
Monday, June 17, 2019


Joel 2 KJV - Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound - Bible Gateway

   This is a link to an excellent source for Bible study with many translations in one place and other helps.. KEEP THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY OPEN  for one and all....

      For decades a Bible is opened at random and chapter read using varying translations over time....This time through the King James of the late1800's version is used and since 1611 version we have had some influence from the Russian Orthodox faith as well as the influence to the western church of Constantine's one world religion doctrine and caused the split of Christianity the first the early church was more diverse than we are now since Vatican II started us back on the path of one doctrine for all... but the eastern church  slant of things was not really part of the common for all to be under....…as COMMUNISM suppressed the eastern church teachings for a hundred years....or china and much of southeast Asia would have been evangelized by the EASTERN CHURCHES AND NOT FROM ROME AND A FEW OTHERS...with more openness to individual still being saved in and not just one way OK by one in charge...of most of Christianity still and that would not have happened but for COMMUNISM removing the influence for the EASTERN CHURCHES …

    We have a couple of generations now who know very little history as the word god or religion is in the teaching as facts of who and what did such and such....since the removal of prayer..ALSO REMOVED ANY MENTION OFANY FAITH BUT THE MYSTERY BABLYLON ONE... and that was trickery whole scare as most had not studied that one in depth of human sacrifice and killing one first born...etc...nearly the whole world had rejected from any major faith be 1963...

   There is little human history to teach without mentioning what they believed that led this or that group to do this or that act or go to war to defend...etc...And our teachers used to be able to teach history impartial to any promotion of one faith over another....Problem is the way of Satan is so far from most religions of the world in action and thought that  the good is the logical answer...and the whole world even of other faiths has been greatly influenced by the teachings of Christ even for non believers in Him as Divine...etc.... HE IS THE MOVEMENT OF FREEDOM that each one has innately in us....and  FREE WILL AND WHO WOULD EVER CHOOSE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OVER LIFE AND LOVE.??

    If one learns to know the good, even without a name of who is the Divine...then we are well on our way of defeating evil ourselves  and someday at the end of our physical lives when we meet the Divine Love as Christ....who will reject what all who choose that way would go right on through.? When some say there are many paths to heaven....we do not all mean the same things as ask them to explain their version first..

    .Some learn better by doing not by being told....and doing love and caring is worship of the Divine love and along the way....more will be known as one is ready to more fully understand and this humble servant of Christ....whom I accepted early in still learning more each day about Him....but know He IS..... Remember the viciousness of getting the Peace Corp plan passed back n 1961 a it would start a non profit revolution of any helping others....and  we still do not have the plan I described and named back in 1948 that it counts for ones military service in a draft....amd during Vietnam we had the govt in churches getting into faith doctrines....when EVEN AN ATHEIST has a conscience to choose to serve other than in military....and the youth of the 50's raised in Sunday school to know the simple Bible stories about the prince of Peace  COULD NOT RECONCILE WITH THEIR ELDERS WISHNG US TO GO TO WAR WHEN THE VIET CON WAS NOT SHOOTING AT US IN THE USA.... and does anyone really know why we were there …….I lived through the era and still cannot fully grasp it. why? another religious war to protect Rome or clear the way by force for conversions when faith cannot ever be forced...CHRIST IS A MOVEMENT of free will and  FREEDOM...and we come to this on our own, each one of us desiring the good of love and life....and ones place of faith and hope worship up to the local group and others of like mine and St Paul said in his letters  ITS OK TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY IF THE SPIRIT OF CHIRST IS THERE  and all are not connected to one human institution of denomination…........that can devolve into just as bad a corruption as any govts that Satan can sneak in and cause a falling away from the one the whole faith is centered around....and when bad things began to happen inside any place of faith....why didn't the good priests be  shepherd and lead his flock out the door and worship separately until the corruption was cleaned away....which any free society allows all of us to set up our own places of worship.. barring a few laws on noise and traffic and of course HUMAN SACRIFICE IS OUT ETC...

