Job 9 KJV - Then Job answered and said, I know it - Bible Gateway
For decades, a Bible has been opened at random daily and chapter read..using a variety of translations over time.....Always, some part has personal meaning as well as reflects events going on in the world...The battle for our souls between our good choices and those evil tries to trick us into are very real..
We humans, the best of all creation have free will and an innate desire for freedom and a Divine creator who loves us unconditionally as is part of the Divine mystery of three in one and human words have never been able to fully understand this...but it IS...the I AM WHO I AM.....of no beginning and no ending....even those concepts are hard to fathom in a world where we seek finite answers in an infinite existence...we can choose to have or not....
Some who access this site, are not Christian as its not just spiritual matters of the Divine that are shared of words of the Bible and personal thoughts of what it all means to one and all of us....
Faith is personal and one of those basic human rights that we each have been given the precious gift of freedom of even our most personal thoughts and its only evil that would try to turn us into "thought zombies" which we now have in science how to even physically prevent certain parts of our miraculous brains from being used...if we try to pray or mediate and search out that which is beyond our physical beings...
There is very little online that is illegal and although some should have CAUTION for children as some it a little too much is we had used that rating system we have for TV and MOVIES and should have been incorporated into all our posts at the beginning and we neglected to make sure its was done.....all of us...voluntarily....Some sites used to have such , but most do not....
Freedom is keeping the Information Highway open and if it means having some bill boards up along the be it....we have this on our paved highways throughout the land and but for some restrictions not to block traffic or interfere with utility lines etc....we live with it also as part of the FREE MARKET SYSTEM
The one positive of the open system and the all knowing rulers of the Internet,,,is they know what we might buy or be interested in and having ones own icon to log on with....we get ads for what might really be of interest to us and we have to be wise shoppers as to whether its really what we want or need as any common sense and general wisdom should be used manage our own lives and help with our personal household finances....
Most online is NOT ILLEGAL.. and even some very gross things have been deemed not violating our least in those nations with more freedoms....but a lot may not be fully truth and one has to use ones common sense to know what is just theory or opinion when presented as fact...and not an eyewitness or documented sources named....
And a lot of medical information is a real PROPAGANDA WAR now raging of some entities allowed to spew out info that has never been fully verified even by the FDA , and other parts of the govt, as since the law of 2002, much of all govt is now whole contracted out and NO EXISTING BUDGET CAN BE USED TO VERIFY AND DATA OR FACTS FROM THE CONTRACTORS WHICH NOW HAS VIRTUAL CONTROL OF ALL..even the FBI AND OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA BASES.....
So beware and ones doctor is still the best source to ask and even they as having to be micromanaged now by the entity that has grabbed unfair and trickery near total control of the world's info and data bases and the non govt overseen snooper who has our most personal of info, to even our e mails and phone calls IS NOT UNDER ANY GOVT CONTROL BUT contractors SUB CONTRACTORS EVEN and they ones with contracts do not even know what is going on as we all become pawns of the entity that has forced out almost any more ethical companies ...with all having to go along to get along AS WITH ANY TOTAL CONTROLLER....ACCOUNTABLE TO ONLY ITSELF....three is also NO GOVT ALLOWED TO CRIMINALLY INVESTIGATE NOR PROSECUTE AS again existing budget has to be used to do so...….And cannot.....since the law of 2002, but for isolated bills that have gotten passed into law...and this its only for a certain time and some parts of a whole and only some monies from our public funds covered in it..
And the people, are harmed 24/7 as we are robbed of our tax dollars and nation deep in debt to make up for theft losses by those now allowed direct access to steal from the US Treasury for years and missing monies was found to be a few years ago, more than the national debt
and instead of doing a full audit of the FEDERAL RESERVE which is the only entity which would know where the missing trillions have disappeared to by diversion of monies...that many may not know were illegally paid in their names but diverted before put in the named bank account as even banking contracts are not in the control of this international cabal of a 1000+ corporate names of shell companies and partnership deals that has nearly the entire nations of the world under one major maze of a BEAST SYSTEM AND WHO IS THE HEAD.? that emerges at the top of a family name of Blodgett that may not even be real of many parts of which Lynn Blodgett was named in writing and verbally by many at the top of our govt as the one whose word is accepted as truth, even with out any documentation to know and in my caseses39 federal agency judges orders withheld by this monster so that agencies have no idea what their own agency judges have ordered done....
