believers in the ALmighty....the I AM WHO I AM... which Christ is the face of...came and taught us...sharing that when these times come....He will come and take us to safety when all hell breaks out and evil is removed...and being underground for those who did not pay attn to HIm tat this world s going to shake , wobble and eathquake disruptions....IS BEING UNDEFGROUD EVEN WITH OXYGEN TAKEN FROM ALL THE MILLION IN THE usa..GOING TO SAVE YOU...UNDERGROUND..?? WHEN THE MOUNTAINS FALL ON YOU....EVEN THOSE STURDY TANKS MAY CRUSH...AND MORE SHAKING FOR HORRIFIC UNDER GROUND EXPLOSIONS....IF ONE SPARK OF HEAT COMES NEAR IT... I have used lquid safely since 1007 when moved here and the old green bottle used before were not available and used less liter flos...for a progressive injury that can be slowed but not fully..... amd am only alive now due to the Holy spirit letting my brain work while asleep and wakng up figured out how to rig up nd ozone filter....with empty humidifer cups used to insert tween oxygen tubing and water traps...putting the water closer to me...and being out in more country...can sit it with surveilance...etc...70 feet from me....and have as many s needed of not die of fluid on my lungs in a hour...hae now survied....three weeks....but not good and make completely bed fast but for short trips around for personal needs and food.......left to die, like mkllkons and Lincare....and a few isolated who are single operators in business can even fill a tank...and haev all permits...and some ask a high price...and why its been hell to get throught the cabal's processing shell companies for any payment for health plans...or workers comp.ALL MAKDE SENSE....A SINISTER EVIL PLOT TO STEAL OUR OXYGEN....AND WHY WHEN i GOT CUT OFF FROM HAVING A SUPPLIER....THE FIX WAS IN TO GET RID OF MILLKIONS OF US....AND WE WERE ABLE TO GO TO FEW GAS COMPANIES...WHO SOLD MEDICAL OXYGEN TO PATIENTS WITH A CURRET PRESCRIPTIONS...AND WE PAID ND EVEN GETTING SOME REIMBURSENT WAS CUT OFF BY THEIR CABAL MANAGERS...A FEW YEARS AGO...hiding us as existing to make all the elites think the lie of no one being harmed or dying....and massive deaths have occurred long before they should have dies...even with seeious lung injuries....and leaving all other wth the lie from teh FDA that OZONE IS GOOD TO BREATHE FOR THOSE WITH RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS.... IS THIS KIND OF EVIL WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON??? and even some memebers of congress...not able to figure this out...and even have spoken of it in hearlings and ignored when spoke out....?? EVIL IS AND IS DOING A LOT OF EVIL....and WE CAN SEE THAT OUR GOVTS MEANT TO BE SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE, US...have fallen to sacrifice of humas for their own elevation to who? The one most of s workship is one of lkfe and love for one and all....equal rights for all...even some we do not like or agree with...and even sinners He will deal with on the final judgement day... All our struggle for health care....and all this missing monies from public treaassere not used for life to be sustained for even those withe plenty of health plans.....IT AL MAKES SENSE NOW....ALL THESE BAD THINGS...AND OBSTRUCTIONS TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT AND to allow a few to survive in udnder ground it seems we are not all able to move to Mars by then....and that may get rocked and butted and its eve ben hit by a plasma discharge a few years ago...showing hor wiped out things can underground hey go...and taking our osygen with us to suffocate and die...long before we should..?? IS THIS ONE WHO GOT ON LINE.....AND SOME INTERFERENCE SAID TO BE CESORSHIP AS SHARED THIS AS IF HE DID KNOW AND SOURCES FROM WITHING....ALONG WITH LAWS AND REGUALATOINS IN PLACE THAT MADE NO SENSE THAN INTENTIONSL PREMAEDITATED GEOCIDE OF THE MASSES USING WHAT THEY WISH TO STEAL...Guess what folks...those tanks gradually filled liwuid oxygen may be gone in a few months...and be empty and you all be suffocating as the Almighty takes us to safety and heals us to breathe on our own...and to a place of clean and good air...?? If this is the outcome...then the evil joke is back on You....and will not be an APRIL FOOL'S JOKE BUT REALTITY...those old green bottles do lask filled for even years...SO DO YOU THINK CHRIST IS COMING SOON...TO TAKE OUT EVIL...and those running to underground with all our liquid oxygen and tanks suppliers have....must think He is is....and leaving us to face the wrath..of the remval as if we are the evil ones....and we are sinners all of us...but manay real beleivers and have faith in HIm for our salvation...if not beforw the end time resrrection of the dead....and is this the spirit of evil we have been fighting