
Monday, June 18, 2018


Barrack Obama's satanic image goes viral, Is Illuminati and Antichrist real? - IBTimes India   This is a share from King of Shambhala who is now on Twitter as Geir Smith.  and used to be on Before its News. My prayers are for none to be the anti Christ and all be saved and love one another and do good. but there is a list we all have of possible and some in virtual control few even know their names... A whole system and PERSONA'S CREATED NOW to fool and control the masses and we have to not be duped into it.. OUR PRESIDENT AND LEADERS ARE NOT MESSIAHS NOR MAGICIANS AND WE HAVE A LOT TO DO AS MEMBERS OF A FREE SOCIETY  each one of us.. as citizens of a free nation . VOTE IS NUMBER ONE AND IF YOU ARE ONE WHO DOES NOT PARTICIPATE THEN PRAY FOR THE REST OF US BUT Most have no excuse.DO YOU??   

      We all had a father and if one was blessed to be raised by a loving one then one is super blessed.

 Even if one never knew theirs, we can honor them for life itself.. and if one is unfortunate to not have had a good one or substitute good one.. then do not give up hope as within us , scientists say is the history of generations of ancestors and some in the spiritual  realm says that is where there is some kind of historical record we inherit like out own flash drive some how we can access the knowledge. of or once we could before our sin got us stopped from having all the knowledge Adam and Eve had. once they accessed it...  And one day when we learn to face evil and overcome it we will have all these  again. and more 

     ITS WHAT I THINK CHRIST GAVE TO HE APOSTLES FROM BEING ABLE TO HEAL AND MUCH MORE.  as they were going to need it even more after the resurrection.... and Satan fighting the spread of love and caring of the Divine  at every turn....

        We are in a time of real deception going on .. and truth is being revealed but a lot is not truth but deception and in our zeal to fix all the problem of the past right away.. we may be missing that the LEAST AMONG US may be getting trodden down under the masses. 

   Our laws are designed to prevent Mob rule.. Eve the electoral college is the final step in self governing when this might get our of control and the outcome not be what is wanted at all as its justice denied one denies it to all and we could end up with some areas of the nation overwhelming the rest and the outcome not be good for any or all of us..  (CITY FOLK DO NOT PRODUCE MUCH OF OUR FOOD and  THE MAJORITY MAY FORGET THAT and all of us starve. )

       This is what we were taught 60 years ago in school of why it exists. and our civil rights laws are based on this also... THAT THE LEAST AMONG US GETS SOME EXTRA PROTECTION... Least being a minority group which can changed over time what that is.

   Its why our laws have some many ifs, ands and buts in them to cover all the lesser groups that the overall law might harm unfairly.  .

      Among all those crossing our borders.  SOME MAY ACTUALLY HAVE VALID REASONS TO DO SO .. and those who have caused this mass invasion to happen has harmed those who came in real need and will be allowed to stay .. And we are hearing of some being deported for reasons that do not seem so bad and maybe some right of due process is needed and I KNOW HOW THAT RIGHTS AND DUE PROCESS HAVE DISAPPEARED OVER THE LAST COUPLE OF DECADES... for NO GOVT IN CHARGE OF MUCH OF ANYTHING AND THAT IS A MAJOR CONCERN THAT CHILDREN ARE BEING TURNED OVER TO THESE UNACCOUNTABLE CONTRACTORS AND NO OVERSIGHT BEING DONE..

                                    THE BIG LIE

 is that the local human services organization will be looking out for the needs of the children and minors who are the current LEAST AMONG US.. And many still do not know that since 2002 law passed by Congress the Feds cannot use their authority and oversee to help do internal audits or criminal investigations of what goes on inside the contracts and much of all of our social programs are now contracted out.. and those children ARE IN THE CARE OF THE VERY ONES ALLEGED TO HAVE DONE HORRIFIC THINGS WITH  AND TO THEM AND FAMILIES..

   These are the ones who have ended up with custody .. pending outcomes of the adults they came with ..

    Congress has a gag order rule of no oversight either done.. and when the one Congressman showed up to find out where the children were and if OK . THE CONTRACTOR DENIED HIM ACCESS.


   The bad flaw in our protection of children since 1973 is who watched out for the children when the govt is not in control..   Are we going to have the Red Cross or Amnesty International making spot checks and being denied access also..??