Not only have our human rights and civil and constitutional rights disappeared as no audits means that is not overseen either...but along with the missing trillions that would give us a surplus instead of a national debt and congress goes along to get along and soon after what they had done in 2002 occurred a GAG ORDER RULE that is unconstitutional to not mention , contact or have a contractor testify and when a few bills got through into law with some oversight on parts....THEN the contractors used their devilish trickery and subcontracted out and did not wish to know and could truthfully say to Congress WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON ……..
And if their contract lost this entity will be back in charge with another or multiples of their companies bidding for the new contracts.....
The Dept of Defense contractors was not under the law of 2002....But if one entity has stolen trillions, they have much money to buy stocks in those contractors who make our weapons of mass destruction and who is in control of them...THE MILITARY UNDER THE PRESIDENT OR THE BEAST OF REVELATION SYSTEM and if this is not the one named in the Bible...then we have much worse then now ahead of us....unless we do the one thing to end this control
and that means 95% voting so that we have a real 50%+ that even elects most to office at every level from local to state and federal As so much of our local and state govt is run by the same cabal and even in private industry now that finds need to hire their managers to deal with its own cabal govt entities...etc....and wherever one works or in our daily lives we are under this one unaccountable cabal 24/7 AND NOT BE AWARE as they illegally impersonate they are the real govt and those who work for them from among us...are told its OK to not tell and that is illegal as we have the right to know the corporate name and what agency its contracted to when we share our most personal info with them and our personal data and financial info are to be held in trust by our govts and not be left unprotected for this cabal to abuse and misuse and protect from errors and even intentional alterations that in medical can lead to real harms and death by those who access for medical care...
Insiders have estimated 50 million deaths caused by illegal acts of this entity and yet...NO GOVT IN CHARGE means none can be investigated and arrested and stopped to prevent harms to the next victims in this horror...we have allowed to exist by our inattention to being the real boss of this nation....and the
for our times is STOP BEING FOOLED ..the govt is in a mess and we are the govt's boss and when we do not even try to be the boss..its affected all of us even if one has not had personal losses of lives of loved ones or financial hardships yet....WE ALL HAVE ALREADY as health care costs go up to cover the thefts and we now have new numbers out that 55 million of us have no safe food or medications even of over the we have not been counted as being affected by the additives and have no medications made for our specific needs if one is in the 55 million affected to some degree.....
And real lying now going on....the first one for years that medical tests prove is unreal....if one can even get tested anymore is that chemical inflammations and bad levels permanent damage...that is progressive to premature deaths..and still can only be slowed down IRRITATIONS WERE ROUTINELY CALLED ALLERGIES BY EVEN THOSE TRAINING OUR MEDICAL PERSONNEL when its not...ALLERGIES ARE WHEN ONE HAS HISTAMINE RECEPTORS AFFECTED AND TAKE AN ANTI HISTAMINE IS THE USUAL TREATMENT....AND FOR US
this is the opposite as its not that but irritation and inflammation and with a bad toxic or chemical exposure the top layer of our lymphatic organ is burned off even if we do not have a skin burning...the mucous membrane is burned off first And what my doctors at Mt Sinai explained to my nealrly30 years ago after 1/10/89 injury at work and I became one of 1/2 dozen in USA that became a type of legal medical precedent case for and all get what we get... awarded benefits and needed medical care.....NOW GETS NOTHING as we do not exist as more than once files and records have disappeared first out of real govt office back in 1990 so that the first GULF WAR VETS could be blocked form getting their benefits and treatment as third party law suits filed vs Dow Chemical for one..entity….and we 6, not among them..had to disappear also and had to fight to get Federal Employees worker Compensation Act benefits back and led to EEOC sanctions vs HHS and my co workers died and got worse as most got turned away from hospitals at the beginning to block initial crucial tests being done and violated New Jersey state laws on toxic exposures in the state....etc.
