
Saturday, March 31, 2018


Desperate Democrats Lunge Out At Trump Via Melania: Joy Behar Says Melania Trump Deserves No Sympathy Because She Is ‘A Birther’ (Video) | Alternative see my comment to the linked article. and the cover up of three who died in the lynching of Jim T Parks , 16 year old dad of former Obama at Topeka Ks where he was born in 8/61.. that had a big part in the cover up to this day as THE PUPPET MASTERS OF THE WORLD DO NOT WISH THE TRUTH KNOWN AS THE PEOPLE WILL FACE THE PAST OF THE FINAL PIECE TO END RACISM FOREVER.... SO WE CAN HAVE PEACE OF EARTH AND ALL LOVED ONE ANOTHER/  THE CONDITION OF THEIR SOULS  NOT THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT looks different than another is important in eternity...

  As we  celebrate the RESURRECTION OF CHRIST AND his overcoming of the final  act of Satan of death itself.. THE PROMISE THAT WE TOO CAN OVER COME ALL EVIL .. OF EVEN DEATH ITSELF may we all, even if not a Christian understand the logic of facing the evil deeds of the past and make peace with the ignorance and following of bad leaders who did not have love , justice or mercy in their hearts...  and even if some of the evil doers were our personal ancestors.. reconcile our selves to them and learn to not do what they should have not done. .but learn what they did right and make I part of our own lives.

   If we do not face and OVERCOME, WE ARE DOOMED TO BE COVER UPPERS AND WHEN WE THE PEOPLE R THE GOVT IN MUCH OF TH WORLD NOW AND IS THE PLAN OF THE DIVINE AS SHARED IN REVELATION AFTER WE GET THROUGH THESE TIMES OF TRIBULATION    WHERE ALL ARE KINGS AND PRIESTS..   as also mentioned in the Book of Daniel in the Old testament too..  and he founders of the USA not only knew their Bibles well but if one were educated read it in  the original languages as expected of one who was educated and most were better educated in math,  and history then most of the youth graduating from a failed experiment of too often   failed educational system designed for molding all into a society that never questions anything put forth by the puppet masters and a squelching of our innate free will to think for ourselves...THE FINAL OBJECT OF THE MK ULTRA PROJECT OF CONTROL BY A FEW. AND TO CREATE ONLY THOSE WHO REJECT THE CHRIST THROUGH WHICH WE WERE MADE TO BE FREE AND HAVE FREE WILL TO CHOOSE THE GOOD OVER THE BAD.
      .  Prayerfully , be grounded in a good moral code to be honest , not steal or murder and not commit perjury  as a witness..  And if one holds a position of authority in their  own household or as a national leader..., they will not "covet', abuse power.  As it meant to those who got it first from Moses in two tablets of the ten commandments that IN OUR IGNORANCE AND FOOLISHNESS OF NOT KNOWING WHAT IT IS .... we take them down so hat the government of Satan can rule as one world order and one religion where none has freedom of even thought and none have privacy rights of even owning their thoughts or property.  Its not a world government being proposed at all as any government is a 'social contract' with the people who agree  to be under it.. Even if the people are to be the ultimate rulers as under the US Constitution.

    The 10 guides to a separation of church and state as we have been tricked to think it is the opposite.

     Its tells us, as Moses taught it, form the Divine.. that a leader is not a god, and we are not to worship them as a god and if they abuse their power over us, we have the right to removed such an evil.   those that are public figures in he media.. do us no good when hey do not think for themselves and passed  on info that MOCKS HORRIBLE DEEDS IN THEIR IGNORANCE TO EVEN HAVE A DESIRE FOR THE TRUTH..

   How about the View going to Topeka Ks and have the whole truth come out by those who are still alive and know it.. like me who was here at the time I even had an attempt on my life in 5/61 which only by A DIVINE FORCE WAS I MOVED OUT OF THE WAY JUST IN TIME SO THAT THE MISSILE ONLY TOUCHED MY CLOTHING AND NOT MY FLESH.  All because it had become known that my parents had gdnshp of my dad's 15 year old pregnant great niece.. And my mother took Obama's mother to FORBES AIR FORCE BASE HOSPITAL  AND WAS THERE WHEN HE WAS BORN..    from then on the puppet master of the world have had control of his life and future is my opinion. they are the ones who cannot face evil and reconcile to the past , OVERCOME IT AND  stop covering it up as the evils done such as lynching is  THE TACTICS THEIR OWN FORERUNNERS USED TO SUBDUE HE MASSES THEY WISHED TO CONTROL  

     It was common for lynching victims never spoken  of again and forgotten to COVER UP THE CRIME OF A VICIOUS MURDER.   and the fanily took shame on themselves and covered up what occurred also  which let evil continue as this is the devil's great accomplishment to get good people to cover up what he made humans do to each other. that is against every part of the Divine Love  ...