    All that has occurred to my family and me COULD NOT HAVE OCCURRED UNDER A GOVT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE WHERE LAWS ARE OBEYED AND RIGHTS UNDER IS AS PROVEN HOW MAD IT IS ... THE 39 FEDERAL AGENCY JUDGES THIS CABAL DEFIES and worse is their DEEP STATE facilities or who lie and say whatever the contractors says is truth and its not as even files and data are withheld... ILLEGALLY   and few know yet as the cabal illegally impersonate that they are a govt phone number, address, or employee and why the worse abuse of rights is when this unaccountable  cabal is the ones with UNFETTERED ACCESS TO OUR E MILS, PHONE CALLS AND MOVEMENTS WITH THEIR TRAFFIC CAMS AND SURVEILLANCE AND CAN DO AS THEY PLEASE WITH WHAT WE SAY AND DO ...and a public official be black mailed for some kind of indiscretion.. that may not be illegal but can turn their private lives upside down.

    Virtually every one has become a  REALITY SHOW WITH THE PUSH OF A BUTTON.. and most of us are  not interesting enough to make big bucks on TV with  but any one could be disliked by someone and real harm done to that one with info gathered and watch our whistle blowers as WE HAVE HO PROTECTIONS BUT THE ALMIGHTY AT TIMES.

    Since the crimes by the cabal contractors cannot be prosecuted said congress in 2002 as no money can be spent to do so ... THEN a witness cannot get any kind of witness protection at all   . Not even a fed like me with ID theft which mine and many others is horrendous BUT  the contractors did it and we have no right to the oversight of credit services as others got.  a few years ago and still have..

I have to rely on Kredit Karma   and it has nothing to do with helping me monitor   them stealing medical claims and turning them into 17 pays per and stealing Medicare at a billion dollars a day since 10/6/16 this time.... and the results are now in and  MEDICARE IS NOW GONG BROKE FROM THE THEFTS OF THE CABAL IN TOTAL CONTROL OF IT AND  what are some of these folks doing  HEADING FOR THEIR UNDERGROUND BUNKERS ??  to survives what  THEY AND US ALLOWED TO HAPPEN TO US..  Under an anti Christ OUR OWN LEADERS CREATED TO BE THEIR PUPPET.. YEARS AGO WHEN THEY WERE CHILDREN..???

         THE THINGS I HAVE SHARED JUST WOULD NEVER HAVE GONE ON LIKE THIS IN THE EARLY YEARS OF MY CAREER WITH THE GOVT.. AT ALL  The public is now so used to the corruption that its accepted as people die and our monies are stolen daily from us.. and ITS FROM ALL OF US...

    Immigration issues is the fault of all of us for not doing anything and that includes voting for those over and over who did nothing to solve the problem and have some kind of fair and humane solutions.

What we have gotten only made things worse in many ways...


      Hope is rising as filled out my absentee ballot to get it mailed ... and some long lists of those running for every office. that is to be filled. ..Most seemed serious about tuning and had  make some selections but most have never met.. I DO KNOW THAT THE CURRENT CONGRESSMAN HAS DONE NOTHING FOR ME. AND PLAYED LOSE MY PRIVACY RELEASES AND FILES WITH ME.. AT ALL  AND THAT MEANS MY OWN SURVIVAL IS FINDING SOMEONE ELSE. to try..  Thy do not have to  GO ALONG TO GET LONG A WITH THEIR UNCONSTITUTIONAL GAG ORDER RULE TO NOT BOTHER THE CONTRACTOR AND LET THEM GO ON ROBBING AND HARMING ALL OF US..  

      This is being done by BOTH PARTIES   NOTHING ! ABOUT THE OVERSIGHT AS IT MAKES MOST HEARING A FARCE AND MOCKERY OF THE US CONSTITOUO WHEN THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS REALLY GONG ON AND THOSE WHO TESTIFY FOR THE GOVT COVER UP  that they cannot verify any fact or data.. AND IN HEALTH CARE THIS CAN BE DOWN RIGHT DEADLY WITH no safe meds for 20 million or 40% of non allergic asthmatics  and growing numbers now from Hawaii toxic fires. And it got worse spiritually when the USA left 2 million to die before they should in New York City from the 9/11 01 toxic fires ...(air has no boundaries and the Stock market was to have been moved to Philly oversight and would have stayed until the fires were out. and maybe never returned to NYC?.  )and all we heard about was the first responders as heir own US Senators Hillary and Chuck let a real holocaust go on. and those are now 2 million homicides as they continue to die before their natural time.. But 20 million + now caught in the 9/11/01 cover up  of what our own govt did . NOT WHAT BIN LADIN DID WHOM I TRIED GET SOMEONE TO STOP HIM FOR 2 YEARS  after he declared war on the USA from my own observations from back in 7/88-89 BEFORE THEN  as injuries in the first incident..back in  1/89( Read Daily Recap added 9/11/16 for what happened to me and his 90 federal co workers and do not believe the FBI who said we all worked with terrorists. as he got hired to work with us and not being a citizen was not to be... and we still have one or two of his doubles to be prosecuted from 1990 indictment and from what I was told, might still have to testify that its my blood tests and skin sample in the evidence....  WHILE WE HAVE THE FAMILIES NOW ABLE TO SUE SAUDI ARABIA AND DISTRACTED FROM WHAT HAS BEEN GONG ON ALL ALONG IN THE REAL DEEP STATE  for years and years in some parts of it. 7/88 is when the 'causing all to have to take a mark occurred when the enemy was given access to the numbering system for all of us. that we are to expect to be kept protected from harm..  We saw at least three of them including the real one as Sec Rumsfeld said  they created doubles back in 1975.. #4? was in Jersey City also )  WE HAVE LET THE DEVIL HAVE HIS WAY WITH US.. and HHS OIG  WOULD NOT ACT  .  THE NJ WHITE WASH 9/11 COMMISSION BLEW IT WHEN THEY DID NOT GO BACK BEFORE 1995 AND Missed the whole mission of what laws we needed to prevent another 9/11/01 and what we got is worse than ever....

