
Friday, January 3, 2020

DAILY RECAP 1/3/20: DAILY SCRIPTURE: EZRA: CHAPTER 3- DO NOT BE AFRAID! I AM WHO I AM is one the good side.. Be a ruler and accept the gift of life, love and rulershp each one...Free to WORHIP and think and being fully human! Accept it! USE IT FOR GOOD!

Ezra 3 KJV - And when the seventh month was come, - Bible Gateway

             Sometimes this daily fir decades opening a Bible at random can yield some surprises when whatever chapter is opened to....that has personal meaning as well  as reflects the world around us..

             Here we have the return of the Jews to their homeland....and even the new rulers of Babylon of the Persians and Medes...which we know are now called Iranians...had even returned the worship vessels of the temple taken away 70 years some funds to help rebuild the temple....And they arrive and DO NOT START THE REBUILDING  not even the floor... But they did hold a worship service on the site.....

    Why the delay, when the first call would be to thank the Almighty for the redemption and restoration of rights of even return? WHAT WERE THEY AFRAID OF?

          What was the world afraid of in 1917? and again in 1948? of the restoration of Jerusalem to those whose worship site was there long before any one else's.... And when the lands of the world were divided up for ownership there were few humans in this world....

  And the Temple Mount...which is being referred to well as the palace lands...for King David  WERE PURCHASED FOR FAIR MARKET PRICE AND TWO LAND DEEDS CERTIFIED....

    So not matter who is the govt in charge of the nation...the land deeds still exist...

              So in 1967, when a miracle occurred and Jerusalem was restored to Israel...the fear of rebuilding on the Temple mount...was not done...and for over 50 years, fear has existed....and those who now occupy it have used that they are now there under the common law of squatters rights... Maybe that was the fear....that others were on the place for well over 7 years,,,,even over 700 years...

           And now we have an impasse of what to do...when the worship practices of the foundation of human guvts of freedom and free will...and worth of every one to have being rejected..

   And that is what Moses got on the mountain, a new way of thinking for human government where the people are the rulers and no one among them is to be harmed by the majority of the rest... And we do not  worship our leaders as gods and they can make mistakes and if they 'COVET' ( abuse power when in authority) we have the right to not live under such.... and thankfully our founders of the USA...gave us peaceful means of removal..of a bad leader...…

   As the first attempt by ancient Israel  of replacing King Saul who had 'gone mad?'  was to go ask Prophet Samuel to anoint be in waiting...and soon all hell and civil war broke this is not what even a respected person as faith leader is able to do without the will of the people....who had not even begun to fully understand what it is for the power and will of the people as rulers is exercised at the BALLOT BOX...

                       And we have the same issues for thousands of years going on in the middle east...and as nations conquer all or parts of the region....none ever tried to set up a full democracy of nation states under a large federal ones as the USA model we know is better then any kn history as it allows us to amend as we grow in wisdom and knowing about what it means for all to be equal and all be rulers and from that also be ministers of each other (Kings and priests)

     For the first time in history we are so close....yet we have a few among us in this world...who still rule as if they are gods and the people worship and feat them even as what they do is horrific and rejects any attempt at freedom and rights of each be respected...

      All, I can say about the events of the last 24 hours is that I AM GLAD THAT THIS IRANIAN GENERAL IS NOT STANDING ON THE ROOF OF THE US EMBASSY IN IRAQ TODAY AND BEING WORSHIPPED AND FEARED AS THE SAVIOR OF? and bodies lying everywhere!

          I believe that any shedding of human blood is a sin....and most do consider some as justified....but for me that is not something humans can judge...even though our laws and legal systems and war engagement rules of fairness and  against human torture..etc… exist....And the whole noting of rights when a life is taken...does not seem to make spiritual sense...

     But, when one acts to take a life,, one has to be very sure in their soul that the intent is not the wrong ones for each involved will be facing the Almighty one day for it...and the nature of ones heart and intent will be judged... But if one who is inciting a war and has done much horror is ready to do more...and has entered the area where more is expected as if they are god and can rule in the fear of all the people who have fallen for the ultimate deception that any human is divine...when the only one who was...was only partly human  is the belief I hold as a Christian...

