
Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Hebrews 7 KJV - For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, - Bible Gateway

       For decades a Bible is opened at random and chapter read daily...translations may vary each time through and this time the King James version is being used and thanks to the linked source that has many translations posted for the public to access....

   As the day progresses, some part has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us

              This chapter 7 of Hebrews seems to be one not often discussed or studied and is that because it holds great mystery of who this King of Salem was and is....

   Some scholars say it was one of Noah's sons, and others that it was Christ in some pre part human form...but as always, we should go to the direct sources we still have to find out what is said about this mysterious person that is said that Christ was of the "ORDER OF MELCHISEDEC."

                                  HERE IS A LIST OF ATTRIBUTES THIS REVEALING SAYS!

1.  king of Salem

2.  priest of the most high God

3.  met Abraham after he slaughtered kings

4.  Abraham gave him tithe of 10% of all 'spoils' of wars

5.  interpreted as King of righteousness

6.  King of Peace (meaning of word Salem?)




10. No birth, or beginning but always existed before creation?

11. Can never end or die

12. made like Son of God but not is-was this before His earthly birth from Mary?

13. a priest forever- spiritual head?- one who looks out for humanity? for creation?

14. even great Abraham paid him a tithe-great respect did not conquer him as he had many

15. began the practice of paying tithes to support the priesthood since Moses gave job to Levites

16. Melchisedec is not from Levi as he was before Jacob had 12 sons

17. Melchisedec blessed Abraham

18. Melchisedec knew that Abraham had the promises  given to him

19. the less is blessed of the better...Melchisedec is better than Abraham given the bigger promise?

20. tithes of those who can die are paid to one who always lives- (before Christ offers eternal life?)

21. witnesses that Melchisedec lives

22. Levi, born hundreds of years later paid tithes to Abraham (honor to his name?)

23. Levi, as all of us are in the DNA OF OUR ANCESTORS? and exist before our earthly birth?

24. Melchisedec met Levi, before earthly birth  when he met Abraham DNA OR SOUL BEFORE?

25. Melchisedec met Levi's father when he met Abraham...a pre existence for all humanity?

       only regaining eternal life through the death and resurrection of Christ...who became part as us?

26. Levi was not perfect as Melchisedec  what is perfection- ?

27.  Need for another priest to rise not from Levi or his descendent Aaron brother of Moses and 1st

       priesthood order under Law from Moses....

28. No (Fully?)human has been perfect enough to replace Melchisedec

29. The new priest from Melchisedec will not be from the order of Aaron (not perfect)

30.  When new priesthood put in place a new law would be needed. (Christ was the new law?)

31.  New priest would not be from the tribe of Levi as Aaron was...or Moses was also

32.  Levites were the ones who took care of the altar -temple and the New priest was not of that

                                                 AUTHOR SOLVES THE MYSTERY

                                                   (tradition says its Paul, but scholars have disagreements on this)

1. Christ sprang (not regular kind of birth of 2 earthly parents out of the tribe of Judea  

    the southern kingdom and Benjamin through King David

2.  Moses never said these 2 tribes would be the priesthood

3.  Melchosedec is a different type of priesthood than the descendants of Aaron

4.  A new priest that is eternal no beginning and no ending

5.  Not made by carnal as humans have been since Adam and Eve?

6.  Made from power of endless life (Holy Spirit/)

7.  said to be after the order of Melchisedec  ( eternal?)

8.  the earthly birth of father and mother is removed as all of us are made to reproduce with one each

9.  The old law is replaced by the new one with Christ that is perfect and no weaknesses of the old one

10.Christ is now  priest forever  with no weakness and full profit (heaven for all hell is removed)

11.The old law could only give the promise of hope for a wonderful future...sometime in the future

12. The promise becomes real as we become close to God-drawn =invited?

13. Christ came from God and that was His oath of office of priesthood?

14. Christ gave oath to that which was Him...(trinity explained/)

15. priests-plural are made like this? and is this humanity saved? made into His royal priesthood by     

      faith? we can all be like this of the Priesthood of the order of Melchisedec.?

16. Jesus shows us the way to this royal priesthood of a better perfect one through or in Christ

17. Many priests called to be such who will never see before -future promise of post

      tribulation times when no death ever exists again for we are eternal like the angels??

