
Saturday, March 28, 2020


2 Thessalonians 1 KJV - Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto - Bible Gateway

     For decades, a Bible is opened at random and chapter read....and today...the personal and world events come together for the deeper meaning that is personal as well as reflects the world around us...

    And we have the promise from Christ that one day those who have caused so much evil and sorrow in this world will be accountable to the real Judge of eternity and where they end up forever....

    And may none of us be judged on the wrong side of history or eternity....

     None of us are fully free of sin....but some few among us have done so much to deny rights and even life to many...and for me...pray for those few who covered up their crimes on top of crimes....and got us to where I am today....and all of us..are as sin vs one soon has corrupted the whole world....and we do not fully have the truth of what was going on in Wuhan....and would surmise that the govt there really did not know either.... as throughout the world govts and leaders allow an international cabal to over take and over thrown govts of all kinds...and the less free seem to have the worse track record of letting real evil so take over that it even overthrows dictators as it can be worse than a bad one of those...

         The Internet just does not get into I do not pay to know for sure where all this blog..gets...and its not a famous one....but never was intended to be nor to make money from it....but to warn about what is known and well documented....and NO GOVT ALLOWED TO STOP the robbing and murder of the USA....but at the law of 2002....and still have not read this new bill....but Trade Rep Kudlow...was emphatic that the oversight of the audit or prosecute law breakers of it would be in NO GOVT has caused the horror we are in now and all over.....and

  When will the trials and horrors be over??  When the cabal in charge is made to obey 39 federal agency judges on my approved case....and only by felony thefts of files and illegal manipulation of data on tax payer funded systems they not only are paid to create and NO GOVT CAN AUDIT OR STOP ILLEGAL ALTERATIONS OF EVEN OUR PERSONAL DATA AND MEDICAL INFO...SO WE END UP WITH NO PIRBEUTEROL MADE..AT ALL...AND NO SAFE FORM OF THEOPHYLLINE  THAT ITS BEING SAID THE RECOVRED VICTIMS OF THIS VIRUS WILL NEED TO NOT DIE FROM PERMANET LUNG INJURIES long before they should.........but created illegal ones to steal over 30 trillions already....and that is not just using my info to do so....but assume each one has been affected and has liability of some sort....that no waiver can be easily the real govt will never be allowed to know you even requested one...

  CONTROL OF OUR DATA AND RECORDS and even the FBI DATA BASE..came to light in OIG Director Michael Horowitz's testimony over the last few years....and the TIME OF REVELATION OF TRUTH IS OUT......and the whole world was duped and lied to ….but the horrors, sickness and deaths are very real.... and its past time we the people accept the DIvine call to be the rulers and ministers of this world....and we start ruling at the BALLOT BOXES OF THE WORLDS....where nearly every adult now has access and where do we routinely even have 95%+ voting in every election....So who holds power? we ignore it and wonder why we suffer with NO GOVT IN CHARGE.....and a few Deep state faciliators who worship and bow to a beast system that is no more than the biggest organized crime ring in the history of the even ancient Rome who had fallen to it...with only land owning males voted....gave up on themselves...and followed a god of evil with perversions of the ancient religion of human sacrifice and public indecency......both which are illegal in every nation now...yet...Evil has its ways of lipping it past the laws and affects us as its thrown in our faces in subtle ways....and thanks to President Trump whom Satan put on the spot by one reporter who asked the questioned how many deaths are acceptable and President Trump said NONE.....

       In the Glory of Heaven...of the Divine I AM WHO I AM...and Christ who came first as suffering servant to die as the most innocent...and we each could have eternal life..with Him...forever one day in the future....THE ONE IS TO BE SAVED SO ALL CAN BE......Justice denied one denies it to all....For if we become convinced that none have rights of even life....then we are saying none of us do also....

        So when will the trials and tribulations be over.....The benchmark for when what is due by judges and law and already approved is sent to me.....and its not the full amount lost since 1/10/89  but its only what was approved over and over....and worse is blocking of medical treatment and not even making meds..needed or others in safe form.....and this means...25 million are denied rights of medical care just in the USA....and not its said this weaponized said to be acting like a caustic gas.....and that is what Dupont now owns that is put in much of our an alcohol ether that the cellular level...making what many of us cannot tolerate at even parts per normal breasting or eating...or drinking was weaponized to explode in the smallest cells of our bodies... AND NO WARNINGS since the FIRST GULF WAR victims came home and a game of death with out health begain….to cover up that the whole lymphatic system gets inflamed and worse from that....from wherever our filtering system is damaged.....and. why WE WILL BE OVER COMERS....WHEN THIS COVER UP THAT ENDS WITH LACK OF HEALTH CARE AND HARMS AND DEATHS BEFORE THEY SHOULD ENDS...