           Few have come out and said this one was innocent....and even the current protests vs that really all the people who have themselves lived in fear of such a bad guy...getting their nation and people away from being fully free and being able to exercise free will in their own government and to get along with others in this world....And remember, WHO REPLACED THE DESCENDANT OF ESTHER...JUST A FEW DECADES AGO..... and the Jewish heritage of the Iranian people was suppressed...even if they have another kind of faith....their history was well known as part of the family of their neighbors...

   And all the world leaders and every one in nations where we elect them at the BALLOT BOX....we have to face that a life was taken yesterday....that the reason for it..was the actions of each one of us or inactions... And those who hold any part in the direct well as the centuries of conspiracy to take a life...or any life in any armed conflict or wars....will have that added to be accounted for...and it may be at that final judgment we finally begin to understand that the free will choices each one of us makes 24/7 does affect some small way...and others in even bigger ways... that we may not even be aware...of...but the accounting of us is being recorded in the BOOK OF LIFE....and pray our hearts and souls are intact to the good....and we continue to resist the evil that would have us make wrong choices...and sometimes that is the one of we have had some past leaders who did not act....and millions of lives lost....just as the current holocaust n health care in the USA. with congress by law in 2002 forbidding any govt oversight of those in charge of the USA...the contractors and massive amount of the public treasury missing...and as we look around and see bad things going on and human suffering... REMEMBER THE MONEY WAS GIVEN OUT TO SOLVE THIS AND WHERE IS THE MONEY AND WHY WASN'T THE WORK DONE.? AND WHY DO WE KEEP ON REELECTING THOSE WHO DO NOT SERVE US AND THE NATION WELL?

   They passed the laws and got the money to be spent...and then gave it to those who are not accountable to any but themselves and temptation and not good intentioned grabbed the power over it and too often work not done...and monies missing...not fully used...for what was legally to be done...and then we see things undone....and forget to rule and know that  those we elected. Gave up on themselves and us..and let others take over of an international cabal that none really knows who is in charge at the bottom of a real pit of horror...

    While others see horrors...I see corruption and missing monies...not used to alleviate the sufferings and horrors...AFRAID TO DO THE WORK.?.. Afraid of who?

    We will be weeping tears of joy also...when we see our govt carrying out what we all wish to have  as world where none is harmed and none steals from us and we care and respect each other and not let s few over throw us  ever again to the sufferings and harms such evil can do...and we let it happen if we do not take care of some matters as a human family and nation of all the people and the general ..BUT WE ARE TO BE FREE...and government and laws...can either facilitate freedom or be one that removes it..and the later usually ends up with our monies gone and the human needs not allowed to be  met...individually first and some matters where we need to share the cost...for...done also.. And the  FREE LABOR OF MACHINES AND SYSTEMS...IS THE BIGGEST THEFT SINCE 1983... raising incomes just ends up with those in the overthrow raising prices...

  Time for a new way of thinking where we are more free....yet...we each have more...with none left without the basics of survival...and ALL GET IT...none have to beg...

   Isn't it because their rulers of he USA are not ruling....even with the first act of rulership at the BALLOT BOXES  of even local as well as state and federal elections? And then support the elected without well wishers and prayers...and suggestions and even constructive criticisms so they can serve us best...even if they are not the ones we elected....And if they forget we are the rulers and do not serve us best they can....then we have the rulership right to replace them at the BALLOT BOX  and find another to try and get the job done...

    There is no one but us....and for those of faith...we have some  Divine Guidance to lean on......and we have to be rulers and care about each we have no more monsters raised in this world that turn to violence as if that is the choices to be made....And there comes a time...when one or all or nation has to stand up and say no and fight back or all be lost of massive lives.....

