
Sunday, February 24, 2019


1 Kings 17 KJV - And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the - Bible Gateway

For decades, a Bible is opened daily at random with translations varied each time through... Every day the chapter reveals something in personal life for guidance as well as the world around all of us..

      There are some who get this blog who are not CHRISTIANS  and I respect their personal beliefs as BELIEF CANNOT BE FORCED  and even if the predicted comes and puts implants in brains   only then can we be stopped from personal thoughts and beliefs   and  the end of the final freedoms we each have ends for a period of horrendous drought, along with the physical one we allowed to be done to ourselves by ourselves by not taking care of this planet as the Divine asked us to do at the beginning of time for humanity.... and once before our  actions or non actions got us into horrendous trouble and most scholars now think we had messed up our own genetics so badly... that only Noah and His wife were purely human as we were created to be..

    Its only been about 20 years, since President. Clinton signed an executive orders and put the newly mapped human genome out for any 'MAD SCIENTIST'  to play around with .. and some horrendous missing has said to have gone on..  If anything was a MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY this was for the human race.. and we should have had some form of ethical board, maybe even from many nations to OK use of that info... so that genetic diseases could be cured.. or treated. but mixing animals into our genetic  offspring would not occur...  WE STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAS BEEN LOOSED WE CAN NOT TAKE BACK..... as humans are going to be human and will have children and what have we let loose..??

  Again  Congress did not serve us well and we may already be paying the price for our very future...

Until we have full spiritual knowledge to know what good or evil can come from superior knowledge we have no business messing around with it and causing future annihilation of   maybe humanity itself..

        ADAM AND EVE WERE TEMPTED BY THE DEVIL IN THE GARDEN OF INNOCENCE as they had no knowledge of evil itself  and we do not know how long they lived there in perfect peace. do we? As the Bible and other early creation stories do not share all details... BUT AS SOON AS  THEY WERE TEMPTED TO USE SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE  and not known what harm it could end up doing... humanity got kicked out of our innocence into a world where we have had to deal with the hardships of survival ever since..

   This teaching is pretty common throughout the world  from the most ancient of human history, not just in the Torah or Bible... Common sense and logic tells us that its  TRUTH that when we find out something and begin to use it without knowing the consequences.. we soon find ourselves in horrendous trouble...  AND WOE TO US WHEN ONE OR FEW WARNS US  and we do not listen to one who taps into the spiritual side and we find ourselves in horrible times..

        In 1962, I attended Summer music camp at Kansas State University where I later became a student the following year..  One of the first things we were shown in a tour of campus was  the nuclear physical that power the entire 30, 000 student campus.  a small device that if something happened to have to contain a leak or danger to all humanity.. it could be put in a sealed box (lead?) and buried in a small area far from causing harm for  thousand years or more until it was no longer a threat...

       It was only a few years ago that , it was dismantled...  But greed of a few to control the flow of energy and make huge profits off of every human on this planet,,  caused us to now be in dire threat of extinction of humanity and the whole viability of the planet to have to sustain life...

     HUGE  nuclear plants were built  THAT IN CASE OF DIASTER  no known way to contain the harms done or the extinction  of humanity  and the ecosystem and plant and animal life we need to sustain our own lives... Many went and protested but I did not.. too busy with my own daily life as most of were.. BUT  I was not in favor of such as  WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE NUCLEAR WASTE  AS NO SOLUTION YET DISCOVERED  to turn it into safety.  We are just now beginning to learn how we might do that....

    Yes if every town or large place like a university had some, it still would be a lot world wide... to get rid of  BUT WHEN THE TOTAL CONTROL OF AN ENERGY SOURCE GOT PUT IN THE HANDS OF A FEW WEALTHY ENTITIES... instead of many having control of it at local levels... etc.. it stopped a lot of creativity and innovation that many probably would have found and been using solutions already..

     So we have a humanitarian disaster at Fuckishima so bad.. none report the daily radiation levels and all hope we all do not get cancer. etc..

