
Monday, July 4, 2016


Michelle Obama Makes Stunning Admission About Barack’s Birth Certificate

see more comments in response and on disqus lindajoyadams,

  WHO IS THIS PERSON. smrstrauss,? HE OR SHE SAYS IS  NOT ANY EYE WITNESS AND CLAIMS TO HAVE NO PERSONAL CONNECTION TO THE FAMILY ,ETC.  So what it the motivation to not only be stuck on lies  that I know as eye witness  is not true and I mean eye witness as a legal term.  HE IS NOT ONLY CALLING ME A LIAR, BUT HAS ADDED  RON PAUL MD TO THE LIST HE IS DISSING.

       I read on line this week that some in the government are trolling to cause dissension/disinformation ?. Why would anyone in the government wish to cover up the truth and criminally obstruct the investigation of 3 murders from 3/61 that have never had a full investigation and closure for any of the family, and that include the President of the USA who lost his real dad that day and why he never got to know him.

     Linda Joy Adams  7/3/16

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