
Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Daniel 9 KJV - In the first year of Darius the son of - Bible Gateway (click link to an excellent Bible help site)

    For years, a Bible is opened at random and chapter read...This time through, the King James Version is being used....

   Some who access this site are not Christian and that is respected for faith cannot be forced and must come from our soul and innate thoughts.....

   As a Christian,,  CHRIST IS and was and always has been......but each one has their own personal thoughts about the mystery that IS.....and for thousands of years, libraries filled by sincere scholars to try and figure it all out.....and this humble servant is not going to add any one day, Christ returns and  we will know....and may none lose their faith....nor be led from having faith in Christ for confusion that has always had TRUTH  we are each trying to find....

          We have free will and an innate desire for FREEDOM  and its within us to love one another as He loves us And to follow a path of death and destruction  is our free will and those of a people to do or not do something etc.....We the people have always held the power....but rarely had the formal and peaceful means to exert it as we do nearly every nation on Earth....

and yet in time of real power of the people and rights for each to have,,,,we elect those to have authority over only a few among us who could...

                   In  Chapter 9 of the prophetic book of exile in Babylon after the sin of the people back in Judea and Jerusalem....had caused Babylon to overthrow and conquer them.....and disobedience to the far more than not performing rituals and prayers....but the actions  AND TOO OFTEN  INACTION'S to take care of the people, nation and thenselves….an awesome responsibility that is on each one.....Granted the men held the official positions ,,but in Christ all are equal..and now we are in an era...that each one in this world has more equal rights than ever.....just a few places do not....and we must not lose that is part of the responsibility of being part of the human family.... and when we shirk it, we cause all kinds of bad things to happen.   as EVIL  is present and the Bible says its an entity that was to be over this Earth and fell first into disobedience and defiance of the good and with the 1/3 of the hosts of heaven who fell into his trap, followed him to this day into death and destruction of anything good...

   and the main the destruction of each one of us....the most beloved of all of Creation humanity....with the Divine Breath breathed into us from the beginning....and something that cannot be 'kept hidden' as its so wondrous it will shine on to others as we love one another...or we are consumed by the 'fire' if kept contained...


                  Most of this Chapter 9, deals with the prophecies of the 70 weeks and times and time and 1/2 etc.  for the  era back then  as well as for the end of the age of Satan's 7000 years? of chance for salivation and predicted he will have to be removed from among us for a 1000 years for humanity to finally 'be best" and then one final chance to repent and be saved.....and predicted he will not and be case into someplace for all of eternity where he cannot do anymore harm..ever again to us..... who will be able to have heaven on earth or anywhere and no trickery to confuse or mislead ever again....

   That is the promise from the Divine and CHRIST KEEPS IS PROMISES....SATAN IS THE LIAR...AND WE HAVE TO BE WISE AND NOT BE FOOLED.....but the smarter we get, the more tricky evil gets......even to getting us to turn on each other and the knowledge we have now relearned we once had....where the planet and creation itself can be destroyed by pushing a few buttons....we have that science now to do we let the good things needed to be done.....GO TO HELL as

      Christ taught us to pray for HEAVEN ON EARTH...and had only a few things for us to do...LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND HEAL THE SICK AND FEED THE HUNGRY   and to ignore this is to ignore our own souls and we become vulnerable in our person, people and nations or governing groups we form...

                                   PROPHETIC CURSE OF THE US CONSTITUTION

        The founders of the USA, gave us a governing document that is a sum total of all  that humanity has learned of how to be a self governing nation   and be able to change it as we decided to be better as time goes on.... Amendments and we have a few of them...added since 1789..And fully aware of the weakness of any human to be tempted to abuse power....checks and balances on human nature to make in it   and  IT TAKES EVERY BRANCH AND US  to make it work as it should...


    The government of the USA can fall when any part gets out of kilter......and WE still do not have 95% voting in all election  and that means we have those seated to serve us THAT FORGET WE SEAT THEM AND THEY ARETO SERVE US AND THE NATION.....WHEN LESS THEN 50% OF US  who could vote, do...

  We need 95% voting to even begin to have a real mandate.....and never stop as voting for president every 4 years,,,,is not the power of us....those local and stae elections are CRUCIAL as that is the balance of power vs the federal governemtn that can become all powerful     AND SINCE 2002, we have been living in an overghrown govt..DUE TO THE FEDERAL PASSING A LAW THAT TURNED VIRUTAL CONTORL OF THIS NATION OVER TO CONTRACTORS that now control access to our records....and to our publc treasuerey and our own rights of even life itself...

becamse they  FORGOT we are the boss and neglected to oversee what was being stuck into an earmark to a 6000 page bill that should have made our rights and naton more secure  and  GUTTED THE WHOLE THINGS BY  removing the right of budget to be used to oversee what the contractors wree doing and when laws broken turn what is now one entity of a 1000+ corporate names over to our legal system to deal with.....

