
Sunday, April 28, 2019


John 14 KJV - Let not your heart be troubled: ye - Bible Gateway

  For years a Bible is opened at random and chapter read daily using various translations each time through...And some part always has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us...

            This is a core chapter of the way to salvation...And its an open invitation to any who will accept it...  Some who access this blog, are not Christians and that is faith cannot be forced as has never worked throughout human history....No matter how much the people are controlled by govts of this world, faith is personal choice...the last freedom one has...and even that is under attack now as science can use technology to stop one from accessing that part of one to stop accessing the spiritual realm with our control human behavior...And if those in control wish no prayer or could get a brain implant etc and become a thought zombie that has no value to any but for  work one can do for the master of this world, Satan who is on his last gig, as soon as we wake up and say "You're fired." from ever trying your deceitful ways to trick us ever again to be sidetracked from the wonderful unique soul each one was made to and independent with free will to love and care and have eternal life...…

         Many mysteries exist in Creation that have not been explained by science or even basic logic....but we know in our soul they are real and its why its called faith...Something that no one else can give you but opening your heart and soul to receive the Divine love that unconditionally cares for each one , even when we do so horrendous things...and really mess up.

      We are offered the free gift of eternal life and all we have to do is believe and follow the most basic rule of eternal life...LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS CHRIST LOVES US... 

  And although there is common wisdom and common ethics of morals in this world as all began with a knowing and defied the good..when we chose to get ourselves entrapped into Satan's trickery, they are grounded in this one principle even if over time some have not been told about it....Rare today, to find anyone who has not heard of Christ,,but Satan has such an earthly power with his cohorts to cause many to stumble into his ways and hate the one who cares the most for each one of us...

    Just as this blogger has found some words to try and explain it, words just do not...fully do so and over the last few thousand years, John the beloved disciple of Christ  ( some theorize, his brother in law perhaps from info alluded to in scripture. And the bridegroom at the wedding at Cana?)..

      He  is the  one who survives until old age to have more revealed we now have in the book of Revelation... and had more earthly time to put the teachings of Christ into deeper principles plus, some history indicates he evangelized into Asia and from him came a blended faith of form of Buddhism from the first century  other than the older Zen type...

    When the full mission of teaching is not completed for more to come to faith on their own....then we often have these blends arise and spread out...But in the end. is one central truth CHRIST IS THE WAY, THE KEY TO ETERNAL LIFE  AND HE HAS A MANSION PREPARED FOR US ON THE OTHER SIDE  AFTER THIS EARTHLY LIFE....and one day....all will be one as many think is being meant...

     This salvation is by faith and not just joining a Christians sect.. One could say, that many will get to heaven in spite of their churches...when those human institutions can stray from the core of the faith, Christ… just as Judaism did in the time of Christ and He was trying to get them back to those core values of love and mercy....and resist. influences of the bad guy that was made to serve this part of creation and fell into its own trap and 1/3 of the angels of heaven followed and the rest of us have had to deal with this evil ever since and not get trapped into its ways.....The smarter we get..the trickier it seems to be...A struggle of good vs evil and the agenda for it is our own destruction and that of all Creation it hates...and why we anyone wish such to happen?

    When part of the deception is mind altering drugs, Satan can own ones soul as the physical bodies addiction can force one into the most powerful enticement ever....And we have had humans preying on humanity for control over all. whose will be judged at the gates of heaven...and shown the path down and not up is bluntly clear....None has the right to harm others in this world...and to be a stumbling block to cause one to reject Divine Love that does no harm but scares evil beyond one who has known and accepted such....even when one is in despair for others existing that cannot see the harm being done to themselves and others for acts or inaction's of apathy to allow real evils to go on and do....Afraid of the Devil, when the power of the Divine is freely there to ask for help from...the strongest power that created all....but not the destroyer as that is our free will to do it to ourselves....Why? How? can anyone choose the way of death and destruction....

     In 2015, the Mystery Babylon religion was implemented for real in our public places with the HIGH PLACES OF BAAL ERECTED...and no one they moan and run to courts just because a few symbols of many faiths, even could be erected in the month of December that have an opposite ethic and moral codes...that is part of our secular govts now..

