
Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Hebrews 8 KJV - Now of the things which we have spoken - Bible Gateway

   For decades a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read.. Translations can vary each time through...Always some part has personal meaning as well as reflects events going on in the world....often a spiritual underlying cause or meaning that has been breached from good to not good choices and much or many suffering due to what has been chosen to do by those in higher places in the world...

    This chapter puts a lot of responsibility on the highest levels of spiritual leadership and a major CAUTION is that even the most ' moral and best leader of a spiritual flock...has sins to repent of also....and must....None but Christ has ever had perfection in this earthly plain.and since He was part Divine as we Christians believe....He could resist temptations, even of the highest offers of world wide domination by Satan himself...( I use the generic He as that is the words of the Bible.)

    There are some that are not Christian who access this blog.  and that is respected as faith is personal and never can be forced....never has worked by one group or another on others in human history and its a matter of the heart and soul and choices made to come to whatever understanding one know the origins and get us back to the Garden of Eden we got kicked out of due to our disobedience to the one of three parts we Christians call the Trinity .

   This chapter also explains that Christ is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all in one... and the use of those words often has caused some confusion when some religions such a the Mystery Babylon one had gods who intermarried with  human women and had sons on Earth.....a [perversion of the original meaning...

      John's Gospel, which many scholars consider the latest one written and time to  ponder much of decades after Christ was here...and rose and ascended...said that GOD IS LOVE  and is the WORD and it was made Flesh....a MYSTERY even science cannot fully explain  but its why we know in our souls that the I AM WHO I AM is real and exists and is from and through we were created....

And since the fall from grace in the garden...we can sin and fall short of grace....and have to repent of our sins to get back to full acceptance of the Divine to be in us and shine through us and we were made to care and share that love.....and learn to resist the temptations of evil that we are faced with..

      And the higher one is in spiritual leadership as well as secular leadership also....the more directed one can be targeted for falling into sins.....and must keep our souls on Divine Love of Him and    why its imperative that all of us pray for those in high leadership of any kind.....even pray for our enemies who have done us so much wrong...even to real illegal harms....

   My prayers daily are for those named in this blog who have been well documented as doing real harm to me and mine and defying 39 judges and broken thousands of laws since 1/10/89 as well as many before that which have cause me and mine real harms and financial losses....and intentional and the higher ups and others who WENT ALONG TO GET ALONG  AND THESE ARE THE ONES WHO DO ALL OF US IN..EVEN THEMSELVES when they know better and find it easier to ignore aid and abet the horrors all around all of us now even when their own loved ones fall prey to the unaccountable cabal now totally in charge  and convinced our govts and UN TO have NO GOVT IN CHARGE and all become prey for the taking by them along with our public treasuries as we physically become collateral damage of loss of even life...for their grabbing for wealth and power over all....and FREEDOM AND FREE WILL  is a threat to any who wishes to be the one who dominates all.

    The opposite of anything Christ wishes us to be.....Freely love Him and each other....etc. and for one to repent, some action has to change or the sinning continues....and there are 39 judges orders to be obeyed and laws and rules that have been neglected way to long. and the ignoring of them and lying about them is the horrific harm done to me and mine and the millions my typed of medical precedent case became what all get ...nothing or the standards of medical care and benefits already awarded but NO GOVT MEANS...THE CONTRACTORS IN TOTAL CHARGE OF NEARLY THE WORLD OF A 1000 NAMES...IS NOT UNDER THEM ...official not since the law of 2002....and then gag order rule of Congress that hides this from all as THE REAL FAKE NEWS IS WE HAVE A GOVT IN CHARGE AND ALL WE HAVE IS those in agencies pretending they know and do not and we all suffer for real FAKE GOVT....AND A FAKE CAMPAIGN DEBATE OF BIG OR SMALL GOVT..WHEN we have NONE and that is the most horrific situation for any part of humanity  as when horrific crimes occur we have no one to call to for help and all are on their own....