    The rest of us which was less than a million according the studies them felt the back lash of  INTENTIONAL BY THE CABAL IN VIRTUAL CONTROL OF ALL PARTS NOW  OF less testing ,  care and meds no longer even being made that have been successful to sustain life for decades.. since the original research  out of the National Institutes  of health in 1988 on toxic and chemical  injures got pushed aside in 1990 when the first Gulf war bets and civilians came home and class action law suits required to be filed against Dow chemical for one  by civil servants under worker comp.   Then we began to be excluded from all STUDIES AND CLINICAL TRIALS SINCE THEN AND NOT CONSIDERED OAR OF THE HUMAN FAMILY  in a real discrimination by HHS and I got caught in all of this to this day as one off the original 1/2 dozen who got something (FECA) based on the 1988 research and a kind of medical precedent cases. So all , you get what I get, not much and a real struggle for life.. Go to DAILY RECAP 4/3/18 FOR WHAT  I have for medical care and  HS chemistry  is needed to neutralize the Dow chemicals bonding most pills now and my main one that synthesizes even liquid oxygen into the DNA level   theophylline  in the pills that have ruined what they are even for.. THE RESEARCH IS STILL NOT DONE AS TO JUST HOW THIS PART OF THE PLANTS WE GET CHOCOLATE FROM WORKS SINCE DISCOVERED IN 1888.and nearly all asthmatics got the script for 70 years with little issues until   IT BECAME BONDED WITH AN ALCOHOL ETHER CHEMICAL    AND DOW STILL WILL NOT SEND ME A MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ON THE E4M CELLULOSE WHICH IS NOT FROM A PLANT. and when this was put in our foods as gums, gels and cellulose's in 2006 the FDA SAID IT WAS ONLY GENERALLY SAFE.. that means many should not eat much of what is on  counter and being an alcohol, pregnant women are not to have that ?? (this one is not on line either  and none can find out at all from ones doctor, pharmacist, poison control and even the drug companies have a disclaimer on the package insert that they do not know... WHAT IS ADDED AND  was told that FDA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 'ADDED' TO BE SAFE and FDA STILL SAYS THEY AREN'T  ..  AND  'ADDED' IS OFTEN NOT EVEN LABELED  and in pills it seems o be worse as its designed to get into the DNA.

   The food industry has tried to neutralize this as if they must pay the chemical companies to even be allowed to make a processed  foods and watch out as found a 15% solution injected into chicken ....Free market is taking over some where other companies are advertising  no solutions in theirs.

       I always wash off meat. Sprayed with all kinds of things now   and then clean the sink with  perfume free soap....but how does one get out a injection??

       Cabal contractors are involved in all of our lives 24/7 and we rely on a govt to make sure all our laws are obeyed..  With out the RESTRAINER OF LAW. we have to rely on none influenced by evil intent and that is not available yet.  THAT TAKES WE THE PEOPLE RULING   and we cannot even get 95% voting in all elections yet.  I may not know all those running for office in our OK primary but can read their own web sites and some press reports etc. and then make a prayed over choice and hope for the best.. as one never knows when one elects a person what they will do when they take office. Some do better than expected and others  we will need to send home next election . but give constructive  criticism  as we are allowed to do  in our FREE SOCIETY OR ITS SUPPOSED TO BE AND A FREE PRESS AND THAT IS NOW THE INTERNET.. to have all the opinions from all  sides. 