So while pundits debate the loss of one about the millions in the USA who have lost their lives and now endanger with the ones we allowed to rule that is NO GOVT AT decide that millions more should be left to die...and that is not about money at all...or a health plan to pay....its about no meds made...or meds made with additive that end life rather than save it as the medicine saves life but the pill takes away life.. And we have allowed the congress and all members of the House of representatives where budget bills leave us helpless for massive harms and deaths since 2002 and only rarely is any bill slip out with the oversight restored...with the right to use even existing budget to stop the monsters among us killing , harming and stealing from our public monies....that all pay even if directly...

                In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus..may all wake up to the real world of freedom of choice and that our elected leaders have neglected to allow the bad people among us that are harming masses and stealing form our public treasury with the monies that are to be used for the poor and others for all of make life better in some way..for those things we have to share cost stopped by peaceful means with our legal systems....and should have been done years agao… our inaction....has caused those who have taken evil ways find our inaction as spurring on their bravado that we are weak and will not even stand for what we are taught by You long ago that is common sense...and common decency of life and rights of each to have it...and all the other innate human rights we know in our souls is truth and not forget we are to have them and each one also...

         And forgive me my own inactions at times...and Pray for President Trump and all of our leaders here and around the world....that we learn to live in peace and respect each other....and do those thins as You taught love one another….and each one is a precious be and may those who will not act that way....have our legal systems in place so those who do illegal things that harm one which harms all of some way physically or stopped as soon as it their chance at redemption and forgiveness of their sins for their eternal life can be well as ours...

    May all and this believer always choose the way of life and love and reject the way of death and destruction....May You come soon and remove evil frm this world....forever more...And may we never fear to worship You and praise You and find ways we know get along and each one be allowed life and love be You loved us so much You gave all up so we could have eternal life...and that is the GIFT OF ETERNITY... and nothing else can match that....Thank You for coming to teach us....and may You return to a world where all know You and a celebration never ends...In Your Holy Name Amen!

                    VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION


 ( scroll down the yesterday / this a m  reposted )


          MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily Recaps Please do not try any medical treatment without ones doctor but have shared as one of 25 million + with no treatments categories even listed as being treated by the cabal contractors managing every part of health care....and its past time our good doctors be back in they were supposed to be....and never set up those advisory boards to OK added treatments...and categories...and approve treatments that work of already approved substances....

   And thanks for those mentioning Black pepper WITH Turmeric….I HAVE NOT ADDED IT TO THE SOAKING SOLUTION  to neutralize the ether alcohol gas anesthetic binder....for theophylline  in Part 2 of this series...BUT I DO ADD ORGANIC BLACK PEPPER TO FOODS.. but will make a better effort to make sure its added to the food eaten right after the solution that is heated up until foams etc....... The little extra cost for organic spices is well worth the potency of them ends up cheaper in the long run...and use   Himalayan sea salt and find that just a little is good where the others with additives etc...and processing...tend to cause some to keep reaching for the shaker...

  Ask ones doctor  is always a caution....even though they are micromanages now by the cabal with NO GOVT TO HELP THEM when badly needed...they do know a lot...and part of all of us meeting at the  BALLOT elect those that will address these issues...of even safe meds and safe foods even be to buy....Many health plan types can work....but little good if nothing to purchase... We forgot the basics of life....and money cannot buy what is not even being made to sell..

  Wish candidates of every side begin to speak out and NOT BE AFRAID...of the underlying issues...

     Ms Williamson does...but few recognized the value of her words... Those in Congress now and in the past.. seem to be scared to go against an unconstitutional rule to not mention, contact or have a contractor testify....and only the DOD ones as well as isolated ones where a law got through and none detected the oversight was put back.... Can't blame Pres Trump as he was never in Congress...and since he has no budget authority to carry out the laws of Congress  WHAT ARE SOME IN CONGRESS UPSET ABOUT.... You did it..and let it continue...long before he was duly elected...

More of that accountability that rests on each one of rulers of this nation...and You whom we elected and did not make it known this is needed to even sustain life..for each one of us...

            VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 and some 70's not used yet...


   Linda Joy Adams 1/3/20 

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