John 5 KJV - After this there was a feast of the - Bible Gateway
Decades of opening a Bible daily and reading a chapter at random...and too many times one has qustions of how this can be...when one knows that Truth is in the printed words....but something has to be missing over time and place from what all we know who have taught us by words and writings over time...and history....and none seem to ever fully agree..WHERE IS TRUTH? Which in my soul...I know is from an early age....have known the kingdom of heaven is present but too often hidden from us by the kingdom of the world....and things said and done..that MAKE NO COMMON even a little child....when we learn early on that CHRISTIANS CANNOT COUNT TO THREE....
Learning this about the time we figure out the that Santa Claus is Mom and Dad giving gifts and why don't they just admit it and claim their love being expressed to see a child's delight at the new toys and clothes...and other goodies...and just all have a good time... Why not claim the thanks of a child to those who love them...and claim it back....why divert it to some myth....we now know is the pagan Molech Image..with real fire in its belly.....where children were murdered in a religious sacrifice to evil the one religion of the world...that creates self delusional gods...of each follower and who can do all kinds of evil things...which our human laws of the world say are illegal... as they should as it defies any kind of human reason...of anything good along with its practice of the fertility goddess priests and priestesses committing other matters now illegal all around the world of public indecency what is really a pimp and Satan's turning real humans into temple prostitutes disguised as priests and priestesses.....
WE HAVE ALL BEEN HAD BY THE MOST SLY EVER CREATED....and one third of the host of heaven..followed him and we are dealing with this bunch ever since our common ancestors Adam and tricked into learning ALL KNOWLEDGE and having no idea...the consequences of there free will actions...that were being manipulated by evil itself..
That is the wrath of the Almighty unleashed in the later day.....and clearly those who do not follow this...will be saved from it...
How does a generation or two after thousands of years of false indoctrination get saved to even know fact from fictions....and that as a little child in our innocence we were wiser than our elders carefully taught to not wise up...and realize they do not make any sense at times in those very matters that we all need to understand for the survival of our eternal life....we can loose if we believe lies of the LIAR.. instead of TRUTH OF THE DIVINE.....
What am sharing is my own life struggle from childhood to adulthood....and time seems to be running out for all to make it salvation and miss the wrath of the Almighty that removes evil from among creation so we never have to be bothered by it ever again....and we have learned we are never tricked and entrapped by lies again...
We have been led around by a Russian Hoax in the public eye....and...everyone should now know...that in the world of selecting whom we send to take care of things for us...and serve us the BALLOT BOXES OF THE WORLD... of the horror we all have been put through by illegal acts of the very least...when the attention should have been on good polices and laws...and solving those things govt needs to do each of us cannot do ourselves...
And whether one like or agrees with those elected...we chose them...and need to support their efforts to do the best for all of us...every one.. for when we get our attention diverted by lies, and horrible evil acts...then a deadly virus...and other bad things get unleashed as our whole attn is delivered from the real evils unleashed by the master of lies and deceit....who has been trying to destroy humanity and creation since the Garden of Eden...and he has been succeeding too often.... as he gets us to do it to ourselves....when we should know better as we were created to love one another....and know the Divine good...and we were created 'good' and so was creation itself...
I was only 3 years old when I figured out my adult family of parents and others were all liars...and it was a personal trauma as thought they were all good and loving people...and they how could I know they were the 'child' and somehow I knew more than they...not to lie to me and how to tell those whom I was to obey and follow some loving daily life...
And it took three years to finally stop the charade every Christmas that Santa Claus was coming and leaving presents under the tree...and watch the skies for him to come in his sleigh....and being read stores about him... Age three....was a special year...and something special was coming and as I lay in bed about to go to sleep on the second floor of our house down in the basement was some loud hammering going on...and could make out some words....
Like so many bought things Dad would fix them so they were stronger..with extra bracing....and in the morning with these adults acting like children...for me to see...what had been delievered was a near life side doll baby buggy and a pretty new doll....nearly life size... more expensive than what was spent in mnay other years...but we always had gifts....
