John 6 KJV - After these things Jesus went over the - Bible Gateway
For decades, a Bible is opened daily and chapter read....and each time through seems more and more is known...and some that was thought was known is now know was not known .....
Age of confusion as we all are learning much...and some among are stirring up more confusion for some agenda that seems to have no good intent for us or anyone else...
Whether its science...or matters of faith....we are getting shook to the total of our being at times...of knowing the good and the promises of eternity are science is showing how it can be fully real in the physical realm....and some how in some way...both seem to be converging...until one day we all will know the WHOLE TRUTH....and fall on our knees to the Divine in wonder how we and all of humanity and our ancestors back to Adam and Eve...could have allowed ourselves to be so distracted and diverted and tricked into not figuring it all out...and making better choices along the way......
But some of the evil diversions have been out and out sabotage of humanity with addictions of substances and other things to control our minds and we come to a time when we do understand more fully.....and evil is not willing to give up on its death and destruction of all creation...and how can such hate even its incomprehensible to humanity. as a whole to even know such hate ...
and maybe that is why Satan and his cohorts keep what is a strength of faith and love...from the Divine is seen as a weakness and knowing we all have the weakness of flesh...we can be taken down in the physical world...even if our souls are pretty much intact..for eternity...going into the final battle vs good and evil...and may none fall into the void of hell and be lost for the goodness ahead..for all of us to have....
As we have been each loved unconditionally from the beginning as we were created from the DIVINE LOVE..told to Moses called I AM WHO I AM...who was, is and always will be......and the one constant that can always be counted too often even the best among us can falter...along the way.....and have a bad day...and need some help to get back up....and why we are called to help each other help times...
A few nights ago, I had a dream....which was shared in this blog....
Was it what the rapture would be like..? And we all were healed by Christ in the dream before we got checked into to where ever we were going or were going to be staying...
We did not all end up on a cloud with a harp to play...or immediately end up in a giant banquet hall...and where we were going...was big enough for billions to saw a great multitude...but this one was bigger than the population of the whole earth at the time of Christ first being here...
Seemed that we were living in real + miraculous... as to get 10 billion + of far as the eye could an instance....of resurrected dead since the first one...and then all the current living...and seemed to me nearly all made it ....or was there something more to what was seen..?
As Christ went through this massive numbers to heal them....was this not only physical ailments but spiritual....and was this like the outpouring of His Holy Spirit on all humanity....and only the few who reject this DIVINE LOVE...would be choosing to go with evil??
In the dream, the power of Him sent me to my knees in worship...and was healed...of all my injuries and ailments...Unfortunately when i woke up...still dealing with medicines to take...and oxygen to breath...and no safe meds and others not made due to the real evil we have let rule us by law...that is not even a govt..but our elected officials put in power and let them rule....and covered up it happened to us back in 2002 by act of congress.......and why 39 federal agency judges not obeyed to correct this illegal behaviors that has stolen massive amounts from the public treasury as govt contractors and caused a holocaust of death and destruction... in the USA and around the world much the same....and no mystery some mad scientists over in Wuhan china were playing around with viruses and creating something that could wipe us all hasn't this been evil's plan for all of us since the Garden of Eden...
This one human, is glad I cannot even fathom such hatred...not that anger, and dislike is not part of me at times...but hate like this...its not humanly it?? Are we made so good? the Bible says creation was made good... which we are to be overseers of..after Satan fell from grace and took 1/3 of the hosts of heaven with him..... that we are somehow...are created to be saved...and something very awful has to happen to one to be totally lost from eternity .... Even the thief on the cross beside Christ was saved at the last moment...but the murdered was not...on the other side...
Even those who have done bad things and our legal systems judged such...can be saved...but we do not release them from prison when they change? Is that because we do not have the full spiritual discernment to know when one is saved ourselves...after doing heinous things..??
Something surely is in us that none be left behind...when the time comes for the wrath to be poured out and we hold the promise of being saved from it....?
Then how does one feed 10 billion or so humans...even for 3 days.....or is it 3 1/2 years...or even 7 these being the different theories of when the Rapture happens... and being transported from one place to another...? Bible gives examples of this...and witnessed so what it real is not always yet understood... But do not plan to walk into a wall and expect to go on through....just yet?
Well we have some miracles in the Bible...from genesis during the just about a millions were fed crows bringing food to Elijah...and that is more in the realm of reality....except usually the crows are trying to grab our food and take it away and not why scarecrows got erected in corn fields...
But out of one basket of one person's lunch...5000 were fed...and at another time also......
And as we think we cannot explain this by science .ever hear of a 3D printer.... and with one whom through all of creation was made...three square of meals for a few days or few years....even for billions to be fed...only makes one realize that what seems to be nothing around us as just air...or between those molecules of air...made of atoms with nothing between them inside each molecule.....IS NOT NOTHING..??? and He is the machine that is not limited by time or space...and can create even the atoms....and space between them... all good...nothing is junk in the Kingdom of Heaven....and none of us is valueless to be tossed as not worthy of love and saving...if we choose to have the promise...and take the faith journey and have all eternity....of the good...
