
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Linda Joy Adams: Violations of Civil Rights Page 1 UPDATED COMMENT ADDED : President Obama Born In Topeka KS son of Jim T Parks

Linda Joy Adams: Violations of Civil Rights Page 1 CLICK THE LINK BACK TO THE ORIGINAL POSTING I HAVE NOW ADDED AN UPDATED COMMENT TO THAT . these are also used for follow ups with various agencies by resigning and sending by me and those on my employer group health plan also directly and adversely affected also as two now have Medicare cards also  and its terrible getting medical care when no ones medical provider is able to now which plan is primary due to on going illegal hacking of mine and so many other records also and billing services( many under direct control of this cabal if not one of their shell companies- its that bad folks) then made by this cabal to use the illegal hacked system and not do a conditional payment which is the simple action needed to protect patient and medical providers, suppliers and pharmacists from any legal liability in the matter.
      Over the next few days, I will be updating by added comment of what is going on with the government and my cases that well show we are all under the COUP OF 2002. There is a series that I posted and reuse periodically to resign and send off to keep all pending matters current and legally alive for the day we again have a real government which enforces its laws and judges orders against the government contractor cabal that only does as it pleases.

Not to disparage our 'neighbors; who work for them as many there would like to have their companies do things right and fair also and are caught in a vicious system  just as all of us are. and some have been able to share info with me I have passed on here. BUT WITH NO WHISTLE BLOWER PROTECTION FOR THEM, I WILL WAIT TO GIVE NAMES TO A REAL OFFICIAL WHO HAS THE POWER TO PROTECT THEM  

   This cabal now is in control of that process and the situation could not be worse as the first act is not to protect, but to illegally act and collude to cover up their own cabal's wrong doing as we have demonstrated and shared in this blog. Congress cannot understand why the new laws do not help, ITS NOT UNDER THE REAL GOVERNMENT AND I HAVE SHARED THIS TO NO AVAIL AS THEY ARE 'GAGGED' TO GET THE WHISTLE BLOWER PROGRAM BACK UNDER A REAL ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNMENT

          Every one in the USA is under this international cabal that is now in charge by act of Congress that most did not even know they voted for by simply defunding any policing of the government contractors as then nearly the entire nation began to be contracted out.

                                       THE POLITICAL LIE

is that one can reduce the government payroll as we have laws that must be carried out and public monies to be sent out to individuals and entities under those laws, and more public monies to be collected  as taxes of all kinds .  So contracting out is  NOT REDUCING COSTS. The glaring result is  costs rise as without internal audit controls by real government officials still under the laws of the land, blatant thefts and other crimes are going  on daily and NO ONE IN THE REAL GOVERNMENT CAN OFFICIALLY KNOW ANYTHING FOR SURE AND WE GET ROBBED OF OUR MONIES, HEALTH,  LIVES AND RIGHTS TO EVEN STOP IT.


by this cabal and CONGRESS   has unconstitutional rules imposed on themselves to nor be able to verify any data or facts to base new laws on and OVERSIGHT IS S DEADLY AND COSTLY JOKE  when none in the REAL GOVERNMENT is allowed to verify anything for themselves to know .
Medicare is stolen daily by inside hacking and that has gone on since the COUP OF 2002.
       and that I just one part of the entire government that much the same is going on in. s the first thing I became aware of that this overthrow had occurred as every time I went to get medical care,  a different health plan was listed primary and found out that in 1999 the system had been contracted out to Group health of NY  and not only did they have control of the Medicare system and data but not only all of the medical records of not only those who have a Medicare card but anyone else that had any kind of health insurance or government health plan. and since government contractors are no longer under the HIPPAA laws , there is no protection of our medical records once a claim for payment is filed. It was a 'paper tiger' law that only benefited the contractors making the most money off it as contract auditors and info givers to cost our good doctors, etc. more over head costs when many states already had strict laws and ethics, etc that covered our patient rights of protection and privacy of records. At least get the contractors under the law as its where ts most needed as congress knew a decade ago of he deaths from this data base that is used for medical treatment especially in busy emergency rooms and its a deadly mess of typos, wrong diagnosis codes and in my case and others co mingled with other patients records. THERE IS NO WAY TO CORRECT WRONG INFO AT ALL and  there is no reason ones doctors cannot do this using their own PIN to access when they see that what is on that is not the same as their own office records on the patients.   My first 'close call back in 2007 is when I learned of it and began to try and gets something done and NO ONE CAN .  One cannot even get a copy of it to even know if their very  life could be in danger if used for medical treatment. I had another close call in 2009 and I carry some of my basic medical records with me just in case. 