And Dad...didn't always give gifts.....and ..learned later in life why after study of religions and the time of gift giving was the day the three kings came to bring gifts to Baby we have called him since we had a letter "J" added to our alphabet....and that is the next...thing...coming
More secrets over the years...and back in later half of 2012 right here have shared my own journey for the whole truth of my own self and family... and one loved ones attempt to get DNA done...led to another travesty still being played out around Gen Flynn....who intervened when it was going to be given to the priest....back 11/22/13 as many do not know...that one who knew more than I was his leader...up the hierarchy.... (go do a world search of that date when i shared that with all those here...)
WHAT'S THE BIG SECRET??? Lots of people changed their names and ID when coming to the USA as immigrants 100+ years ago...and one reason we had a decisions made in the USA...that if one could prove they were here by 1922....they were automatically virtue of being here..
Monarchies and royals and all other peoples came after more family....with the help of President Wilson...but deals made with this and family hid the ID. even as many became part of the political face of the USA.....
Makes millions of the lost tribes of Israel...of the Northern kingdom of 2730 years ago...already split into two states....not a mystery that they are us....all of us besides the ones who is now called Israel....but came out of Babylon.....and remained as the tribes of Judah...Benjamin and some Levites and Manasseh...says history and the Bible references..
The next delusion...from Satan to have us study history an read our Bibles...and can not do simple math...and figure out WE ARE ISRAEL..... dispersed to the whole world..carrying with us traditions..cultures and beliefs...and forgetting where they came from...and that was helped along by some real evil to mislead us... Good and sincere people...being led to get along to go along and survive...and not question if we had no power to have a mind or belief of our we did as children before we knew we had better not buck the system..of the world...and shut up even when things do not add the places of faith.... and most of history...we did not have that thing called FREE SPEECH... rights and need to shut up or one could lose all even physical life...
Now about that Math problem from the time we learn our first numbers...1.2.3....
And we who went to Sunday school and even others who hear or see movies about Christ..and who does not know about such...even if not a believer...and maybe we need to get our math right to invite those to a belief that cannot count because we LOST OUR FAITH ROOTS....and others have filled in parts or similar....trying to get it back..and no ideas..over time...they were just as lost as the rest of us..tryng to get back to TRUTH...
At age 75, have finally learned something online that fit the whole illogical into logic....and its also been lost to many who claim Judaism as their faith also....WE HAVE ALL BEEN LOST for a long time to the natural rhythm of creation...
Yahusha as he was called back in first century Christ is the Greek...and more modern Roman Latin languages added the "J" and since Hebrew originally had no vowels...with some dded later and that can lead to some bias of to what vowel...etc..WE KNOW OUR SAVIOR BILLIONS OF US NOW AND BEFORE...and confusion over how to say His name... Glad He knows our know His love for us is accepted and passed on... and only in these times with knowledge getting our and shared and history being dug up and hidden archives being found....and with all kinds of knowing being is what we used to call Him long long told to Moses from the bush that did not burn..I AM WHO I AM...was, is and always will be...not bound by time or space.....that science is just now...enabling us to begin to understand even if we do not fully comprehend miracles which still are...but our human can better believe as we know its not illogical from what is known now from science...much of which is still theories...but conceivable...
BACK TO 1, 2. 3..the first stumbling block to common sense evangelism for Christians...sharing our those who can count...
The Problem...The Bible says that Christ was Crucified...and NIGHT 1.. still its not the count yet of in the tomb for three....
.He had a last supper with His close followers and family as histories say it was at the house of a relative in Jerusalem was it the Passover meal or not..?? Then He got sold out by a traitor in the group and led to an execution on the cross...and that...ended with Him put in a tomb...Night 2 is NIGHT 1..... and we call that in Christianity as GOOD FRIDAY..... and His family did not have a chance to bring spices to put on the it was the sabbath....and one had to strictly not be out doing things when that started....
Then by Easter Sunday....( name of the pagan goddess..merged into Christianity by Constantine to try and have one world religion back in 400 AD to keep the peace..and impossible to merge opposites of good and evil ways into anything good...and defies any free will and freedom of faith as a personal has to come to on their own.....THE LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL GOT SAVED FROM THIS CONFUSION... early on and maybe we have all had a better chance now when knowledge is all getting REVEALED to finally put it all together.. and we need to be nice to each other as most are sincerely trying and we do not always agree and back we go for more searching...
usually that would be a Friday night...BUT ONLY SINCE BABYLON.......answer is coming...