                                AND   this one chapter 2 of Joel

     Libraries are filled with books and Internet filled with videos and sites also of opinions of many very faithful and sincere people trying to figure out what is being shared....and much does not make full sense until it happens and we are ready to know and understand....and why we should do as being, read and not forget the basics of faith and the better way to live that promoted live and love and caring for one another as Christ as the manifestation of the I AM WHO I AM the force that has not boundaries of time and place or radio or cyber wave it the  REAL INTELLIGENCE THAT MADE ALL and KNOW ALL and nothing ARTIFICIAL ABOUT HIM...…

           And this site uses "he' to refer to all peoples as Adam was created first and all others came from "him."   So no disrespect for using the generic HE for all others out there...CHRIST SAID MALE AND FEMALE ARE EQUAL....and others seems to be a more recent manifestation of our physical planet now and what we have let Satan lead us into NOT TAKING CARE OF....and the most innocent of life is affected. and  ALL ARE LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY   and when Satan is removed the condition of ones heart will be what we are judged by first....and that is not my opinion its the WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY SHARED BY THE ONE HE CREATED AS PERFECT INNOCENCE...which none of us humans are  WE CAN BE FOOLED even the most faithful among us and all need help of the Divine Love to get through this existence we are in called life....onto our eternal lives....and pray the choice is made to the place of life and love and FREEDOM  and not of the one of horrors of hell we allowed Satan to create instead and we got tricked into following... and worse is the forced choosing of BRAIN IMPLANTS of the one in charge who will deal with any instigators who choose free will and free thoughts and those can be physically stopped now with brain implants into the part activated when one prays or have spiritual thoughts or private thoughts …...Satan had had all knowledge that since Adam and Eve has been 'turned off' from not knowing and now we have some in this world that has breached that and with a few in power now that is NO GOVT OF BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE by laws passed over the last few decades In the USA in 2002 made official...we have no govts in control of much anymore  and  WARS CAN BE STARTED BY THIS beast system of revelation that the ANTI CHRIST WHICH ALLOWS SATAN TO BE TOTAL CONTROL OF CAN RISE FROM AND RULE ALL THE WORLD and our VOTES NO LONGER COUNT TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF OUR NATIONS AND OUR OWN LIVES...

                    Just linked an article where one Olympic hopeful is suing her doctor for being told to take a vitamin and got a banned substance in it.... The only issue with the micromanaged doctors now is not being told by him or her that NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IS ADDED TO ANY PILL ANYMORE  over the counter or prescribed which ONE SHOULD NOT TAKE even over the counter unless doctor says OK and know NONE IS ABLE TO KNOW WHAT IS ADDED..not even the manufacturer knows...


   Congress will not help as they are under a gag order rule not to talk about this , contact a govt contractor or have one testify and even with DOD not under that law,,,,they have become owned by this cabal of 1000+ corporate names and managed by them even our weapons of mass destruction in their control  as the Dept of defense contractors got shrewd and a few other where the oversight language got put in isolated bills for a short time to oversee...etc....they now sub contract out and none has challenged that the lack of oversight of the contractors is legally back on them.....since 10/16 when US Supreme court said that one cannot hire  a subcontractors and not be liable for what happens....


 And pay attn to state and local elections where our lives are also affected 24/7 by this cabal as what is not getting federal funds for this or that program  in any area of our lives...and states have tried and failed to rein in this world wide system of no govts in control of and that includes the UN also has followed into the ways of theft and illegal acts that cause they got duped also...

      Its why I do not believe in a wrathful god that destroys then is called good....

OUR SIN COMES BACK ON US FROM THE SATAN WHO FELL WITH HIS 1/3/ OF THE FALLEN ANGELS THAT DEFIED THE I AM WHO I AM  and we got tricked into its ways and lost our GARDEN OF EDEN  and had to be removed for the salvation of all to exist...ever and learn the hard way with our FREE WILL  still intact to love one another and know what is the good ways to chose with out FREE WILL..

      So when there is a reference to  'he' in the Bible which one is being referred to? English is not the best language to translate the original languages into and I am not a good scholar of Greek or Hebrew as only have gotten some basics and can use  dictionary to look up words  and one can also online...

    No wonder Satan wants this Internet down or censored to stop our finding out what he is and has been among all 8 billion + of us...we pretty much have all the knowing of what is and has been going on to share and sort through for TRUTH TO BE REVEALED  but still stumped on that end of age that seems to refer to the starting point of one time celestial event of 9/23/17 and the King of Kings came from the  heart of Leo to the paws ready to come but not just yet....The one called Jupiter since the Tower of Babel and the mystery religion of Babylon of human sacrifice as worship led us into another stories and names for what was the original PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS AND WE NOW HAVE A BABEL OF MEANINGS FROM BEFORE AND AFTER NIMROD....

