
Saturday, April 27, 2019


Nehemiah 4 KJV - But it came to pass, that when - Bible Gateway  Thanks to this linked site that has the Bible in many translations available for all.....lots of study helps also.  The greatness of the free open highway  of cyber space and very little is illegal on it...May it not be taken from all of us...

         For years, a Bible is opened at random daily and a chapter read as varying translations have been used over time,,,as this blogger is not a Hebrew or Ancient Greek scholar... only got a brief introduction to original languages on Seminary...But enough to know that Hebrew is a language of eternity with no beginning and no end...something difficult to translate into most others that are not so open...

  At least, resources  are available should one wish to look up words and or phrases for more in depth study...between languages and much is also on line  now as 'information goes to and for' in these times post  Revelation 12 Star Map of one time historical happening that the ancients knew well as the original Bible: before the time of the Tower of Babel and meanings got changed and that language of the signs from the Almighty has been a jumble ever since to this very day...when most of humanity forgot the original and mixes terms and meanings into the Mystery Babylon religion of human sacrifice and loss of precious worth of each wonderful person that the Divine creator of Divine love made 'in his image.'  As John says in his gospel: 'God is love' and "the word was made flesh " in part of the mystery of FATHER  SON AND HOLY SPIRIT. that those words do not fully describe what is much more than the earthly meaning that some in this world cannot fully accept....and a mystery that human words fail to fully describe....which faith in this Divine is rebuffs for the use of earthly words....

   Some who access this blog are not Christian, and that is respected as faith cannot be forced and any group or faith that has attempted to make all believe the same has never worked even at the point of  death and destruction of annihilation....  We were wondrously made to  be free and have free will to choose the ways of life and love or the ones of death and destruction......And study of history by our youth is crucial to helping them make those choices once they leave the protection and guidance  of those who raised them....prayerfully what are the better choices to make in life... as most of us were blessed to have...even if we sometimes thought we knew better and defied and disagreed... but appreciated more once we became parents and the whole we it has throughout human history since Adam and Eve became aware that they could make bad choices and defy the Divine's warning and got us into this world to make our way through history back to creating a heaven on Earth and not a hell.... and those choices of good vs evil is now at an impasse and the final choices made of which side we are each tonight to be on: LIFE AND LOVE FOR ETERNITY ; OR DEATH AND DESTRUCTION...

   Right now, with all out power of the people to be the full rulers of this creation given us to live in and told to take care of::…we have shirked our responsibility we have had since Adam and Eve and  all our current  direct ancestors of all now..Mr. and Mrs. Noah...( do not forget her)  who had to start over after the cataclysm that flooded us into death and chance of renewal... even when the fallen angels returned to track and mislead us all . and the more we get wise to evil traps, the trickier evil is to keep us ignorant and have its one world religion of death and destruction without  Christ the risen Savior that is the rock that crushed any attempt to make each of us a THOUGHT thanks its the more personal of freedoms to the Divine.. and only from within each heart and soul does belief come...Not even a brain implant that zaps us into fire and science can now do.. when we do not bow to the beast system of revelation already allowed to be in near total control of all of us   accountable to no govt of, by and for the people... An overthrow of all freedoms, voted in by our elected leaders....and covered up for years now... since 2002 in USA..

      As long as evil tempts some to  cause death and destruction to one and all...we have to have govts we can turn to stop them and bring them to our legal systems or we have been OVER COME rather than being OVER COMERS as each called to be by Christ....

   Since 2002 law, we are nearly the privatizing of the work of govt, has left us under the control of an international entity that cannot be audited to make sure our laws and rules and human rights are being upheld for all of us  AND  cannot be criminally investigated and prosecuted  with theft of trillions from our public treasury that has turned us into a mortgaged nation when the money collected is and has been sufficient for a surplus to do those things any group or nation's people need to share the cost of to have...

