Job 14 KJV - Man that is born of a woman is of few - Bible Gateway
For decades, a Bible is opened at random and chapter read...Every day some part has special and personal meaning but also reflects something going on in this world...
Not all reports of what is going on is being shared on TV news....Its the weekend and even Sunday shows have been pretaped...And many of main anchors and pundits are not even back from vacations yet.....
But online are all kinds of reports and like any news being has to weigh it from whatever side its coming from and understand not one human does not have a bias...even one trying to be fair and neutral and share all side....its not possible to set aside ones personal beliefs as it will come in as editorial comments etc..
Just be aware there is and try to understand where the author or commentator is coming from as we each try to better understand each other in a world that has been set to 'blow' for a long time..
And those, like me that hate violence and believe that the shedding of any one's blood is a sin...Even if the ones involved may well be forgiven on the final judgement day with the Almighty and our human laws and understandings of what can be done in a war...
This never made sense to me....for if we can all agree not to use some major weapons of desolation...nor some forms of torture etc...then why do we not have agreed to do away with wars in the first place....and stop those who commit violence before they end up with mass followers and we end up with all of us the whole world is harmed even if we are not in the middle of the part of the world where the armed conflict is going on...
Each one of us, in this world is called to be rulers and ministers of each other....and we have yet to fully reach our potential...but we are getting very close at the BALLOT BOXES of this world and real birth pangs of nearly there where we the people rule as we wee created to be . But ate of the tree of knowledge before we were spiritually mature enough to use knowledge for good and not be tricked into using it for death and destruction of even creation itself..
Those who resort to violence of any kind...seem to have one thing in common...Whether it be a 'lone gunman or woman etc." or a militant terrorist group, or a nation that has gone rogue with the most of their peoples falling into despair for whatever reason....and deciding to take on the world....and win at all that is the way to salvation and future is leading then....and if they cannot win.... their mindset seems to be to take our every life and creation with them as they believe in nothing good or even existence occurs after this earthly life....
The have lost any belief in a future, as well as in having any value...and purpose beyond the few short years they are here in a human if they are not even aware they have a soul...that has been bound and lost far long before....and too often from traumas and society that allowed them to be raised not even knowing love of parents or each other....or that there is DIVINE LOVE THAT WILL ALWAYS LOVE THEM...EQUALLY AND ONE JUST HAS TO ACCEPT IT AND LIVE FOREVER MORE... even if not in the human body we have been blessed to have for a few years of eternity and one day WE ARE PROMISED THOSE WHO WISH TO BE PART OF THIS GLORY of FREEDOM and free will to choose the good...can always do so and be part of the glory of entity where evil will never be allowed to bother us again...
So we can say its 'justified' to take out monsters in this world who have gotten others with no hope to follow them into death and destruction's also...raised without knowing that special hope.....and Satan and his cohorts are right there to entice them into death and destructive ways....
And where were the rest of us trying to take whatever actions small or be there as a hedge of protection form such evil ever taking the soul of anyone among us....especially when they are too young to even begin to know the choices they could have...
As Christ the crowd when He allowed the children to come to Him...THAT WOE TO THOSE WHO PUT A MILLSTONE AROUND THE NECK OF A CHILD.....That is an enslavement of the soul to evil and that child never know what it is to be loved and accepted as precious each one....and have the promise of a future of even an eternal life after the one we have here in the physical realm now...
Rarely do I discuss another who shares faith....but there are some who should be more careful in a world where many need hope and know of the promise....And those who say there is no RAPTURE have forgotten it already happened once already...with the resurrection of the dead at the time of Christ's resurrection...and the definition or one for 'cloud' is witnesses and those living yet...did not rise with Christ to return some day but who did? Suggestion is it was the resurrected dead...from before that time who now had a pathway to the eternal with Christ...and accepted the call to come...from the place the dead before Christ were 'sleeping in the deep" and now another more glorious way is there for each one of us to accept...