                                                     UPDATED NUMBERS OF DISAPPEARED

  Yesterday, I posted an article about a lawsuit one that now numbers that who are the non allergic patients to react to chemicals …… is not just the 20 million of the non allergic asthmatics but 55 MILLION THAT ARE LABELED AS HAVING MCS-----

     What is that.?/ The definition is MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITIES and if exposure is not avoided than the irritation and inflammation lead to bleeding and infection and sepsis and death.....

   To call is sensitivity makes it sound as if its a slight annoyance....but its can be just a deadly as one with a severe allergic reaction....who have full protection of our laws and the cabal to have labeled to read to avoid..the allergens   and treatments of anti histamines and epi pens...

     But we who have opposite and used to have safe medications for varying part of the body and inhalers and anti-inflammatory meds that were not made unsafe and deadly by adding the very ingredients that are the harming ones...….and then not truthfully label   WE DO NOT EXIST AND HAVE NOT BEEN COUNTED AS EXISTING SINCE THE FIRST GULF WAR VETS CAME HOME and woe if a few damage claims had  been paid for those who served this nation and some got into a variety of chemicals that ended with a life time of medial needs and premature deaths.....And some was pure negligence on the part of war profiteering and no care for the health and lives of our own....not all was enemy sent.....

                      Multiple means that two or more body organs are affected....and  the figure now quoted for all of us in one group where chemicals that are deemed safe amounts for those not injured over time or in one bad incident....where mucous membranes and our bodies filtering system is now

                                         55 million....

 and the propaganda war rages with those who make these offending chemicals and the cabal contractors in total control of health care who will not allow hospitals and others medial sources to even recognize our special needs and whey the most dangerous place for we 40% of asthmatics alone is an emergency room...and worse is any emergency meds that might be administered that are laced with potentially deadly chemical for us..... Meds made for the opposite condition to treat common symptoms is taught to be the ones and are and never have been ACCEPTED TREATMENT STANDARDS FOR US

    55 MILLION DISAPPEARED  which THANKFULLY NOT ALL ARE ASTHMATICS.. but its rare to have had a toxic and chemical exposure and not have inhaled...and have some degree of harm done that never heals and all that can be done is slow down the progression....IF MEDS ARE EVEN MADE THAT ARE SAFE AND THEY ARE NOT AND none for left ventricle heart failure  etc. and why I have done this series of what my doctors and I have done for me to survive..


  and the solutions used etc. are all over the counter and allowed to be sold for human consumption  but  much has no truth in labeling for us to know what is in each...bottle of pills etc. EVEN EACH PILL CA BE A DIFFERENT CHEMICAL  mix  as pills are made all kinds of places in the world and them sent to USA to be packaged and about the only thing checked for is the medication prescribed by your doctor,, but the rest of the added ingredients can be a real mystery and that is what we 55 million become the disappeared with NO PROTECTIONS FOR OUR HEALTH AND LIVES AS THOSE WITH PEANUT AND MILK ALLERGIES DO....and rarely is any allergic to chemicals  its an inflammer....

  While most who are still OK are said to be able to tolerate parts per million of even common chemicals used for clearing and perfumes etc. and ozone emitting air purifies and oxygen concentrator we speak of need for less than PARTS PER BILLION USED TO AND NO PARTS PER TRILLION ARE KNOWN TO CAUSE REAL HARM AND THE FIRST THING TO DO IS AVOID IT...

                               I am not a doctor, but have been a patient of some of the best in the USA and even the world who have been in the USA at times....and the doctor who headed up research at the National Institutes of health back when the govt did research on this...and then due to it being done as research on chemicals in tobacco causes a legal conundrum for all of us that did not even begin to end until 2009...and then major back lash....One may have had nothing to do with any form of tobacco product in being harmed...and yet if the GULF WAR VETS HAD BEEN PAID AND THE 1/2 DOZEN OF US ALREADY AWARDED SOME KIND OF BENEFITS BASED ON THE RESEARCH   ------we were proving by our claims how bad tobacco it contains the same chemicals one can be around that can get in the wrong mix and cause bad injuries that progress to death....

