
Monday, July 25, 2016

DAILY RECAP ADDED 7/26/16 NEW COMMENT ADDED Linda Joy Adams: Daily Recap 10/7/12: Colorado Connections: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Linda Joy Adams: Daily Recap 10/7/12: Colorado Connections: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks SEE NEW COMMENT ADDED TO THE POSTING  My Old XP with no spell check and my eyesight not so good ..... sorry !  I  think I am doing better now with the updated system  at least the system lets me know...  I knew Jim T Parks from school and many did and for his death and others to just be 'ignored' is one of the many injustices that occurred.  A few weeks later when it was learned that I was related, an attempt was made on my life, but not by lynching. Only by a miracle did I just decide to turn wound and go the other way as huge object would have hit me in the head with strong force. I did report it but my report was ignored also but it made my parents even more fearful for their 15 year old great niece and her unborn child. they now had guardianship of .

              FOUR YEARS AGO IS  when I had bad chest pains one night and realized if I did not get my eyewitness account of the circumstances of President Obama's  birth published;  the truth might never be known as many other have died that were there at the time and the others in the community have refused to talk as they had not done so for over 50 years of a real horrific event that took place back in 3/61 at a time when Topeka was trying to present itself as the place where every one loved integration and a young interracial couple met the wrath of some who did not wish the mixing of the races.

 This  young couple had sat down on the banks of the Kaw, now Kansas River just outside the city limits of Topeka where  Soldier Creek flowed into the Kansas river. it was under federal jurisdiction as the Army Corp of Engineers was  diverting the flow to prevent another big flood as we had had in 1951.  The racial hate crime murders would have been under J Edgar Hoover , if he ever knew.. even though 'everyone knew.' and no one talked...

    In that place a hooded death squad attacked them and intended to lynch both Potus's  parents and he unborn. Jim fought back and Ann got away ad ran for help and then  three of them died in the aftermath and o investigation was done at all as if three lives did not matter and no  one wished to add a lynching to  the history of Kansas which still reads that there WAS NO REPORTED LYNCHINGS IN KANSAS SINCE 1922.

        But one happened in 3/61 and rumors were they did not stop in 1922, JUST THE REPORTING STOPPED.   

    My Motivation has been the justice issue as its the 'curse of injustice that haunts even if one thinks it is forgotten. Injustice never goes away, one has to face it and reconcile with the past in some way preferable in the justice system if such can be done at a later date. And then OVER COME IT. One cannot OVER COME WHEN ONE COVERS UP. 

We are called by Christ to be OVER COMERS OF EVIL TYPES AND IF WE DO NOT WE END UP GETTING THE WRATH OF THE EVIL WE HAVE ALLOWED TO BE DIRECTED AT SOCIETY AND US.  We are called to stop evil as soon as it starts.  but too often we do not learn from history and ignore it as it festers and grows into horrors and wars and death and destruction of all kinds.   This is  one of my deeper interpretations of the Book of   Revelation  that begins with the Letters to 7 Churches that  seems to describe some 'types' that society has to deal with  and bring to some kind of justice to stop the wrongs being done    We are not to follow  these types  into their evil ways.

    This is not the traditional interpretation of the Book of Revelation and I do not disagree with those. at all.  But so much in scripture can have multiple  layers of the  depth of understanding of  what all is being taught us.

     And we are warned that our bad actions lead us into taking some very bad paths in life and then have to face this and over come so much,  needing the help of the Almighty to get us through it all. back on the path of goodness and life and love. and able to resist what ever temptations of destruction is present to keep us from being free and resistant to evil of any kind

Linda Joy Adams 7/26/16

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