
Sunday, July 3, 2016


Sharp-Shooting Army Veteran Saves Bald Eagle Stuck Up A Tree    It seems 'everyone' is looking for end time signs. Even those who profess to be atheists are doing it.  So when this story popped up on MSN news I paused. Another 'sign?'

Are we in such a mess that is will take  our well trained Army with good old time rifles and sharp shooters to save the 'Eagle' which is the symbol of the USA? That means ground troops, not bombs and not drones?  War and killing is sin to me. But on the' eternal judgment day' we each will have to account for our sins and hearts be judged for actions we took. Will we be justified for the sins we committed by the intent of our hearts? Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus said HE  will be our lawyer if we just believe in HIM and ask HIM to be for us as HE  said HE  already 'paid the price" for us on the cross when HE DIED FOR US AND ROSE AND OVERCAME DEATH FOR US BECAUSE HE LOVES EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.
Its a mystery humanity is still trying to fully understand.

And I have always considered my self with 'pacifist' leanings and I am here speaking about military and old fashioned 'guns.'

      Now if all you  out there that believe no one should have a gun.  THIS EAGLE MIGHT HAVE GONE TO EAGLE HEAVEN IF IT WERE NOT FOR ONE WITH A SIMPLE RIFLE THAT SAVED IT.?

People kill people not guns. Its the people who hold he guns who decided what to shoot at. and sometimes the shot SAVES THE EAGLE. And he did not need an ARK -7?  either.

     I saw my dad with sharp shooter training save the chickens in the chicken house from a wild animal once with a BB gun and nicked it in a non life threatening part. and that animal ran out and never saw it again bothering a chicken.   Sometimes force is needed but not complete destruction force either. if the other entity or animal has any common sense or sense of survival for themselves. Unfortunately we are not dealing with   a few humans whose seem to have no self worth or innate sense of survival. A warped thinking of some  heavenly place is waiting if they only end their own life before their natural time as 72 virgins are waiting. 
    I do not about you, but some have issues dealing with one spouse, let along 72?  The logic of their thinking must be off. Poor old Jacob of the Bible had 4 and he had his issues dealing with 4 and some one sold these 'jihadists'  a 'bill of goods' to go end ones life sooner to have 72?
          Sounds like some kind of self imposed 'hell' to  any one with common sense and sense of self worth and WILL TO LIVE  we are created with .  And scholars say the translation is wrong and   that its really 72 raisins.  And that makes common sense to have a heaven with lots of good food  to enjoy. The HEAVENLY FEAST WE ARE ALL INVITED TO COME TO AT SOME TIME. 

Just a thought on how 'overboard' a society can get on just one issue  of guns when fear and common sense collide?  The answer lies somewhere in the middle and it takes each of us with our unique insights to find exactly where the answer is that fits. for each and every one. Its why this push to make us all 'thought zombies' and no one have any ideas that stray from what is considered the 'accepted thoughts.' takes away our basic humanity of being thinking beings with FREE WILL. to choose good over evil

Linda Joy Adams 7/3/16

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