
Saturday, June 29, 2019


Acts 25 KJV - Now when Festus was come into the - Bible Gateway

   This is a link to an excellent site of Bible translations and other helps...

          One more reason to KEEP THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY OPEN'

                Just posted another action taken over the GREAT WALL OF TRUMP which should have been built with border security and realistic and practical immigration plan over 35 years ago and long before that when an amnesty was done as the issue had gotten so bad then.....

  A GOVT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE DOES NOT WORK when the rulers are not ruling  and in the USA the voters rule and we have yet to have, but for isolated areas and some elections for anywhere near 95% voting so that those who are seated to run the govt really have a majority of all of us who could vote actually do so.....And the whole system collapses back on us in growing horrors when the final say of what is to be done to us and for us  IS NOT DONE BY US....and that is deciding who is to be seated to pass laws and see to it they are upheld    

    In older times, before systems it took weeks for word to get around.....and then with telephones and radio it got faster but with cyber its instantaneous and Congress or other lower levels of govt can meet and pass something AND NOT EVEN HAVE READ IT....which is how many did not know they voted in 2002 to overthrow the USA into the virtual control of an international few that now is a 1000+ corporations of one entity and runs the whole world and UN as contractors that nation by nation got duped into letting run thing with NO OVERSIGHT ALLOWED...…..and as happens with those who want great power, they get into illegal ways to steal from all and the US treasury  and CONGRESS will not correct what they did but for isolated bills and short times....that the RESTRAINER OF LAW REMOVED BACK in 2002 by an earmark by unknown member of Congress that gutted a 6000 page law that should have given all of more privacy and protection of our govt records etc. which is nearly all of our lives 24/7 now captured somewhere along with financial as well as our personal medical records NEVER under any privacy or protection rights since the first one set up in 1999 of those who had a health plan  and not contains all of us regardless of having one.....and its a deadly mess to be used for medical care of typos, errors and co mingled records and in the USA ALONE IS 25 MILLION UP TO 55 million and more categories are adding in inflammation as contributing factors and why not...its NOT NATUREAL FOR OUR BODIES TO BE INFLAMMED IS IT AND WHY HAVE THOSE ADDED TO OUR FOOD AND MEDS THAT DO THIS TO US?

.We are not even counted as having life threatening reactions to most of us the same common chemicals that surrounds us daily and in food and even meds with no warning labels AS WE DO NOT EVEN EXIST AS BEING SUCH IN  SYSTEMS THAT IS A REAL DISCRIMINATION AGAINST US that has cost too many lives already

                     One running has taken on this cabal as Atty general of California  had some limited success when others states have failed without the feds  and that is Kamala Harris....yet other politics not sure if I agree with all....but what a debate with TRUMP AND HARRIS....WOULD NOT BE DULL THAT IS FOR SURE.....

         One person running for president in the whole mix of all told the truth about health care Thursday night and do not make fun of her for he is right....MARTHA WILLIAMSON....that stop making people sick in the first place and some controls on the chemical companies which means oversight to keep some bad things our of our food and meds  that little or none of my group have even been included in clinical trials or food studies  and in meds....none really on additives which is the issues....anything almost could be added made in any part of the world and then shipped and one bottle of pills could have every pill made with differing is that bad ….TRUTH NEEDS TO BE RESPECTED  and fully understand why an unknown even put her hat in the ring for president...when little likelihood of being elected.....the TRUTH IS GETTING OUT AND WE HAVE LIVES TO BE SAVED....and each one of us only have one vote....

                I may not fully agree with her and others on other political matters....but a breath of truth emerged among many saying things that do any really know what you are saying that we the people surely are smarter to understand the words, better than those saying them   and we do.....

Our intelligence has been dulled by the chemicals in our food, medicines..air, water and wherever else our human bodies are.....and the water in DC MUST BE WORSE THEN FLINT MICHIGAN where the cabal conttravtors of Lynn Blodgett made the water so wonderful that the ocmplaints never got past his cabal receiving ghem to get to the real govt...