   And the research from MT Sinai in NYC finally published last year by peer review acceptance  was how this filtering system we have gets damaged and this was explained to me back in 1991 there by doctor...HOW MUCH OF GOOD MEDICAL FACTS HAVE BEEN SUPPRESSED OVER TIME AND WHY AND BY WHO..?? The sinners of greed and power and wealth and disregard for worth of every life...and the opposite of Christ's teaching and much of the common wisdom of all faiths that all life has precious value...

    This seems as bad as Galileo and Copernicus being in mortal danger for saying the EARTH REVOLVES AROUND THE SUN AND NOT THE OPPOSITE...? and no one died from the knowledge of that in health care....its a life and death struggle that never should exist yet.....


FOR SURVIVAL OF THE 55 MILLION OF SUB GROUP OF 20 MILLION_- NON ALLERGIC ASTHMATICS....of entire lymphatic system which means this diagnosis may be revised with the new accepted study last year of that entire system as an organ.....nearly 10 % of those entering a hospital are affected...and more studies are linking much more diseases and conditions to inflammations and even allergic types can also have both.... 55 million out of 350 million we have counted in USA and another 50 million unknown trespassers....??  Health care now under this cabal that will not count us at all.... WE EXIST AND WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF BEING THE DISAPPEARED YOU SAY TO "LET HER DIE" TO....AND ABOUT TIME WE HAVE SOME GOVT ALLOWED TO PUT THOSE IN CONTROL we never elected to be sent to our legal system for dispensation.....

                                                             PART 4


   With even the antibiotic I used to have on hand now laced with this e4m ether alcohol cellulose and reactions of Cednifer….have to use caution not to get an infection  and part of this prevention is the Mucipricon non cream ointment prescribed and listed in Part 3 prescriptions...

