Jeremiah 9 KJV - Oh that my head were waters, and mine - Bible Gateway
This chapter tells the story of justice denied one does deny it to all....And its more than that common phrase our whole legal system is based on.. for its also the hedge of Divine protection we all defy when we allow rights of one be denied that causes harts and harms and even physical deaths...
Will we ever learn to resist this and as individuals in cooperation never allow evil to be done to we know it hurts all of some way....and is a defiance to resist the protection of the spiritual that can lead us to know when we should be doing something....and evil has us doing nothing or worse going along to get along as one and many and many more until the whole world is swallowed up be the harms one did of going along and it festered into a pandemic of wrongs...
Every day for decades a Bible is opened at random and chapter read..and it always has some personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us...and the last verse of this chapter...spoke to my own personal situation...which is part of the bigger horror of health care with NO GOVT IN CHARGE...which even if one has no insurance all are under public funding with control with the contractors accountable only to its international self......and will..all the experts together change anything of allowing the govt to protect our public monies and rights of all and laws be upheld...which has NOT BEEN since the LAW OF 2002 gutted by an that an international cabal of govt contractors of one entity of a 1000 corporate names..and woe to any who try to expose it or compete for contracts against it.....and our good doctors at the bottom of the pecking order of matters and not even allowed to treat millions that this entity has no meaning for us to exist....and no meds made...and others med with deadly additives...for millions now just in the USA....
so the last by like speaking to me...Is there no balm in Gilead, Is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered??
Yes, its speaking about the people of a nation and all of the people of the world who have been wonderfully created by the Divine and Love of the I AM WHO I AM...which Christ is part of and came as part flesh to be weakened to die and rise so each one of us can choose to accept eternal life and all we have to do is believe....which believing is acceptance of Divine Love and passing it on to others as we care for one another....and have the understanding we are the rulers of this world... and so it the Holy spirit and this is the understanding of Christians....
and the general wisdom is not to be Love for one another does make this world go around as another song lyric says...
And the way we are each rulers of this world and communities and nations is at the BALLOT BOX and nearly the whole world holds that power now....and those of us who reject this...woe to what we allow to happen to one and all of us...As it takes 95%+ voting in all elections to have the spiritual force of hedge of protection that having some divine help is good too....and then those who are elected know they serve us....and we will say good job or find another at the next BALLOT BOX when one wishes to be reelected....and since 2002 law..WHO HAS DONE ANYTHING TO ADD AN AMENDENT TO ALL LAWS THAT EXISTING BUDGET CAN BE SPENT TO AUDIT..OR PROSECUTE AND GOVT our rights of even life and livelihood are trashed and a horror is ongoing of more than double our national debt missing from our public treasury last seen at the cabal of contractors….and NONE WANTS TO STOP THEIVES AND ILLEGAL ACTS THAT CAUSE DEATH AND HARMS THAT CAUSE LIFE TO BE SHORTER..???
And none speaks of it as if we have no hope of rulership by those whom we elected...and WHY??
Only the Dept of defense is still under the control of our government and yet even that is now having stock holders...and managers of the cabal in charge....and a horror of corruption none seem to wish to find our way out most of the public is still being lied to as if the govt is in charge and its not been since the 2002 law...and too much of health care has not been since 1994...when by executive type orders enforcement of laws were suspended...and we set out to cause harm to all of us by additives in foods and even medicines that could knowingly harms many...and all when the unnatural is put into our physical bodies that then has to wear itself out dealing with..
And, the sign of Israel and all of us grafted in...from the PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS IS ALLUDED TO HERE... that we all know of now as the star map of Revelation chapter 12 of the sign of Christ's coming and the horrors of the before events...
And in Matthew Chapter 24.Chirst even refers to it as interpreted and warns of a cataclysmic event of when the stars seen ti fall and it seems to be an event like an asteroid hit..or something else that knocks us off our axis as in the past....and maybe this time we will be put back on it as many say we got knocker sideways at the time of the Noah's flood....and started living shorter lives and having seasons of climate change...and Christ has promised to intervene....and CHRIST WILL END CLIMATE CHANGE ?? and the human factors that add to it...of pollutions will be changed to clean well as clean water...and taking care of this world we have to live on...
Maybe the warning is so it does not happen...and we make sure we have our scientists watching for events..and the support from us to stop the horror...but will we wake up and seek TRUTH and stop living as if all if OK when we have to each know its not...and the harms are festering and not we are led to live in a world of evil's delusion that all is well..and not bother with the matters he has taken control of and will grow to over come all the good that is happening if we let it...and evil knows that humanity is here to stop him and his evil cohorts...and we the people have to find our accept the good things we can choose to have..if we just resist the bad and choose the good...
In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus....may we choose the good and defy the bad...and follow the leadership of the Divine You are the manifested part of....and may we have Heaven on earth as You taught us to pray. for...and remove all that we have allowed to happen that is not good....and may all those who have gone along to get along...choose to help do what they are called to do in their daily lives or more special callings to be a force for good...that over comes all evil for ever more and have a place forever in eternity of good...
forgive us and me of our sins and help us find the way to do better for one and all of one denied is denying all of all are affected...and in this way...its not just spiritually...its real harm that is allowed to come back on each one of us....May all those doing harm stop and be redeemed and choose the good ways to act and be....In Your Holy Name Amen!
still recovering and cold and rainy day have not reposted or done what new is needed and promised...and will get it done as deadlines coming...
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MEDICAL REGIMEN..(check with doctor and have some brand changes as have to watch for additive changes.. and this is posted as many have no idea there are options to keep alive even if regular prescriptions or those made safe for millions do not exist...and may the threat of the new virus with doctors wishing the older meds made and in safe form...has highlighted the need....and pass laws that support getting them made in USA and sold for a fair and just us...)
MEDICARE MELTDOWN and HEALTHCARE MELTDOWN and its still being looted and this is what happens when govt has NO OVERSIGHT of our public monies being spent to see the work is done legally or even done...and illegal systems created to loot the public monies and we think we are broke...and we have been robbed and still are and CONGRESS WILL NOT ALLOW IT TO BE STOPPED AND ANY ONE IN CONGRESS CAN OFFER AMENDMENTS TO EVERY LAW TO PUT BACK THE BASIC OVERSIGHT TO PROTECT OUR MONIES AND OUR RIGHTS UNDER THE LAWS...
This is not big or small govt its NO GOVT..and as long as evil exists in this world...we have to have SOME GOVT to stop the harms some can do to others we call illegal harms...
Linda Joy Adams 3/4/20
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