  We had our prophets warn us, just like Elijah did here. and then he called on the drought to come and as he warned it did... by our own sin.. and  SIN CAN BE ON OF OMISSION OF DOING NOTHING.  to even protect our own survival as we let greed take over... when we already had wind and solar energy options. to be improved and expanded....  if replacing use of fossil fuels was an issues. which  BACK DECADES AGO  WE HAD NOT BEGUN TO ADDRESS until the spigot of oil from OPEC got turned off and our cars would not run down the road...

        Now we are in a crunch using what fossil fuels we have never gotten our of our own soil. while many want to push forward far faster than possible  to switch to non fossil fuels AND WHAT IS NEEDED IS SOME FULL COOPERATION AT ALL LEVELS OF PRIVATE AND GOVT OF, BY AND FOR US  ALL EVEN THE RICH..   so that we can each find what works best for us.. in each household and begin the process household by household and  I STILL WANT SOME WAY TO PUT OUR OWN HOME AND 'HOMESTEAD' ON PART SOLAR OR WIND   and being in an area that sometimes gets hail... are solar panels unbreakable yet.. and where to erect either..

    We are outside any town or city and we have a security light pole on our property erected by the utility company for much of the state.. The cost of keeping that one light. on goes up and up and why?  I have checked out access to alternative  and would like to put part of the house  and some outbuildings on alternative . THE BIG EXPENSE FOR WIND IS GETTING A POLE UP THAT WILL SUSTAIN  WIND AS WELL AS OUR UTILITY POLE DOES..  And we are not in what is called TORNADO ALLEY as that is west of us.. but wind can rise up that is strong and what we could possible erect is not going to be as sturdy as that pole that has never wavered since we move here 22  years ago  and pray it will stand firm...

     ITS NOT A BIG GREEN DEAL WE NEED  as some propose now BUT LITTLE FIXES ALLOVER THE COUNTRY  as so many have thought about it and ran into obstacles that some tweaks in current laws local, state and federal could help solve so we could individually make deals with utility companies and have some solutions available.. What Pres Obama tried to do , had little impact on what individuals could accomplish.. and what is best for one, is not best for all.

We are uniquely and wonderfully made and our lifestyles and families are as diverse as we are as individuals..   What we need is those who hold the power of energy within a few  sharing choices with all of us, even if its a partnership of us with the utility company to get installed and just pay them some kind of maintenance fee so that is things beak it can be fixed BUT THE BIGGER PROFITS FOR STOCK HOLDERS OR BOND HOLDERS   is not gong to be that big. and its the few at the top that will have to adjust more than each one of us lesser wealthy among us... WE are ready to reduce our energy costs and bills. as even the poor do not get enough help to fully meet their energy needs.. as that increases daily as we add more  devices and appliances to be plugged in...

                 RAISING TAXES  ON THE RICH is not gong to solve anything

 but stifle the need to move forward to  freedom of cost for energy ... and the change in wealth is not their personal wealth but what they will now invest in to have that wealth..  WE ALL HAVE TO CHANGE FOR OUR BETTER SURVIVAL.... AND MOST OF US need these companies to help but what we will be paying them for is far less.. than for the free energy we will have but  we may well be paying them and wishing to do so .. for the equipment and someone to call if it breaks down etc.

            IN A FREE SOCIETY WHAT IS NEEDED TO BE DONE TOGETHER IS FAR MORE COMPLEX THAN MAMA GOVT DOING IT ALL  and can never do it as we have a home in the country and a pole already up that is only for our use, but others live in a city and  zoning laws , which reasonable ones are needed   are not gong to let everyone do just anything as our neighbors within a few feet will be affected..


        Taking the money from the rich  first. is not a help, as they need to use that for changes they must make.. and we have had enough of corporate welfare already..A new kind o work force and educational system as we have a DROUGHT OF ANY WITH THE SKILL TO PUT UP WIND AND SOLAR AND MAKE THE EQUIPMENTS EVEN RIGHT NOW... 

