
Saturday, July 2, 2016


Michelle Obama Makes Stunning Admission About Barack’s Birth Certificate  see my response to  this blogger and well known 'disser' of many of us bloggers.  Also comments are on disqus at lindajoyadams.

     I never said Ron Paul MD delivered President Obama.  And he should know doctors can not blab confidential medical records without a signed release and or court order etc.

 I do know he was the doctor for others I knew at the time  and his own biography says he was at Forbes Air Force Base hospital at the time.  There is a good chance he either delivered him or did follow up care etc. But I do not recall any mention of the doctor's name. But if some word association, etc.  does did it out of my human 'archives' will let all know and the connection to remembering. I just do not remember ever knowing.
          But the true biography of President Obama parts I am witness to has so much pieces of future events in all of it that if he is the doctor that took him from his mothers body on the day of his birth would seem just to be one more piece of a very unique beginning of tragedy and horror and blessing of  life in the end and fame as leader of a nation. that the people elected twice. And that s whether one agrees with his politics and job performance or not. . .
       Back in 8/61 a doctor in a small military hospital would end up running for president in the same  2 elections of 2008 and 2012  as the baby that was born there. at Forbes Air Force base hospital outside Topeka Ks. and media knew and hushed it up and that is the bigger story of why THE MAIN MEDIA SHIRKED THEIR FOURTH ESTATE DUTY TO THE PEOPLE AND BECAME THE 'LYIN' MEDIA AS TRUMP CALLS THEM.
 And then I find out after I began serious blogging that the truth has been badly suppressed as the first indications in the non online media was about KS and I assumed the had it and rarely does the media on TV spend time on birth scenarios as politics and character are the important issues for the voters to know about to make their choices

   Sorry SMRSTRAUSS  I do not make up things just to have a more complete story.

Its what any one doing investigations for truth finds out. EYEWITNESSES , SUCH AS I AM  rarely have the entire full and whole scenario of facts. But I know one thing my mom and my second cousin President Obama's mother did not fly to Hawaii nor Kenya in her 1948 Chevy from our home in Topeka KS. Do you know of any Chevy that flies??  I do not even know of a plane that flies as fast as it would take one to fly from our home in Topeka to Hawaii or even Kenya. Her car was not a space ship!  nor transportation device either. One cannot change the truth, no matter why he wishes to deny it so badly!
Now where was Lynn Blodgett and G4S when people were dying att Benghazi and Hillary and President  Obama and ever one else. We still do not know the whole truth of that do we?? We only know what the witnesses who survived have to say. All they know is NO ONE CAME TO HELP!And no clear answers from all parties have said  WHY ?

Linda Joy Adams 7/2/16

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