
Sunday, June 16, 2019


Ezekiel 26 KJV - And it came to pass in the eleventh - Bible Gateway

 This is a link to an excellent site...and it was very helpful today in comparing translations of one word that can change the meaning of what Ezekiel was warning us of...then, or today or tomorrow...

   Hebrew is a very unique language that reflects a historical culture and of course faith that has been the light of the world since the beginning of turning humanity from the darkness that Lucifer or Satan and his 1/3 of fallen angels have tried to control this planet and realm since he was created and turned on the Divine Love...and has an agenda of death and destruction of all the wonderful things of creation and of us, humanity whom was made with the spark of the Divine in have free will to choose our way and we have been bombarded and tricked in more devious ways over get us to fall under the control of Satan himself...

  Is the King James Version giving us a variation on meaning from the understanding of the Russian Orthodox church rather than of Rome since Constantine of this just describing events of a city up in what is now the area of Lebanon.?  as the chief translator from the Russian Orthodox church was asked by King James to come and help translate a Bible for the newly formed Church of England...and since Constantine the EAST AND WEST CHRISTIAN CHURCHES HAVE BEEN SPLIT...over major understandings of what Christ and other early leaders understood Christ meant...and witnessed..

            This is one main reason that faith cannot be its so personal into our very souls to know what is truth and what is not...even as we study languages and meanings  and few among us are proficient in any language but the one we grew up speaking...

   Plus as that in Hebrew (and my understanding is very small but can look up words and general understanding of some things..)   MAJOR IS THAT IN HEBREW there is no beginning and no ending...The I AM WHO I AM  always was and NO ENDING  and we are going to end up somewhere for all of eternity....and pray we choose the path that leads to the good place.... that the SNAKE or serpent or Satan  wants us to follow him into the void of nothingness or worse some say...of interpreters make it the worse of anything of ever....

   Who would reject the good and follow such evil.?  We are deceived in ways so subtle  it is made to seem so real....and here on this site have written about some issues that the whole world has been deceived to follow.   and we know from history that wars have been started over lies and deception  and why we all thought the UN was created to have a place for discussion to try and have world peace so none can be tricked into wars when other ways can be done to mutually agree to not start one....

   But so often, its not the leaders who cause the initial act but some one or few and then we follow the path of death and destruction.....Thankfully, we try and not do this now and many ways to search for the real truth of what may have happened...etc...and pray for our leaders to feel able to pick up the phone and discuss matters before they end up in wars.... as we have an international cabal in control of nearly the whole world now that our own govts contracted to and the UN fell into  and what do we do?


             Do not assume that anyone is in a terrible situation of their own making in a world where the innocent are getting crucified daily....just not on a cross as the Internet would expose that way....

and it does come back on ALL OF US  as I only have one vote as the rest do.....and cannot be the 50% majority that hires any elected official to take care of our business for us.....and if the motives are pure to serve us and our nations...then there is not common sense reason that those of widely diverse ideas cannot come together and find some common ground so that we are not being murdered by unsafe food and medication, water and whatever else is causing harm to all or even one of survive....

     and worse it the looting of our public treasures and some articles out how the USA IS BROKE....

WE HAVE BEEN LOOTED  by the biggest organized crime ring in the history of the world (worse than when Rome fell into the same situation and finally fell as never got out of the people did not have the power to all vote and be the solution)and CONGRESS VOTED IN 2002 that no govt or president is allowed to spend one penny to stop it...

     And then put a gag order rule on themselves to cover it up....and obstruct any attempt to help any one of their constituents  as its means auditing the contractors and that is forbidden by law also...

  And but for a few bills that goes out for limited times or monies....NO GOVT IN CHARGE...

                And all they have to do is put back what was taken away....THE RESTRAINT OF LAW..

        Any govt of, by and for the people has to be able to deal with criminal acts that harm, rob and perjure...or we are in cave people mentality and carry your  big club as daily death and destruction is always possible...

            And rose from the dead as some kind of real mystery exists in that which has assured us who follow His ways of love and life will have eternal life.... A REAL PROMISE that comes form the ONE WHO IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE 

   And why in Hebrew there is no past tense....(as it was, has been, is and will be is CONSTANCY AND PROMISES NEVER us) And the promise that our sin coming back on us as the wrath is not going to be allowed to destroy all as this did to us once in the the Great Flood....

   But we are in a final battle that is growing daily and sides being taken....DOES ANYONE TAKING SIDES ON ANYTHING even know what the arguments are  or about?

             My dad, always said that the Church of England was more like the original church.....and later understood he was speaking to the general interpretations of scripture and doctrines that each had that we in the western world  have little understanding of the eastern understandings  AS COMMUNISM  suppressed it for 100 years in an era when the two would surely have begun to adopt and accept some into the teaching and the western world understand more of the total of all Christian teachings not just the major denomination from Rome..