ONE WHO CAN CREATE ALL THE GOOD IN ALL....can feed all for ever it would seem...even for an eternity....
WHAT'S IN A DREAM? Some lessons of faith....that with Him; ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.. My belief is that it was something sustain as we seem to be in times..not getting a real civil war inside govt has been going on for its real..and all of us have watched it...unfold...and none in jail of the illegal actors...are they?? and most only know of a some of us have been well aware of how bad it is and how and who's as shared in this blog since 12/08 when I first learned a trillion dollar theft of medicare could not be stopped as IT WAS THE LAW... and could not fathom such a thing got passed by our own congress ...and then few even know when or how....until explained to me by Michael Horowitz who called me when working with the SEC got some fines..vs the ruling cabal of the world...when we almost ended up with two brands of computers to buy...Apple or the others merged...into one...and not being fully legally done.....But then Obama administration tied the hands of all directors of OIG's and none been able to act a real chiefs of police of the agencies.... and in recent times these high level officials of the US govt.....the one named verbally and in writing by many as one they acted on his info.and there is Andy , Bill, Jeff and Tom...if this is their real last name of one absolute world leaders now...but ...Lynn Blodgett (may he and his stop the harms to me , mine and others and obey the judges his brother Bill is now over... as Lynn B. now owns Dell which most of us more...and he is one named that heads of agencies take his verbal words as he withholds even 39 judges orders from them...and illegal acts..taken by those in govt..based on his false info they accept and do harm. becoming modern day Pontius Pilates...who could stand up for justice and rights and not act based on what cannot be verified....and too often believing him over me....and refusing to even consider my copies faxed directly to them...they could at least ask they continue the worse request to 'let her die'' on me...and as
a type of medical precedent for 25 million data and sources many.....that means...a contract hit on much of a nation's people... and with total control of data and systems and all of medical care allowed to be delivered and info of what meds needed and what is safe or not...etc......on an on...a hidden holocaust underway.....and the survivors of the virus..seem to end up with lung and inflaming progressive issues like me and us....and pray for the leaders who stand for us and try....who is imperfect in his own life ad maybe it takes one to know...before the rest of us and woe to those in opposition..and our prayers for our leaders and for President Trump to succeed in serving us well..
and all of a sudden when he takes a drug used for decades by some...and act so concerned for his well being...and he told us....WAKE UP AS SIDES ARE BEING REVEALED....and whose side are you on..? The only issue is having this chemical binder in it...that some cannot tolerate...but by next winter we may all be taking it...for precaution...and ITS AN OLD ONE..SO ITS OUT OF PATENT AND CAN BE CHEAPER THAN ANY NEW ONE???? MOTIVATIONS OF 'DECRYERS' ?..
And some in govt take sides...for the bad it??
FEAR OF EVIL IS GREATER THAT FEAR OF LOSING ONES ETERNAL the present....since there is no right of any part of govt to protect anyone form a govt contractor...but at dept of defense since 2002....and WE THE PEOPLE still do not even have 95%+ where are we...letting evil over take us....and not supporting those in govt..who need our support to have the courage to stand up for they know they would be destroyed without the masses of the multitude of all of us behind our govt...of, by and for the people and those we elect and they hire to serve us well..and we allow this to happen to us...from the basics of citizenship of every adult..
I do not think it was all of us resurrected dead since the first resurrection of the the time Christ rose...and seems to have ascended with Him to wherever He was going to prepare a place for day...
But there is a real promise in the Bible...from page one to the last page of Revelation...that if we believe on Him and love one another....and all that these actions manifest in lives...WILL BE SAVED from the wrath that falls on the wicked being removed so we can have eternal life..without ever having to deal with
and what and where the dream came from....personally think its a mixture of the Divine in some well letting my subconscious work in me and my brain filled with much knowledge all of ours is...we take in daily all our lives... and maybe we are being prepared for the salvation from the wrath...and giving the awakening in small shock might be too much for all to be known all at once....?
In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ and Jesus... since being separated from our history when we all walked out of Egypt with Moses and were known as the people of Yah....
Thank You for the gradual preparation of what is coming sooner or later....but sometime....and being allowed to face the shock...of being before a dream...but knowing that Your love for me and all of us...keeps fear You are not a ghost...or demon or monster... but be strengthened and healed by You and may nothing ever be allowed to come between us or anyone its this bond of Divine Love...that holds all of humanity together...and may we come to know this better...even as we are so wonderfully unique and different as free willed and innately wish to be free...and in You our worship as connection and thanks to freedom...and far from being a slave to evil that binds our not be able to You love us.... empowering us to make it through the time ahead...until One day You come victorious to removed evil from ever being around again...even the knowing that everything is going to be all right even if real hardships and trials are ahead to live through...
Forgive me my sins and mess ups in my own life... In Your Holy Name Amen!
Linda Joy Adams 5/25/20
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