18. Christ, this man, never dies as HE IS - and thus His priesthood never changes as the earthly one

      from Aaron ....

19. Christ can save us for eternity

20. Christ gets us to God

21. Christ is the intercessor from us to God...

22. Christ became as us...weakness of the flesh existed that can be harmed...

23. Christ is more than us due to only part like us

24. Christ is holy. completely.

25. Christ harms none

27. Christ is separate from sinners. even as he mingled with them to save them.

28. Christ is higher than the heavens.

29. Christ has no daily needs as the priesthood from among us humans does-but He did eat and sleep

       and bleed.

30. He did not need to make sacrifices. for His sins we do

31. HE IS THE SACRIFICE FOR ALL OF US  He became the sacrifice so we do not need to...He   

      paid the price for all of us... The REAL NEW WORLD ORDER OF GOOD!?

32. He only had to do it once and it was done....for all who have ever been, past present and

      future...for all of us are in existence before we became the first births of us...

33. His Divine Love had Him offer Himself to save all of us....

34. We are high priests by laws and rules for our human weaknesses to be under

35. Oaths are made to the old laws and rules....due to our human weaknesses (can be tempted to evil)

38. The Word of the oath is made flesh in Christ

39.  Earthly priests have weaknesses of the flesh and can be tempted to follow evil

40.  The word was the law, but is now the Son 


                                  WHO IS THE MELCHISEDEC?

                                           Christ before He became part flesh and lived among us to be the sacrifice that though His death and resurrection all of us can be saved for eternity...where evil is removed from ever tempting us again... to reject His Divine Love of what is called the Father but is three parts of one entity....the biggest mystery of all....we believe by no science can explain it...we just know its real.....

                     In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may our faith in You never waver even if our human minds cannot fully grasp all the mysteries of You.....You are, is, am are being and always will be...

     Guide us through to Heaven and may we change our sinning ways to have heaven on earth You taught us all to pray for...Amen!

                                         FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

  JUST BEFORE OR BEHIND THIS post is the DAILY RECAP ADDED each day and still compiling the total list since began it 2/27/19 as find those who have added a universal sharing app to their sites so that no matter what happens on the information highway we may still be able to direct link your truths to ours and pass it on....

 FREEDOM IS THE FOUNDATION OF WORLD PEACE   for one and all and getting to know each others and the wide things all have to share is crucial   and but for some posts that may need a caution for children and maybe ask doctor for any new treatments etc...its freedom of our souls at stake  to find each one our own way  to what we each wish to know and believe....

  Very little is online that is illegal.. even if some is not what I would choose to share....and its my free will not to read or share it...

        We can make it easier to do the direct links that we lost with windows 8 and no indication its being replaced by any better and even though I had a custom design created to keep the google toolbar n what windows 10 calls a desktop app....that may not work after next year...

 And why becoming online friends or followers of any sites you may wish to easily access in the future may be the only underground information highway many I subscribe to and most are free....have already been censored by some ….

    And if each one of us cannot have the common sense to know what side or bias one is from,,,then we are in real trouble in our daily lives on this planet as who does not have an opinion and we bloggers seem to be  ones with the most opinions of all....and a desire to let the whole world know what we think...and wish to share and wonderful! I will decide the worth, not any censor or govt....

And why what I access and get by e mail daily is from all spectrum's of thinking... amazing when some tidbit of info is shared by those we usually disagree with but our souls see value and truth shared anywhere...its who we are as humanity...A mixture that is to be celebrated...just keep it legal by standards of the most free society ….and not liking a politician... legal and

     Some who access this post are not Christian and that is respected...but pray you consider the common wisdom of His teachings and basic logic of better choices to be each of us.....

Faith cannot be forced as its personal of the soul...and any group in history who has tried to have all believe the same...has ended in horrific tragedies and horrors of even bloody wars...and not the way to convince anyone of anything that way.... and why any who would try to force a ONE WORLD RELIGION ON THIS WORLD OF ONE WAY TO EVEN THINK is not going to want the  FREEDOM OF THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY TO EXIST as any one can share and direct link on and on and on.. what they wish to share on and on and on.....

   As a Christian, I believe at the end of this earthly existence He is the one we have to go through to get to eternity...And how that will be is another MYSTERY! and leave me with my mysteries to you do yours...


Linda Joy Adams 5/14/19


      There are some who access this

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