    And the premeditated genocide that is and has been going on  vs our very lives especially in our health care systems of NO GOVT IN CONTROL AT ALL for our caring medical providers and patients to turn to for help when coerced and black mailed into submission to this entity of a 1000 + names  created by shell companies with names hard to remember and partnership deals and sub contractors who now have real control of the named govt contractors. Or those still under some govt control the DOD ... used to trick all as they illegally impersonate they are  the govt....and how even our weapons of mass destruction have fallen to their control to start WW III  with no leader of a nation giving any order.....and this overthrow has been done to humanity from one nation to an era when the people of the world, have more ballot box access to decide their own self governed fate than ever….I history.. Why don't 95% vote so the power of us

   And instead of 95% voting in all elections as local and state ones are curial to how are lives are affected 24/7  we choose to give up our rights of eve life and livelihood and some show up every 4 )in USA)years trying  to elect a magician, idol or MESSIAH  to miraculously make every thing heavenly  and so far Christ has  not been on the ballot and He says when He does return He will still not BE the govt, but the GOVT WILL BE ON HIS SHOULDERS as we are to be  KINGS AND PRIESTS ALL... (that includes the she's, etc. as Christ has full equality of  each one of humanity)

  The main thing He may do  is make sure  systems cannot be hacked we use to vote with a few minutes a day to decide what is to be done locally to nationally and internationally among sovereign we each rule from our own privately owned lands and homes...

       Moses came down from the mountain and shook the world with 10 rules to live by  as no more are we to worship a leader as a god or idol as they are not   and any leaders can make a mistake  and why our founders who could read that 'covet' meant NOT TO ABUSE AUTHORITY WHEN ONE HAS IT  as the underlying meaning...and why Satan has to get those taken down from public places before he can enter and do the opposite to one and all....and his unaccountable system is virtually in place....almost   and has attacked any elected leader that attempts to return us to 'make the rules given to Moses on the mountain the foundation of freedom for one and "be a free and independent people" of self we say thought our votes who is to serve us and who is removed....with peaceful -----so much has been LOST IN TRANSLATION just in a couple of hundred years....and why when I looked up the word covet as translated into in a Hebrew dictionary that used the word in the designated scripture...for  the fest time in years of Sunday school, sermons and study   and those saying they wish separation of church and state bit let the Mystery fertility goddess remain of human sacrifice and public prostitution left in control and remain...instead....has to get the rules of the Dvina removed from that CHURCH AND STATE CAN BE JOINED UNDER ONE....THE ONE OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION   instead of any faith allowed that promoted life and most do as common wisdom and basic logic for survival and fairness and justice.....even if some disagreements on that... many have lived side by side for centuries with real differences. and got along in a mutual cooperation as few in this world wants wars as NONE win in any of them..

  With instant communication the freedom of deceptive real and used against us with real study of real ways to cause deception ….My dad, who worked campus security at Washburn U in Topeka back in the 50's said to me as a child...not long after he started.. 'they do not even know when they are insulted.."  a first step to lose our personal self worth when words are used and not even understand its a mockery of ones self worth... .as we no longer physically fight back....but DO NOT EVEN KNOW the mocking of the wonder of each soul and person...has been done to us....

   For years, its been like a formal format of the best ad for TV etc. is to break as many of those 10 commandment as an informal study...and every good in presented to pass on in jingles and words for us to instill in our minds defiance of our common wisdom and have a world of anti  lobe and caring and rights...and respect for each one... especially of children for parents who are trying to raise them to be morally decent and respectful caring souls...

   With our heads in our isolated and separated devices to get our info now...we no longer even sit down as family group to watch a show plus ads to offer guidance's when something comes on that differs from our moral discuss or even make a brief comment for the young to overhear and know NOT TO FALL FOR IT. what the ones they do listen to for guidance is saying is NOT OK and have that inner resistance of love for parents that is stronger than even youthful defiance may show  has real power to help them when deception of evil is met out in the real world....

     Not easy to lose the real addiction of our access to info in isolation for even a few hours and have group sharing of something where discussion is among live humans in personal common space...

 DIVINE AND CONQUER is an old saying and its on STEROIDS  of cyber space now.. and influence of one to another of moral and good choices is met with much more that is not so good ...and we have the right to decide what is moral and good....even if our laws say almost anything  is legal..

   Back post WWII, another common saying was "you cannot legislate morality" as yours may not be mine...or those who raised me ...Our young are getting more that conflicts with their parents now or grandparents than ever in human history... In the most populated crowded is alone with attention to that 'white stone' carried...and Christ may be in charge of the spiritual realm but so far we are to be in charge of the physical world.....and have followed the other guy's influence of death and destruction and isolation is the first step to any brainwashing....Among all and isolated...  

    How often has a bad day been made brighter by a smile or kind word from a stranger...even if just an 'excuse me' as they need to go  around one and show love and respect  for you as an one can never see the pleasant smile and soul that one may have a brief encounter with to remind us..that HOPE AND LOVE IS ETERNAL and its there all around us in each other and not to give up  when things do not go so well in ones life. etc.

