
Monday, April 1, 2019


Philippians 4 KJV - Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved - Bible Gateway

   For years, a Bible is opened at random and chapter read daily...using varying translations each time through...Now using the King James version, which is not often read in our times as its 1600's English..but still is the language of many favorite sayings and hymns..

    As the day progresses some part of the chapters has special personal meaning as well as reflects what is going on in the world.

    Some who access this blog are not Christian and that is respected as faith cannot be forced and Christianity has always been a movement of LOVE AND FREEDOM  and trying to make it a religious establishment has always led to human failings and abuses by those who try to make it a controlled institution...That does not mean we should not form worship groups and have some common consensus on how to do this or that and tradition is comforting in times of great happiness as well as sorrow...that we are doing things the 'right way'  as part of respect for those who have lived before us and the way they did things served them well...and others around them...

           Paul,  who wrote this letter has always seemed to be one of the most vibrant evangelists, but also one of the more careful in the many letters he wrote and whether we will find more of them hidden away some day in the,Vatican or unknown...

   Now that we re entering into a time of censorship by those who exert power and that is not always this world...One does need to have some care as to how things are said, and still get the truth of matters out...As one now in this and having been censored for some posts over at Face Book and trying to figure out what did I say that got their algorithm upset,,,,it was not being more conservative on many on some matters I am not....

     But the one motive that seems to be in common for me and others who just said blanket censorship for being conservative,,,,,, comes back to INSTITUTIONALISM and CONTROL OF CHRISTIANITY  and not this or that belief...for the most part... as long as the presentation is respectful of the laws in like of personal faith that can disagree...and we are seeing some change in areas  as even the pro choice folks have been awakened now with new science and their reasoned minds , apart from inner soul workings that always made them more defiant as they "knew better.'

     There is a real 'civil war' going on inside the Democratic party and 'everyone seems to be running for president...Maybe a 'trial run and filing of campaign coffers for 2024..when the field will be wide open and not have a popular incumbent running on the opposing ticket...

      The number of women running for 2020 is a step towards acceptance of women as equals in matters of leadership and politics...even if some are NOT GETTING MY VOTE..

       Some who might have been popular in the past, went and followed Hillary and  the trust in them dwindled that they followed the one, whom had lost the trust of the American people.

    The one issue that got many censored at Face book , as I figured out as not all posts of mine were and OPPOSITION TO THE ONE WORLD GODDESS RELIGION being forced on all of us  and the propaganda war for our minds and them souls has been massive...Just as it has been in history over and over again..  And this religion does NOT elevate women to equality,,,but reduced them to noting but a fertility goddess that has little to do with a woman having abilities in all areas or even a mind to think with and have leadership and not be thought of as a woman first in the world, but known for what she can and is able to do and accomplish...

      First of all, I do oppose a one world religion even if all end up believing in Christ which I do think will occur at some point in time... Belief is not a religion, in itself... Christ said, believe in Him and love one another.. and added HEAL THE SICK AND FEED THE HUNGRY or Hell happens... and we know that those two areas have been used to control the masses and massive suffering has and is going on now.due to it...The two main causes of life ending before one natural this fallen state of humanity...since Adam and Eve ended up with the kind of bodies we now have...And the Bible does not explain a lot of 'mysteries shared..  As its more about our sin of bad choices and the consequences for one and all when we make them...and the redemption one can have in Christ for a new beginning...for life eternal..

    As we are read Bible stores of the early ministry of Christ and in the early church,,,which much of those writings have disappeared to?? . MEN DID NOT EVEN SPEAK TO A WOMAN and yet we read of Christ doing so all the time as if it was 'normal.'   The subjugation of women had been made part of the culture of the times...and why?/ Its always been about power and control and women usually do not have the strength of a least in ways needed to wage war...

      And Paul was writing letters that got read and passed on...and READ BY SPIES  from the govt of Rome who kept and eye on matters of this faith --in case another era of resurrections from the faith of one part would surface and cause trouble for Rome and all their crooked and corrupted govt contractors running things instead of the govt that did exist which in some ways had afforded more rights than most empires before them..  Many of our current laws in this world, are grounded in some they had....

      Laws do not mean much, when not carried out with fairness and justice for one and all to have protection under them  And why the current debate on health care is a FAKE ONE  as if the same cabal rules, them any plane will be turned into another hell and monies stolen and neither doctor, or patient will have a govt to turn to when the cabal contractors with no oversight allowed since law of 2002 gets deadly crooked with public monies stolen and or disappeared...

  As long as a few will do harm to others, we do need a govt that will stop crimes and bring offenders to a legal system to be judged and dealt with to stop the harms being done... We have VIRTUALLY NO GOVT IN CHARGE  in most areas of our lives and much the same has gone on world wide and at the UN..and WORLD PEACE seems to be getting further away from us and not closer....for it..

