
Friday, July 29, 2016


Newsroom - GPUS  I  just signed up to get the Green Party news letter. There is  info  out that Senator Bernie Sanders is not out of this race at all yet .and one source is said to be the Drudge report. I have not officially endorsed any one but most can see I do lean to Donald Trump at this point as  there is too much of what I am dealing with in my very struggle for life that can be tracked right back to actions Hillary Clinton  has taken since 1993 and continued . and if she does win, I call for a nation wide prayer chain for her to do what is right and best for the nation.
      I think Donald Trump is one that is wanting to give back to the nation,, even if he has done some things in business that were not always the best.  And if he wins, I hope people of faith send prayers of intercession for him to be guided to do good  also.

 But , we may well be seeing the end of the 2 party system in the USA   There are many things that the  Green  Party advocates that I can agree with. But I have not changed my voter registration.  In Oklahoma, the Green Party is not yet recognized to be on the ballot. so its not even possible to do that here. nor can one choose to write in a candidate.  One votes for one of the two main parties or Libertarian or an independent candidate.  I am not 'jumping ship yet from the Republican party, but have not always voted a straight party ticket either.

     Some may be seeing some postings from the Green  Party on my sites, and one cannot be a well informed voter this year and only follow one candidate or the other as the bigger story is we may see the stranglehold of the 2 party system crumbling into 4 parties . as some of the :'establishment' Republicans have indicated they may be  joining  the Libertarians.   Most nations have multiple parties and then in their legislative bodies they form coalitions to get laws passed they can agree on.
    There is nothing in the US Constitutions that says we are to have 2 parties or even parties at all. its part of the evolution of humanity's political process and for years, most have found that neither party seemed to be representing ones personal interests or societies at all  
      The Republican rebellion is to vote for an 'outsider of the old establishment but the Democratic party did not budge from the past and ignored the wishes of many and I saw some very unethical and unfair things going on that obviously many just left after the voted and those filled seats the last two nights were paid to be in them.

       Donald Trump and Senator Bernie Sanders have both appealed to those who have been left out of the political process for way to long. Too often we, have been left to vote from among choices we do not fully wish to support but will choose based on issues they claim they will support and too often then do not keep their promises and do what they said they would do

      Since the COUP of 2002 Congress has bowed to an international cabal and let them run this nation unfettered to the deaths and real harm for the nation and each one of us directly affected in many bad ways

         Donald Trump , so far has been such a movement within the system that the old line boundaries have been shattered and this is not a bad thing at all, in my opinion. And over on the left, Senator Sanders has energized the youth to get involved and that is needed for the future of this nation. We are in too much trouble to just elect someone who will leave us mired in this overthrown government allowing our rights and monies be stolen from us and the real government we hire to take care of things for us has not served us well at all

        Yes there is a fear, by many that third party votes may help Sec Clinton win. But there comes a time when fear must not let us continue to cower and not act either. So this is a journey for truth and justice that continues.
     But I watched  the two conventions  on C Span and got the whole thing and most of the platform committees also that met and voted. as it not for me to get part and then commentators trying to interpret what was said  and then miss other speeches and matters.
     The Republicans had a lot of one liners and jabs about Hillary etc. as would be expected, but I FOUND THEM TRUTHFUL IN THE OPINIONS THEY SHARED WITH US . And most of the party , came together and began to support the one that got the most votes and recognized his abilities and that he well may have the common sense to pick good people to be close advisers that reflect the wishes of many of the rank and file voters who wish to vote Republican .
     The few  that did not act like 'good sports', seem to be those who have too close of ties to this international cabal machine and have allowed it to be in control of the nation and it was like
         'the wheat being separated out from the chaff'
in some ways, is my opinion.  This election has been an awake up call and has exposed much many were never aware of and we are still finding things out that even I have been shocked about . And the trolls are at it online and expect to be trolled but realize they are some ones agenda and do as you will with them . At least  online we have the  delete key to remove those from us we do not wish to be bothered by .
        But the Democratic party spent one day after another skewing the truth and out right lying about things  I have read and kept up on and know first hand about things.  The e mails and phone calls being released that were hacked did not change my opinion much as I already knew their tactics and saw a nomination taken  from the one they really did wish to support and that is causing the major contention as some were not as aware of some of these tactics as I have been.
       I just linked an article where my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ of the same  church denomination as I grew up in  were left in the lurch by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton  This is where the girls  were stolen from our sister churches in Nigeria at their high school.
Nigeria  has been a bright spot in Christianity. Flourishing in an area of the world that is mostly Muslim now. When they were kidnapped, the report says that Hillary delayed listing Boko Haram as a terrorist group. It seemed as if there was  an 'intentional?'  media black out on this and I kept trying to post what I got online and some  church people from the USA even went over there, etc.
      In the middle of this horrible thing and church burnings and genocide, I posted a picture a few weeks ago from a Face book friend there of a million in a field of those accepting Christ.   To those of other faiths, this may not be a big thing. But to those who follow Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus it is major in this day and age to have faith in Christ to be increased in simple belief.  among the persecutions these people have been facing in recent times. And those of like minded faith , need our prayers and support at least in the matter.
   Nigeria  did elect one who does seem to be a more moderate Muslim now as their president , and he has done some things to help stop this group, but the horror stores persist and why can't we use those big spy satellites we have world wide that snoop to help find nearly 300 kidnapped girls? Most are still missing and their futures stolen from them. .What good are they if they cannot be used for good?
       Nearly 40 years ago Christianity became a movement in Nigeria with informal house churches as the churches in the rest of the world  could  not  fill the pews at a weekly worship service.  They formed their own Annual Conference but do send representatives to ours and over the years I have met several from there. Brethren and still have kept my letter of membership in  that denomination just for full disclosure of who I am.
     There are things that Sec Clinton has done or not done that I have grave concerns with her becoming president of the USA  PRAYERS OF 24/7 INTERCESSION IS CALLED FOR whomever wins.
        SO THIS IS A YEAR WHEN ALL THE OLD STAGNANT AND FREEDOM BINDINGS OF THE PAST MAY WELL BE REMOVED AND WHATEVER HAPPENS , PRAY FOR A BETTER OUTCOME AS I WELL KNOW FIRST HAND THINGS ARE NOT GOOD AS WE HAVE ALLOWED "THE RESTRAINER"  OF OUR OWN US CONSTITUTION BE RIPPED FROM US  BACK IN THE COUP OF 2002  and now the full brunt of what was done is become permeated into the whole of our society. And now its much more than  just a few who have been adversely affected but nearly every one has been in some way . .
     Do vote and become part of the solution, even if you choose to give your vote to someone different then I . And we need to pay attention to those local and Congressional elections as we need an active strong  people who will help rule this nation for us. and not continue ignoring the COUP OF 2002.  
 Justice for all, not just a few! If one is denied it; then we all are.

 Linda Joy Adams 7/29/16    

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