And no matter how hard things get....and monsters the human family has raised to not care and know of this better promise....have grabbed control just as we have let our Congress allow an entity grabbed control of our govt...and stealing our public monies allowing all the good that is to be done....and let human suffering continue...instead...and work not no oversight of contractors but at DOD can legally be done...anymore...and that is an unconstitutional law....but none with all kinds of monies and donations given have taken any case on up to the US Supreme court and say THAT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO HAVE THE RIGHTS OF EVEN LIVES OF THE PEOPLE AND PUBLIC MONIES , DATA AND RECORDS OF THE NATION AND the personal ones held in trust with the govt....we all have amassed.....and NO GOVT TO MAKE SURE ILLEGAL ACTS ARE NOT COMMITTED AGAINST THEM OR WITH THEM....
and causing deaths that are now third leading cause as medical mistakes...over them in control of what our good doctors are even allowed to they nor patients have any govt to call when illegal acts that can end life long before they should happen...
and we forgot that step one of ruling to prevent and stop evil to exist in the secular
It takes 95%+ voting of all who could to exert the influence of a mandate or majority of all of those we elect understand we are the rulers and they serve us....and we are to support their success as its our success....and offer suggestions along with constructive criticism as each one is called to do...and never forget...that the majority must not forget to protect the rights of the one...Injustice to one...does affect every one of us...eventually and this one has no doubt on the final and real judgment day with the Divine...our record of what we have done....but more may be listed of what we DID NOT DO...we could have to help stop peace and goodness from not being upset in this world.... by just 'going along to get along AND DOING NOTHING caused more harm than those who have resorted to violence and we know that is wrong and promotes evil to reign and be stronger...
Sometimes, its the smallest act...that can help...from each one having some kind of unique perspective or knowing something that will help AND WE BRING ALL OF THIS TO THE BALLOT we try our best to choose the better ones...among imperfect humans to then help serve us well...and then if they do not...find another....And those of faith....we can ask for Divine help and guidance....but even never knows who will do well and who will not... as they make their free will choices also...when in office..
In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we not forget to ask for Your help through the Holy Spirit of Yours to be a guide to being a ruler of this each of us is called to be and BE OVER COMERS and not cover uppers as we too often fall into trying to ignore evils before it becomes to [prevalent to ignore anymore...and so much harder to stop...with others having fallen into its traps....and we struggle for our own souls and loved ones....and the whole human family and none can battle this alone against such evil that was there in the Garden and tempted even Adam and Eve....
And may those around the world find there way to know there is a promise of Divine help, love and guidance....and You will carry us through even a hell on earth some already are knowingly living in...and others trying to ignore which binds there should to anyone trying to let them know....and resist even knowing or helping in whatever way one can.....
Save us from the mess we have allowed to this wonderful world You created for us to live in and be part of ….and Your offer of a future in all of eternity that anyone can have if they just accept good and given up the despair of death and destruction of one who does not care about our survival and sad he and his cohorts are like that and have no repented and wanted to be free of evil and have a future of love and life also.... Forgive us our impatience and angers for those who would do us harm and stop doing things that cause such suffering and misery for one and all of us....You and the promise of life eternal is TRUTH and that is the REAL and will NEVER END... In Your Holy Name.. Amen!
MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS...and for the other
millions like me that this one and her doctors have been doing to stay alive with no safe meds or NO MEDS EVEN MADE FOR SOME cabal messing with our data and records in taxpayer data bases and NO GOVT PROTECTION OF....PLEASE DO NOT TRY ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT WITHOUT DOCTOR....and some do need prescriptions...
VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 and some other numbers not used yet.
BE LIKE JOB.. May those who have resorted or wishing to do violence....turn from it and know that HOPE IS REAL and there is a Divine who will not give up on you, even if everyone else seems to have done so....and just put away evil and follow the good...and ETERNAL LIFE IS A FREE GIFT TO HAVE WHERE NO EVIL WILL EVER BE AROUND EVER...again....
Evil tried his best to get Job to give up and fall to his ways.....and yet he did not....and we know him now as one that overcame all to be redeemed and restored...and did not fall away from the goodness and promise that love and life and good is real and will never end or given up on us...for all of eternity...
Linda Joy Adams 1/4/20
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