(Go to DAILY RECAP ADDED FOR 9/11/18 and read hidden history of the origins of 9/11/01 and why the 9/11 NJ WHITEWASH COMMISSION did not go back before 1995 and blew $40 million of our taxpayer monies and did not get the laws passed needed to stop this cabal and horror of less security we have now with NO GOVT IN CHARGE..and an invasion on our borders that could end with a trillion dollars in profits to this cabals HHS contracts taking care of the children and others in what had become their empty camps..etc…)
Follow the money still is a real investigative tool....when things seem to be going so wrong...
So many being duped by fake news, fake issues and woe to any trying to tell the truth...
As many laws and regulati0ons are getting passed now and have been and the attn is on some issues drudged into the public view by the main media distracting us....and still trying to find a RUSSIAN COLLUDER SOMEWHERE THAT NEVER EXISTED but by some cabal's interests and who might have been their puppet...and
before that the whole world is still looking everywhere but back in Topeka KS for Pres Obama's birth records they all had the duplicate birth announcements back in 2008 from his grandmothers near success in Hawaii and the real one in Topeka and all FELL TO THE TEMPTATION OF THE DEVIL AND COVERED UP THE TRUTH and all those asking still for donations to find it...NONE HEAD TO TOPEKA KS where my mother took his to Forbes Air force base hospital and was there when her 15 year old great niece in law had him and my dad married the Obama's in an arranged marriage (they never lived together I knew of) to give him a name and marriage certificate in 6/61 and laws at the time gave him dual citizenship and any real birth record has the US Dept of State file number on it...for 2 foreign born national as at least one parent was Obama and then Soetoro and go to
DAILY RECAP 9/14/12ff and track how Sec of Sate Kris Kobach did not tell the truth in court in Topeka and went along with the second forgery of 2012....after my affidavit to him and the search by his staff that ended with Soetoro so it was the official one for the second step fathers' adoption as Jim T Parks age 16 was lynched in the attach that was to have ended his mothers life and her unborn son back in 3/61....and an open murder case of 3 to this day...….
And when I found out the controversy after getting on line to blog.....and by 2012 had few who wished to know the truth at all AS MANY BIRTHERS HAD BIG MONEY TIED UP BASED ON FALSE INFO....AND REAL HATREDS SPURNED AND congress refusing to deal with it as the first entity to blow it was the US Senate where one files with documents to even run for the US Senate and blew it on Obama and also Ted Cruz who had not filed an affidavit with the us state dept. of choosing which country they want to be a citizen of when they became an adult....
DECEPTION and its both sides and woe to one who steps in with the real eye witness truth and NONE OF ANY SIDE WISHES IT TO EXIST...…
Like Job, we have had all taken away and some of even loss of loved ones and health along with wealth and wealth we could have had but blocked
Vote and be part of the solution!
and that is all elections local to federal and keep it up for about 10 years as these contracts are often 5 to 10 years before renewed and longer in some cases....what has gone on....and often its not the political appointees at the top of agencies that know any of this as kept in the dark for the few years until another of another political party is in power and the same deception for the new ones....and woe when one came along that begins to upset all and THE OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT FOR THE WHOLE GOVT NOW is under the White House and security clearance now nolongerunderthis cabal's control but given to the Military to do.....and yet..we almost had this cabal grandfathered in for the new repeal and replace health care law...and did any read it to know that the new would be the same as the old with this cabal running it with NO GOVT IN CHARGE ????