    Tax structures for the wealthy and for the rest of us,, may need incentives to help make the changes with the monies we have  and make in the near future...SOUND BITES OF TAX THE RICH IS HARMFUL FOR ALL AND COMMON SENSE SAYS IT WILL BE RESISTED AS ITS A THREAT FOR THEIR SURVIVAL AS WELL AS OURS,,,, We make a deal with  all parties as the people and  its individual what is needed and  ideas from many plus the expertise and  maybe getting our to vote for local elections.. is needed also. so tat by the time some graduate from high school they have a skill in alternation energy as one area  to sustain them as some go on and become the engineers of the future that create better and more efficient  FREE ENERGY   BUT WE ARE STILL GOING TO NEED  to buy the machines and systems and some one dig the hole to erect it.. and  the transfer to jobs of the future  are gong to always be changing as we gain knowledge and education will be life long. not 12 years  plus a few more and no need to ever return for more learning..

    The  SOCIAL EXPERIMENT OF CONTROLLING THE MASSES AND ALL THINK AND BE ALIKE HAS BEEN A FAILURE  and many did not make it through and some who did. seem to know less than the founders of the USA did nearly 300 years ago .. who had more learning at age 16, if they came from enough wealth to be educated, then most of us know now.. and they could not even get on the Internet to look anything up to know about...

    Our barrel of flour and oil to use is going to need to be a constant ever flowing and we were given all we need in mind and spirit and physical universe to have  HEAVEN ON EARTH And stop making hell on earth by our immaturity of not being  PART OF THE SOLUTION that each one of us is badly needed to be part of to make it all happen...IT CANNOT BE THE GOVT, AS THE GOVT IS OF, BY AND FOR US  and  ONE SIZE , ONE SOLUTION WILL NOT WORK FOR EVERY HOME BUSINESS AND OTHER  PLACES WE VISIT DAILY...

  The wealthy will need to adapt to changing  how wealth is made, and we each will be better off for it..  THESE ARE THE LAWS NEEDED WITH OVERSIGHT TO MAKE SURE ANY MONIES SPENT FROM US IS NOT STOLEN AND WORSE..   and fairness and justice in the laws are upheld as each one helps to find what is best for one and all.   ALONE, AND WITHIN OUR GROUPS OF ACCESS TO FREE ENERGY  but some costs shared in some way to each have it..  THE RICH ARE GOING TO HAVE FREE ENERGY ALSO ONCE THEY GET THE  EQUIPMENT INSTALLED..  and they use more than you or I .. THEY HAVE BIGGER HOUSE(S) AND MANY  OF US MAY ONLY HAVE A CONDO OR APT..  We drive a compact car, and the rich may have a limo with driver...  AND WHERE IS THE WASTED ENERGY TO NOT HAVE A WIND GENERATOR ON EACH VEHICLE AND WHEN ONE GOES HOME AT NIGHT..

plug our homes into the car...  DO WE HAVE THIS BACKWARD ALREADY?? 

    a spiritual revival of the mindset?

        In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians  call Christ Jesus. may You open our minds and hearts to learn how to make this world a heaven earth for each one among us. May the devil not box us into old ways of the past, that need to change for  FREEDOM MORE THAN WE HAVE EVER KNOWN IN THIS PHYSICAL UNIVERSE YOU  GAVE US FOR PLACE TO LIVE OUR PHYSICAL LIVE  AND PROMISE of eternity here also some day.. not to far in the future in the realms of time and space..

   Help us grow up to the fullness of maturity of You as You wish us to be . so we can come together as free individuals to make decisions for one and all of what is the best way for each one or together to have all that freely given to be used for good and glory of all that is good and wonderful...May those who hold great wealth accept their responsibility to change and help  in the process and not feel threatened  with grave loss as we understand the wealthy are needed to help also... and we may still pay them something but not for the  FREE ENERGY  YOU GAVE US AT THE BEGINNING OF CREATION ITSELF. You gave us wind and the sun and water to flow and dark matter we have not even begun to know how to use for good..   MAY WE STOP USING ALL WE LEARN TO HARM OTHERS  and use all we know for good,  for all of creation and better health for each one. forever more... Amen!