     Our founders gave us a governing  document that 'balanced the powers of our government under the people based on these teachings..  And as a Christian, I believe Moses got it from Christ Himself in his pre partly  human flesh on the mountain or wherever Moses went from there. as he may have gone  up somewhere as Enoch did..

                   THIS IS WHY CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD AND THE FIRST RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD OF THE PAST WERE  SEEN  as those who were crucified in the past by Rome and other horrendous unjust acts of lives taken  WERE COVERED UP AND FORGOTTEN AS TOO SHAMEFUL TO BE PART OF HISTORY  as done by many peoples and nations throughout history in the name of civil peace or religion of all kinds , even Christianity has been turned dark by those who got control and aced UNCHRISTIAN.. .  and the agenda of those in power was merely to KEEP THE POWER THE PEOPLE DID NOT WISH TO CONTINUE UNDER. 


     Christ did not say He ever intended to be the Caesar as that is for us humans to be the ones we let  serve us in various kinds of positions of authority  Satan offered Him the rulership of the world as temptation and He said no as HE IS THE PART OF THE DIVINE  CREATOR OF ALL ..   . unlike  ANCIENT LEADERS WHO  CLAIMED THEY WERE GODS OR SONS OF GODS. AND HELD CONTROL THROUGH FAITH OF LOSS OF ETERNAL LIFE. SO ALL HAD TO WORSHIP AND NOT QUESTION WHAT THEY DID OR ORDERED TO BE DONE.

       Moses came down from the mountain and CHANGED THE THINKING OF HUMANITY FOREVER MORE.   From then on the Hebrews of Israel were far different  than all the rest of the world.. and much up until the last few hundred years and some parts of humanity still hold on to  the past truths  revealed  in part.    Ancient Israel in he desert leaned of  a new way of governing that had a separation of church and state . AND ITS SATAN THAT WANTS TH E10 COMMANDMENT TAKEN DOWN FROM OUR PUBLIC BUILDINGS SO HE CAN INCARNATE  INTO A HUMAN AND BE WORSHIPED AS A GOD  and why we are getting in to this idol worship of our leaders and cannot face it when we learn they have not all been as perfect as Christ in their personal lives,
    I do not think that Satan is able to create anything and the only way to have human form to rule  over us is to take the body of one who has turned on Christ at the moment of that person's death and possess it.. as the person has lost their eternal soul to Satan already..
           This is only my opinion and Christ can change it for me with new insights when given by Him or any other who has another idea that fits the teachings of scripture and the Holy Spirit ..Its why I refrain from saying this or that is the Anti Christ. as  I personally believe that is what occurs in that final moment when Satan takes his body.. and we are told it is a he.    I have a list of probable from the things they have done and said.. BUT; the event has not occurred yet ass the whole world is not worshipping one man yet ... Most still recognize evil when done by this man or another and those who follow such among women also... Many are setting things up now for the anti Christ to take power with little resistance. and that is the spiritual battle that is going  on right now in the 'SWAMP.' Good will win! and we need to make sure we are on the side of good and not the bad guy's of hell.
                              BACK IN THE DESERT OF THE EXODUS.. WITH MOSES:
   They  were given a new kind of government model.. with   human leaders  but a priest hood that was to be listened to for moral teachings from the Divine.. and not to be overthrown by the political leaders of  nations.   .. But Christ did say the govt will rest on His shoulders. when we get through the end times tribulation of the last attempt by Satan to take us all into his realm..    Only the religions of the devil teach immoral ways to live.  Some  in those with basically  good moral teachings have been perverted from that and they need to get back to the true teaching or look elsewhere for a better one..  What is called Islam, by some today doing such horrible things is the one in our times that seems to be out of control ....  Seems to be far different from what many of them  have in their original teaching as they have the same characters in their Koran Holy  book as Christians  and Jews have in theirs. ...  They know of Christ and HIS moral teachings and any one of Islam that does not follow that , is not being true to their faith.. are they ??  As for the Divinity of Christ  even Christians have not fully agreed for 2000 years now.. I believe it is truth but he how is a mystery that maybe no human has the capability to understand until He is with us again.. and our souls have been purified through His love for all  to resist all evil. 