    Vatican II back in 1965, set in motion a lot of combing and merging of denominations but only of the western teachings back to closer to Rome's major influence....and  it is harder to share the faith around the world,,,when other parts of the world....have had an influence form earliest times since Christ that had a different understanding of things....Subtle that influence even their own world religions....into what they are now... Our faiths evolve in deeper understanding a we learn more in this world to resist evil  as evil then gets more tricky to deceive...

  This is not to say All religions are the way.....but we started out in humanity with one understanding and Satan getting us kicked out of the Garden of Eden...and here we are trying to get back to the garden and finding our way.....trying to make personal choice as well as society and our govts trying to find solutions where under Christ, the least among us has equal worth of love  and must not be harmed by whatever the rest of us decide to do....

    but the REST OF US is not deciding...and the  I AM WHO I AM...has given us stewardship of this planet and selves and no one among us can do this alone.....We are designed to be individuals who can love one another and respect each other as we care....and use Love to overcome obstacles of disagreements and even if we do  not agree or like each others find ways that our societies and govts can stop MURDER, THEFT AND PERJURY AND NOT FORGET TO ALLOW LIFE TO BE FOR EVEN THE MOST VULNERABLE AMONG US....THE YOUNG, AND THE OLD AND THE DISABLED....honor for life...

      Until we get 95% voting in all elections and those local and state ones are crucial as by the time the feds are overthrown and can do little since 2002 but pass laws that do not have to be obeyed by the cabal and blank checks that has us no controls on out and out blatant theft as what started this blog back in 12/08.    CONGRESS HAS NOT PROTECTED MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY SINCE THE LAW WAS PASSED IN 2002 REMOVING THE OVERSIGHT OF GOVT CONTRACTORS IN AN ERA that has step by step removed the civil service with accountability to the law and people  an system that has served nations well and all forms of govt since ancient China....of honest servants of all the people to be fair to all in applying the laws of the govt of many forms...

      Fairness and justice fosters peace...and less discontent with the rulers....which WE NOW ARE UNDER MOST GOVTS OF THE WORLD....and we have not understood that our govts fail us when we fail to be part of the government even as voters....

   More powerful than any campaign finance laws overhauled or restrictions on air time.... 95% VOTING IN ALL ELECTIONS FOR 10 YEARS AND WE WILL HAVE A HEAVEN ON EARTH....just do not forget the least among us that whatever plan or solution is found for any area....none is left justice denied one denies it to all....AND SATAN WILL FIND A WAY  to say that one is harmed and make sure somehow all are the same way....

    Freedom is complex as what works best in one are may not in another....The same building material for the main street in town in the bayous of LA may not be the best for snow laden Rockies...

       And when did you hear any politician mention wanting to  SERVE the people recently?  If that is not why they are running? WHO ARE THE RUNNING TO SERVE AND WHY? The jobs do not pay that well in how could one become rich will elected?? or soon after wards or their loved ones become major players with the cabal in control?  And others blackmailed and threatened into silence to try and fix this corrupted mess..

   LIKE HIM OR NOT...PRESIDENT TRUMP'S MAJOR ADVERSARY HAS BEEN THIS CABAL THAT DOES NOT WANT USA TO SURVIVE.UNLESS it remains its slush fund to steal or genocide any who choose to not follow evil ways of death and destruction.. and every time Congress needed to pass some emergency changes in laws....they fight and let the nation and all go to hell.....and its become a hell on earth for too many now....and the human idleness could be at least changed into part of the solution of work needed to care for what has been dumped on all of us...WE ARE THE REAL WEALTH OF THE NATION....AND EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE TRESPASSED IN HERE ENTICED BY THE CABAL TO MAKE A TRILLION DOLLARS OFF OF TAKING CARE OF THEM....WHEN they can take care of themselves and help us get some things done of a more temporary nature like build a road...or cut brush that will limit wildfires...etc...until our legal system and pray new laws given them invite to stay or most will surely get a ticket home...and if they have made a little money after paying for their keep and care...some money to go back home and rebuild their own homes and homelands....devastated by what this international cabal with an army bigger than most nations is able to hire and use for whatever devious intrigue for profit...not for world peace....JUST MY OPINION …..

   As we are upsetting any full employment for permanent type jobs with millions walking in, and our messed up temporary work rights and even good people can become desperate and enslave themselves to unscrupulous and buy and ID that is not theirs....



….and if we have a hurricane or other emergency funds get approved real fast...but this is not just money needed but a temporary plan to not cause more upsets with the full employment going on...that has given many a chance for the long term to be self supporting members of society...