     As the song goes "YOU WILL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANS BY OUR LOVE" for its the Divine love that is being passed on...even in the smallest of words...and spark of the Divine each one of us can have...freely offered  and without it we are mindless Zombies...and horrors when one has dealings n the world and the pleasant words are fake and false entrapments too often for profit or to get one to give up rights and monies etc.  ...and we know in our souls they are and insult  to one and all and good... and sovereignty of ones person, ad national boundaries..AS WE ARE CALLED TO CARE..BUT RESPECT FOR BOUNDARES IN INHERIT IN THAT

  As we are insulted when we give up our personal boundaries and those of our sovereign rights of personal ownership and sovereignty of a nations where we re to be rulers and owners of and disrespect our own self worth to allow the free gift of life and loves shine through and  forth from us.....

    CONQUERED by inattention of ones leaders which now all of us are to choose by vote..was ancient Israel conquered over and over...until one day when Babylon the conquered was conquered by another over their inattention to fairness and justice..and leaders deceived.....and the Medes and Persian took over and allowed  the Jews to return home from exile...and they found the guidance in  the rubble of the temple and it was read to the people who repented and began to rebuild the physical as well as spiritual lives...

    The wall rebuilt was more than a security history shares that under the Laws given to Moses...NO HUNGRY OR HOMESLESS EXISTED.. as those walls also held rooms of housing for those without a home...and woe to any formers that did not honor the wishes of the Divine to not cut every   last stalk of grain but leave some for the hungry to come and glean for their FOOD STAMP  program  and one need not beg for such...and no govt contractors have to be it was  just done as it was a sin against ones eternal life in the good place to allow human suffering to Christ said "the poor will always be among us' until the day of his second coming and we all have ownership rights of even the most modest place to have and never be take even mortgages had a 50 year life time and forgiven...or hell was the place one was going ...and hell is allowed to exist on earth...when the poor become the worse preyed on by real evil motivations of some...

    As other nations without these moral teaching of 10 basic underlying rules, they saw helping the 'least among us' as a weakness and insults motivated by evil could weaken a ruler in power who had the teachings, but without a government of checks and balances on abuses of power...could fall to the insults that lead to total destruction of a sovereign nation and independence... One who has self strength is better able to help others in need. from their strength...rather than 1/2 do it by throwing money without oversight to make sure the intended use is done....

 And too much has been doled out now to the part of the world that was ancient Israel to help those within the borders  that caused real hatreds AS THE HELP NEVER GOT TO THE ONES IN NEED...

  Respect for them was gone by the big money machine. that let graft and corrupted leaders steal form the people to help them hell themselves... A bully stealing ones lunch money because you look weak and cares little that hardship and starvation occurs as the bullies of this world have a master who hats all of creation as he cannot created anything.. but imitate and destroy and has no sense of repentance and redemption and love offered is rejected...

     There has only been  few times in my 74 years, I have personally met such ones that 'dead souls' is the only description...Souls that are unreachable by any human...and only Christ may be the one to intervene and they find salvation...And some of them are now directly responsible in many ways to the world wide beast system ready for the human created anti Christ to rise from and be an absolute abusive leader... WE DO IT TO OURSELVES... by our own free will....of shirking some duties' of being part of good  of being the by one...and trying to find a god to make all bad go away....and we seem to be in the real birth pangs of regaining what Adam and Eve lost for all of us choose good and resist evil...we are only asked to do our best with Divine guidance of love to help is we choose to accept it....and keep  aware and when our rights are insulted to vote for someone who will serve us and the nation and not be a puppet of evil to do harm anymore...

      So in this Chapter 4 of Nehemiah the wall is getting rebuilt even though they are being mocked for trying to become the greatness of the ideals for a heaven on earth to one day be fully realized... and concerns of property rights and ownership that when mocked lead to hunger and suffering... will be addressed again and prayerfully still being strived for...until the day...we learn that evil is own destructions  and not fall to it...And Christ is coming back is the promise...and

one should not expect to have all done for us of our daily lives and our free will and freedoms will be  and we all become kings and each other...but we have CHRIST TO CARRY US THROUGH DECISIONS OF LOVE AND LIFE.. We have Divine help....and Satan exiled from among us to leave us we can not be tricked again by one who used all his wonder for death and destruction as jealous of the good...rather than the wonder of caring and love and eternal life is offered by believing in the Divine love we each are loved by and can have in us to pass on and on and on.....