   Maybe after we get through these birth pangs of tribulation to the TRUTH AND WONDERFUL CREATION WITH OUT SATAN'S EVIL TO TEMPT US WILL NEVER DO SO   EVER AGAIN.. TO DO BAD THINGS.  
     Is the government described for the 1000 years of peace with Christ.. here. be one where. WE WILL ALL VOTE FOR A FEW MINUTES EACH DAY  ONLINE FOR WHAT IS TO BE DONE BY THOSE WE HIRED TO WORK FOR US FROM LOCAL TO STATE TO FEDERAL AND INTERNATIONALLY.. LIKE A CITY MANAGER TYPE AND HAVE THE SPIRITUAL GIFT OF ADMINISTRATION WHICH IS ONE OF REAL HUMILITY TO CARRY OUT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. I have wondered if the 144,000 will by those managers who work for us and carry out what we vote to be done. at all levels .If none have some money making agenda using us or our public funds or credits or whatever we set up  etc.. What is there for them to make happen that would warrant such debate beyond what the people want done.?? maybe we have reached a time when no one personal or small group can ever be trusted again to hold unaccountable power and be able to retain it by corruption..
      Its why I believe in something that its far different that those who call for a minimum income for all..  FORGET THE CONTRACTORS SUBDUING ANY ONE TO BEGGING FOR FOOD OR MONEY FOR RENT..  All should get the minimum  they now get plus home ownership that cannot be taken from them..  , even the rich by right of birth into the human family  and health care needed in some way..  AND IF SOME DO NOTHING AND SIT IN THEIR TINY HOUSE OR EFFICIENCY CONDO AS HE MINIMUM GUARANTEED BY BIRTH.... so be it...  but most will form family units and share the costs from each's minimum and  most will go out and earn more and have a better place but always able to return to the minimum...   All he money spent and too often being scammed by contractors now. even for administrative costs as they would not be needed  . will not be need as with a secure Internet system with Christ in Control of our privacy we will have credits to use.. for food, etc.. OF HE SAME KIND OF MINIMUM WE NOW HAVE IN OUR SOCIAL PROGRAMS..
     And if he rich wish to donate some credits to  a social project or worship place. it would be able to do..  If all are priests too, then we will be able to care for one another so no child grows up unloved to turn on society and others in need will have help as soon as it is asked for and parsons will not be ended as crime will not be an issue in a society where evil can tempt .. As we will not have to work beyond a few hours a week anymore. unless we choose to .. CHRIST WILL KEEP SATAN AND HIS MINIONS AT BAY.. as our FREE WILL MAY THEN  BE ALLOWED TO BE EXERCISED FOR GOOD..   
   It is what we had in the Garden of Eden  when our basic needs were provided for free ..  by our Divine Creator and we chose to reject it and find ourselves in real harming mess. of corrupt now for no following some basic teachings  of the way we are to be and act. and resist evil when it rises up..   
              We are now going through the final stages of a real test of growth as humans into the full maturity  of what we were to always be. FREE AND INDEPENDENT PEOPLE WITH THE RESISTANCE TO EVIL ..  Then we will be ready to go on out and populate the whole universe that waits for us... and the Divine will  know we are ready to never put creation in  jeopardy by our weapons of war that now can rip even  time apart.
             A Glorious future waits for us to accept it when we get through evil's last attempt to stop us from having it..  Its the PROMISE OF THE RESURRECTION WE CELEBRATE TODAY !
                                        PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS
  Revelation Chapter 12  of he one time historical event in the heavens that must be the beginning of the time line of the end times when all of this will end in wonderfulness. but the horror of the last battle against  evil mush be won first. I do not call anyone evil., but we have a lack of resistance to follow it yet in this fallen state of the current  world. 
             At Passover after the 9/23/17 even of revelation 12. the full moon was in Virgo after blessing its light on the shaft of grain in the left hand of her which seems to be the last harvest of souls  separated form the weeds as the battle for good goes one. and pray all of us get counted with the good grain and not the weeds. in this time..
    .  The Full moon shining is  now leaving  her and going on down to shine its full brilliant light on he multi headed hydra beast of the swamp of corruption  that surrounds her in a winding way with the tail that stings.. ( Since the  time of the Tower of Babel  when the ancient picture Bible got perverted into the futility goddess mystery religion we have terms and  meanings in a jumble and most know this beast as Scorpio..
