
Sunday, July 24, 2016

DAILY RECAP 7/25/16 I BELONG! BASIC HUMAN RIGHT OF A SOCIAL BEING: President Obama Born In Topeka KS son of Jim T Parks

Question About Affects of Tribal Membership on Political Status | Alternative   see my comment to the article linked.
This is an article that raises a basic question of what it is to be a human being!
     Whatever ones heritage, parentage, or  any other part of what makes us human beings we seem to have a need to BELONG.  Belong to some group and be that from our birth..
           The 14th amendment to the US Constitution has been debated a lot in recent years as to who is a natural born citizen of the USA. As some wanted President Obama to be born elsewhere, etc.  And some, even his own grandmother went to great lengths to hide his origins from him. Something so basic , that I had to come forward and try to let him know what he should have been told at least by the time he became an adult   
         I had an opportunity a couple of times since  1/71 when I was stopped by his grandmother from saying anything to him and deferred to her  and his immediate family in the matter. She was not about to let me mention anything to him anyway...  later on  when we met he did not tell me who he was and I did not know until later on from others.. and  after that when we ended up in the same church worship service, he left before we could talk and I had not known it was him only that he looked familiar and that was over 20 years ago. . 
      After his mother left Topeka Ks with him as a new born, I had little contact with them although at times my mother would pass on info she got from other relatives.
     The whole details was shared on line from 7/26/12 through 11/12  and is presented as I came to know things about him and the entire family history . Plus I was digging back in my archival brain for my eyewitness account of what happened over 50 years before. And since I had had an attempt on my own life, as well aw three dead and he and his mother nearly lynched also along with his real dad, it is not something one wishes to remember.
           The whole city of Topeka and then much of the state knew and did not wish to acknowledge such an atrocity can happen.. We have to face the past in order to overcome it.
        Otherwise we become COVER UPPERS WHO KEEP RIGHT ON ALLOWING THE SAME INJUSTICES CONTINUE.  Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus called all of us to become OVER COMERS OR WE FACE HORRENDOUS TIMES OF INJUSTICE. in the last book of the Bible,  The Book of Revelation.
      We are given at the beginning of that book the  seven letters to seven churches that are like types of social states we can get into  and also descriptions of types of bad people we will have to over come to overcome the final tribulations of the evil one who is a destroyer and not a being of life and love. and loves each one of humanity unconditional and wish  justice for all.
     One does not have to be a Christian to understand the wisdom of this and its not the only interpretation around, but much of the Bible is written for at least three interpretations for each section and the one I share is just my take on things and is not in disagreement with others either.
.   I know full well that when one does not know the whole truth of their origins there is a part missing in ones very soul.  It is important  to each and every one to know where they came from and be a part of the past, as well as the present and forms how one is in the future as well as in the present. To me, if one is n a position of high authority its all the more crucial to be a 'WHOLE PERSON." 
      To honor those who gave us life, itself, we have to face who they were and what they did good o bad or in the middle and honor the good and follow that and overcome their shortcomings as a learning process of humanity to not repeat the wrong things our ancestors may have done. What we are called to do is understand why and not get ourselves n the same place to follow such wrong or evil again. And if we do not study history as many of our younger generations are not getting toady, we have doomed ourselves to repeating the wrongs of the past in one way or another. If only by dong as so many of our ancestors have done and just gone along to get along with those who have gained power over us and led us unto horrible wrongs of history 
       By not studying our past, we have become COVER UPPERS OF IT. We have to face that humanity was created with FREE WILL and we can choose to do good or evil , ignoring things does not make the choices made go away at all.
             By the time of the 14th amendment of the US Constitution being passed, the USA had been on a horrendous path of injustice that it was time to try and make things right and just for each and every one. And its not been an easy path for some among us to do.  Yet as a believer of the history that most people have on this planet we are all descendants of the 6 humans, the sons and daughter -in-laws  of Mr. and Mrs. Noah several thousand years ago.  