                                 DOW DIVORCES DUPONT /ROTHCHILD..

  Dow's chemical additive that are so life threatening to me and would not help me get neutralized form my main medications as most have it in them NO LONGER OWNED BY DOW...

   As of 4/1/19. DOW SPLIT AWAY and last year had sold off its ethanol cellulose plant in Iowa so something was going on AS THE people no longer wish to be poisoning in food, medications and vaccines...filled with too often deadly harms that made the good, bad.... Even a formaldehyde laced flue vaccine can cause internal bleeding in me...A real propaganda war is being waged to hide the truth recently of what is even the issue.. ITS OFTEN FALSE  ISSUES INFO  rather than additives and binders never deemed fully safe at all as 40% never included in studies or trials to even know...

  One is to have a healthy immune system for one to get  small amount of a disease and build up immunity form it...AND WHO HAS THAT NOW WITH THE POISONING OF OUR MEDS AND FOOD... now??.

  A person at Dow chemical (good riddance attitude for this split)  told me yesterday that she could not help as DUPONT ROTHSHILD OWNS THIS HORRIBLE ETHER ALCOHOL falsely labeled as cellulose (plant fiber) and not what it has been made into or IMITATED TO BE  and causes violent reactions in me...and POISON CONTRL CANNOT HELP  as the hundreds millions of dollars on going  they got to have antidotes for all these modern substances made in the last few decades  all are ingesting daily....IS MISSING ALONG WITH THE MONEY AND CONGRESS ALLOWS NO OVERFSIGHT AND FDA CANNOT VERIFY ANY STUDY OR DATA SENT IN and cannot even have access to med watch reports and or adverse reactions as every one is to be given a number so multiple reports on one can be put together and virtually none done on the real culprits the added its entered as the medication name..and usually that is not the issue as it was studied well before being put on the market...and our doctors knowledge as to what is best to use..less chance the harm is that, than WHAT IS ADDED TO IT which every pill in one bottle can be differing chemicals never studied well to know if safe at all and usually is not for anyone of us...over long term use and for some like me instantly life threatening  and what to do WHEN NONE KNOW BUT THE EARTHLY CREATOR WHAT YOU GOT...AND THAT IS OT EVEN THE DRUG COMPANY NOW...UNDER RULERSHIP AND CONTROERL OF THIS CABAL OF NO EARTHLY ACCOUNTABILITY BY ANY OF US OR OUR GOVT..

    before I made a weekly solution to try nd neutralize what can kill me and has caused harm as not fully getting neutralized in my kitchen using over the counter FDA approved ingredients.. and found out by Dow  good riddance to ownership of them deadly mess now...that bore their name was an attitude I ran into.... Shocking  REPENTANCE and SALAVATION  IS OPEN TO ALL ???

but no help yet....of reparations on the enslavement of humanity to physical harm and loss of freedom of good health..

   On to Dupont/ Rothschilds  and NO HELP ALLOWED  and worse is some attitudes of a toddler of the 'terrible twos'   So, the same less than perfection was used to do my best with lab tests that shown blood inflammation and inflamed kidneys and no infections seem to exist as all the organic spices and substances used seems to be keeping the newly named organ of the entire lymphatic system with ones mucous membranes as the top layer of and  published now with peer review last  SHAKING THE WORLD OF HEALTH UNDR THE BEAST SYSTEM   INTO A SCRAMBLING OF WHO GETS TO PAY OFF ON CLASS ACTIONS AND  worse is loss of profits as we the people get wise and choose life and health over death and destruction...without any govt allowed to protect us by laws of Congress...and pray we get 95% voting in all elections to make it official massive harms and deaths are still going on   and some are just accidents  just as North of Chicago  and  ITS  NOT 31 ITS all that got minute amounts inhaled...a million victims is plausible and under this cabal total  controlled health care system under no govt oversight of  NO MEDS , NO DIAGNOSTIC TESTING  and those further away with less exposure may find that needing  fresh air is ones lungs and system swelling and some damage to that protective mucous membrane layer and when one goes for medical care to hospital and doctors office and those treatment standares prove to work to slow down a progresseive disease  are now NOT ALLOWED OR MADE UNSAFE BY additives that work against the good of the meds..