          Since Matthew 24 is Christ teaching the seems to refer to this as the sign  and Joel refers to the Blood Moons which that date was after a series of those occurred and last one was in 1/19   and are we not able to stop wars and wars Satan and his cohorts has the USA as still the most influential weapons total chaos of infighting with NO GOVT IN CHARGE and prior president running around to other nations undermining any attempt at a one national policy and A Congress that is to be the entity that would curtail what any USA president might do that they choose not to do..BY SIMPLY LIMITING BUDGET  for this or that war....effort...

  So stop bashing President Trump if you do not like what he is doing....and petition as we are legally allowed to do our members of Congress for what THEY MUST DO if the president is wrong in any area....And that means the House of Representatives is bashing Trump to get him out of office...when they are the ones that are negligent if they do not think Trump is correct in decisions...

while an army of those who hate us is free to walk in and ready for the call to strike hidden among all those good people just wanting a better life  led here because we are so good....

and as one said a few weeks to one that has become a co worker until time for deportation hearing ton find out if they can stay...….and shock that the USA is no longer the new 'promised land' but has become as corrupted as the nation they just walked away from....

         That is the opinion of one who came long distances for a better life from a bad situation....and found the bad situation is here...too...ITS THE WHOLE WORLD NOW...and our leaders seem to be able to get along  from past enemies but THEY ARE NOT IN CHARGE...

      So the time lines of horrors seems to be not quite and same....but: Joel may be referring to the war of Gog and Magog from the says Northern Army  and that could be any nation north...even up to Moscow  and read another site set up at blogger in 11/08 I began... I pray that what is being reported a lot on line and some in main fake but from what is tearing this nation apart politically in DC seems to be fueling it....when we have things that have to be taken care of now and compromise some and if this or that does not work best...amend it as time goes on as once was done...OR does anyone still know how to write a law..anymore?? and get all the ifs ands and buts in it so none is harmed by the whole...and prevent conflicts of laws from occurring....

  is it that books are no longer used but systems and using the PDF for volumes means a simple BING or Google is not going to find what is needed very fast so back to the libraries of books? or find some around that used to have to know themselves....or where to find the answers...

   so the first site set up was  back in 11/08 and …..if what is reported is true and the battle in Joel could be the pre war to the final one....and causing conflicts if actions reported are going on...with world leaders who might shoot first.....etc..

   RUSSIAN PRINCE USA .... and wondered if all did not know of the origins as I did and others first hand....born in Topeka Ks....and in no way  do I call anyone the Anti Christ of the last battle ...which we may have been in many battles already....and constantly.....but Israel has not been invaded from the North with a Northern Army yet....have they? as Some say this is past tense and refers to Assyrian invasion....BUT THE WORDS DAY OF THE LORD is used  AND THAT IS OUR TIMES. folks.... and we have not temple yet in Jerusalem on the Temple mount King DAVID bought at fair market prices for that and most of old city for his palace and grounds...and got two signed deeds for.... and Ancestry .com is not advertising etc that the DNA for his descendants is out there to be checked also... Many or most of us may most had many children.....

but the ABOMINATION DONE BY A COUPLE ENDED UP WITH DIVISION OF THE LANDS AND THEN OCCUPATION FOR 3000 YEARS. UNTIL 5/14/1948  of sacrifice of human first born and human life on the altars where Abraham was shown the way of life and given the substitute of an animal we use for kill instead....AND THE WHOLE ANCIENT WORLD KNEW THAT ISRAEL  WAS A NATION THAT CHOSE LIFE NOT DEATH....OF HUMANITY AND THAT ALL HAD WORTH....EVEN the homeless and hungry who had a room in the wall of they city for shelter and any land owner would be ostracized as unfaithful if a swatch of grain was not left around the field for those needing to put up grain for food.....and the alien among them which the USA has exploited for over 30 years and never passed a practical immigration plan....especially for those south of our border....who do a lot of the hard work.....and kept them in the shadows of legality....and worse exploitations then just hard work that will not be shared on this site that some under age 18 might access....the most vile kind of slavery for anyone to be in.....and under and illegal by our laws so why allowed to go on??/  too many elite have become the users of them pushed into horrors and when children are....its just another way of human sacrifice Satan uses to blackmail ones soul into his bidding and our overthrow....SALVATION CAN BE HAD....BUT SOME HAVE MUCH MORE TO CHANGE AND STOP DOING THEMSELVES ND OTHERS....than most of us who repent of a few white lies and words said in anger and frustration we then must apologize for.... and making amends does not mean changing the whole entrenched  DEEP STATE OF CORRUPTION THE WHOLE WORLD HAS NOW FALLEN INTO...and we the people of the 8 billion cannot do it alone  and no leader is a god or magician....its up to us and EACH ONE ONLY HAS ONE VOTE

