
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Texas Ranks 49th in the Country for Children’s Healthcare

Texas Ranks 49th in the Country for Children’s Healthcare: Texas ranked near the very bottom when indicators of cost, quality and access were analyzed for children's healthcare by WalletHub. The study revealed that children will cost around $230,000 to raise, and that while insurance rates have increased, costs have also risen nearly 20 percent between 2013 and 2017. The rankings rated each state and the District of Columbia based on health and access to healthcare, nutrition, physical activity and obesity, and oral health. Texas' overall rank was 49 out of 51, and ranked 50 in access, 38 in nutrition, and 31 in oral health, ahead of only Louisiana and Nevada. As with most of the quality of life measures, the deep south took many of the bottom spots on this list. States in the mid-Atlantic and New England ranked among of the top spots, with Vermont coming in first, followed by the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York. Maryland was the state with the highest percentage of kids with excellent health, while Texas tied for

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