
Friday, July 8, 2016


Secretive Bank of England — Controlling The World’s Money Supply | World Truth.TV    Something major occurred in 1984 when money became not something we held in our hands or even entered on a piece of paper called a check. a NEW GENERATION OF SYSTEMS MADE MOST OF OUR MONEY SOME BLIPS ON A SCREEN IN CYBERSPACE AND A NEW GROUP WAS FORMED AND WAS IT PART OF THE OLD, OR WHO IS NOW REALLY IN CHARGE? The ancients who have manipulated humanity from the beginning of our history seems to have chosen a new bunch to replace their old 'puppets?'

 Is the Clinton Foundation  now the front organization for something newer and bigger than any controller of the past??? A new source says it is and he did not seem to understand the world wide ramifications of this. Governments lost control of their own data and records as well as their money and even the Federal reserve seems to be losing control as we march on down a path of destruction and world dominance by one yet to be revealed that is far worse than even the ones I and others have been harmed by. its all in the end time stories that exist all over the world as warnings that have not been heeded, have they?

I know some of the younger generation who do not even have a check book as they rely on their plastic under the total control of one international company formed in 1984 called Sungard and I have not read or found any change from it. Anyone have? Please share it!

   Our governments and Congress of the USA did not have the foresight to pay a super salary  to continue having in house government programmers and the contracting out began and became a law unto them selves in the COUP OF 2002. and Congress still have not done anything to get a little budget to over see what is going on.    WHY? not willing to face what they or their predecessors done to the nation and got tricked by ones among them who had sold their souls to entities other than the USA. sovereignty.  Is the Biblical warning of what not to let happen, now becoming our daily way of life? under an entity that no one really knows who is running things, as its certainly not our REAL GOVERNMENT SINCE COUP OF 2002;  ITS NOT A 'SHADOW GOVERNMENT'  FOR IT IS THE POWER THAT RULES US AND WE HAVE ALLOWED OURSELVES TO BE ITS VICTIMS. as most of the  real government kept thinking they were the real government and fooled big time. as they believed any piece of info they were given by the ones really in charge as they could no longer check things out for themselves as defunded to do so by most of Congress  not even knowing what they voted to do .

Its why I am in such a life threatening situation as gossip and rumor and blatant lies is all anyone has as THEY BOW TO THE BEAST OF REVELATION AND ITS MASTER THE ANTICHRIST YET TO BE REVEALED. as they go to their places of faith and think they have done the self righteous thing and did the wrong and very evil things by allowing their free will and self responsibility to be gagged.

Linda Joy Adams 7/9/16

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