Psalm 143 KJV - Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my - Bible Gateway
For decades a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read...and as the day goes forward some part has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us..
Translations can vary each time through …
The big split in Christianity (others exist over interpretations of what Christ Taught...)
And am very aware that not all are Christians who access this site....and that is respected....but do be aware that the teachings of Christ have permeated the whole world and nearly every faith or belief system has been changed to accept the way of life and love and rejected the other way of death and destruction....And to me, that is we are converging from many separate and individuals beliefs to one center of a Christ that all TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED....and many of us Christians may well find out we have not fully understood all things either....over time...
But we still are dealing with Satan and the 1/3 of the angels who fell from heaven in rebellion against the I AM WHO I AM....and Christ who is the right hand extension of from which and through which all of the physical realm was created and then Adam and Eve were created to be a little higher than the angels and we be the rulers and ministers of this new creation...with a soul that knows the Divine and chooses not to reject it... And was warned not to delve into the all knowing of all until one was spiritually ready but they got tempted by Satan to do so...and we got sent down to the physical world to START a journey back to the Garden and learn how to make good choices as we learn the hard way at times how knowledge is a blessing but any knowledge can be used for good or it can be used to destroy even creation itself
And as we watch on shows like Ancient Aliens about high tech knowledge of the past....maybe there is good reason it has been ' hidden' from us to know or use until we come to a full and maturity of humanity to never use it for death and destruction's but use if for good of life and love for one another....
And do beware that there is some fallen bad guys around who have resisted salvation and redemption of themselves....and the closer we get to ALL BEING RULERS AND MINISTERS OF EACH OTHER IN THIS WORLD.....Satan and his cadre and any souls from among us he can conquer to fall into his ways....are not going to give up easily......and the ways of deceit and deception have now become even a science until try and control even our personal thoughts and ideas and
The biggest issue that Christ got into trouble with the society and first was the established priesthood of his day....who thought that they were the go between from salvation to heaven and one had to go to them to do this or that and sacrifices of animals or grain was done and offerings made..(always money gets into human made salvation) as part of forgiving sins...Do this and be forgiven...
Christ came along and HE FORGAVE SINS DIRECTLY and FREELY GIVEN JUST FOR THE ASKING... This is not mean one should not give offerings and tithes....and support ones faith group and help throe in need...with monies and gifts..etc...But ones salvation of our souls for eternity...IS NOT GRANTED BY ANY HUMAN.... and we Christians do believe Christ was not fully human....a mystery we have yet to have FULLY REVEALED TO US....
And the major split in Christianity came within a few hundred years back to going through the human place of worship first to have ones sins forgiven and be redeemed and saved for eternity...
Places of where we are nurtured and helped along to find salvation and learn about why this or that is a human history itself reveals the consequences of our actions...good or bad....but in the final act of decision...its on each one of us to humble ourselves and accept the DIVINE LOVE AND BE SAVED DIRECTLY FROM THE DIVINE... and the people rejoice for the salvation of another as not one of us is to be lost....but it has to be from within each one to get others can pray and support...but its not what one can do in place of...
And since Christ was not among the 'inner circle' of the priesthood...forgiving sins...He was considered committing worse sin of all. of IMITATING THE DIVINE or acting as if one was a god they were blinded by their own set ways of humanity and forgetfulness of the basic teachings given to Abraham, Jacob and Moses...of we each are directly connected to the DIVINE...and its our free will to defy and reject it....and lose our way for eternity....
Our salvation is not in a golden calf or even a venerated artifact of the ancient....but in our personal connection and communication with the DIVINE directly....otherwise...we are not in connection... No one else can be us....and do what each one of us was and is always to be part of the whole directly of the family of the Divine...and one meaning of the star map of Revelation 12 with 2 times in history with one difference it occurred was the fist and second coming of Christ...yet to be and the sign appeared 9/23/17 to given us faith warning that the end of the age of choice to be saved is near.....and time to each one be personally in communication with the Divine and accept the way to eternal life.....and many have...but others are violently resisting....and its not easy for we humans to always know which is which and who is who....and it comes right down to each one....has to know within themselves....but we do have many others who can share their stories of salvation and even more throughout history to help also....
And one of the ancient meaning of the Picture Bible in the heavens of this constellation and movements of stars and planets around it. was BRIDE OF we are called to be and in her hands is held symbols of the bread and wine of the grapes...of communion.....
This is not the Zodiac meanings that came along later at the time of the Tower of Babel and the FERTILITY GODDESS religion of human sacrifice we call murder of even the most innocent of babies and children. and public indecency of temple prostitution at the high places we think are just some big history is not even being taught as once it the word god might be used....and FAITH IS HISTORY...AS WHAT ONES FAITH OR THE FAITH OF A PEOPLE IS IN COMMON HAS CREATED HISTORICAL ACTS TO BE DONE...
