
Friday, July 15, 2016


USGov Releases Redacted '28 Pages' Missing from 9/11 Report | 9/11 and Ground Zero SEE MY COMMENT AS TERRORISM AND THREATS ARE WORSE AND 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT IS A LOSS FOR US.  Go to 9/11/01 anniversary date of any years since 2009 or 1/10/89 date of first attack and read history that is still unknown to most, but us few. victims, too many already dead of their injuries that our HOMELAND SECURITY DOES KNOW OF AND DOES LITTLE TO PREVENT ANOTHER ONE which the report was to have done but when they refused to go back before 1995, they missed even the EEOC SANCTIONS AGAINST THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION DIDN'T THEY I got ....just before that cut off date of 1995.

Now where is my blood and skin sample tests results I would like to have and the rest of my 2 years before 9/11/01 trying to stop it from happening. I did not know it would be planes in buildings but I knew OSAMA BIN LADIN  was going to bring those TWIN TOWERS DOWN . By 7/88 when he worked for SSA TSC JERSEY CITY NJ and then later declared jihad on the USA, I had no doubt  he was going to try and do it and HE DID IT .

And the retaliation against this witness got worse since then even worse than the EEOC SANCTIONS OF THE COVER UP BY CORRUPT HIGH LEVEL OFFICIALS AND OTHERS. 

For those of my co workers still alive and loved ones who survived did you know that even the FBI AND OTHERS ARE SMEARING US AND SAYING WE WORKED WITH TERRORISTS AS IF WE JOINED SOME JIHAD GROUP?

       Since when is Social Security Administration a terrorist group or jihad cell? We worked there and Delores Bryant hire him to sit among us and worse.... gave access to everyone records and we had a lot that could be accessed of financial info etc. then  that had a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER  in the USA before he had a PIN number one gets to track what one accesses or does online and HHS OIG would not stop it.   IDENTITY THEFT think of who got everything one needs and more to assume and id , AL QUEDA  a CIA CREATED AN AD HOC GROUP IN 1975, GONE ROGUE AGAINST THEIR 'MASTERS' THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXPECTED TOBE LOYAL TO. My co workers and I are and were victims of terrorist , not terrorists.    WHAT AN ARROGANT INSULT TO COVER UP SOME ONES' HIGH LEVEL AND VERY CORRUPT CORRUPTION AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Linda Joy Adams 7/16/16  

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