                  And the same things happened back in ancient Rome of this contracting out replacing the civil seruce that all govts since ancient China have run well and peacefully no matter what form of govt one had.....and now that we are the govt....we have let this honorable institution of the more ethical and smart among us be hijacked by a real organized cirmes ring that illegally says they are the govt and are not  and NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO ANY BUT ITSELF with the mosre ethical companies unable to hang on as they are tied to the whole also with systems and sharing of info...and its a deadly horror going on and not just in health care but our whole lives 24/7 even down to state and local with federally funded this or that....and no federal govt to count on allowed to audit or criainlly prosecute crooks that have become more common than our good neighbors who get jobs with them thinking they are doing a public service work...find out after entrapped inside..with car and house payments and other bills we all have....what is really going on they were hired to be the public relations face for of nice people   and its not and then trying to do the right things and report it finds..they reports to the very cabal they are complaining about....INSTANT RETALIATION CAN HAPPEN VERY FAST....when the real govt is to protect witnesses until the defense counsel has to know etc...and the legal system is still to provide some protection for you....and evn witness protections at time...etc....BUT NONE  HERE AND VICTIIMS OF THEIR CRIMES CAN GET NO HELP AS ITS NOT A PROSECUTABLE CRIME FOR YOUR LIFE TO BE PUT IN JEOPARDY AND OTHER RETALIATIONS...AS HAS OCCURED WITH ME AND OTHERS LIKE ME.....AND THIS BLOGGER BEGAN SHARING 12/08 AS THE ONLY RECOURSE TO GET MY OWN DOCEMENTED STORY OUT...WITH 39FEDERAL AGENCIES JUJDGES BEING DEFIED AND WITHHOLDING THE ORDERS FROM BY THE CABAL WHO DECIDES WHAT GOVT CAN SEE OR NOT......and

   only  a few DEEP STATE IS NEEDED to facilitate this and they are usually not the political appointess but just below them that stay for 30 years while the politicaian come and go.and some never know they were never really in charge and KNEW VERY LITTLE  and went along to get along and accepted verbal lies and never saw any real documents that were never posted to be shared...

    This has been my world and so many others....and much did not begin in 2002 when the overthrow became law....but over a decade befre that and back to 1983 real intent to steal the  FREE LABOR OF MACHINES AND SYSTEMS FROM ALL OF US that should have all of us with a better qulity of life and working less and the opposite is all of us are well aware of....and the GREEN NEW DEAL would be further along in practical all would have more time to help if not but planting a garden or growing a tree to sit under....etc...and taking care of each other as the Bible says we are to have a heaven on earth time where all are kings and priests  (generic he used for all)

 And when we have the time to help others and our own families then less crime, less hardship and LOVE DOES MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND AND a PRESIDENT MARTHA WILLIAMSON IS READY TO SHARE THE LOVE AND HEAL THE WORLD....

          But back in the real world now, President Trump is in the swamp of corruption trying to make fair deals that work and a base of supporters that crosses all spectrums....and yet this cabal is still in charge and like the GOVERNMOR FESTUS IN ANCIENT ROME WHO DID NOT LIKE THE WALL THAT BLOCKED HIS NICE VIEW FROM HIS PALACE.....

     Some do not even want a wall to secure the borders of a sovereign land and let this cabal entice the whole world to come and house and feed them little for $700 a day...contracts with NO OVERSIGHT AND THAT MEANS NO GOVT CAN GO CHECK ON CHILDREN EITHER  AND CANCEL THOSE CONTRACTS AND  let some local churches and faith groups help out  and with $700 a day per person....they would feed, shelter and provide much medical care to their whole communities....