               Guess what President Trump is human and is not a god or magician...and why we have many branches of govt and US A SUPREME RULERS to get done what govt must do for all of us to if we do not accept each of our responsibility than SATAN IS ALREADY NEARLY IN POWER AS HE DID NOT WAIT WHEN WE SAT DOWN AND GAVE UP and for me,, I have no joy in his glee at our or my expense....

          So President Trump is  flawed person and so am I and so are all others....and why we need each figure all this out...and we can for we were made by DIVINE LOVE....THE I AM WHO I AM...and HE MADE US GOOD....AND LOVES US AND WANTS US TO BE FREE TO CHOOSE LIFE...AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER....

                        CHAPTER 26 OF EZEKIEL

     The King James has the word of Tyrus and most who read the Bible assume its a name for Tyre a city  that was a sea going port of commerce for he whole world  and  ancient writings and some more supposedly suppressed by Constantine....etc. is that their ships went all over the world.....

   If one is to have a one world anything  that one has to be where they can be controlled AND ONLY IN OUR ERA can that be done from anywhere in the world via cyberspace...and when we venture on out to space to will not be colonies as that fails big time by sheer distance all to  FREEDOM starts locally and some party far away is not there and we have to deal with matters as they come up  and sometimes it needs a govt and all coming to common understanding of what to be done....

    What a dull world filled with human 'thought zombies!' No thanks!

          And doing some translations comparison finds many variations used...some for the Tyre the city but the word can also mean SNAKE ….and that can be the symbolic word for a city....good or bad...

         Bible warnings and passages often have multiple layers of meaning and this may be a warning of impending harm to Tyre for bad things done....but it can be a general warning for any who get into commerce and become greedy and want power and wealth that becomes obscene and harms and gotten by evil and illegal means....the incarnation of evil where money becomes the god...AND WHY some in areas of the world that know the history and the warnings take it on themselves to be judge and jury and went and took down a couple of towers on 9/11/01 in their awful Satan led fooled into thinking they were doing good to take down the symbol of world financial center....and only fell into Satan's snare instead...and went on dong to this day evils so that Satan can destroy even the ones doing destruction as worship of what? Evil not good....

                In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we keep our hearts open to Your love and guidance so we are not fooled by the best deceiver of all human creation...itself he wishes to destroy and us along with it....Why couldn't he know the good and want it and be the good...? but please help us not be fooled by his tricks and snares... May the blessings of plenty be ours and mine, and when they come, may we not fall into evil but use the blessings for good in some way that helps us and all of us... My prayers for our elected leaders to find the courage from You to stand  up and serve us and themselves better and find the ways out of this snares created over too many years of not attending to details of what was gong on and  minions snuck in and caused horrors.. for me and too many others...May we find the joy of sharing the work as well as sharing the joy of love and real problems find ways to get us out of this and make a beautiful park of goodness from the swamp of corruption ..You surely would accept the repentant sinner to change and do good anytime....and forgive me my own sins also... Amen!

                                   FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

 A SITE  REPOSTED DAILY with updates as sites or just before...of an updated list of those sites that have a sharing app posted SO WE CAN DIRECT LINK your truths on to the rest of the world...since as of windows 8 the freedom information highway got slowed way down with lack of ease until many came up with them....And even my custom design may not work next years. that uses Windows 7...yet....

Keep the information highway open....and I am alive due to all the info I could garner being one of 20 million to 55 million in threat of life sustaining being ended..with no safe meds for we are not included as having life ending reactions to some common chemicals that should never been put in meds and our foods generally not good....So the MEDICAL REGIMEN USED IS ALSO reposted and DO NOT TRY WITHOUT YOUR DOCTOR knowing....and some need a prescription and not all are aware some of this can be done to save lives and by pass the middle compounding and even some insurances and Medicare are paying for its so widely understood of the real situation that our own govt is not as no one can officially find out...


   HAPPY FATHERS DAY! AND BE BLESSED FOR HAVING A WONDERFUL ONE AND THANK YOU FOR MINE UP IN HEAVEN GETTING READY FOR ALL OF US TO ARRIVE ONE DAY IN THE RAPTURE FOR THE MARRIAGE FEAST OF THE LAMB WE ARE ALL INVITED TO....Wonder if he is building the tables...?  The faithful Mom who raised me may be crocheting a nice edge to all the table cloths. or helping with suggestions in the kitchen..... But they are said to be rising first right here and we go on up together....Bible says these things will happen  but not so clear when or how but we have a wonderful future ahead when we finally get through letting evil ensnare us...and never let it trap us again....

Linda Joy Adams 6/16/19





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