for years for life and health and even a real they plot to steal our sir...kowing thoes concentrators..are ozoners...and deadly underground to disspate where?? and decided thay live with no current lung issues....but us needing therapeutic oxygen....left to die...years beofre we should have to face it....and maybe the promise if they got the time we may be the survivors believeing in our Salvation Yahusha....and foond one day crushed undeer mountains...aand erupting magma...and a sad horror for those who stole our save themselves away from faith in Yahusha...our real salvatoin...who will take care of us one way or another for all of eternity..... and what will you say on the day of final judgemtn for what you did?? IF THIS ONE ONLINE....HAS THE FULL TRUTH OF THE PLOT OF THE AGES TO SURVIVE AT THE EXPENSE OF MILLIONS OF DEATHS...FOR A FEW AND THEY END UP LOSING THEIRS INSTEAD...AND MAYBE THEIR ETERNAL SOULS...FOR TRYING TO DO AWAY WITH MILLKIONS TO GET SURVIVE FOR WHAT TIME...AND WHERE IN ETERNITY HEAVEN OR HELL?? RIGHT HERE.. In the name of Yahusha....could the truth be so evil and stupid to not come to You for the way to salvatoin....and may I even be able to survive until this horrid plot, if this is the truth....and sure makes a lot of sense by some who seem to have no sense of their own survival until they crawl undee ground to save it for what?? An evil choice most of us could never fathom due to our sharing Your oove for all of us...and survival of our souls is caring for others as You cared for us.... prayers for such to be...ended now...and all put their faith in YOu....and then me and millions of others...can survive for whatever day or hour You come...with all the hosts of heaven to take out evil....and if I have been left behind by thoes fallen to evil....hope I keep faith in You so can find myself and loved ones. on Your good side for all of etrnity...wehreeer and when ever the time comes by Your time line of Heaven....may it be soon....but if not...maybe can make a better filter...etc or some sanity be put back in this world.... Prayers for Doyle and all of my loved ones and extended family and all in this world...who follow You and may all keep the this wordl seems to be going mad into a lawlessness....even more mad...In Your HOly Name...Yahusha..Amen! And tihs one online also gave info from his sources that being masked is for the dust, and bad fumes that will be let loose.and the elite seem to tnink is riht upon us...and not sharing what they know or think they know.....and what of those clouds up there many say are chemicals from our leaders for what to deflect the solar heat that will scorch us into quick death?? and we can wear them for dust and the chaooal filters inserts in the N9 masks at least is preventing my immmediate death from ozone..(seems to be needing replaced about weekly..) NS HHOST WHO MAKE THIS KIND OF CHARCOAL....KEEP ON GOING...AND FIND A BETTER OZONE ONE TO INSERT INTO TWO OZONE TUBES TO REMOVE EVEN PARTS FER TRILLION AS for most ts said ok at 1 part mer million amd around the oxygen has to far exceed that even....and does not all blow away but much gets sucked right into the tubing going to ones lungs...when again..IN 2002...all hell broke losse in our govt to say ban al ozone makers...then soo say 4 parts per million ok....and removed any warning on oxygen concentratrs that any even doctors could prescribe and not be committing malparace as if FDA HAS OKAYS SOME MGGICAL OZONE FILETER.....FOR ALL AND REALLY WHAT MANY COMPANIES HAD THAT GOT A LOT OF IT....WAS RMOVED AND PRICES LOWERED....AND MANY SEEM TO SURVIVE....BUT 1/6TH OF THE POPULATOIN ON THEM OR NEAR THEM....HAVE IRRITATIOINS TO SOME DEGREE....AND A CONTINULOUS...IRRITANT DOES WHAT?? COMMON SENSE AND LOGIC EEEMS TO HAVE ELUDED HUMNITY EXCEPT FOR THOSE, LIKE ME DIRECTLY AFFECTING RIRHT TO LIFE NOW... HINT: forget mentioning ozone...but say need for theapeutic level oxygen which is 99.99% and these concentrators often are only 90% at best and some only 85% and that is a lot of oxone to such in from right around the machine istn't it...but ozone is a naughty word....and none wil admit it but a few did...when I said medially would die if got a hand held machines as my arms are not 70 feet long..and my asstion in a foremful manner of them to admit it.....Too many who seell liquid also sell the concentrors...and us existing means they are doing harm to others getting the machines...without all the years of medical history and needed testing the cabal will not allow to be done now...even when its still medical treatment standards....ignored in this era of lawlessness and human lives being lost due to what we have allowed to happen to all of us... Linda Joy Adams

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