     Yes we have freedom of religion,  unless it does a few things that are not accepted in any society of any kind of rights....HUMAN SACRIFICE IS PART OF THE SACRAMENTS.. and its not a metaphor...its MURDER and the sacrifice of live babies is now becoming laws of the land.....WE ARE FALLEN INTO THE MOST HEINOUS TRAP OF SATAN...WHERE LIFE IS OK TO TAKE FROM OTHERS... and no court of law to execute a murderer rendered..which many parts of the world, and states even in the USA. have said is not to be...

     SATAN IS THE DESTROYER AND DECEIVER... and the more we know by science of life is real at even the cellular level and murder to take it....the more he gets trickier and fights even harder to own our souls as he does not want even one of us to find the path through Christ's Divine offer to eternal life and he not be able to get anywhere near us ever again....

    WHERE WERE THE  LAWYERS IN 2015, THAT SAY CHURCH AND STATE MUST BE SEPARATE..  And followed Satan right into its worship to make it the one world god...of evil …..and NO FREEDOM OF RELIGION  at all...

      So in the public places, its OK to have murder and public indecency of as a religion rite.....something not accepted in any other world faith I have ever known of...?? And our human laws forbid it as the influence of good over evil has been made part of society in our secular common sense and wisdom and basic logic,  needs this for an orderly society that affords basic human rights to each one..or we have rebellion from our innate desire for freedom...and love.

   Where is love in murder and lust?  not there..says common sense....and our laws reflect it even in the most restrictive societies and govts...that has fallen to genocide in the name of a govt but has fallen into the deceiver...

   And what was once a faith place of that Baal faith, under the burned out Notre Dame and we are  now being shown  plans for rebuilding and NO SYMBOL OF CHRIST.. allowed?? But for a few studied to  still know that Christ is the middle candle of the menorah. we lost sight of 2000 years ago when a one world govt stripped Christianity of our Judaic roots...and Christ was a practicing Jew , it was His faith...He one and all of us.... In Paris where the Baal arch high place currently is from the Roman empire where Satan had all leaders worshipped as gods with infallible powers to always be right without human error or weaknesses....or checks and balances on abuse of  powers when one has authority over others,, as the 10th commandments warns all in leadership not to do of 10 rules that remind leaders they are not a god, and are not to become an idol to be worshipped but as Christ  said to be the highest is to be the Servant of all and we need to thank our highest servants for even trying and help as each one least with a hedge of  all of us... for all of us and its OK to praise and say WELL DONE  as we all need some encouragement.. in some trying times...

     INSTEAD A ONE WORLD RELIGION WITHOUT CHRIST AS A PART...? where  not freedom to think a differing way, even among Christians and all have to reject the risen Christ...and that means rejecting heaven and eternal life we are all offered to freely Love...

   WE HAVE BEEN MADE READY TO ACCEPT THE UNTHINKABLE no matter what ones beliefs faith or ideology... no freedoms, no free will, no human or civil rights for any  and no right of even personal thoughts  to ask for Divine help can be physically obstructed  so pray for a hedge of Divine protection now before its too late for even that to occur...

        As a non Roman Catholic I have some doctrinal disagreements   but many are good caring people among than and do not doubt their love for Christ....and with freedom  of religion, wish many had followed the good clergy and walked out and found safety for their youth to be spiritually nurtured until the human institutional heads in Rome had bowed to the faithful and cleaned out the corruption that always seems to creep into any large human institution that is also a political one too...

      And when the media and other sources of info are used to play with our minds over and over again as before looking for a non existent Russian colluder. there was the world wide search for Obama's Topeka Ks birth records, in every part of the planet but Kansas USA..and that has surfaced mess with the minds of good and faithful and sincere people  who have had grave concerns about him that has nothing to do with skin color either... One who has been handled and manipulated and influenced from early on......and I never tried to make contact either...and when a couple of times later  He did not tell me who he was,  and something in me put up a wall of non intervention ….maybe it was a protection to not get involved too I had an attempt on my own life back in 5/61, when it became known my parents had gndshp of my dad's pregnant 15 year old niece and he and his mother were to have been lynched in 3/61 along with his real dad, who did  not deny he was at age 16...3 died that day and a cover up to this day at the highest levels of govt...and why? Justice denied one denies it to all and we all suffer for what we do to one …..