       I AM NOT A DOCTOR and my sources or peer reviewed studies by many of those leaders in the field who have treated me since 1/10/89 despite a major cover up of the gates of hell opened to 9/11/01 and contines aftermath by those who already were a small rouge deep state among us...and fully I,mpleent beast systemworld wide with NO OVERSIGHT ALLOWED BY GOVTS HER OR ELSEWHERE OR UN now...

(Go to Daily Recap added 9/11/16 and know why I was just one of many, in now known) who tried for 2 year to stop 9/11/01 and took me a few phone calls to know we were in an unsafe mess in the USA without a NJ WHITEWASH COMMISIN WHO DID NOT GO BACK BEFORE 1995 AND BLEW THE MISSION OF WHAT LAWS NEEDED..)  I still do not know where my blood and skin samples are that two US atty personnel said were in the 1990? indictment ….

    Make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN has real meaning to we once had a govt allowed to intervene  for what the US  CONSTITUTION MANDATES: 'for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation" and heaven help any leaders we elect who tries to carry our that mandate all took an oath or promise to uphold and too many fell to the destroyer of al that is good and decent to make the ideals of our founders finally become fully realized for every one...none excluded ever again...

   We have the third president who is not allowed by Congress to carry our the laws of the land, is to be not one penny can be spent of existing budget to oversee they are and  real crimes stopped and criminal brought to our justice system for disposition... we are in hell on earth and many have been misled we are one thing gets better evil creates horrors in multiples….

I see small steps to help being done....but short of MAERTIAL LAW OF HEALTH CARE AND MOST ALL OF EVERY PART OF GOVT to get oversight back....of those allowed to be absolute rulers abusing their powers with harms and blatant thefts of even Medicare and social security. Which CONGRESS  HAS AND IS NOT PROTECTING  AT ALL  AS 39 DEFIED JUDGES  by this cabal of govt contractors a maze with a 1000+ names not easy to remember....rules as the law as it wishes it to be and keys to the public treasury our Congress keeps refilling to be stolen from intended and good uses...

     FKE CAMPAIGN ISSUES ARE EVERYWHERE  and how many have offered a simple amendment tot every bill to put back the right of an agency to audit what a contractors is doing and prosecute the lawbreakers..??/   The REPEAL AND REPLACE OF THE SCAM FOR THE CABAL   health care. had in it that the cabal would be grandfathered in to run any new plans...same scam with under new names and sections...but  NO CHANGE . as it was stolen and money for life stolen away again    READ IT AS ITS WS THE FRIST PART LOOKED FOR AS NO LAW HAS TO BE OBEYED WHEN THE GOVT HAS BEEN PRIVATIZED AND THOSE IN CHARGE ARE NOT UNDE OUR PRESIDENT OR THE GOVT....since the Coup of 2002....

  one thing I disagree with President Trump that history may bear out was his stopping another decades under this horror   of NO GOVT IN CHARGE.. Do not blame the presidents when they have had their constitutional powers withheld by the US House of representatives as to being able to spend one penny without their approval ….and we have had those of both parties fail us on this...even if their solutions differ...

    DOD contractors were not under this overthrow...but with trillions, of our money ownership of them and managing control  has occurred   and we are worried about some national leaders starting WWIII...this beast maze has control from outside in as hidden sub contractors even of the ability to start WW III... a real war of control is here and we don't even have 95% trying to hire those who will at least try to make this right move forward to better than ever....95% voting in all no feds to help audit or stop real thefts and crimes in so many federally funded local and state in all areas now just heath care which is staying alive... Do you still get your divers license from the state anymore...probably not...!! and federal monies intertwined in many federal funds to carry out federal laws of protraction and the whole system is under NO PROTECTION  

     MEDICARE IS NOT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE..  It is a unique comprise of public and private and in the first few years HAD strict govt oversight of the contractors with direct access to make decisions and access the taxpayers money...A well paid official for the real govt at SSA was on sight.. in each one...and real appeals came into the real govt to a well trained civil service that knew the laws, and rules and policies nd INTENT OF CONGRESS  from congressional hearings was crucial in rendering initial appeal decisions...and rarely was courts and supreme courts involved as parts deemed unfair from complaints from one among us showed a issue needing no change in law either... or unconstitutional were handled inside the agency  Most laws are broad outlines for agencies to implement under the US President   and the whole process of setting in motion the best is removed now.... This is not big or small govt but rather NO GOVT AT ALL ….and lawlessness by one entity to rule over all the world and no concept of service for the those holding the puppet strings as proven over and over since the Garden of Eden … stumbling block is and has always been the power of the people  and when less than 95% vote we are powerless to force change peacefully and violence harms every side . Equally...


