
Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Job 29 KJV - Moreover Job continued his parable, and - Bible Gateway
            For years, a Bible is opened at random and chapter read... Translations may vary each time through...Something always has personal meaning as well as reflect the real world around us...
                 Job is under real distress, having been made the battleground between good and evil and how much he can endure and not lose his faith and hand on to the eternal good that is real and reject the horrors being done to him...and loved ones...and how to get through this and all be restored and renewed..
            Job is like many  faithful and good persons....and yet when tested beyond what can be even imagined... will we still be the OVER COMERS of evil all of us precious and beloved of the DIVINE LOVE of the I AM WHO I AM (YHWH) of whom Christ is the right hand of through whom all of creation became and then came in part flesh to teach and show us the way to over coming...and through the mystery of His death and resurrection we have had the gate opened to each one of to follow for eternal life.. A mystery that 2000 years of study and prayer be many far more learned then this blogger understands...and why some things in this world we accept by faith for we know in our soul its real...even if our reasoned minds cannot explain it all by science....but it is logical for some path to was, is and always will be....A concept that is unique to the Divine...and even that no beginning and no far mystery when our scientific age wishes to contain all things in a neat box or folder in cyber space...
            Reflecting back on ones youth and the innocence of all we have yet to know and learn and too often thinking we know more than our parents and elders....then we trip over our own actions and have to pick ourselves up and  at times even ask for help from continue on our way,,wiser for the pitfalls of unwise choices we thought were OK as in our ignorance of youth...thought we KNEW IT ALL... and soon found out we DID NOT  and that in our souls we knew better and without the support of the DIVINE LOVE who made us to be good and wise and have free will to do those things that made us happy and at peace in our soul...was also the good way to accept the unique calling each of us have to "BE BEST" as our First Lady  Trump has for her be a caring person...and share the love of the Divine...and help remove evil and hatreds, and taunting and bullying from this world for evermore....
    And we Christians...have the faith of the promise of a return when evil will be removed from ever bothering us we have become the OVER COMERS...AND HAVE LEARNED THE WHYS AND WHEREFORES OF WHAT ARE GOOD VS UNWISE CHOICES....and have no more ignorance or riskiness of youth to ever wish to choose the wrong ways again...because we wish to be on the good side and have the love and happiness and reject the death and destruction of bad ways the evil one has been trying to harm since he turned on the Divine...and 1/3 of the angels followed him into evil and why would anyone wish to do that....but some have not learned why and so we are still in the struggle as JOB is our example of one who persevered and proved to all evil that humanity can OVER COME....
   And we have far more to do as humans...then just live and take care of this Earth and all that is on and in it....and do it each one and not get caught up in another enslaving scheme of the evil one...who is doomed to never stop sad...
            And Christ has promised to finally deal with this evil  at His glorious and victorious return at some time...and may it be soon..
              And we are so close to all being rulers and ministers of each other now at the BALLOT BOX and each one who can legally vote is called to be "kings and priests" and that is how 8 billion humans...can exert authority over those we elect to serve us well...BUT 95%+ of all who legally can vote are doing so...and Satan and his cohorts are getting and grabbing power and sidetracking those we chose to take care of those things that Govt has to do for some order in this world and prevent anarchy and horrors done to harm and steal from us..and our communities and nations...and world.....and we have failed ourselves as only part of us voting is not enough for a real mandate or majority of all of us....and also understand and care that what the majority wishes to do should not harm even one among us...
      And we are in an era, with being so close to this rulership finally being...that evil  has reared its head and some disrespecting our rights to elect those we think best and support their success for that is our success...and offer our prayers, suggestions and even criticisms in a constructive and respectful and non violent way...when we are led to voice opinions that are not that of our current elected servant leaders...
          Sometimes the one to serve us best is just a good hearted and honest person...and one does not have to have letters of advanced degrees to know the soul of such a one that is more like that then the bad guy of all time that would have us doubt our very soul and self worth knowing we are loved unconditionally by the Divine...and we try our best to accept our mantle of leadership at the BALLOT BOXES OF THIS WORLD...
                       In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we never lose our way as we have at times and had to find our way back to You...Help us get through some rough times  for all of us like Job got caught in  and may we find the way through to be the over comers of evil and may You return and send those who choose that way...let them go...and stop trying to make us turn from love and life  eternal...and choose the way of death and destruction...that makes no good whom would they rule over  horrors and evils and 'thought zombies'  and a world where the wonder of all that is good and creative and each person being unique and special...and free....and respected by we love as we reflect Your love for us..
and we .know the happiness of helping others find their way to this and You also...
       And pray that all the multiple insurance changes at the first of this year....and some beginning to find out that the time of govt contractors able to take off with our public funds...even if the law has not been changed since 2002 of NO GOVT IN CHARGE  but at the Dept of Defense....some how our president seems to have gotten around this and contracts signed and given...out that are not all shells of the same cabal...but its causing some real chaos as without the law itself changed   some have not been aware what i HAVE BEEN WARNING ABOUT FOR YEARS NOW AND OTHERS ALSO FROM INSIDE THE GOVT BUT NOT ALLOWED O SPEND ONE PENNY TO STOP TRILLIONS MISSING AND MILLIONS LIVES AND HEALTH LOSS LONG BEFORE THEY SHOULD BE..... and time to dig out the laws and follow it and not the illegal systems and govt contractors of the cabal leading the whole medical profession and into a real trap where our precious dollars disappear....and control of best health care removed from our good doctors...
       Lead them to follow the good law of conditional payments so the govt can know and take civil action along with recoup back what is missing at the cabal that has gained near total control of the USA and world....and may You support them as they no longer can go along to get along...and the money keep being printed to disappear and not used for what the laws of the land say they were to be ....and its not just health care....but throughout the land....and UN and other nations...and why we have to be the rulers of this world....and each do our part...and one or a few alone cannot  and You said we do not have each is called...
   A convoluted, over regulated mess...that is layers of data shuffling. on systems created with hidden bogus ones to divert and disappear our monies and rights...and harms with NO GOVT ALLOWED TO AUDIT...OR PROSECUTE...but with those elected who will use the FALSE CLAIMS ACT alongside the people can go get the monies back.....and we have to be smart to not be fooled into believing garbage and lies about those who would stand with the people and go after the thieves and those whose illegal acts cause harms and even deaths and loss of livelihoods...and wherever the people's ,monies seem to disappear....some human misery is happening that our monies were to be helping that not be....when trust in those in charge of the care and work should do what is needed done and be fairly paid for it...
   Help us get through this final struggle for good for one and all and freedom be preserved and free will and life eternal not lost by anyone falling into the snares of evil ways...In Your Holy Name Amen! 
(scroll down or at the side or do a search at top of this post for)
         MEDICAL REGIMEN  in 5 parts of sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS begins 5/1/19 with edits.. PLEASE DO NOT  try any medical treatments without ones doctor and some do need scripts and posted do to millions lie me with no meds made and some with no safe meds made...and lives being cut short do to alteration of our records on the contracted out data bases NO GOVT CAN STOP until congress allows budget to be spent to do so... and SHARING HOW I AN STAYING ALIVE..but share what you each may have learned and others have and why am alive now...and yet...
          VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 and some #'s 'tween not used yet.
   More cold and rainy drizzle and clouds...and good moisture for spring garden...if not too much...
              Linda Joy Adams 1/29/20


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