      .Its in our legal system of being a precedent case...for all those of like being a medical precedent is for over 20 million now  and none allowed to have medical care and life sustained when the legal system does not cover those doing harm to one and all 20 million + in just one nation and one disease category where costs to treat are small in comparisons to many other kinds of diseases and injuries..... and my kind of injury can happen to any at any time as all those North of Chicago who may just be finding out that they are not recovering once the air safe meds, no testing in a health care system where he cabal of legally by law of 2002; virtually controls and you do not even count as existing...and join the tens of millions of the cyber 'disappeared.'   And our good doctors trapped in a system where we have no govt to appeal to for help for illegal coercion and real blackmail crushed even under we patients who are enticed by hungry attorneys to sue them as easy targets  and not the real monster in charge...the govt is not allowed to stop real and blatantly intentional harms and actors and thinks it funny that we are so fooled and duped and drunk on their power over us  we allowed and are allowing to happen. This is a real prevailing attitude and they can use all their powers of intimidation and slander and its the same as those who made fun of what they could do to a newly elected president who was not part of their cabal.....and not happy with no charges and sent an invasion to our southern border to cause chaos and havoc as full intent as who is the violence causers in their own countries...with an army of thugs bigger than the US 's or NATO….a few instigators well trained to do harm and not save....and protect...any of us..

    We do not have to be in danger form an asteroid attack as much as the weapons of mass destruction our govts have allowed this cabal to manage the makers of and knock us off our axis all by humans led to worship evil...… and have duped the same ones wanting a  green new deal to save the planet a good intent for the most part even if not all the most practical...which is the deceptive tactics some are inputting to destroy the real practical movement of good each one can do with some effort and less money even spent..... 

   Not knowing that the same is able to destroy us instead... and is only sidetracking us all into name calling of those who have sincere concern and  practical and meaningful ways be already are going on  more in the USA than in many other parts of the world. A lot more concern among us  is all ready in motion by one and company by company....Its good advertising in the free market system...  Counter the infamous or famous AOC with practical counter proposals....and real facts of what can be done one by one....with no more or less cost than now expended  and stop the trillions being stolen and recover from thieves and that is a lot to do the bigger projects with...and AOC make sure every law has been amended that you vote on has that oversight of govt contractors allowed or no law has to be obeyed and the monies disappeared as it reverts back to the 2002 law of NONE..

    Your issues are real, but some others need to counter with more realistic means  and not lose what we already have lost too much of  ….to this cabal allowed to get control of even our weapons of mass destruction... AOC is one voice and one opinion and debate her with facts and do the good part and show where some is not so meaningful....She has freedom of speech and so does each one of least so far....

   VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION  TO OVERCOME THE OVER THROWERS OF ANY GOVT. OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE   as even our members of Congress have gagged themselves not to help in abject fear or devotion to this beast maze of a 1000 names of one...

     Sometimes, we have a hedge of protection for us who Love Christ. but are not fully ready to resist the trickery of Satan to get us to fall into a path  that is not a good one.....WE ARE NOT READY AND WHEN WE ARE VULNERABLE FOR OTHER REASONS IN OUR LIVES...we have a hedge or wall of protection just because we have deep within us the Divine Love of the HOLY SPIRIT OF CHRIST WE HAVE ACCEPTED AND SOME PART OF US HANGS ON....  but our prayers for others can be done... This is when we need our places of faith and many praying for our leaders  that the Holy Spirit have a hedge of protection around all of them... After he and his mother left Topeka KS soon after birth...there was only rare contacts and but for one real chance to have a discussion...and even then...somethings warned me not to know him and he did not reveal himself either and in hindsight we may both have been put into a real frame up,,, that would have been a life and career ender for me.  ( I went by the book and law not even recognizing  who and am not able to say any more...for those to know and understand that were present.. Subpoena me! but those who say they wish the truth seem to be in real fear of it..)