         One denied does harm others as our govt is under a US Constitution based on the principles of equality for one and all....And if evil can deny one ,,,,then no one gets the right...until evil is stopped from its illegal actions...

                     Vote and be part of the solution!

          In the name of Yahusha, whom most Christians call Christ Jesus....may we never forget that what we do to one...ignored with no rights...denies it to all of us....and the next one in the same situation. May be your loved one or yourself...and nothing allowed to be done as we gave up on ourselves and You Almighty who taught us better.....and we forgot to care and love and the miracle is we are now remembering to do those in some others of this world who deny Your Love to be shared....cover up evils.....and yet the TRUTH GETS just read....about ow many funeral urns being sent into parts of China.....AND WHY SO MANY?? .

  Father forgive them for what they do.....and this bunch knows full well they do know leading this evil....but so many duped into forgetting to be in charge....and search for answers and follow the  TRUTH that is in know and Love and be loved by the Divine You called Father....

And when You do return one day may we have our act together better. so none follows evil when You remove it from among we choose the good...and reject the evil that tempted our ancestors in the Garden of Eden....and we have been on a journey of learning ever know and still have  FREEDOM of  FREE WILL and be ready to never be duped by evil and deceptions again...even if they have been the most sneaky of all time...

       May we over come one horrible virus....and come out stronger than ever for good and make the changes we are quickly learning of how best to care and still promote FREEDOM AND FREE WILL.....and we do not need martial law...and the loss of rights that came with it...when we care enough to stay put and not let evil's virus take us...down even a little or lose a loved one as we honor our elders...who are more at risk....and others among us that we need to take a little extra care for....and we are doing it.....and may this spread across the nation and world...even as its done with the virus  spreading which the maps show.....and its arrived in rural those who traveled other places or came from there.....and am reminded of the tricks we parents of the very young used to use to stop them from sucking their now we adults have to learn not to touch our faces where germs could get in...after touching surfaces and things that anyone in the world may have touched n the last few hours.....and this is very real when we have 24 hour delivery from anywhere to our doors....subtle habits to learn and do as part of life and living now..... when germs and viruses are around...and we no longer have only those in our family or community...we interact with...but are part of the whole world...and any part can arrive any day or hour..from any part of it...



     (posts in this blog since 12/08 can be accessed by using the search place above by word or phrase.for any name or topic as started this to share warning of what I knew and we had well documented of real evil in charge....and not to be duped by it....and personally for my own survival caught in it early on...and no way out but that our govt and legal systems work to uphold the laws of the land...AND THEY HAVE NOT YET DONE SO....AND ONLY WORSE AS TIME GOES ON....AS WE HAVE ALLOWED A REAL BEAST SYSTEM TAKE OVER.....and rule outside of our laws...and legal systems...and when we all do not all elections and also shared our concerns as suggestions and constructive criticisms....then its impossible for a few to change things so massive without all helping in some way they each are called......and that first step if the  BALLOT BOXES OF THE WORLD.... Check out getting signed up for mailed ballots for all elections...and thanks to our mail people for keeping that coming...even though much is online....but that is getting over worked...and we may need to change direction for more home use....and those who decide in the future to work from home also...

     We can do this....because no one among us has to do it alone. or do it all...

                   FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                   MEDICAL REGIMEN  in 5 parts over 9 Daily Recaps and PLEASE do not try anything without ones doctor aware....

                   VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS.

                    DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16 - The beginning cover up that led to 9/11/01 from our federal office in Jersey City with so many passed on with no rights and biggest security breach in USA history...etc. and 1/10/89 toxic cloud cover up...and me only one not denied tests at hospitals..and became target for chemical companies etc...since... EVIL  has been around always...since the beginning of human time...

                    MEDICARE MELTDOWN.. still being looted...

                    HEALTHCARE MELTDOWN...doctors and patients rights at bottom of pecking order..


                 FOLLOW THE GOVT GUIDELINES...TO STAY SAFE AND HELP KEEP ALL FREE FROM SICKNESS... so no official loss of rights has to occur...

 Read that  gardening  GROW BOXES...are being made as fast as they can....PRAISES BE for what is being done...that each one can do to whatever way one is the Divine..

Don't forget that any vegetable like onions, and celery etc. can be started by cutting off part with the roots and planting it or put in water first to start growing and then plant..No extra cost....and the part one usually throws away...and now a new plant from what one thought was no good....All of creation has worth...even that pesky poison oak that I pulled today along with some bind week at edge of garden...and that meant real washing of hands and arms...with tree oil soap....Can't do much these days....but try to do something...and the weather is warm and nice.. now....

            Linda Joy Adams 3/28/20







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