
Thursday, February 28, 2019


Acts 18 KJV - After these things Paul departed from - Bible Gateway
  For decades a Bible of varying translations is opened at random and a Chapter read that always has personal meaning as well as truth for events in community and world.   This time through have gone back to the King James Version which is not read much as its older English  and found our ancestors had access to some meanings that we seem to have lost in translation into modern times... in attempts to help understanding in other parts.
     There are some who access this blog who are not Christian and may the common wisdom and common logic of Christ's teaching be faith cannot be forced and I respect that.. and what others have to offer that is so basic to all of us from the beginning....FREEDOM AND CARING AND BEING SOCIAL CREATURES WITH BOUNDARIES OF PERSON AND PROPERTY INNATE IN ALL OF US..OF MUTUAL RESPECT THAT LOVE NEEDS TO  GROW..
       The study of history, even ancients is crucial to better understand where we are in current times and why we still have the same 'types' blocking truth getting shared and creating 'swamps' of corruption in society when  the innate desire for freedom and freedom of expression can upset those who hold power and unfair advantage over our very lives..AND TOO OFTEN THEY ARE NOT THE ONES IN HIGHEST seats of   VISIBLE AUTHORITY   in our governments  and institutions even of our faith.
      Power controllers will sneak around ,spew out their lies and 'fake news' and fake charges of crimes blocking hope of   PEACE AND JOY of individuals as well as groups and nations from having peace among all  with boundaries of respect of our own privacy rights ..  Whether these be  invisible of personal thoughts  and sharing of ideas and truth as well as visible  boundaries to have rights of ownership  of property of national boundaries of who we may invite in and when...EVEN THOUGH WE ALWAYS CARE.... WE HAVE RIGHTS TO MAKE CHOICES and help is not good help when mutual respect for each others rights and property is not respected..FOR   THIS IS OF THE DECEIVER OF  THEFT AND HARMS TO ONE AND ALL.
          Its why societies do not survive unless we have some common rules and laws to go by that allow personal rights  and freedoms  that the 'CREATURES OF THE MURKY DEPTHS OF SWAMPS OF CORRUPTION   know that freedom opens the door to TRUTH AND  HOME, COMMUNITY AND WORLD PEACE AND JOY .
      THOSE we have let take  CONTROL of our own lives and let ourselves be manipulated into their maligned lies ha 'swamp' unable to break free without the light of truth being allowed to shine in and open ourselves to FREEDOM ...that exists in a word of caring and love and respect for each other where none wish harm to another.
     In an era of free flow of information TRUTH is shining through even in the darkest muck of  the ruler of the muck of evil in control of those  who spew out their UNTRUTHS to continue their plots and deceptions  since t  ADAM AND EVE FIRST FELL FOR IT AND WE GOT OURSELVES THROWN INTO A WORLD OF CHOICES AND TOO OFTEN STILL FALL FOR THE SAME DECEPTIONS AND LIES   UNTIL WE MEET TRUTH AND IN OUR DEEPEST  being we know its REAL.
   We are 'set free' of the bindings we have tricked into letting ourselves into not knowing we can choose to  "BE BEST" 
    Truth  that we are free and thinking  and not be   mired in the sticky morass under those who have no good or love intended for us... We are just their pawns to play with in some sick game of power plays in ancient  hatreds of even self   that  the only 'good'  is destruction of the FREEDOM TO LOVE AS WE WERE CREATED TO BE FREE .
       TRUTH EXPOSES THEIR UNWHOLESOME INTENT  AND THE SWAMP LEADER CAN NO LONGER  CONTROL EVEN THOSE SEATED IN OUR GOVTS HIGHEST PLACES   TO continue making bad deals and treaties and laws and rules that can lead to cause grave harms and wars and the annihilation of humanity and our physical universe which is the realm of evil   which cannot survive in the light of truth in any spiritual realm of love and good.
           When tricked into such deception high leaders may well have to "WALK AWAY" when what is presented is based on deception and lies  that should not have existed by the time a celebration of peace is to occur...(This may well have occurred ? and were those highly seated leaders  all to be deceived and the 'swamp creatures' still retain 'power' over all of us?? when FREEDOM  is to be on the table for some and all?
Did we see some 'deep state " on all sides nearly cost all of us being mired more in wars and conflicts rather than peace and joy  for parties directly involved as well as all of us in humanity.
       Leaders of nations, groups and institutions  choosing to follow TRUTH AND MAKE GOOD DEALS even if not today...and the  RULER OF THE SWAMP  loses this round??
       The whole truth of matters may never be made know to the masses...BUT WE CAN BE AWARE  that we cannot blame this leader or that they are preyed on to do us all in more than any one of us of the voting masses are...and  THAT IS STILL ONLY 50% OR LESS OF US  in all elections and WHEN we get to 95% ?
    Faith that we the people, created in the image of Divine Love will figure out the best as we follow the good and resist evil  ...... just follow the desire for TRUTH....

                                     FREEDOM OF SHARING AWARDS LIST
Many need to add a 'universal sharing app (free ones available) to your sites so that we can link you and pass on info to get your truths out for all ... and am adding daily some whom I thank for making it easy to link..without a GOOGLE TOOLBAR  on a Windows 7 app. which is not on the TABLET  BEING USED NOW. but have it on my icon on shared desk top in central part of home and this nearly 74 year old needing to keep feet up thanks you greatly.... List started 2/27/19  IF YOU DO NOT WISH OTHERS TO LINK, I RESPECT THAT BUT MANY MAY NOT BE AWARE THAT SINCE  WINDOWS 8.1  THE INTERNET HAS OBSTACLES TO NOT EASILY PASS ON WHAT WE ACCESS FROM YOU  and want to share further which is a direct link back to your own sites  = free advertising for you..and info shared wider...
    In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus; may we never stop our search for truth THAT IS IN YOU  and let Your love shine through us always...for world peace and peace of our own souls and happiness You want for each of us to have..and we thank You for Love that is always free from You  for us to accept and sustain us in the middle of deception and lies by some we pray will find You in the darkness and become a beacon of light and love and help make right what has too often gone so wrong in our weakness to be deceived when You have shown us TRUTH  free of charge as You paid the price many years ago  for us.. Thank You!
Linda Joy Adams 2/28/19

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