   As this chapter shares...Rome had the beginning of some of our good laws back then, but just for citizens of Rome and the comquered territories did not...and yet the law was  NO ONE FACED CAPITAL PUNISHMENT WITH OUT ROMAN APPROVAL  an here some came with no evidence of any crimes wishing one to be ended from living...for what reason...CHRISTIANITY WAS TAKING HOLD AND TEH MONIEY CHANGERS STEALING AND CHEATING WAS GETTING STOPPED   and the economy was being changed...for the people   as

Christs teaching is not a religion....its a movement of freedom of, by and for the people where each has free will and is equally loved by the Divine and each one of us is to have rights and freedoms and be respected for having these by every one.... A faith of freedom and love for one another  and somehow we get to an eternal life thgouht Him....the physical manifestation of the  DIVINE LOVE  that is all knowing and all everywher and not the artificial intelligence contained by cyber waves...Its the real things...that can create us and be in Christ but yet He be part Human also....and this is no Alien either nor angel but the I AM WHO I AM that is and was and always shall be.....and for me to try and explain my understanting to add to libraries filled with opinions….some day the TRUTH WIL ALL BE REVEALED and it seems to be sooner than later since the star map of Revelaton chapter 12 and many interprettions of what that means....but TRUTH BEING BIRTHED AND REVEALED is the name of the last book of the Bible....and in ancient Hebrew one thing can have differing meanings or be symbol for depending on time and place in history  …"as it was then and another time so it is now and it will be in the future if you do not stop sinning or if you do another reality can be .chosen to happen...etc"..

   And do not forget what free will has meant to all with consequences that could have ended another way and does all the time...….


Choices made that put us into subjugation to evil having great influences on humanity for more of human history and what would have occurred if Christ had been still here and came...and healed him......and the good path Rome was just beginning to have had blossomed into a world of peace and justice and freedom for all  2 thousand years ago....where would we be now....what planet would and star system would you call loved ones and friends from...?? But evil entered in and took over and we ended up with the history we have of more times of struggle and we still are not at peace in this world....and weapons all around that could end creation itself...and pray none ever used...

but a few laws needed that must be enforced fairly and justly and Rome was getting started on this....already and time forward with good would have been...

   .Paul ended up in Rome for a trial with Caesar because he had one parent that was a Roman Citizen he got his from and still no real charges uprooted him from his life of evangelism in the middle and near east..way to Rome and the rest is history we still are struggling with good and bad....and eventually the leadership of Rome got more crooked and more perverse and Christianity became the new threat to the survival of evil and the total domination of govt.....until Constantine was overwhelmed by the common understanding sweeping the world and then  hijacked it into a one world religion and only one interpretation of matters and changed much into trying to merge with the mystery religion of the fertility goddess and how we got Mary truned into an eternal virgin when her and Joseph had a family of at least 6 other children after Christ was born...SCHOLARS CANNOT MAKE THE WORDS TRANSLATE ANY OTHER WAY AND OTHER HISTORY AFFIRMS THIS....

      And what a mess we have had to struggle with for another 1500 years until some few decided to read for themselves and began to find out that leadership was not telling the whole truth of what was really written of even this world being round and one could sail away and be far away to form their own govt and have a place to live....and distance means no real way to totally control and enslave ones minds and even soul…..and already within  a 100 years the east and west church split....and still is over meanings nd interpretations and yet  FREEDOM OF THOUGHT IS GOING TO HAVE THIS....Christ dealt with a few basics..others gave us details of time and place for what to do or not to do....based on these basics of love for one another...even if we dislike what they do and sometimes must have a just and fair legal system to stop harming behaviors by a few...


                   In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may we find our way back to accepting Your love for us and share it around the world one by one....And may we find our way to being healthy by having those things come into us that promote health and not harm us....and respect each others rights and freedoms and borders we need to have ownership we can invite in but have the right to say not today...etc....And may we get some more truth telling about tissues as many wish to be president next year and pray for our current one trying to promote peace in the world and fair trade that helps all sides...fairly and justly...where none among us is ever harmed again by what some few did....And may some justice come our we struggle daily for life even though the roof is still over us...and we are not starving...but with no safe meds being made.....may this change for all those in the world so much like me and no way to even get diagnosed I did....MAY LIFE AND SUSTAINING IT BE THE PRME OBJECTIVE OF ALL FOR ALL AND BY ALL..

   Forgive me my impatience in wishing all to be right and caring in this world...May I be a help and not a hindrance asking Your spirit to guide me along the way.....Amen!

