
Sunday, July 10, 2016


How The World Fell Out Of Love With Obama (Video) Antichrist Obama's Fall Kicks Off Apocalypse Worldwide Everywhere! | Alternative  see my comment to the article of one who has been convinced that President Obama is the one since the day of the 2008 election?  We have free will to stop whomever it may be and SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PAUL RYAN HOLDS THE REAL POWER TO STOP THE EVIL ONE RIGHT NOW AS WE NEED CONGRESS TO OVER THROW THE COUP OF 2OO2  that got us in the mess and soon in a total mess of one person having the power at their fingertips to control the entire world and everyone in it with one key stroke.  

Speaker Ryan is over the branch of government that passes budgets and it was the sneaky defunding of the real government to know what is going on and stop criminals as govt contractors that led to this occurring . Then defunded the SEC SO THEY COULD NOT UNRAVEL THE MAZE OF SHELL COMPANIES AND ILLEGAL SECRET DEALS BEING PUT IN PLACE IN THE USA AND AROUND THE WORLD. IN ONE BIG CABAL  

       Those who have done the bidding to let it happen and those who think they are the ones in charge now, may well find out they are out and one who is evil personified takes over and the Bible says it will not be revealed until the total power is able to be taken .. That is coming soon if our congress and other nations do not stop it.   AND THE ONE WHO IS IN TOTAL CONTROL OF EVIL MAY WELL BE NO ONE WE HAVE EVEN HEARD OF YET, OR ONE WE HAVE ALLOWED TO BECOME SUCH EVIL.

    As a Christian I pray for the salvation of each and every person that is not be this one or that one and pray that all wake up and do what is rights and take back the government for , of and by the people as they took an oath to do when taking office.  Do not be tricked into promoting fake bios of president Obama and Bill O'Reilly just joined that group along with Alex Jones. Two with great influence over a lot of well meaning people. And may not be aware how they are being used and for what purpose. There are some who do not want President Obama to know the truth or his origins as he still may not. or convinced he should not tell it meaning he does not now the whole truth of real evil and 3 dead. and His own life, unborn and his mother were to have been lynched also. Plus I had an attempt on my own life that would have ended it or left me a vegetable for life if it had not been for divine intervention that turned me around and  missed me by inches. I know there is a power in this creations that is present and protective and its there for any one who needs it and accepts it.
                Those being tricked into promoting the ultimate evil need to Get to Topeka and get the truth as I have shared it here since 7/26/12 in details and get justice for three dead in 3/61. which the DEVIL DOES NOT WISH TO OCCUR. AS EVIL DID THE DEED AND EVIL IS NOT TO BE THE OVER COMER OF HUMANITY . To me that is the beginning of the evil when deals were struck to cover up three murders and attempted murders of two in 3/61  and me a few weeks later when it was learned my parents had guardianship of their pregnant 15 year old great niece and one had the opportunity to strike. Pus other real threats and harassment that went on and got restarted when we went to our 20th HS reunion and some who might still go to jail if alive considered me still a threat to their freedom and high and lofty careers of themselves and relatives????
              We are to take care of this world and be led by the Divine Love that is the power that is the over comer of all evil. And I speak as a follower of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus but the wisdom is universal in this. Pray and think good thoughts for President Obama's keeping on the path of goodness and be able to turn from temptation of evil. The evil one wants him, but Love wants his eternal life of goodness and justice instead.
Its why we are called to pray for our leaders to do good and be just and fair. and spewing out hatreds and evil only compounds the issue as the DEVIL LAUGHS AT US FOR BEING SO STUPID TO FALL FOR HIS TRICKS.  and he is a force and entity created at the beginning of time to have  oversight of  this world and turned on the CREATOR OF LOVE AND TURNED TO JEALOUSY, HATRED, AND WANTS DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OF THE CREATION HE WAS NEVER GIVEN THE ABILITY TO CREATE IS THE BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION OF THINGS.
                  We have an overthrown nation to take back control of and Congress has the easy job to do it and needs to now. not tomorrow and should never have been allowed to continue as some are  in denial that this has occurred and really do not know, and others have allowed some to convince them that its the right thing to do .  WHEN IS LOSS OF FREEDOM AND FREE WILL THE RIGHT THING TO DO FOR HUMANITY!  NEVER!

Linda Joy Adams 7/11/16

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