    That is real control of even spiritual lives ....and immunity for him from what is now known....

'DO NOT RECALL' can be real wall of protection when one is facing entrapment...and in some cases what is presented one never has been privy  to in the first place to the wall of protection for the spiritual is just as real as needed a boundary in the physical world for only those invited to enter in....

    Freezing into inaction or words may be Divine protection for not falling into a real trap...and some situations are beyond your one human intervention already....The Almighty would not be glorified if you stumbled and or got some cases where you wish you had done something in hind sight...but something not understood stopped it... This one soul, may not yet know the final outcomes as the plan of evil is not fulfilled yet  and we are all called to be over comers....and knowing the variation ones own life might have taken was not the personal calling for one to be asked to do in the final struggle...Just pray we all stay on the good side....

   Very few have been found ready to accept the truth even now... the deception has been so strong and I am referring to many who Love Christ....and should know in their souls when truth of matters appears,,,, Its why one election is not going to turn this around...


  Christ paid the price at the cross for all to be saved even Satan himself. And any descendants....of the fallen ….None is excluded from salvation in Christ's kingdom if we repent and be born again to love and reject evil... Father forgive us all for what we have ourselves and each other or not done at all and gave approval by no action....

    More details of truth from one who was there and sources are the principles.. are here online back in a later half of 2012 and all over as kept believing that salvation from what we now are finding our occurred in the Obama White house might have not happened if he knew the whole truth...But his gatekeepers had none of it as the leader of the USA was a prisoner from truth.....or did he know.? and from all that is now being revealed...and this is difficult to understand , a wall of too many good people can get swept up into leadership or close to it and lose their souls over the power they might get over others or be part of the inner circle of one chosen to be ruler.....

   The Head of the DNC now was US Dept of Labor  JUST ONE SEC who bowed to the contractors and lied to Congress about HOW GREAT THINGS WERE WHEN the cabal contractors of a 1000+ corporate names created....were ruling , stealing trillions and premeditated genocide for all and injured workers losing all rights form even the ones they did have...and too much the same since the law f 2002 and much already in motion a decade or two before then...CYBER ALLOWS INSTANT AND TOTAL CONTROL OF GOVTS AND PEOPLE  AND WE HAVE BEEN OVERTHROWN  BY OUR OWN LEADERS AS WE DO NOT VOTE -SOMETIMES ONE IS SEATED WITH AS LITTLE AS 10% OF US SAYING YES  AND BE A GOVT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE...WHO ASK THE ALMIGHTY FOR DIVINE GUIDANCE FOR GOOD OUTCOMES FOR ONE AND ALL....

  A hedge of protection not to get too close...with some weaknesses of my own...of physical  struggles I still was trying to figure out why and order to Let her die would be put on me by those who were hired to do the work of govt  and still not fully aware of NO GOVT IN CONTROL OF THE USA AND ALREADY MOST OF THE WORLD IN A BEAST SYSTEM  that is accountable to no govt of any nation. or UN.....And  a president already   walled in , entrapped into it....with no freedom to find ones way out but to give up all....and knowing too much his own physical life could end... And we would already had a President Joe Biden...

           Sometimes, we are not the ones called to enter the direct fray. so here I am trying to reach the good and faithful and really concerned for all of us...just sharing my eye witness account of events. and found real dissing from all sides...And giving glory to Christ for divine intervention back in 5/61 when a force moved me inches from a missile that would have ended my life or made me have a brain injury for life... The second time in my life, of a force that did an unnatural and saved my life...from direct intentional harm by another …

   Who was it? when the Divine gives an order, angels heed the call, and maybe  one of my own ancestors was the unseen power that gentle lowered a baby three feet down as a baby , or moved me a few inches so that my clothes were touched but not me.. how many times has one been saved from destruction by some internal instinct showing another way to follow …...not every thing is a coincidence in the spiritual realm when it prevents spiritual of physical harm...its the good side present   do not doubt it even if its beyond human comprehension...and its not a ghost, as that has none of them has ever been seen ….its not visible but invisible help  and Satan will laugh and cause derision... but if you are saved and alive. .REJOICE AS SATAN IS BLUBBERING FOR FAILING TO STEAL YOU..... and you know it was not ghosts or aliens....but some miracle of good that saved your life from harm.... HALLEJUYAH  PRAISE HIM..! 


