
Saturday, July 16, 2016


Turkey holds 1,500 U.S. military HOSTAGE after coup, Obama busy PLAYING GOLF!! [UPDATE] » The Right Scoop -
    On the week end the regular news people from cable 24/7 seem to go home and all we get is prerecorded and other matters that are not up to date as to what is really gong on right now in the world.
         Then I get this news letter info and am shocked this is not headlines right now! It seems to be valid so I am sharing it but pray its not this bad!
   First of all, why is our military bases over seas dependent on the local energy sources. Can't we put up from solar panels or wind turbines?
     What I gather is that Erdogan is not letting our 1500 leave until the USA turns over the one he says was behind the coup whom he exiled to the USA last year. 
        In 1979 Iran held embassy civilian personnel hostage for nearly 2 years. Now how long is this going to go on ?
        The comment about playing golf does not mean much if that is where Pres. Obama does his best thinking?   No wonder Sec of State Kerry seems so flustered on TV to day in a blip , from today or yesterday? And he had just gone to Russia and I posted a bizarre post that supposedly came form the White house that the meeting was about the Planet Nibiru coming ???
      And another link I made to day was that Putin was being asked about Turkey joining with the EU on matters and he said that Turkey was not even I the EU.
       Some one is trying to do something and not sure who and the whole mess seems to be chaos that has 1500 military  in Turkey on our base there and not being permitted to leave and fly out, if we chose to do so.
         ERDOGAN HOLDS THE USA HOSTAGE and we would like some info as to what is being done leaders! and 1500 families have personal concerns about their loved ones , more than the rest of us.
In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may this be resolved with no more blood shed and the whole truth be known whatever it is. We may lose access  in TURKEY for troops to be stationed there and that has been a place we have been since WWII.
The ancient places of Gog and Magog and Tubal and Rosh are in the news and one can go read Ezekiel 38 in the Old Testament prophetic book and ask are we in the middle of or the beginning of events foretold thousands of years ago?
     Makes we think that Sec of State Kerry  did not go to Russia to speak to  Putin about a big planet that may swing by some day in the future??  What do the rest of the people think?
 Press release needed President Obama before the conspiracy theories escalate! And the  Republican convention will be all about this and how the Democrats and Sec of State Clinton got us in this mess and the current leadership is not getting us out of it.??
Linda Joy Adams  7/17/16

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