President Trump seems to not be aware either of just how totally awful this control if that he is to be over all the executive branch of govt to constitutionally CARRY OUR THE LAWS OF CONGRESS"and CANNOT as he cannot spend even existing budget to do so...…
And 12/08, I began this blog when I first found out...and could not stop Medicare not only being illegally made primary on me and posting form my federal employer illegally ignored and altered by contractors,,,but also I HAD BECOME 17 PEOPLE WITH 17 NUMBERS AND SO HAD MANY OTHERS AND ONE CONTRACTOR no longer with the contract did their job for over 2 years and documented what they said was a trillion dollar theft and in the fall of 2008, the evidence I had form this fake illegal system being sold WAS GONG IN AND FOUND OUR NO SEARCH WARRANT WAS GOING TO BE ALLOWED AS GOVT CONTRACTORS WERE NOT UNDER OUR LAWS TO STOP EVEN THIS....and I began blogging as those over payments are against the patients & heirs and medical personnel ad then after one contract now renewed by 10/6/16 IT BEGAN AGAIN NATIONWIDE...and all are affected and this cabal would love MEDICARE FOR ALL UNDER THEIR TOTAL CONTROL AND STEAL EVERY LAST HEALTH CARE DOLLAR and unless we elect those willing to put some govt in charge to stop crimes and real harms to even murder which what is illegal acts that cause deaths then WE HAVE FALLEN TO EVIL AND WHERE IS HEAVEN ON EARTH WE HAVE ALL WE NEED TO MAKE FOR OURSELVES??
The more we follow the good of caring and love for one another; the harder the Devil wants us to turn on ourselves and each other and follow his death and destruction...
If one is under the attack of evil , figure you must be doing something right and good and then have to be wise to not let that be a trap in itself.....Its why we need each other and form faith groups to help keep us on the good path...but it can come under attack as each one of us has our own demons that follow us in and have a meeting vs us...just as Job did.....
In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may we all have the wisdom of Job to not fall to the evil one who wants the destruction of our souls and loss of eternal life with You...and may all of us find our way to be the rulers of our selves and nations and find all You gave us to have HEAVEN ON EARTH You had us pray for and stop the HELL ON EARTH we have almost gotten fully in place of no rights to even pray to You for guidance and have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide us back to the good path from the thorny maze of the bad.... May You come soon and remove this evil from among us....but I know I am not perfect and pray for resistance as You taught all of us what we need to do...Believe on You and share Your love for us with others even we have to reject some things said and done as not best....and stop those few from doing harm to others as we have our legal systems that need to work for JUSTICE AND MERCY FOR ONE AND ALL....
Prayers for our elected leaders to follow the good and not be tempted to follow the evil ones ways....Amen!
( plan to get a one list made up and then add to daily as new sites found and then link daily with the updates...) To thank all those who have a universal sharing app posted on their site to easily do a direst link of your truths on to our readers and on and on….with such censorship issues going on now that are not good, even if some sights are a little beyond the pale...on one side or antoher….as long as real illegal matters not on there. Its freedom AND VERY LITTLE IS....ILLEGAL and its my free will choice not to access those I choose not to …..
As a Christian, I do have a personal belief that the end our physical lives, we will all meet Unconditional Love. Going over to heaven means accepting this we call Christ.....but that is my opinion and You may have many others....But ONE WORLD RELIGION seems to be one issue that got some articles censored for opposing it as FREEDOM MEANS WE CHOOSE EVEN IF I THINK YOU ARE faith cannot be forced and any group who ever has tried has ended with real violence and wards and awful clashes...and no good for any side..
Satan is not happy that the whole world has gravitated to acceptance of the underlying teaching of Christ to care and help others...and its common sense and common wisdom that its better to help others help themselves and have freedom from entrapping dire poverty that make life itself not exist..
And some deep state and cabal with access to an army greater than any nations led by bad not wish to have us vote and elect those who either serve us , or we send them home next election day and hire others to take care of all those things none of us can all do each one alone....
And do not try to elect an idol , magician or messiah...Christ is not on the ballot....just imperfect humans to be elected by us imperfect one...and be thankful our founders understood this and gave us a governing document that can grow with our better understandings and have checks and balances on imperfect humans that can stray from good and the rest take actions to stop them....and getting distracted by fake items is the work of the devil for the entire govt and nation which we are the boss to be distracted and not be aware of laws or regulations or policies getting passed that may not be the best for one or all of us.....
Linda Joy Adams 5/9/19
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