
Thursday, July 14, 2016


Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP ADDED 7/9/16 MEDICATION UPDATE EXPERIMENT ask your doctor!   see my comment. to my own list of medications as amended

      This has revealed that taking a regular dose as one set of doctors prescribed even in minute dosage every few hours led to passing blood. But it also left welts and swelling in mucous membranes of mouth and that is the same throughout ones digestive system... So the other group of doctors , in the kidney area, have differed and wanted me to only take one dose every other day to keep fluid build up down and that only worked for a few hours and then the effect was over as fluid continued to build up with each breath as the third field of medicine in the pulmonary area had their input.

     So I went with taking the every other dose, and crushing the pill and opening the capsule for the other diuretic as permission given and then spreading that over my waking hours 24/7. 

NO swollen welts in mouth and no passing blood and that seems to be the best solution.. and when I see my doctors for next visit we should know more.

     Diuretics have been a basic medication for so many for decades and have patients whose fluid build up comes from weak lungs and hearts having to over work, been given flawed instructions for dosing from NO STUDIES DONE TO KNOW WHAT IS BEST?

       Yes, salt and other diet can add to fluid build up. But each breath is fluid build up in minute amounts and why not have a timed release diuretics that work with that. But please, do not put inflaming chemical additives in them or that will not help at all and make the pills and capsules unable to be used for about 11 million of us which studies say now exists.

      The on going obstruction of medical care just because there is litigation and some wish to not have to reimburse the taxpayer and other corruptions be exposed hurts every one and me. For I am not willing to just give up life to be lived as long as humanly possible Its not the will of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus to lay down and give up on the most precious gift ever of life itself.

And we have been given brains and free will to figure out solutions and heal the sick if we would only work together and be OVER COMERS AND NOT COVER UPPERS.


 Not every pill or capsule can be crushed or taken out as a powder and then spread out for whatever time.  I use a small zip lock snack bag and then put one pill or capsule in each bag and then open every 2 hours during waking hours and use a small amount. At the end of the  day I see if 1/2 is taken and at the end of 2 days. make sure the whole is gone before taken one pill and one capsule and 2 baggies and starting over.  

That helps me take the prescribed dosage but no more over the 2 days which the kidney doctor had recommended.  But it complies more with the medical need of the heart doctors in conjunction with the lung doctors. 

Now can we get those doctor advisory groups set up to okay this for payment by insurers and health plans. as its  the same medications and the same dose but spread over 2 days and not every other day and creating a yo yo effect.  But this is only the beginning of an experiment and will keep any one interested informed and I am not a doctor, and every patient needs to have a doctor work with them on medications.   IT MAY NOT BE FOR YOU FOR SOME SPECIFIC REASON ONLY YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS FOR YOU.

Linda Joy Adams  7/14/16



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