    When Christ returns and removes the EVIL TEMPTER from  this realm , then we would not need any govt, but Him as we all become the govt and priesthood .  as He restrains the forces of darkness to give us  chance to make it on our own with the innate goodness we were created to be through Him...

             Faith is personal and why ONE WORLD GOVT will never work. to have all believe the same and act the same even when Christ returns and we know Him and love rules..., the unique wonder of our diversity and creativity is not going to end as that would be against all that Christ ever taught us by word, deed and His Holy Spirit left to guide us through....and carry us in times of suffering this world can get itself bad choices and forgetting to care and heal the wounds of the past, and OVER COME THEM and NOT  COVER UP THEM...

    We are in an era, where too often we are forgetting the 'least among us' with our laws and policies and personal actions..  At the same time the Information highway is still pretty open, and we find we are all more alike than different and in most times of war in this world, the fight is not with each others of the masses, but some leaders in spats with each others or one group or another trying to grab wealth or land  and power to keep it... And the people follow along, as we have only begun to realize that we, as the most always have held the real power and got fooled and tricked to not use it...and we are getting fooled yet as most of the issues we have are due to LESS THAN 25% ELECTED  those in LESS  THAN  95 % VOTED  and who is supporting our leaders,,, We got tricked into not participating... and when things go wrong,,,its on us.. as the few who do vote, is not a mandate of a majority of all who could be voting.......


   We can complain about special interests and big money...but  THE INTERESTS OF THE MAJORITY is pretty common for all of us  And as for big money?  Rich or poor its one vote each... and when the majority is the electors, may those in office not forget the least among the most vulnerable has rights also,, even if they night not agree with the plan or method...survival of all is one of those rights all know has to be... And its all elections from local to federal and keep it up as we will probably have to send some back home next election day, who forgot we are the boss and finally taking charge of our lives and the ways things are to be...for one and all of us.. Change is coming as it must, and we are to be the ones to decide the direction.... and some group affiliations are bound to change in the mix....

   And some day, we will not think of each other in our secular lives in the world, as male or female rich or poor, but for who we each are and what we are able to do and be... And the revealing of all we know now is upsetting the balance of powers that some have grabbed over time as equality that Christ taught of even for women who held positions of leadership in the early church...even when the society at large did not accept it...and Paul wrote his letter with care to get pass THE CENSORSHIP of his time, and too often the interpretations handed down...over the centuries has arrived with differing meaning than if one reads them 'literally.'  

    The Bible was lived in an  culture and historical time and we are teaching less about history now when almost anything can be looked up instantaneously  and ancient artifacts and writings surface daily somewhere in the world and we learn about it almost as soon as discovered.

                          In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may we not forget the least among us as we become the rulers of our nations now more and more.... Pray for those now in leadership in the USA and around the world, that love be the way to follow with justice and mercy for one and all... and may those in the USA allow the truth of matters to be revealed before we get ourselves in more trouble and pray for those affected by floods and other disasters that all of us be prepared and do what we can for our own selves with food shortages, as well as helping out those who have lost so much...

   Will we find those who have come to our border, willing to help? as we have to face this human crisis that somehow we all let happen in this world community, that is not a govt, but still one family of humanity to care about each other.... Help us figure this out!

And when 39 federal agencies judges are obeyed on my cases alone....will that be a sign that we are all on the better path...of respect for the laws we do have and for each other and may LOVE RULE more than laws as You taught us that the laws are to be in our hearts...with You all things are possible..

I ask for that which has already been approved and bills paid out of pocket paid so that some repairs can be done on our home and preparations for what is coming ….to help me, mine and any others our small  abundance might help sustain others lives and human desires for freedom and love for one care..As You taught us well and we praise and thank You for Your love for me and each one  and pass on that love always!  Forgive me my failings and forgetting  as we strive to do better each moment of every day...Amen!

                                FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

     Thanks from all with truths to share to all others out on the information highway, trying to share and not so easy after window 8 came along....There are 'universal 'sharing apps that most are free that can be posted on ones websites and on 2/27/19, when my laptop gave up its cyber life...found the tablet I switched to not easy to share a direct link...and not have to use a desk top in our home that can still access my custom design that has windows 7 on one browser. with the GOOGLE TOOLBAR that has never been beat for opening up the freedom of direct link of your site to mine and others passing on ….too. 

       No new sites to add today...and if you do not wish your site or article linked on world wide, that has to be respected...One is posted at the end here... But others are so many are online and what you read and wish others to know about,, can be linked directly and that takes care of copy right issues as well as free advertising for ones own site..

   As for ads, as long as they do not block content,  its part of the FREEDOM of the Fair market system and bill boards along the side is just part of the open and free information highway....See you on the journey!

Linda Joy Adams 4/1/19


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