      And we are now seeing a meeting of the taskmaster of hard teachings of he past having to be dealt with . As  Saturn is  meeting up with Mars of wars and  deep seated angers to cause them    with the light of the full moon shining  to reveal why we are being enticed to go to wars of all wars when most never wish to do so ever and would rather figure out ways to get alone and  live in peace with mutual  respect for each other in some way as all know that war only have victims on all sides and destruction and sorrow..  for all.  people .. Only the puppet masters win out. And most do not  wish war to be some  kind of entertainment for the devil to have his evil delight over.  
   Major events of meetings and occasions are coming soon and may  meetings become   fair and just ;make a deal that has lasting peace and respect for each ones and nations rights and participation in the family of humanity. What each side really needs  , not what the puppet masters try to convince all it is wanted.. .   We do not have to agree or even like each other at all.  But we have to be able to each one of us be free and full participants  whatever government we live under. 
                                             SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY
I PETER : CHAPTER 4: VERSE 7-8 "But the end of all things is at hand, therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.  And above all things have fervent love for one another, for 'love will cover a multitude of sins.'"
( I will quote from the info in my Bible of the meaning of this.. that says:
         Peter is not suggesting that ones Christian love atones for another Christian's sins. Rather by introducing this proverb from the Old Testament (see Prov 10;12), he is reminding us that love does not stir up sins. We can demonstrate our love for our fellow believers by truly forgiving them and not talking about their past sins.."
     This is not about illegal acts by those in authority as one mega church leader has been indicted for theft this week. And the legal system will have to sort all out and those with info about it testify truthfully of what they know.. .   But it can mean about those in authority who may  or may not  have had past sins, hat are not even illegal whether true or not..    as recent issues of our president at the crucial time now ..  being dredged out   that  evil can use to distract from serious matters that must be dealt with by those in power. .for the survival of all of us.. sinner and non sinner alike. and none is perfect but the one who was only part human and came and died and paid the price for all of our sins forever and ROSE FROM THE DEAD TO OVER COME ALL AS WE ARE ASKED TO JOIN HIM IN THE GLORY OF ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM OF THE DIVINE LOVE  FOR EACH AND ALL WHICH WE ARE FREE TO LET THAT LOVE SHINE THROUGH US.. MORE GLORIOUS HAN THE FULL MOON THAT IS A WONDERFUL SIGHT  OF CREATION'S GLORY FOR US TO SEE. 
            In the name of Yahusha, the risen Christ may we REJOICE  TODAY FOR YOUR TRIUMPH FOR ALL OF US OVER EVIL FOR EVERMORE..  May we not forget Your teaching and be guided by Your Holy Spirit through the days and weeks and what ever time may be before You return in FULL GLORY TO BIND UP EVIL FOR EVER..  special prayers for President Trump and his family as they go through personal issues and for all of us going through many kinds of human issues also... And may the knowledge of how to titrate theophylline out of pills that cause grave harm to me and others. .and Pray for our doctors who can only monitor us thought this..
      You gave us at creation for healing be known and may  OUR GOVT  FDA  ALLOW IT TO BE MADE BY TEVA OUT OF JERUSALEM AGAIN FOR WHAT REASON IS NOT REVEALED FOR NEARLY 4 YEARS NOW OF WORK SITE ISSUES? .  OR THE OTHER COMPANIES  MAKE ONE THAT IS SAFE FOR MILLIONS OF US NEEDING WHAT IS NOT AVAILABLE NOW..  And may new understandings be found of how our bodies work for research for better ways to be healed  so that  healing of the sick and injured  be done.
    . You said to heal the sick and feed the hungry or have the hell that we have all allowed to be created. by forgetting to Love one another as You love us ..  even those we may not like or agree with .. as You taught us we are all Your children of one family that too often we act like spoiled brats and still You love us as we are and wish us to be good ,Forgive us for not being good.. and following Your clear teachings to love. and care. which is truth and no joke with our eternal lives at stake. Forgive me my own failings!  as others must ask the same for theirs from You.. Amen!, 
Linda Joy Adams 4/1/18

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