      EVEN MEDICARE  began to be lost and that lost became executive orders OF NO GOVT in  1994 of no govt will do it  and law of congress in 2002 to officially overthrow our lives and livelihoods to tis beast system maze...and then Congress impose a gag order rule to hide the awful deed from all....and not make sure oversight is back on every bill..for laws made or it reverts to 2002 and NONE...

  And the real duping of the masses was allowing  WEBSITES AND PHONE BOOKS ETC TO  be an illegal impersonations that all those listed are the real govt employees at the others end  AND FEW ARE..AND USUALLY THAT WEBSITE AND INFO  THAT ILLEGALLY MISLEADS COMES FROM NO GOVT AT ALL....

   Many hired in the real govt do not even now who is who they have no more than what the public has online to look at....and much more is needed,,,to carry our the laws of the land constitutionally that is not always public info without FOIA and even court orders etc...not even how ones premiums or benefits are figured and some big changes made that no congress changed the laws or math formulas

 in fed and state and local govts is now available to even the real govt employees who are to have access to know... and using a second system to steal with....where it the monies gone missing in much of these scams over the last 35 years with lax oversight even when legally to be done...???


     In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we keep the wisdom You have given us to use to not be fooled and resist the trickery of the evil who hates our very wonderful existence You made in US,... save us from ourselves..what we have let be us by our apathy.

   Pray for our leaders and the Blodgetts/Dupont Rothschilds and others now in control of much that harms to not do so...May they repent and find salvation for eternity in the Divine love offered to one and all even the sinners we all are.....some intentionally doing harm and most of us letting it be done to us..... Thanks for carrying us through these times of last struggle for good to overcome evil as we learn to resist bad and be OVERCOMERS for Your Divine goodness of love and life eternal.... May blessing be on us as we try each as You called us to do...and be  and alone and with each other to have heaven on earth You wish us to our own free will and FREEDOMS TO HAVE... Bless the medical profession that is trying to help and has monitored me with what is allowed to be done now...that is far less than health plans say can be it is with most  all under this non govt control cabal of a 1000+ names.... Help us almighty to carry us trough a real struggle to elect those who will serve us well as we get nearly all voting to make it happen in every election as it seems that is Your plan for us...if not show us how else...?  May You come soon!


                             FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

  A list begun 2/27/19 and due to some phone calls using time able to do even physical struggles, no new sites to award with thanks for all on the information highway of those who have added a UNIVERSAL SHARING APP so your truths can be shared by direct link on and on and with windows 8 easy sharing became very obstructed until several have free sites to post one is after this...And as of next year even a windows 7 app or system that can still easily share may not exist...and little in online that is illegal by standards of a nation with some freedoms yet...maybe some cautions for children needed or ask your Dr when its health I try to state. Sharing why I am still alive after 30 years, when too many have no chance of but a few now with the obstruction of just basic care not allowed by no govt to appeal to for help....and judges orders disappeared inside the cabal and not even allowed to be had in official form by agencies  with our OIG directors as heads of criminal oversight...hands tied to now even have access to data or even fraud reports filed by any....

   Can't blame a president as none is allowed to act to even commit high crimes and misdemeanors  as those acts have al been privatized with no oversight as of self gagged Congress.....

   37 judges and EEOC SANCTIONS VS NOW CONGRESSWOMAN DONNA SHALALA  and a microcosm of all of this that carried out orders might have saved tens of millions from eternal life already beyond this realm no govt control of our records and data to be accessed to even know 

all I have is Lynn Blodgett as named leader of the USA by high levels and Andy, Bill , Jeff and Tom and soon every crisis seems to  leads back to one of them as self named absolute ruling family ..MEET THE REAL "BIG BROTHER(S)'  that is no govt snooping with controls against misuse of all that data on all of us not gathered no under any govt access or protection...


   After I rest will try and update what my treatment regimens that is prescribed and supervised by medical doctors etc.. DO NOT TRY WITHOUT YOUR DOCTOR KNOWING TO MONITOR YOUR HEALTH... as natural may not all be for everyone...


Linda Joy Adams 4/27/19





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