            Even if some say some 'aliens; came and intermarried, we are still one big family that should care and love each other and not be doing bad things to each other.... The Bible indicates that they well may have occurred more than once and even after the Flood of Noah.   We have lost much of human history when we decide to cover up and not OVER COME
to some place is basic. Its part of that inalienable right  of happiness to have a place we can call home. Even if its not the place where we now live.  President Obama was lied to and he did not know as of his 2007 book review when he said he had written only what he had been told and I did not see that at the time, but saw it a few years later or I would have tried to contact him then.
       He was deprived of a rich and very American heritage of his real dad. And then needed to be able to honor the man who married his pregnant mother to given him his name. he was not an absentee dad, but one who honored him with his name knowing he was not his biological son.  Those ore expert than I in these matters surely can understand the TRUTH DOES SET ONES SOUL FREE.
               What the 14th amendment does is very unique and very grounded in human behavior and how we are meant to be. THE GROUND YOU ARE BORN ON IS YOUR HOME  no matter what else .  You may be born of parents who have other citizenships and then you are blessed with three Homes .    Or later in life you may choose to have a different nation be the one you claim as your own and change your citizenship.    but whatever choice you make, YOU HAVE AN ORIGINAL HOME ON THE LAND ON WHICH YOU WERE BORN .
        NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM YOU EVER AS LONG AS YOU WISH TO CLAIM IT AS YOURS. Its your right to belong to some place and the people of that land.
         And even if you are not told the whole truth, somehow you have an inner knowledge  that what you may be told is not the whole truth of things.   I HAVE A SIMILAR TYPE PAST MY SELF and memories from the first day of my birth ,etc. that were always part of me, but before one leans what time and place is later on, one may not be able to place those in the time and place as being that early in life.  At least it was all in the USA. \
      It was President' s own great grandmother, Helen (Hardy) Pope as she went by for the last nearly  100 years  who told me in 11/63 that I had a baptismal and anointing certificate in one state and a birth certificate in another and it was the same as my earliest  memories  of the baptism soon after birth etc.  but  no one was going to let me know and the whole was done at the last moment as she and my uncle- in law  were leaving our house and my parents looked shook and I knew from my then 18 years of life  that this was something , again; no one was going to share anything about and might as well not even try and find out.  A STONE WALL OF MYSTERY 
        Its why I have such a long journey of trying to tell the eye witness account of President Obama born in Topeka KS son of Jim T Parks and my source is his parents on this. EVERY ONE KNEW AND THOSE ALIVE WHO KNEW THIS AND SO MUCH MORE NEED TO FACE THE PAST AND STOP COVERING IT UP AND OVER COME IT FOR ALL OF US. 
       The voter suppression going on in Kansas by the custodian of his birth certificate is only another manifestation of this horrendous denial of ones  PLACE TO BELONG. and I pray that it ends very soon.                             
                           Sec of State Kris Kobach
 send POTUS a certified copy of his real birth certificate showing the PLACE HE ORIGINALLY BELONGED TO Forbes Air Force Base Hospital , Topeka Ks, YOUR ORIGINAL HOME.  I do not understand the 'game playing that has gone on with you and your predecessor and you had my affidavit back in 9/12, yet did not fully answer truthfully in court , did you ? What is the issue here to deny one the right to know WHERE THEY BELONG?
        We need to get our voting matters legal and fair and stop some of the abuses that are going on to try and get one candidate or another in office.  If we were just electing one among us for various offices for a few years, to take care of our business for us,
      No matter the circumstances of ones birth , one does need to know the basics at some point in time as they grow up. We have many professionals who have studied this kind of thing to be a resource to help share at a level one is able to understand at certain ages. Let love lead is always the best and be aware that we know now that even tiny babies do know things and will need answers of WHERE DO I BELONG ON THIS PLANET?  WHERE IS MY GROUND I CAME TO BE ON WITH MY FIRST BREATH?  And Choices of life then begin..... made first by others and later by oneself   Prayerfully all made with life and love being the motivation. .
Linda Joy Adams 7/25/16

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