and even if we do not vote for same people......95% need to vote to get a real mandate of 50% that those we elect know  WE ARE THE BOSS and you SERVE US  and our nations....and if you fail...or have no courage to do what is right...then we will find another to try.....and it can take 10 years to do this as many contractors are signed up for 5 or 10 years and one was 50 years stealing our public monies and not dong the work well or at all.....and NO GOVT IN CHARGE to audit or investigate and cancel the contracts and send them to our legal systems... and they have more lawyers and access to every e mail and phone call as the snoopers not the govt snooping.....please stop repeating it fight non renewal of contracts etc...then states have tried and lost as they could not succeed without the fed help that is to be when part of the monies if federal funds of OURS....

            And that is not just the presidential elections as the power starts locally for or against to who holds the power....and right now its not us...but for isolated elections...and still no 95% care for survival  when no effort is made.....and made easier than ever for nearly all of us....and should be for all...who legally could vote and do not bother to choose life over death and destruction that is rules us 24/7 now....and heaven help us when our very ability to pray or think private thoughts is blocked as the science is here to be abused by the ones we have allowed to be in control and right now ITS NONE ANYONE or around the world nearly...

                    In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may we never lose our way into areas apart from Your Divine Love for each one of us....Help us not be fooled by evil trickery....and may  our own House of Representatives read our governing document they promised to obey that reflects Your teachings and stop trying to impeach a president when they are the ones given the job to take the budget away from any policy or plan for war or anything else they think should not be good for us or the nation.. ( how many president will they want gone? HELP ALL AND THEN TO KNOW THEY ARE TO ACT AND PASS GOOD LAWS AND RESTRAINTS ON POWER FIRST.....that this or any president might choose to do....and NEGLECTED to curtail several over the past few decades that led us into real horrors we have still not gotten out of. AND YOU WARNED US NOT TO FALL INTO SUCH SINS........including NO GOVT OVERSIGHT OF a world wide system accountable to none THE ONE YOU WARNED US ABOUT coming and almost totally in place....HELP US wake up and get right with You and choose the good and stop the death and destruction we have allowed to come on us

        But in ancient Hebrew there is no beginning and no end.....and history repeats itself...and  as it happened then will happen soon if we be in the end of age times under Satan and we finally over come with the help of Christ as manifestation and conqueror to take back what He helped make from the I AM WHO I AM THAT IS, WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE.... which John says in his Gospel GOD IS LOVE  the Divine Love which we were given the spark of to be living.... You are our way to heaven on earth...and Help us all to choose that path  and not the other evil guy's one.... The blame is on each one of  and no one alone can make things better....its up to follow You and what You taught us as You walked the lands of ancient Israel and Jerusalem   to make a HEAVEN EARTH....AND STOP THE HELL WE HAVE NEARLY MADE TOTALLY. following the one You offered all to and rejected Your goodness from the beginning   OPEN THE EYES OF OUR SOULS TO KNOW YOU AS GOOD AND OVER COME EVIL FOREVERMORE......Amen!


                                    FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

A list is just reposted daily and updated with sites that have a sharing app posted for all to direct link to our sites and then able to pass on to the whole world of your truths....REWARD IS FREE ADVERTISING In an era of censorship that makes no free speech since as very little online is illegal by standards of any free society and no one has to access anything they choose not to...


   Please do not try any medical treatment without ones doctor knowing but some are not aware that some things can be prescribed for alternate ways such as compounding and health plans even Medicare is paying for we have had a holocaust of deaths already before anyone should die  years before....and sustain a sense of quality of life if what is known was still available and is….and worse is the micromanaged care of the cabal with NO GOVT TO TURN TO FOR HELP AS THEY LEGALLY ARE BUT CANNOT SPEND ONE PENNY TO KNOW OR ACT...SINCE THE LAW OF 2002... and this is world wide decimation of us and our nations health plans of many kinds....whatever the way one gets access to health care..which is right of life....when needed for survival...


Linda Joy Adams 6/17/19





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