       A lot of good people are on the ballot now and some have come out of retirement to serve... and would not need to do that.. Do your best but do vote ad show the cabal that we are involved and we mean for them to stop their scams and begin to act legally and fairly with all of us..  And you have a few trillion to return to the public treasury and if some may go to jail. then get your attorney and make a deal against  the higher ups.. as that is part of our system but what is and has been going on is real horrific felonies. and not a few misdemeanors and we cannot afford to let this corrupted mess go on but we all have to realize that some more innocent are among the whole and some are being framed like most of our medical community ... by this cabal under the virtual micromanagement of this ruling cabal since the COUP OF 2002 AND MUCH WAS ALREADY SET UP READY TO GO AS FAR BACK AS THE 1990'S. and some further back than that. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                               PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS 

as the ancients knew form the Divine and got perverted at the time of he Tower of Babel into the fertility goddess religion of Mystery Babylon. And since then the terms and meanings are a jumble in our every day language that often we are not taught is from thousands of years ago.

     All may not b what it seems up there right now as mars slows down to retreat and so is others and the Crescent Moon does a fly by of Spica at the left hand  of the constellation of Ceres as it once was called and now called Virgo which is he ONE TIME HISTORICAL EVENT OF 9/23/17 STAR MAP  that seems to be a sign Christ spoke of to let us know that the time is near for the end of the age. .(nor of the world) to watch for events to unfold and be prepared for what is going on and we have our job as Christians to  WORK O THE LAST HARVEST OF SOULS , THE BRIDE OF CHRIST WHICH OF ALL THE MEANINGS THAT FIT THIS ONE CONSTELLATION OVER TIME  , THAT SEEMS TO BE THE FINAL ONE. when we will have peace at last and all evil bound up from us..and we all are kings and priest with Christ holding the 'rod' or is it the SERVER and not have to fear being zapped if we do not think or do   what the anti Christ wanted us to do its said we will go through some bad times. even those who believe and are raptured and miss some of it..?

   July 2018 seem to be a time of real events above as the Star of David is made between two eclipses and one is said o be connected to the one of 8/1999 when war broke out then and will it be averted ?? when all over the world people are in an active war zone now.. DECEPTION TO THINK WAR IS NOT GOING ON SOME WHERE AND WE ONLY HEAR 'RUMORS' NOW.. as the Bible says it will be rumors not the head lines which is more about  'matters  of supreme import' of where is the first lady for a month?


.                                      REVELATION CHAPTER 12FF

VERSE BY VERSE IDEAS OF WHAT MEANINGS BEING CONVEYED AND MANY ARE SHARING NOW  and most is very serious and has worth to be watched and read.. NO past tense in Hebrew so we have multiple meanings of things shared  and most may well be accurate for the time and place for the interpretation.. etc.

  REVELATION CHAPTER 13: VERSE 17. "and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." 

(The beast system  is already in virtual reality now over and controlling us in our buying and selling.. but the numbering of us was compromised back in our office in 7/88 and  to id who we are to access our bank accounts and credit and all the other ways of buying with out  anonymous money is not quite in place yet..  but even paying some basic bills is not easy unless one is online now.. and how does his system know that I am the one on here right now?  A chips is already in our pets. and many others have been required to have them where they work also..  I EXPECT THAT IT WILL BE MORE THAN AN IDENTIFIER BUT A CONTROLLER OF CONTROL OF OUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS ANT THAT IS ALREADY IN OUR SCIENCE TO  KNOW BUT OUR SOULS ARE BURIED INSIDE OF US AND THAT WE MUST KEEP INTACT.. but when one can be followed and stopped and sapped even if won exercises freedoms. that are not illegal hen what  WE HAVE A SYSTEM THAT IS AGAINST EVERYTHING CHRIST IS OF FREEDOM OF WILL and this



                                                SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY

II CORINTHIANS: VERSE 11. "Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have."

(If there is a will there is a way"    All about freedom with Christ  HE WISHES US TO WANT TO LOVE HIM AS HE LOVES US AND ONE  ANOTHER ..    In the full maturity of humanity we know what is good for us and its not the death and destruction and hatreds of the evil one.. WE love even if we do not agree or like others that much ... BUT WE Care and when we see this occur it brings hope in our souls for the future that we will get there and have a HEAVEN ON EARTH as Christ said we are to pray for.. )


        In the name of Yahusha , our Salvation whom most call Christ Jesus. may we never lose the freedom we have for our souls, no matter what is going on in he world that is turned into a real mess.. forgive us for not doing better to have a heaven on earth we forgot to follow your teachings and love as you love us.. Pray that real justice come from the corruptions being exposed and may be drain to the bottom of this mess for good.. Pray for all those who may have to testify and /or ask for mercy form the courts. of law. That the process will find out in a better world of caring and love for one another... and those who have done so much bad, repent and be saved and do good instead.. Thanks for all of our fathers and ancestors for us having life and thanks for the blessing of a good father to raise us. and love us..   Amen!

Linda Joy Adams 6/18/18  



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