   And the real govt pretends they are still dong the job and know what is going on AND NONE KNOW ANYTHING FOR SURE...CANNOT SPENT THE MONEY TO FIND OUT....AND WORSE   is the COVER UP BY CONGRESS OF A GAG ORDER RULE  TO NOT MENION, CONTACT OR HAVE A CONTRACTOR TESTITDY  and but for a few bills that put the oversight back in for that law for a time and right to oversee what is done....WE HAVE HAD NO GOVT IN CHARGE SINCE 2002   AND BY THAT TIME...wholesale contracting out of the world of govt  had gone on....

    WORSE  is the fooling of this one entity that is now international over control of nations  ….which illegally impersonate they are the real govt   but they are  not govt, phone numbers addresses or employees which the real govt still has oversight allowed and can be arrested for illegal acts....

   This becomes very crucial when THE GOVT IS NOT THE SNOOPER ON ALL OF US...

but the contractors who can do what they please with our info on and about they please...when a real govt employee can and could be arrested for what this nation has gone through for too many years now,,,,,and for real over the last couple of years….with perjury to a judge that led to search warrants vs a seated president... and not the first abuse of powers vs too many of us...since 2002 for 39 federal agencies judges are being defied by this cabal of WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATON FOR A WORLD DOMINTATONI ALREADY THAT THE ANTI CHRIST CAN RISE FROM AMONG IT FOR TOTOAL DOMINATION OVER THE WHOLE EARTH AND ALL OF US.....and can now start WWIII as thy manage and have ownership of the companies that make our weapons of mass destruction   and elsewhere in this world.....AND NO LEADER OF ANY NATRION HAS TO START OUR FINAL DEMISE.....

      Keep on voting for a decade as we can make mistakes on who will serve us best.....and I have made some mistakes we vote for imperfect humans....and some forget why we elected them.....or a few of us did.....that is the issue...we need a real mandate and that takes at least 95% voting to get that real majority of all of us.....WE HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO BE A SELF GOVERNING NATION...AS WE LEARN WHAT IS GOOD OR BAD CHOICES IN UR LIVES AND WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE MAKE THOSE CHOICES....and pray we have each other to hep us along the way.....and for those of faith THANKFUL FOR THE DIVINE  to ask for help and guidance and carry us on through when we mess up big time...


IN THE US CONSTITUTION.....WHERE IN THE TOTAL DOCUMENT IS ONE Sentence OF WHAT ANYONE WHO HOLDS A FEDERAL JOB IS TO PROMISE TO DO... that is called an OATH OF office..... to have the job....Its the implied promise each one is under when they are born a citizen of a nation or later choose to be one.... and if we break this simple promise....of a few words....we  CURSE OURSELVES INTO SELF DESTRUCTIONA FOR ANY ENEMY, FOERIGN OR DOMESTIC  AND SATAN HIMSELF....knows we are vulnerable to overthrow when we break it...


          " for the general welfare of the people and security of the nation"

         WE HAVE FAILED OURSELVES AND BROKEN OUR PROMISE AND THOSE WE ELECTED ( or a few of us elected since most did not even bother to vote at all)  have just hired a manager from the beast to rule over us and do as they please to us.....and we have been robbed of trillions and harms done all over to the fatal demise of millions by the illegal acts of those hired to run it and NO PROMISE TO UPHOLD OUR LAWS  or respect our human rights...

   And as this beast hires our good neighbors to work for it.....and deal with us daily......they soon find they are entrapped into the biggest organized crime ring of all of human history...worse than when Rome fell for much the same lack of the real govt taking care of the business of the people and nation and letting an crime ring run it with uprisings and grumbled for unfair and too often deadly and corrupted actions... where Satan of evil is the puppet master....

       All I am as sure of as anything is what has been documented on my own cases and shared here in this blog ince 12/08 to try and warn all that we are under an entity that is accountable to none of us or our duly elected govt.....and only a few times has any oversight been done...and then only a short time...US Senate is supposedly going to pass a law that no earmark to a law can be a permanent one....


  but what about the House  could and should have been done years ago rather than a cover up instead....

    Being equal before the law, should be …..all.. and our legal system deal with it...fairly and justly  with mercy when our laws says so....



     Read Daniel chapter 9- and the  FLODDS SAID TO BE ON US, BY US, AND FOR US...

         We have seem to already have an unnatural flow of seasons and out of kilter...since the flood etc.when science indicates we got knocked off our axis....and is this chapter indicating that was humanity's sin for getting science ahead of spiritual control of themselves.. what is all this fracking really doing to us beyond earthquakes shaking up ? how deep?

   Just how much of some of this is natural and others human done....many actually had state referendums to mess with weather decades ago  and all told it was to seed clouds in case of drought....and nations have hired the new royals of the world who go by the last name of contractors to make weather and oceans be manipulated.....and NO OVERSIGHT BY OUR GOVTS OF WHAT IS BEING DONE TO US....?