How can we learn from history if we do not know history...And in my day of schooling. Our teachers knew how to teach facts and dates without evangelizing...and if questions of faith nature to believe or not were asked our teachers would just ask our parents...SATAN tricked us into up to three generations now that have lost much of past understandings of human nature and Satan knows that to even give the basics...we will seek out to know more and more...and reach our own personal conclusions about matters....and why being ministers to each other in this crucial...when one is seeking for answers and those who have been on the journey to TRUTH and all of us still are....can share their truths ….
The Psalm is a prayer for forgiveness of sins and asking for salvation for eternity...and shares this understanding And we have a world of peoples and nations even split over what is right or wrong evil or not....And without full understanding of eager to blame those in charge now...when the whole of why and how conflicts are now traces back and back and back and back....even over thousands of years....and how can Peace be in creation if we do not understand the how and why so those who would be peacemakers and ministers as each is called to some way....can help all journey through and forgive even our ancestors for things they did...we now are living with and forgot even why we do not get along and have real hatreds that surface into death and destruction..
Just the events of the last few days n Iraq with Iran....we know goes back thousands of years for the whys...and very real interventions of humanity over the last century....that now has nations there and here divided ...Some ready to over throw their own govts and administrations and other rejoicing in the streets of he USA< Iraq and Iran....while other ready to get armed and continue real death and destruction from all sides.... and if the USA LEAVES NOW...IRAQ will not longer exist?
And this is from one who be lives that all killing is sin...and so is wars but as it says in this PSALM 143... JUSTIFICATION FOR ACTIONS OR NON ACTIONS...IS ONLY GIVEN BY THE DIVINE.. on the final judgment day as the intent and nature of each heart is considered and the BOOK OF LIFE is opened for a full reading of our whole life and intents....and that is a personal one and our communion with the Almighty of a repentant heart and motivation... before a loving and merciful Divine...who paid the price at the cross through his death and resurrection so we can be forgiven and find our way though to the good for eternity and no evil every bothers us again....OUR FREE WILL TO CHOOSE AND NONE BUT EACH ONE CAN MAKE THAT FINAL CHOICE to accept or reject and ask for forgiveness of any and all sins from the one DIVINE.. we know as three in one...that is , was and always will be ...the one constant outside even time and space....we can always know and be with forever more...
As for this believer...I know that I do not know all the facts of what is going on in this world and among our nations and leaders....but one thing is certain...we have leaders in this world that will use tactics that can lead others into sins...and wars....and many will follow never taught to know another way.....and then we have to stand up and stop those few who have and are doing such harm.....and the blame? WHY DID THE SAME ONE OR FEW.. BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE ON AND ON AND ON for so who among us has fooled us to thinking they were for us...and freedom and life and love....but had already sold out their very soul to death and destruction's...and as always with evil MONEY CAN BE THE INCENTIVE THAT fuels the flames of evil....if we reject what good it can do and make sure it is used for good....and not stolen to use for evil....and why NO GOVT IN CHARGE...SINCE THE LAW OF 2002 has led some to become those govt contractors and become one entity world wide....and amass more power and wealth at the expense of human life and every way....and at the bottom of the pit of hell is the master of evil pulling he strings on a duped humanity we are now called to be OVER COMERS AND NOT COVER UPPERS OF...
Thanks to an in law of mine who reminded us of this on face book...and why communication across the world has to remain open as we see within nations some rejoicing and others in the same nations ready to kick out the very ones others are thanking for taking action far too late that should have been done years ago when the first act occurred...and we ask WHO MADE A BAD DEAL that has us on the verge of WW III...and on all sides...very few are seated in places of govt...who were even born when actions to stop evil should have been taken....and maybe peaceful legal systems dealt with it...
Can not forget that CZAR NICHOLAS II jailed STALIN TWICE.... HITLER WAS SCHOOLED BY THOSE OF FAITH....AND CHASTISED/RULERS SMACKED HANDS AND THEN JAILED FOR 11 YEARS?... and came out with more hatred than when they entered...and why we are the rulers and when we have legal systems they need to be faith and just....and isolation from society is to protect us until the one doing harm has been restored to never harming again...and that means having a prison system that is based on REHABILITATION not punishment... AND THAT IS NOT THE REHABILITATION OF BRAINWASHING but the real redemption of ones soul back to knowing there is caring nd love and they are cared about to be redeemed back to being one who cares and never harms another....and we got close 25 years that concept and then took off in an opposite direction we are just now changing our philosophy back to goodness each one of us was born to be...and called to be and why this one does believe that ones civil rights should be restored to full citizenship when one has completed their sentence..for committing felonies...