The Bible says He was in the tomb 3 days....?
That's two nights...not three. and I learned my numbers at age 4 about the time I went to College and studied Piano as the public school would not let me go that young... and have real report cards...too...
And it was not too many years thereafter began to question what was being taught in church...and Sunday school and instead of being fully freed by the Holy spirit...we began to be indoctrinated for this world to go along to get along...and being enslaved by deception and deceit...and let Satan keep his hold on all of us.
I LEARNED HOW TO PRETEND TO GO ALONG AND PARSE WORDS.. AND NOT LIE..TO THEM OR TO MYSELF OR TO THE ALMIGHTY...... And when later on when we got taught the theory of Darwin...that made no sense to me either..and not just because the Bible said something else...
I would answer DARWIN SAID...not a lie...and got left alone on that one...of the controversy of got to believe it..or else...I FOOLED THEM BACK...THEY THOUGHT I BELIEVED IT...and I did believe that DARWIN SAID IT...
And my reading of the Bible was always very literal...NOT IF IT WAS TRUTH BUT HOW IT WAS TRUTH... as the whole history of humanity's faith journey cannot be in just a few pages..of one book...we can hold in one set of hands...
We are not learning that encoded for us to unseal in the computer age...clarifications encoded like a cloud that a search engine can unravel for us...and now even being done for the whole Bible in Hebrew and even Aramaic the Hebrew of Christ's first coming time... and much serious study going on with CODESEARCHERDOTCOM...AND SOME rabbi's...but some of them are having issues when they find the name of Yahusha...encoded a shaking to what they have been taught of He did not come already and will be back a time when TRUTH IS BEING REVEALED and some are being shaken from what carefully taught...and we need to have some mercy and they figure things out for themselves...and may even figure some things out to help us...who think we know all and we are still learning...
LOOK UP FOR THE SIGNS....and finally writing the last few weeks watching CODESEARCHERDOTCOM....the answer was revealed....that breaks with our calendars used since Babylon.... and still not sure what day the Passover was....and what day in our modern calendar Christ was laid in the tomb..dead...but it had to be Thursday our time and that would be the 7th day which is he the Bible says so... ITS SIMPLE FOR A SOCIETY BASED ON AGRICULTURE...
They looked up and the first month began with the first feast month of pass the spring...and that our Moon does not go around us in a perfect circle...but an ellipses of oval...and can change with the seasons or 4 equinoxes
So when the Moon is new..just a the Spring...and the grain is just beginning to head out in the field...the first grains ripe....then we start the count... an watchers went out 2 of them to witness..and world went out START COUNTING...and count to 7.......and evening began the Sabbath....and at the first Full Moon was the Passover....... but the count of 7 was already gong to day 14...would be night 1 of the three in the tomb...and what day He rose....hope someone has a computer program that looks up back to 33 AD...and can tell us one day....
We may or may be going to Sunrise services and celebrating His resurrection on the day..or not...
No wonder we have reached a plateau of further evangelizing when we can't count and do not even know when things we have been on fake calendars to keep things in order....and the natural rhythm of life and us has been thrown off kilter....No wonder the New Agers believe they are doing something right in 'getting in tune with nature.." but they are still not in rhythm with the flow of the world of nature are they but trying in their own way??...and we are part of that..even if we are humans made in the image of the divine...and more than sentient animals... And they bring something they knew in them from their ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Moses...long ago lost to history or knowing...but instinctively knowing...
WHAT DAY IS IT.... Thanks to Darla Wright on Codesearcherdotcom and hope got this but the video is linked...
On the human calendar of the era and ones computers run on its at the top and bottom of this blog...
What time is it in the kingdom of heaven....I DO NOT KNOW...and hope somewhere out in Google someone who is keeping track...and has a chart to share.....
As those who study things for thousands of years....and Bible coders...unraveling clues....the second coming is yet to come...and even those of current Judaism agree we are off from the this also includes....more come out even...and perfect by that ellipse of the Moon...and that counting of years follows the JUBILEE OF every 50 as well as the 7 years...crucial to the count...
In Bible time we are 5780 not 2002....going by a start of 1 to 6000 for the time of humanity...