       I can well make the case that the third leading cause of death in the USA is this cabal run in the USA by Lynn Blodgett and even members of CONGRESS ARE IN THE SAME DEADLY MESS AS THE REST OF US NOW AS WE ARE ALL UNDER THIS EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY HEALTH INSURANCE OR PLAN AS ITS PART OF THE NEW HEALTH CARE OF 2010 THAT WAS FAR MORE THAN EVERYONE HAVING HEALTH INSURANCE   And no one in Congress has anyway to fix  that whole plan unless they can get accurate info to know what to do.....

THEY CAN NOT DO THAT.   Their contract forbids them from altering any information when a posting is made by ones employer as mine has been then and to this very day from the  system that is still under the control of the US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR  as an injured FEDERAL WORKER AS JURISDICTION WAS TRANSFERRED TO THEM WHEN I LAST WENT OUT ON FEDERAL WORKERS COMP.  And it will show me as employed or active duty until a permanent disability is posted which is impossible to occurred when LYNN BLODGETT refused to post y file, even after I got 3 appellate judges orders for him to do so using my records and asking me for the facts as they said no one knows what is going on .  That was in 2/09 and although I have given a copy of the judges orders to my claims examiner , they can only OFFICIALLY GET IT FROM HIM POSTED TO A FILE AND  READY TO WORK 

I already have permanent and total medical benefits from when FECA out me on home liquid oxygen for life nearly 22 years ago which is standard medical care for the toxic and chemical  injuries I sustained 1/10.89  and too many of my co workers have died already of their injures and most will die prematurely from them at some date in time, also. . Just go to any 9/11 anniversary date of 9/11/01 and read of a history that the public does not know of and the NJ WHITEWASH 9/11/ Commission decided not to go back before 1995 and thus never got to the root caused of how and why the governed did not stop the attack as the beginnings go back  long before this and on 1/10/89 the cover up that led to 9/11/01 was well under way inside the real government that 'opened the gates of hell on the USA"

          I am not against government contracting per se. as it serves a purpose when a government has highly technical and specific short term needs to be taken care of. But since ancient China governments do well when they have a dedicated and loyal civil service.

   The other great empire that got into serious trouble which  by passed that system and went to unaccountable government  contracting out was ROME.  and those of us who read our Bibles as believers in Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus read of how Rome had to deal with civil uprisings as the government contractors gouged the people collecting far more than they were to fairly do .  The result were uprisings that led to the mighty ROMAN ARMY  having to be sent in to control resistance to illegal and corruption by contracting out the government and then not seeing to it those contractors were fair and just. The story of Zacheus , the wee little man; was a government contractor  tax collector who changed his life by meeting Christ.  The  Biblical account indicates that the unfair amount he  collected may have been 50% more than was the legal amount plus reasonable expenses and salary. No wonder tax collectors were hated and the Roman Army was called in that caused more hardships as the poor were kicked out of their 'public housing' so the soldiers could be housed in the rooms in the walls of the city that were there to take care of the poor as any government gets into trouble when they do not make sure the more vulnerable among them are taken care of by society in some way. . 

If every one's taxes were raised 50%, wouldn't the people be in protest also?   THEY ARE AND ITS HAS OCCURRED ALTHOUGH WE HIDE 'TAXES'  WITH OTHER NAMES OF RISING COSTS AND HIGHER HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS, and raised fees for this or that.  ETC  as we get gouged by the USA GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS GOUGING US BY PURE THEFT  AND ILLEGAL BEHAVIORS THAT CANNOT BE STOPPED UNLESS CONGRESS ACTS AND THEY GAGGED THEMSELVES SO NOTHING CAN BE DONE  AS TO PASS A LAW OR BUDGET, THEY HAVE TO UNGAG THEMSELVES FIRST TO DISCUSS IT?.  We all pay taxes if not directly, then indirectly and we have a sense of when its a fair amount and when its not. We know if the work of government is getting done or not to know. The work of government is not getting done as there is NO REAL GOVERNMENT RUNNING MUCH OF ANYTHING ANYMORE. due to the COUP OF 2002 

        Fortunately the founders of the USA gave us a governing document THE US CONSTITUTION  which gives us PEACEFUL MEANS TO TAKE BACK THE GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE. We, the people are the ultimate power through our votes. We vote to hire those who are to be taking care of the business of government for us and we CAN SAY 'YOU'RE FIRED' at election time by not reelecting those who have not served us well

  And if there is graver immediate needs to remove one from  office, we have written into the US Constitution peaceful means for earlier removal from office.


 This needs to change  for our basic survival and all please do vote. even if you do not vote for the same candidates as I do , THE POWER OR THE PEOPLE IS OUR PARTICIPATION FOR ALL TO KNOW THAT WE HAVE TAKEN THE REAL POWER BACK THAT IS NOT IN THE STREETS BUT IN THE BALLOT BOX

 Linda Joy Adams 7/27/16

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