
Saturday, May 25, 2019

(big theft is still the govt contractors that have no oversight by the real govt since 2002 law...CONGRESS WILL NOT PROTECT MEDICARE OR ANY HEALTH CARE OR SSA/)Healthcare Fraudsters Steal $1.1. Million Per Case, Outpacing Other Industries

Healthcare Fraudsters Steal $1.1. Million Per Case, Outpacing Other Industries: Dallas was home to the largest healthcare fraud case in the country this year, as guilty verdicts came down for a number of defendants in federal court for $200 million worth of fraud in the Forest Park Medical Center case. Data from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners shows that when owners and executives commit fraud, healthcare executives take even more than other industries. Healthcare fraud adds to the healthcare costs of everyone, as insurance companies and employers that make fraudulent payments have to get that money from somewhere, often resulting in increased premiums that have contributed to the country's skyrocketing healthcare costs. The average household has gone from spending 7 percent of its income on healthcare in 1996 to over 23 percent today. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners put together an infographic that gives a look into healthcare fraud nationwide, and it revealed that owners and executives in the healthcare industry stole a median of $1.1

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