   Who is given the key to the gate of heaven by Christ?  All are asked to be saved, and this one soul prays that at the final moment when  DIVINE LOVE IS OFFERED FOR A FINAL TIME, ALL ACCEPT and all of us will be seeing each other on the other side at some future time we all have to find our way through to.....But, no human or evil is to be sending us there before our appointed time....and those who have put me and so many millions in real dangers from intentionally excluding us form having safe medicines and testing by our good doctors to sustain life do  not forget what Christ said...HEAL THE SICK AND FEED THE HUNGRY OR YOU ARE GOING TO HELL and we have intentional massive obstructions going on right now that any who follow this are not getting through the gate to the good the message....REPENT AND GET SAVED AS OUR ETERNAL SOUL IS NOW ENDANGER NOT JUST OUR PHYSICAL one day...this old body will be renewed and be made well again...into a new the promise of one who is steadfast and not the liar too many are being led to follow now.. Even Satan is said to  be given one final chance at salvation after the 1000 years of peace with him removed from bothering us....And maybe all will have a last chance just as we approach the path to heaven vs hell  to have a repentant heart and plead for mercy for our sins....when we realize how and what we did that affected so many  and this is a real struggle for Obama's issues we all deal with...MAYBE I could have tried to do more, but not around him to do so...and a wall was up  …. I had fear of treading into a spiritual realm  present that was not the one I had accepted in me.....Where were all the rest of good and faithful  people since 1961? that were close and around as I was not...

    While many protest for this or that cause and many are laudable,,,,ring our leaders at all levels with prayer as they are seated to not let this evil continue here and around the world and those among us who are doing such devastation's to all of us....we MUST HAVE OUR GOVTS ALLOWED TO INTERVENE AND STOP BLATANT HARMS FROM OCCURRING....

   As we are each called for a purpose and that calling is a diverse as we are in numbers...but 95% do


       In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, forgive me for freezing up when  the spirit is not right and my faith in You falters from entering....and going in alone ….my faith falters... or now when such evil that too often is encountered in a life and earthly death struggle against some who have  lost the common sense of human rights...a they work for this cabal beast and are entrapped in it and have not sense of how to get out...and have financial survival.....And I begin explaining it by laws and survival instincts to try and help them understand and act legally to make even small help for good outcomes. for one and all and me....AND RESIST MORE AND MORE....

   How do we over come this....when it seems it only one of me trying  and where are the others?  Many are online and like me must have found the open information highway the only place to share and warn    and Satan and his minions seem to be ready to shut that down if possible....

   I plead for all to care and believe that love is the way and basic human rights of survival is sharing that love....  and the money pours in and why doesn't our own govt  officials care about where its disappearing to that is to support those in need as we wish it to be used for.....? 

        Forgive us our weaknesses of faith and fear of the forces of evil , You have the power to overcome and calls us all to be over comers....Help us each find those of like mind to be a prayer chain for protection for those whom we have chosen to lead us in this earthly realm until You return and bind up any of this evil and his cohorts from among us... Pray for Former President Obama and our current president Trump who has inherited a mess and a Congress in fear of oversight of this beast system in place that has done so much harm to all of us....

   This one humble servant, has been unable to figure this out and others also have not but to share our concerns...across cyber space and among a few …...You say we are all to be kinds and priests and we fail when 95%+ do not even bother to vote and be such it seems? in all elections?   May You be glorified in our each one accepts whatever You wish each one to do and what we are to do as a group, community state and nation  and world society.... Prayers for those in control of the information highway to keep it open and allow easy sharing to continue as it was before recent changes in 2014....Amen!

