
Tuesday, April 28, 2020


1 Corinthians 11 KJV - Be ye followers of me, even as I also - Bible Gateway

   For decades, a Bible is opened at random and chapter read...and translations vary each time through...but at some point can find at random easily and start at last or first page and go through; picking up ones not read yet, this time through...

    And some part has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us...

 PAUL - THE MISUNDERSTOOD REPLACEMENT APOSTLE....added as number 12 when Judas Iscariot turned on Christ and ended his own life....not all accept the truth...and some take action trying to make something happen that is not the plan of the Divine......called trying to 'box in the Divine"  and that could never be as YAHUAN, YAHUSHA, RUAH... of the ELOHIM....called in our times....Father,, son and Holy Spirit... and other names changed into Latin...and scholars now know not very good translations...either....Constantine did a lot of harm over the centuries....trying to create a one world state religion...when CHRISTIANITY IS A MOVEMENT OF FREEDOM AND LOVE....and the love of the Divine....not all the kinds of feelings the Greeks had various names for...and then tried to merge those all into one language also.... THE ANTITHESIS...of the church was doing so well as individual groups and joining's….with a varied a faith as one might say the church outside of the Roman Catholic is today....which has one head in Rome and most of one faith...even if not all agree and follow all the doctrines...

   And it was Paul who those trying to get him to chastise the faithful in Galatia to LEAVE THEM ALONE... as the Holy spirit is there...even if they do not do things just as the rest do...

    Recognizing as only one trained in Talmudic Judaism as the law of the land. and faith in lengthy as one might find the legal code of a nation of 500 years since the return from Babylon into an occupied nation with restrictions on what could be done inside the faith...or even talked about...let alone say the real names of the Divine...which CHRIST CAME ALONG AND NAMED THEM ALL  as the part of them all...

        The Mosaic founded on the principles Christ taught....and a court system of lower judges and Moses as a Supreme court of One...  so when one wonders about punishments for crimes....think more in terms of the diversity of our own court systems over time...tied to culture and what the leaders think is needed to be done to maintain civil order.....and not forget that the foundation of the legal system of any free still the 10 COMMANDMENTS …. as Moses came down from the mountain..with an announcement that changed the thinking of he whole world since..

  HUMAN LEADERS ARE NOT GODS.....and we the people ae not to think they are or treat them as such They are human and can make mistakes....and its why we have a separate  faith culture and leadership  to be a moral compass for them and all of us...and if a leader abuses  (covets) power when in authority....then we do not have to stand for it....or live under it....even  if it takes 40 years wandering in the desert to get back to a homeland where we can have the freest society of the ancient world....and where not one is harmed or left homeless or in need....

   Something the rest of the world...could not comprehend...that the least among them had worth and  ways and means for survival met....Something Rome forgot to address of the culture of the Hebrew people and by that time...corruption had overtaken Rome and rarely had a moral ceasar….and here came the soldiers and kicked the homeless out of their public why would their be rooms in a wall of a city...but for soldiers..?   and then chastised the land owners for not cutting down every blade of grain...and left the poor hungry without their food donations...they would go and pick themselves...and the good man...who left a good swath  for them was honored as blessed in society of the Mosaic Law.....but found themselves ridiculed by Rome and not much better with the Greek occupier's before them...and before that the Babylonians...with only a brief reprise of acknowledging some better ways among the old ways under Cyrus of the Medes and Persians...who overthrew Babylon...

   Like these leaders who head out to conquer the whole world...usually end up loosing it all at some time along the way....NO RESPECT FOR OWNERSHIP BY EACH or sovereignty of nations ===more of what Satan's anti Christ spirit of power, and total control of each ones personal freedom of even thought and belief...

       Paul is one who, after his conversion by Christ on the way to Damascus by the risen and ascended Christ.....went and studied for three reported...and came back...with a full understanding of the historical changes that led to getting further and further away from Moses and the teachings of the Kingdom of heaven....

   So when the churches would gather and have worship and communion at meals...each would bring heir own....and the rich had theirs and the poor had theirs.....and Paul INVENTED THE POT LUCK SUPPERS....that have become the back bone of the church in  America...

 And where the poor might make a delicious dish....but the rich might come in with more a dish...but some how...the whole buffet of choices...rarely leaves anyone hungry... and the one with the spiritual gift of administration...who  oversees it...usually finds out without a lot of oversite and overdone organizing what may be less of that more may be needed....and might see to it there is butter put out... something one with more money to spend....and less time to cook could bring... and a meal without butter for the bread....?  Mothers of the churches....have long been the ones who keep things going well....and add some fathers of the church also....And mean this as those accept their special places as all being ministers as well as rulers in the secular world.....keeping separate....but not in policy....and that is where we got and still get in a lot of trouble...and evil slips in....forgetting each has rights and justice is for all....and  make sure we elect those who serve us well doing those things govts need to do with our shared none can all do separately…..and OVERSEE THE FUNDS AND WORK DONE....and that left us back in 2002 when the US Congress voted to let gov contractors...take the money and do as they please and in health care....A HOLOCAUST... that has affected the rights of life even for too many who have lost theirs....and others like me loosing theirs before we should as it not profitable to make the older meds that work and sustain life.....and decide to LEAVE US WITH NONE...TO BUY AND OTHERS LACED WITH LIFE ENDING BINDERS AND ADDITIVES....

