
Saturday, May 25, 2019

9FEDS CANNOT VERIFY ANY DATA OR GACTS FROM CONTRACTorS..DOING MOST WORK NOW?! SINCE LAW OF 2002!)New Rules for Safety Net Hospitals Reduce Readmission Penalties, UTSW Research Shows

New Rules for Safety Net Hospitals Reduce Readmission Penalties, UTSW Research Shows: In order to reduce health system costs nationwide, legislation created penalties for hospitals if patients are readmitted within a certain time frame after being treated, but new research from UT Southwestern Medical Center reveals that a rule adjustment is causing penalties to drop for hospitals that treat riskier patients. Hospitals such as Parkland that care for socioeconomically disadvantaged patients are more likely to have patients who leave the hospital and go back to unstable environments where they can't or don't follow doctor's orders closely, which can result in a return of symptoms. Patients may have transportation hurdles that keep them from properly keeping their prescription, or they may have to go back to work sooner than is advised. There are any number of social determinants that significantly impact some patients' health more than others, meaning these hospitals suffer from higher readmission rates because of societal factors, not the care they received. But

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