Prisons that create worse a sin in itself...and that is on each one of rulers for letting this happen as we are the boss and elect those to serve us well...and even if we harbor vengeance in our soul....its a soul wrecking harm to us grieving some kind of loss of material or loved one...and have to rely on the Almighty on the final judgment day to fully deal with the offender....but we are be ministers of each other (kings and priests) and we are each called to help in some way...big or monsters who harm others and those who are able to lead masses into harms done...never are raised to reject the better way of life and love...and do well as rulers and ministers of each other themselves...
And we need 95%+ voting in all elections that legally we have a real mandate or majority of all of us...and can exert the power of rulership so that those elected from imperfect humans as each of us are...know they serve us and when elected support their good efforts...and not forget to given constructive criticism when needed....and if they do their best...say thank you and reelect them or find another to try better... As we should not be a "house divided" as we look weak to those in the world that would take us down or evil is still around....and one day we are given a DIVINE promise it will not be....but so far....we are here on the front line of humanity. Making our way to the promise we once had in the GARDEN OF EDEN....and got waylaid and tricked into knowing before we were able to make better choices...and fell into a real trap of the evil side...
In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may we find our way back to peace and goodness for one and all and never have one or more among us every wish to do each other harms us from our own actions or non actions over our lives and what ever inherited from our ancestors both good and bad already laid out for us to change course for the better....and too often we neglected to do so.....
Forgive me my own sins and impatience for the world to be restored to no evil and no choices to reject of evil for ever more….And may health outcomes be made and is not for millions of us now..left out of treatment and medications made....and may those now in control of our nation and nations that none ever elected...find their way to being good and caring and change and allow treatments for toxic and chemical injuries...and not forget soldiers injured over the last 31 years left without care...when the meds and testing have been around all this time that world well..and millions now left without as this one is...who just went to work one day, did my job...the best I could and a toxic cloud enveloped me and on to a cover up as crimes upon crimes were revealed....and right down to 9/11/01 is a trail that the rejection of helping the You warned us about 2000 years ago when You were here the first time....and may You return the people are so divided into sides...and where is the good side in all of this....neither seems to be fully following...
Prayers for the safety of our president and leaders to be guided by Your ways and blessings for goodness and mercy and help each of us and me and mine to get through some rough times as conflicts of good and evil bring influences even into our daily lives with those we are around....and too many think they can just ignore...the whole awful mess.....and we seem to have come to that time..when we have to decide to choose the good or fall into the evil....and may all choose Your way to eternal life...Praises and thanks for life sustained so far....and for eternity...IN YOUR HOLY NAME Amen!
(scroll down the side or below for)
MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily Recaps Please do not try
any medical treatments without ones doctors and some need prescriptions...and key meds not made at all now for millions of us...and others not safe...with additives binding Share your suggestions with the online community please and caution to take to doctor...even if the cabal rules now and NO GOVT....they do know a lot...and pray and be active at the BALLOT BOX so we elect those at all levels who will help us get the medical care even available to purchase...and no excuse for what has worked well for already deemed make it...unbind your souls those we elected to serve us well and put back the oversight of our public monies and rights of all to have the laws of the land upheld as Congress took it away back in 2002 and in health care even back to 1994 by executive actions...and we have created a deadly horror that should never have been allowed to exist...the 3RD LEADING CAUSE OF said to be MEDICAL MISTAKES....but is intentional manipulations of what is being done...and illegal alterations of records on the govt funded but no oversight by MISTAKE? when our good doctors cannot even have access to our records in accurate form...and lies passed around from those micromanaging the whole now...with our doctors on the bottom of the hierarchy just under the patients.....and not at the head of health care??
WHO WENT TO MEDICAL SCHOOL ANYWAY....and they are the last ones to have input? if even allowed to do so...and ignored as if the cabal is the all knowing god of the world.....and sorry death and destruction is not the good guys my opinion... Each segment of health care should elect those to an advisory board....and they congress SEE TO IT THEY ARE FOLLOWED so life and love is the goal of this and any nation this bunch is now ruling with NO GOVT IN CHARGE to stop evils.....AND HOW WE GOT INTO WARS OF THE forgetting that a few monsters we allowed to become such....have grabbed power and it rook horrible wars to end the horrors done...and now we have weapons that could destroy all of us and creation itself and past time to tend to every evil that begins to raise its head...HEALTH CARE PLANS AND MONEY does not good when the meds not even made that work well for nearly all and unsafe additives included in meds and foods that serve no healthy purpose and for million like me are ending life before it should...
VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 and some numbers not used yet in between
Linda Joy Adams 1/5/20
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