
Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Trump Renews Charges Of Unfair Obama Investigation Bigger Than Watergate! Trump Blasts Phony POTUS Obama Back To Hole He Crawled Out From (Video) | Obama Birthplace Controversy  s my lengthy comment to the linked article   and this is far worse than the third rate burglary where they went to prison and none has in this and its worse than some made up manipulation of a  secret court.. as its all part of an international cabal crime syndicate that is far worse than one world govt as its NO GOVT AT ALL IN CHARGE IN THE USA NOR MANY OTHER NATIONS AND UN NOW

AND THEIR NAMED PUPPET THY HAVE CREATED READY TO TAKE OVER AND PRAY FOR OBAMA HE IS NOT TEMPTED TO DO THEIR LAST BIDDING   AS THEY KNEW YOU WERE BORN IN Topeka Ks all along and did not  tell you , did they??It did not suit their agenda? As they fooled the whole world and still getting by with it..until all search for the truth and know it is not the fake lies to cover up real agendas that do not help any.. but now there is a cabal that has done the dirty work so your hands remain clean   and since no investigation allowed by congress when you are named as a person of interest for doing the ear mark that ended our constitutional form of govt  where those who commit illegal acts harm and rob us cannot b touched  by the real govt officials.

      Much worse than  fake dossier to manipulate a secret court.... is going on here and a shake up in the mighty Rothschild's is taking place with a new head named  along with a civil war in the Democratic party  also... which your cabal took control of all.... or who do you and Donna  report to ??  My prayers for your souls  and all the victims of so much you could have done and did not do and what you did put in motion. of so many innocent who suffered the ultimate fatal losses.  YOU LET LOSE A MONSTER WHO DO NOT NEED ANY DIRECTION NOW TO KEEP DOING  HORRORS.

Linda Joy Adams 3/6/18   

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