   My old lap top finally gave out. and had to use desk top in living room and sit up  etc..  AND THEN  TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE A TABLET  for rest.  as I have never used a cell phone but for occasional calls of others etc. and in middle of night. could not find  the phone number to their tech but  followed prompts and  a lot of the artificial intelligence knew what I needed and  led me thought the maze of energy  all the world is now led by   with a few grabbing control when most of us are to be rulers of even that with good to lead us... BEHIND AGAIN ON ANSWERING E MAILS AND  BLOGGING.    You are not deleted..!

      Maybe this is  sign to switch to new sources of access to online  so can get online with videos and live streaming as wanted to do for some time.. with myself and others who would like to share also. TIME HAS COME AND THE PRODDING FROM SOME HUMANS AND SOME DIVINE PRODDING HAS  BEEN MADE CLEAR. I get it ,, its time to act and not think it is someday in the future BUT NOW!   CONGRESSWOMAN AOC IS RIGHT IN THAT.. TIME IS SHORT TO EVEN START TO ACT.. I JUST KNOW THAT THE GOVT IS NOT THE ANSWER AND TAXING THE RICH IS NOT EITHER AS THEIR MONEY WILL BE NEEDED TO ADAPT AND HELP LEAD THE WAY  TO MORE FREEDOM  and we will still be paying them. something  . just not for  ENERGY  or many other things. which they will reap the benefit of  FREE ALSO...

FREE AND FAIR DEALS  ARE GOOD FOR ALL..  EVEN THE POOREST AMONG US... May we never let a few control all of us ever again once we break  FREE  FROM THE CURRENT BONDAGE WE VOTED TO RULE US BACK IN 2002  Do not let us be fooled into civil wars between rich and poor, old or young.. as each is needed  to be part of the total solution for  FREEDOM each us is wants and needs in order  for survival of humanity  as we each are unique and bring unique insights and help to the whole..  AS INDIVIDUALS  not as slaves to  only one who knows all for us.. and knows less than most...FAR LESS THAN THE DIVINE WHO MADE US TO BE FREE AND ABLE TO FIGURE IT OUT  FOR ALL NOT JUST ONE OR A FEW OF OUR OWN 'GROUP.'

     Christ never said its wrong to be rich.. BUT WITH IT IS GREAT RESPONSIBILITY IN SERVICE TO HUMANITY..  and the rich young ruler who is asked to give it up..  to save his soul.. may well be said to be the few of the cabal who have gained much by  ILL GOTTEN GAIN AND DOWN RIGHT STEALING FROM THE PUBLIC TREASURIES OF  the world  and that is and never was yours to have and then misuse against us to keep total power over us..

    You know in your bound up souls, what is fair and just and like Zaccheus the 'wee little man' and hated crooked govt contractors . who asked Christ to come to his house , he gave up 1/2  AND GAVE IT BACK.. to set things right and fair if we had been a fair ad just contractors of Rome in the first place and not stolen from the people' s money in the first place as was common as Rome 's government forgot to  be in charge and keep the peace by faith and just applications  of laws.. as they had no oversight of the corrupted contracting out  and soon the most innocent of all time was crucified for  OUR SINS...  HE SHOWED US THE WAY  and we have nor learned   but we are beginning to and may we not be distracted from the full journey of good ever again.. to  FREEDOM.

   Lynn Blodgett cabal  et al now owns Dell through another company bought from Perot  and trying to get some help  begging for service I paid for and have not had for a year... and a real mess. So will try and get by until then... About a year ago I saw a great deal on line and bought the tablet and none ever took it out of the box. as all other in our household use other accesses...  AND   THE MEAL AND OIL WAS PROVIDED FOR ME    AS THE PROMISE IS THAT WE WILL BE PROVIDED FOR.. if we just use the brains we were blessed to have and open our souls and hearts to the  DIVINE LOVE  we are to let shine through..

Linda Joy Adams 2/24/19




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