Science...its fitting into this more and more...and ITS NOT IF THE BIBLE IS TRUTH BUT HOW....
and WHEN IS CHRIST do we even count...if we knew the event being told about in the Bible...
For here is how the count goes on....instead of a leap year every four years and some months with 30 and some with 31 days...and sing he song learned as a child is still make our regulated society of machines and 40 hour work weeks and expected to be there certain days and times..for work.....
what they did was NEW MOON sliver... says day one of month 1....then the next month began at the next new Moon..sliver... but what of the days at end of 4, 7's are 'hold days'....
is the way explained by some who have researched this into ancient...texts etc..
Not bad if all could take a couple of days off every month....for some 'down time,'
by the time of end of year it all works out....and the feast days....are held on the time the moon is in such and such phase...and the LAST TRUMP will herald ??? one promised...
And no wonder we are told we will not know the day or we stopped looking up a long time ago...and living by the clock of the Divine..Creator....we call:
Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name...Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...on Earth as it is in Heaven....give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses (debts) as we forgive those who trespass against. us (our debtors) and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil...for Thine is the Kingdom and thy Power for ever (world without end) Amen!
In the name of Yahusha. we do not even know Your name.... and its HOLY....we want You to come and bring Your Kingdom down to us.... we need You the bread of life. well as our physical needs met also....we are to be merciful and You are forgiving of our horrible sins and mess ups....for the evil we are dealing with....we wish to have removed from getting us into trouble we should know better.not to get into knowing You.... You are forever and all powerful....and how can we and how can we have been tricked by the imitator...and deceiver...who is nothing good and wonderful as You are who cares about each one of us...with unconditional love.....not the other guy and his cohorts...who want all of us death and gone forever....
You offer us eternal life without evil ever around again....and hope we can not wake up and know all TRUTH of You...and ever be tempted ever want anything else...finally free to be free.....
and freely make the good choices...of freedom love , life for ever more....In Your Holy Name...AMEN
Still don't know when one is to start counting 1.2.3////But this makes most sense and start at first new Moon of the Spring equinox...and then at full moon we have Passover....and many Christians do celebrate that now...and have under other names.. but have attended churches trying to get back to the roots of who we are...and follow the steps of Christ when He was here the first time... not because we must by doctrines of a church. sect ..but because we wish to...been increasing for decades now...
and although the current Judaism of most says it 5780....they admit that they may not be fully accurate... So we have other signs up there among the PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS...first given to our first family on earth.. of Adam and Eve.. to know it the star map of Revelation 12.. as the end of this age is beginning...and when it renews at the return of Christ...LOOK UP and the one coming is REAL IT"S NOT SANTA CLAUS......
ITS OUR SAVIOR OF HUMANITY...COMING TO KEEP US SAFE FROM the time when He and some act to remove evil from among us forever so we can have FOREVER WITH GOODNESS FOR ALWAYS...
May none choose the wrong side of future history whenever it happens...
VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION...and if your state has a mess for mail in ballots...most states have a orderly ad protected system...and Oklahoma's is pretty good...and protected by mail and double witnesses who sign that it is you that signed.......and only complaint is the 'poll tax' I am willing to pay of postage that can be double stamps for three envelopes plus ballot that can get long if ballot issues to vote on.... altogether as the two witnesses...(biblical divine laws...used ) sign the outer one...and do not have to see our confidential ballot in number one....and outer mail it back to the county election office...and to GET ONE has to already be a legally registered get that done....and then fill out of have all mailed to you yearly....and mail at least a week ahead of election day...but we get them mailed to us as soon as ballots are certified and printed an if 95%+ voted...then anyone else saying they are us...hard to in the election a stamp that mail ballet sent....and one year lost my mail in...and had to go and sign an affidavit..before could vote at poll and show my drivers license also... and our state had paper that was scanned and a recount can be done if requested or needed....
one thing we can do online here is change parties..and time limits for that shown....
If we are in another lock 11/20..may have to get mail person or delivery person sign for witnesses and they do need to give their addresses...etc...another check.against fraud..and we will ...all still be wearing gloves and masks.......??.
Some things going on for mail in...this is excuse for the laxness...of our precious FIRST RIGHT OF CITIZENSHIP...
Linda Joy Adams 5/26/20
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