      FDA and govt not even allowed to use existing budget to know if the data and research is even real or unaltered from the truth...or that millions in my 40% never included in them for safety warnings...

 and then a virus gets out that causes injured and lung damage...and seems to be trying to say one dies..or one lives and is OK and they are saying they are left with lung and lymphatic injuries' like my group and now they are finding out THEY AE NOT OK AND NO ONE CARES THEY NEED THE SAME MEDS WE DO.... and whether the damage is slight or major after the infection goes....ITS A PROGRESSIVE DISEASE with no cures....yet....and over time will cause premature death.....but the medical treatments standards in effect for over 30 years now and meds to take....NOT MADE EVEN THOUGH ONE LIKE ME IS PROOF IT WORKS....

        And Paul knew what FAKE NEWS his letters of advice to individuals and local churches....has been picked apart....and read this carefully about rights of male and female...and THEY ARE EQUAL RIGHTS IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN...even if their occupations and jobs in societies and cultures may not always be the same...and if one does not understand  basic modesty and respectful ways..of dress and way to act in a society...and not always the same in each differing one.....then  where has anyone been...hiding in a cave alone for 20 years??   Its showing respect for ones self and others...and may not be the same in differing ones or in historical times....but it still applies even today....despite what one sees spread out on billboards and movie and tv and worse Internet sites...a few get lured into...and a few get trapped and leave real relationships that bring happiness  behind  and go after the fake ones...that leave one  too often very  unhappy....and very alone with none to have a full and happy life with...

                 Its the struggle we have this journey we are on...since our ancestors Adam and Eve got them and us into a lot of trouble by dipping into ALL KNOWLEDGE  before they were spiritually ready to handle it....and defied the Divine....who warned them not to do so....and they did....

and here we are learning how to handle knowledge a little at a time....and we still let a weaponized virus get out...that never should have been made in the first place....WE ALL LET OUR GUARD govt contractors with no oversight around the world...begin to follow a master of the opposite of the one of life and love...

  This blogger only has warned since staring this blog in 12/08 of the overthrow into an entity  no govt of, by and for the people should have let have this total power of even we let those we elected do...and why when we do not all vote...or the statistical 100% of at least 95% do so....then...they can forget they serve us ad we are the rulers....and follow other masters......and those who want to stand up and do the right and moral things....have no mandate from us for support to do so....we let them down....and some in both parties or none have tried….and its us not being there...and making sure we elect those who serve us at the BALLOT BOXES...

       VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!                

                 THE INJUSTICE AND UNCARING OF THE ANTI CHRIST SPIRIT.....we can never lose our faith and let our govts take this horrible and immoral choice of way....where each life is precious and even if we disagree with faith, personality or even life styles....the Almighty loves each one equally and we are to do so also...and afford basic human rights to each of life..liberty...and happiness ..our founders understood was grounded in ownership of thoughts, and property....

And when we disagree find some common ground to co exist...and be wise in exerting influence for better for one and all....and why we have let ourselves down big time by not having

  95%+ voting who legally can in every election....and experts and common sense tells us...voter fraud is hard to do..when EVERYONE IS VOTING....


            In the  name of Yahusha..whom many call Jesus and Christ and know Him by any of all names He is and has been called....may we accept His help and love and make better choices in this world for the justice and good for each one of us to have... And we have shown we care....these last few weeks and even the animal shelters are empty with homes being love is to be shared or it dies...out and many have extra to love an animal...alone with out neighbors...and friends and loved one of a whole human family....with common ancestors ...we came from...a long time ago....but a short time in the eternity we have been given the promise of being restored once we over come evil ad its cohorts...and we have You to thank for Your promise to return one day...and remove the one that never wishes to have love and happiness.....from bothering us ever again...and that is sad.....anyone would make that choice....

      Forgive me my own mess ups and sins....and thanks for the rain awhile was about to have to go water the plants now popping up all over the garden....and that crimson clover  now ready to seed out and grow new plants for the future...that he bees came back You made for us to have around and make sure we have lots of plants the pollinate while they feast....You made things to each have a job and place in this help make it a heaven on earth.....and may we never take a back turn...away from keeping on the way for goodness and love for each other for evermore….

  In Your Holy Name...Amen!

                       For the MEDICAL  REGIMEN my doctors and I have come up with to survive until we get a govt that is allowed to help get meds made we need for life....and in safe form....and living as long as medically possible again....go to SEARCH engine at top of this post...and it began 5/1/19  with edits over 5 parts of  Daily Recaps....


         Vote and be part of the solution !

 Linda Joy Adams  4/28/20



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