         And since even flu shots are laced with a formaldehyde wash and can cause severe reactions and internal bleeding...not just a skin rash in a 1/2 hour that can bleed as some of the newer adhesive tapes do that are used in medical facilities and with 55 MILLION OUT OF 350 MILLION THAT MIGHT END UP IN ONE.... are being harmed due to DISCRIMINATION BY THE CABAL RUNNING HEALTH CARE WITH NO ACCESS TO CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINTS and mine have been filed as retaliation for EEOC SANCTIONS ALREADY over this...and not one has been allowed to be docketed in and answered for over a the HHS OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS IN DALLAS  and no process to get a number and that first step is needed for even going to court...ALL ONE HAS IS THEIR CERTIFIED MAIL Receipt AND A VERBAL SNOTTY WE GOT IT VIA THE PHONE...CALL....
      All of all that is in this blog since 12/08 is in their and the retaliation from day one for even filing it has been horrific and severe....and HIPPAA DOES NOT HELP as govt contractors are not under that law ever...even before the law of 2002 and assault to do bodily harm not covered or any kind of harm  done.... The assault to one of us 55 million of even parts per billion or trillion is harm done.....and with up to 400 million that may be inside our borders of just one nation and 8 billion on this planet....we could end up with 2/3rd being told we have no rights of even life...when medically we should....
 1.    ELDERBERRY  Have used this daily in flue season and the liquid I had used in the pass a few 2 times a day....has changed and found an expensive lozenge that does pretty well....and take one at night now every day as its an anti viral  and bacterial infections can lead to that and there is always the common cold in this world also...
     ZAND  brand of ELDERBERRY ZINC HERBAL LOZENGE and it has some other herbs in getting the elderberry in some form and be organic and not overly expensive and much of it is....  1 lozenge before bed.... and its too expensive to use all the day if one does get a virus..etc.. and will keep alert for some elderberry syrup etc.
   Have tried to grow it here as it grows wild in Kansas. But just never succeeded....
2..  POMEGRANATE and this was recommended by a doctor of mine...and  its also expensive...but found  USDA JUICE FROM GREAT VALUE...BUT much is filtered water and then found online from Iherb a  pure organic  concentrate and I add my own filtered water  about teaspoon per 10 ounces to sip on during the day... and its organic and not as expensive as some....Using for a couple of months now:  
made by DYNAMIC HEALTH  and refrigerate after opened 
       The  FREE AND FAIR MARKET SYSTEM IS TRYING TO MEET THE DEMANDS AND  the war wages as not all wish to change...and we never should have gotten into this fake food and awful additives in medications either....
BODIES...AND THEN not get fooled into the govt hiring this cabal to take our tax dollars and scam us some more. with no oversight ...Its what each one can do that is best for us and our loved ones....after all. and natural and green vs cement and healthier and clean air and clean water..IS THE BEST WAY TO REDUCE HEALTH CARE COSTS  and not poison the meds and vaccines etc. we still may need to have ……
   And we need laws that help us do what we each are called to do....that support individual and community efforts and its not just govt money being spent... but it may be some support for subsidizing longer term loans etc....and zoning law that think a food garden is just as beautiful as manicured lawns laced with herbicides..etc...… and that light pole available for use for a solar light or wind generator..etc.....A LOT THAT IS ONE BY ONE STEP BY STEP  and   I do not know how much is human caused of climate this planet always has had climate changes....COMMON SENSE  needs to prevail of what to do.... and we have passed laws over time to help profits for a few that ended with product that would be  BETTER FOR GREENNESS like industrial hemp....and please we do not need that made into the next ether alcohol either....
              The worse is collect a lot of taxes or print more money and have no accountability for those who get it to do something and get robbed and we have for many years now....
   Who has not been aware and thanks to AOC in Congress to get our attn back on real survival and not some fake Russian under a rock somewhere to find … LETS BE PRACTICAL AND one size does not fit all....And solar panel in an area that gets hail at time...are they hail proof....How about wind generators on the top of our cars and when we go home at time we plug our homes into our cars....??
 And a window box of ones favorite herbs in a sunny window might be  start....Parsley is one of the most nutritious ones and sprig has a lot of good vitamins in it....Its not just for looks...I soak the seeds over night in luke warm water -filtered is help germinate and then some good more organic soil … continually will grow as sprigs are picked...
 Cities never should have been built without greenery and solid cement... as air is purified by many varieties and bit by bit we can do this in our own communities....even school children can help and have a school garden where some of the produce is eaten for lunch....
     And does Snap cards (food stamps) still pay for garden seed yet?? These are the things in our laws that can help promote better health from cleaner air and water and OVERSIGHT SO THAT NO CABAL COMPANY OF Lynn Blodgett can do what was done to Flint Michigan ever again....and why are we still paying for fluoride to put in our water systems when science says now its harming we buy filters to get it back out.... 
                         VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!
     In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we not forget You told us to take care of this planet and be good stewards of our use of its our home and we each are to have  part of it for our own homes and homelands... You gave us brains to think and free will to be creative and love to share and find all we can from each other as to what we can do for heaven on earth You even taught us to pray for.....And forgive us for getting ourselves in such a mess by not obeying Your good wishes for us...
    And when we do have positions of higher leadership, help us not to forget we can still make mistakes and have to repent of our sins and get back on track to good  And pray for those now in total control that have led us astray into harms way all over this world....and may we take a better path for good for one and all of us...Amen!

                            NO NEW ADDITIONS TO WEBSITE WITH UNIVERSAL SHARING APPS TODAY...TO THANK FOR HELPING KEEP THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY OPEN for ease to do direct links of your truths passed on and on and one....
                     VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!
Linda Joy Adams 5/8/19



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