                                    FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

 Reposted daily and updated as sites found...which some are adding also the sharing apps to easily link your site to outs and get it passed on around the by one....And Your REWARD is the free advertising of your truths getting passed on no matter what other obstacles for sharing come along as the big one did with windows 8 and even my windows 7 app on a windows 10 is not always working anymore and do have one of the several out there posted on my posts... I EVEN FOUND ON BING THAT OLDER POSTS OF MINE ARE NOT THERE TO SEARCH FOR …even when one gets to the page of older and open to little...but on each article at the top is a search engine for this blog to find where any topic or name may have been written about or article linked from…..


                                     MEDICAL REGIMEN

 How I am staying alive for over a year now when no safe meds made for 40% of asthmatics of the non allergic type and finally one comment to try and get an odlers med made again got passed on to the right group at the FDA and pray attention is paid as NO MEDS FOR LEFT VENTRICLE HEART FAILURE BEING MADE  that is safe...and tohesr are just not for us....

   Surely some company would find it profitable enough to make these older meds..that have kept me alive when none new for us....and what we did have taken away to save the ozone layer back in 2008 and we not being counted in data bases as existing anymore....WE DO NOT NEED HEALTH CARE AS WE DO NOT EVEN EXIST IN CYBER WORLD....

    Please DO NOT TRY ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT WITHOUT YOUR DOCTOR KNOWING... as many natural are the same as other meds being manufactured or for the same or similar things... I OWE MY LIFE RIGHT NOW TO ALL THOSE ON LINE SHARING INFO AND SOME ARE BEING CENSORED.....just add a warning to check with ones doctor....first...even though they cannot control health car and they have not govt to turn to either in this horror.....they do know a lot....and can at least monitor you and some things being done....doctors are not being made aware of like ins and even Medicare paying for some compounding  and cheaper than most that are unsafe for us...of my group of millions ...too many losing their lives before they ever these times of great knowing being censored and contained and horrors being done to us.....

   If what is old and worked for a hundred years keeps one alive....then why not make it and save money  and why is our lives a profit making venture anyway...we need a tax structure that is semi profit  in some way...GVEN US A BREAK AND MAKE LIFE A RIGHT AS IT WAS SAID TO BE BY OUR FOUNDERS....and that means health care....and any plan might work if run fairly and efficiently and we be held in stock like on wall street to mae a profit off of …..we patients and our good doctors have  HAD ENOUGH  of being pawns in a scam scheme of our public monies as well as private and VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLTUTION '\keep it up at all levels of govt until the message is clear...we elect you to serve us and not some other master....Do the job well and we will reelect you, other wise go back home and pray another will help us all ….and not make us their 'financial slaves to be bartered for.."  So these current MEDICAL REGIMENT FROM 5/1/19 -5/8/19 IS BEING REPOSTED DAILY AND PRAY THE ONE NEEDNG THIS INFO TO STAY ALIVE SEES...IT AND SHARES WITH THEIR DOCTOR....(Injured workers find it hard to get oxygen all under this cabal as it gives one permanent medical and all bills paid for all care since its oxygen  and why no claims are ever gong to get input under this entity  and whom doe one appeal to...NONE AS ALL UNDER THEIR CONTROL NOW...AS THEY AVE HAD US FEDS OFFICIALLY SINCE 2002 AND ALL GET FINCINADING FROM BLACKSTONE..(A JOB NJURY PROBLBY MEANS LIQUID OXYGEN  AND A WORLD WIDE NEAR MONOPOLY   and where is anyone doing  class action for all of us..vs them??)(when retaliation can be done by the ones with all our e mails and phone calls captured and who know where and what is done with them...etc....few are willing to take on the biggest beast system the world's ever known that is not a govt and not under any govt control  and the perfect system for the antic Christ to rise from before any even know his name..and holds all power....who is in charge..? none we elected or those they hired in the real govt....and too many know this and stay silent and approving by their silences and who running for president will stand up and speak out and tell the truth....

   So far, this week its been the non politician speaking health and love... President Trump just says he loves everyone and I do believe he does....and so do many others who support him.... and gets the life issue of not allowing murder of the most innocent among us to happen....



  Linda Joy Adams 6/29/19

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