      Global warmers? We each leave a carbon footprint...BUT ITS NOT THE MAJOR each of us can take actions to grow a tree or some plants. and be wise in what we use and dispose of etc....but we have little control of what the beast system is doing unless we vote for those who will take care of that major overall bigger issue and have wise laws and oversight of what can be allowed to be done....HOW DID CHINA GET DUPED INTO FOSSIL FUELS AS BACK IN THE 1980'S BEFORE THEY BECAME INDUSTRIALIZEDTHEY WERE GONG SOLAR.....we were told.....and they have become a major polluter....    

     Now we find ourselves under the control of some our movies called 'mad scientists' who have little regard for human rights or respect for each ones life as valuable and precious  but for us all being enslaved to this beast system for its own agenda, of world domination , control  and facing death and total destruction of all

This is like a sci fi movie we saw as kids.....and its been allowed to be REAL NOW...

             9/23/17, star map of Revelation Chapter 12...dominates the Bible prophecy for a sign of the last phase of learning for us to OVERCOME and stop covering up OUR SINS. AND MAJOR SIN OF INACTION...AS APPROVAL for what others our names.. And will leave it up to many sincere scholars to figure out the weeks and days. and years...and when the rapture will be and we are warned by Christ that we will not know the exact time....but we are in some final steps now  and we have a make this a heaven on earth...or let us be overthrown into the path of death and destruction and deception of all of us.....even the most sincere have been fooled....and that is why its not one election...but everyone for about 10 years due to the overlapping of time of contracts. From one government administration to another.... until we have made it clear...

    WE  -ARE THE BOSS OFOURSELVES, OUR COMMUNITIES , NATIONS AND WORLD....and rare is the time we have any disagreement of what needs to be taken care of....even if we disagree on the to get it done....its why we have the brains of 8 billion of us now....and if 8 billion cannot figure this out...we are under a CURSE OF OUR OWN MAKING....

  disagree on what needs to be done. Of, By and For us....

                     VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!

Honor our elders who gave us the governing document to let us all be kings and priests (generic he for all ) and all we have to do is DO IT.... ( 'all be kings and priests is what the Bible says more than once..we are to be in the HEAVEN ON EARTH..OF PEACE...)

              In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may we never stop being rulers of ourselves and with others of our communities nation and world  as You taught us to be ….as You said that when we finally get our lessons of humanity learned of what we are to wonderfully be.....You will carry us on Your we become FREEDOM FOR ONE AND ALL BASED ON LOVE FOR ONE AND ALL.....AND NONE AMONG US EVER DO WRONG....ACTIONS AS EVIL WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TEMPT US WHEN WE HELP EACH OTHER WITH YOUR HOLY SPIRIT AS OUR LOVE TO FREELY HAVE AND SHINE ON FROM EACH OF US....

     MY prayers for all those who have my cases and judges orders to make sure they are obeyed and made available Lynn Blodgett et al to those in the govt you have not told the truth to....My prayers for you to share what you you know who is the top boss. who put you in charge of this nation...and others like contractors....and rescind your order to all to 'let her die" on many millions like me are directly affected.    and so is the survival of the planet and all of creation..

  as You taught us well...and we have the message in Scripture to all read and know and be warned of what we are not to do as well as do.....and its not because You are taking away our Freedom, but helping us understand....what it means to be FREE.... Praise to You and may we stop acting like bratty kids and grow up and be free and make good choices as You taught us well...And may Your return be a celebration and not You having to save us from ourselves. first..  Forgive me my personal sins and impatience  Amen!

                                 FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

    A site DAILY RECAP ADDED is just before or after this post....and the reward is each bloggers having their sites being shared on and on around the world with ease we lost with windows 8 until now....but for the last few years of SHARING APPS WHERE ONE CAN DO A DIRECT LINK FROM YOUR SITE TO OURS AND PASS IT ON...and no indication that the ease we lost with windows 8 and I have a desk top app that may also not work well after next year.....and no indication that those in control of the information highway  will design software like what was lost post windows7..

     Our reward is the thanks of the world, for having access to your truths...being shared when censorship by some makes little standards of any free society....Very little online is illegal and wish we had adopted he voluntary rating  system we have for movies and TV etc. and then the controllers could just change the rating if they think we got it wrong...

  Freedom is each one of us deciding what to accept or reject...and for our young... but for some that is clearly adult and we can censor our own family systems for that...etc...or try

     One of these sharing apps is attached to this post....and others exist.... and thanks to those who help ease the sharing of info in this world  as a direct link which is also free advertisement for those linked... This site does not solicit money for any entity or this site....and due diligence always  is needed....for any purchase or donation....


 Linda Joy Adams 5/29/19




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