
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

(president's since 2002 law have no oversite allowed of govt contractors and most nations do not either now..and maybe its why leaders of nations are more friendly with each other as they and their people are against the cabal of contractors world wide of one entity and also uN that hold the power of nations given them by law..CONGRESS WILL NOT CHANGE THIS BACK....any investigation has to get our law changed so the whole govt besides DOD which neveer last oversite,,,can stop thefts and deaths...and I thought that be 7/20 the civil war of Trump vs Blodgett's cabal...would have cabal pulling bacnk accounts of all medical providez they stole their id and claims and medicare card holders names and bankrupt the health care sysytem they have had tota control of since 2002 and much back to 1994 by exec orders...= did Obama, Biden, Hillary..and Xiu know what was really being researched?? since USA govt could not legally could not find out)Obama NIH Bankrolled Wuhan Lab Where Coronavirus May Have Started

Obama NIH Bankrolled Wuhan Lab Where Coronavirus May Have Started

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