                                        FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

 No new site to add today to list started 2/27/19 of those who have a 'universal sharing app' posted to their sites to easily do a direct link to ours and all pass on your truths around the world. One of them is after each post on this blog.....As of windows 8. the ease of sharing was obstructed and after next year windows 7 or a special custom design app for one browser may no longer work  and sharing will be more hard to do....with ease and may those in control help keep the info flowing   or all to share and  very little is illegal  even if a lot of strong opinions and some need a caution for our access at times as if too much is not  part of their non cyber  lives already....


 (not all of this is clear as could be   as this is a personal sharing of a real struggle for life in this horror and then after getting on line in 12/08 by counsel of a leading whistle blower attorney who wrote going public is protection and why twitting President Trump has been his real deception....I discovered that what was well known  in Kansas by many and highest levels was bleached out of existence  and as an eye witness and wishing justice for three dead in 3/61 and finally realizing my own attempted murder even though not physically harmed has always  been with before I began full sharing with detail I had a dream where Jim T Parks looked at me just as he had the last time I saw him on 3/17/61 and faced down an angry mob that was trying to prevent him from singing with the Boys Glee club at the regional musical festival when our teacher Mr. Fly had called him to get there  and he came after the harassment for having a white girl friend now pregnant had forced him off the winning Foot Ball team the prior Fall..( WHY WE NEEDED SOME CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS)

he sang and they got highest ratings...and it wasn't until after the attack that the hospital would not release Stanley Ann the younger (2 families with bios all jumbled up....and the younger is Obama's  )15 years old alone until some family was located and then we all found out that  my cousin Daniel Wayne Pope from Colorado and had taken the id of the older Stanley Dunham to go to WWII when the older one was called back to D Day and time line shows this 14 year old already had a pregnant girl friend and they took the names of the older ones also... I had known her and never to know she was my second Dan and Marilyn not always together and why she sent Ann to live with Fred Phelps at Westboro Baptist before the 8th grade... I was gold was some kind of relative...and what else was her grandmother part of that seems to have no history prior to 1943 and does Hillary's mother either...? A lot I do not know and maybe others do...

   Some in my dad's family apparently never knew much as  that the one who then took his ID..lived as him all along and pictures are on FLKR Linda Joy Adams and names used are the ones used in the USA since escape from Russian with the help of Pres Wilson a hundred years ago,,, maybe the biggest secret of the last century and the real Russian collusion Dan was part of with code from my dad inside on behalf of the USA..that as a child with big ears and eyes could not fully understand and kept silent to find our more...many times...

    When one knows so much as I do that is TOP SECRET and not part of any intrigue than since I have no gag order on me  but laws that affect only the deceased then I have spilled out a lot online  and its time to end some real skullduggery over concealing  and get on with making a heaven on earth for one and all....and peace among all ….that respects each others rights and national boundaries and deals with honesty and good ethics for all of humanity..

  Now we have and invading work force we need to keep as a group and with help from other nations  make a work force to implement the concerns of AOC and make happen the practical part of it. a self contained work force that is paid and pays for their board and room and child care and when done in one area of the world go on to another as we seem to always have refugees in this world and they can have self esteem of work and then go home with some money to  rebuild their own lives in their own homes and lands when its safe to return....AS THIS CULTURAL CLASHES is Satan's and cabal's chaos created to rise to rule over more and more and profit from... USE YOUR BRAINS ELECTED LEADERS!  and figure this out when needs are there and we have a work force given us  and turning all loose in a strange land is not good, and sitting in  camp is not either... To do those temporary type jobs that few from here would choose vs long term ones and all over the world so much to do.... and an ever supplied work force from natural and human made help and be paid as a self contained unit...(0versight to prevent abusive situations needed...of course..)

   This is just one person's ideas and many better ones surely out there  WHERE ARE OUR LEADERS?

    As this whole culture clash in Europe was instigated by evil not love and help and  the same done their....and those who have no regard for any moral codes ….put them on that island that Saudi Arabian prince was going to buy and isolate them from harming even their own people as every country has raised some to be criminals and until they change to not harming others. Isolation seems to be the only solution without mass executions which is not the best choice for any nation to have to do...  


Linda Joy Adams 4/28/19



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