
Tuesday, July 26, 2016


1980 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  While listening to former President Bill Clinton's speech, I was shocked to have him describe his daughter's birth as being on 2/27/1980...

      How many remember over the years how Chelsea was born on leap year added day of 2/29/

   The link to this article on Google actually said 28th as that is how most celebrate it instead of only having a birthday every 4 years.

             There has been a lot of gossip around as to the parentage of Chelsea and my personal info on the matter does not agree with supermarket rags at all.



    Its why its so important to keep hard copies of things in this era when the rich can pay to alter their basic info online very easily and some FACE BOOK  friends and I tacked this being done right before our eyes about Jim T Parks the real dad of President Obama whom I knew to be so from he and his mother  back in 1961.   From Jim back on 3/17/61 , the last time I saw him alive before he was lynched in the attack on president Obama's parents and he unborn an the intent according to his mother, my second cousin was all three of them were to die back in 3/61/  Ann got free ran for help and three did die that day and a cover up to this day.  A COVER UP THAT HAS DENIED JUSTICE TO THREE AND ME, AS WHEN IT WAS LEARNED MY PARENTS HAD GUARDIANSHIP  AFTER THE ATTACK,  I CAM CLOSE TO DYING IN AN ATTEMPT ON MY LIFE AND ALTHOUGH REPORTED NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT THAT EITHER. But it scared my parents to be more cautious then ever in a very scary time with a hooded death squad roaming around.

     So on line with High school year books a real game began as a relative of Jim's whose name was James and a year older, had his picture placed online where Jim's was to be and then disappear again and I wrote of this right here as we tracked this going on . Jim T Parks was written out of history of Topeka HS and one more attempt to change the bio and persona of a presidential candidate from the truth as if the truth would affect the number of voters. Ann and I were in the class of 1963, Jim T Parks , the class of 1962 and James the class of 1961. who went on to sing opera in Europe and died about a decade or so ago.

      This alteration of online records from the truth or to remove the truth is something right out of the book 1984 where the job of the lead character was to change the historical record by changing the words in books etc. SO MUCH EASIER NOW IN THE DIGITAL AGE  JUST GO IN AND CHANGE THE KEYSTROKES AND HISTORY IS NOW CHANGED.

      Then the TROLLS  BEGIN THEIR ATTACK   if anyone tries to share the truth and jog the memories of others who knew and now what they see has been changed. THE ULTIMATE MK-ULTRA  perfected tactics to create a persona to get the masses to vote for a candidate.

                    So the attempt to mesmerize the world by changing a birthday of their daughter makes no sense at all. If anything its only going to cause more suspicion? And I expect the trolls to come after me for even mentioning this. .  Whether a child is blood or adopted, the parents are the ones  who raise them as they are the ones who give the love and nurture the child to adulthood.

      Are some concerned that more of the hidden truth might come out? I am not a first hand witness to events surrounding Chelsea's birth and  only have info from inside the family on my mother's side who are related to Bill Clinton and that is unclear as one source has us much closer related through his real dad William Jefferson Blythe II then another source has said.

     Innocent people are involved in this matter and the Bill Clinton might have been better off not saying anything as now I heard it and began checking things out on line.  What ever caused them to bring this into the mix of the election makes no sense.  Some one must have done some DNA but did not do the whole matter either?? before spreading the gossip in the tabloids.

     Like the birther nonsense trying to put President Obama's birth place of Topeka Ks in Kenya, this is another non issue politically.  There is enough that has occurred there to make me very concerned about a President Hillary Clinton and a lot of cover up in speeches have gone on this week giving Hillary credit for doing things when the opposite occurred in some matters. 

   IT WAS A MESMERIZATION OF THE MASSES IN MANY WAYS SO FAR  and changing a birthday seems to be the height of ridiculousness is my opinion!.     Not that all that occurred at the Republican Convention was great, but the info shared seemed to be more factual even if it did not delved into some real human  rights issues as the Democratic convention has so far.

      This is a year when we voters will need to choose from among imperfect human beings and decide which one will do the best as president for us and for the sovereignty of the nation. I do not know Donald Trump personally and maybe that is why I can overlook some of the things said and he has done as it did not affect me and mine as personally.  When one has even some direct second hand info  about a candidate as I do about Hillary Clinton, then it is easier to have a more negative opinion and there is a plausible link between her and the Blodgett brothers that has me in a direct fight for my very life.

      Are some worried that those , other than I  who are still alive and know things might speak out during a presidential race?  I am not they would need to be concerned about as I only have second and third hand info except there is one first hand witness to some info .   NO I AM NOT SPEAKING OUT AS THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN PRESIDENT OBAMA 'S BIRTH, WHEN MURDERS HAVE GONE ON SINCE 3/61 WITH NO JUSTICE.

      I think this is very different as surely the world has been more aware of Chelsea's birth day and wonder if President Bill Clinton misspoke tonight and then I went on line and found things changed from when I first knew the birth date from family and then saw the date when I had  looked  up the general biography of the Clinton's years ago and had also heard and read otherwise.

      There are services that actually one can pay to clean up or alter ones information that is online. But the why? Is a mystery to me. Unless more is going on for mud slinging than even they should have been concerned about is my opinion as now they have me writing about it.   But I have no intention than doing it more than this one time. to point out that in politics and online one has to realize, its a show and fact checking is not always going to be easy if someone has done the 1984 George Orwellian thing and decided to rewrite history .. something else must be going on here I am not involved with and makes no political difference is my opinion.

I know who said what to me over the years and that is all I know and that is as far as it goes and is not for me to blog the  info for personal and private reasons of all concerned. . My prayers for the safety of those who do know much more first hand as being an eye witness is much more dangerous its been said when politics is involved and I am  not as  close to the matter at all as I was with the birth of President Obama and right in the middle of things in many ways just as my parents who loved and mentored and nurtured we were.
         Maybe the day she celebrates her birthday was changed and this is what President Bill Clinton meant tonight??
       Linda Joy Adams 7/27/16


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