
Thursday, July 28, 2016

DAILY RECAP 7/29/16: ITS CALLED LOCALITY PAY! MEDIA ! PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS SON OF JIM T PARKS grandson of the younger Stanley Dunham family from Colorado who assumed the older ones ID

Trump’s minimum wage two-step confuses biz groups, advisers | TheHill  see my comment to the article and on disqus lindajoyadams.
   What he is referring to is like what is called 'Locality Pay' for Federal Employees. If you work for the government in Alaska, or  New York city area,  you will be given an extra amount added to your hourly wage based on the  higher cost of living there and it is different for these higher cost of living areas with lots of research and study already done as to how much more is added to the hourly base wage for  your job and pay scale, etc..

No one needs to go do any extra studies at all  so please . Lynn Blodgett  et al (or any one else)  do not try to set up 50 new shell companies thinking you are going to get 50 contracts to study and come up with  the minimum wage that fits your geographic area  which does not go by state lines but the commuting area around you place of work.
      For new readers of this blog; Lynn Blodgett has been named in writing and verbally by many high level officials in this as the one in control  and many have begged Congress to allow them to again do their jobs for the nation and people to no avail. Many in Congress do not know it occurred and few newer members either. The think the gag order is a courtesy matter. No it the real government unable to act for us anymore and need Congress to help them do their jobs again as they promised to do when the took their oath of office to uphold the US Constitution that mandates they do for "the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation." Neither is being done..

                 Media  just go Bing or Google etc. and pull up the LOCALITY PAY MAP  for the federal government and you will see what Trump is referring to . All he is adding is that he thinks the states could go ahead and raise the minimum wage for their area  now and many have already done so.

          Unfortunately, what this is showing is that  the media needs some training in  how the government and how the COUP OF 2002  IS REALLY IN CHARGE OF THINGS in their journalism schools and should never say . government did this or that , and need to find out if the real government did it or the name of the contractor that really is in control of things under the COUP OF 2002. and that is the life and livelihood of each and every one, including the people in the media  .

     You can do a word search on this blog at the top for what is the COUP OF 2002 THAT YOU LIVE UNDER RIGHT NOW AND WHY THE REAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT RUNNING THINGS  and why we are being robbed daily of our nation's public monies in scams just as  I mentioned above, the studies have been done. And if there seemed to be a need to update or modify them, then  it can be done. If you live in a state or geographic area that is not  is not considered a higher cost of living area, than you would get the base minimum wage or in the Federal government it would be the hourly wage for your job  based on years of service and raises that go along with each official job.

     That is a lot more complicated and if you are interested , it can be looked up also   if you wish to know how they come up with those LOCALITY PAY AREAS  you can look it up also,

    But usually it makes more sense than those poverty level costs that have not been updated for nearly  40 years  and does not account for the higher medical costs the poor  still have  for out of pocket and Internet services that none had need of in their homes back then . and now is a necessity just to pay bills or shop for bargains that is often the best online now as retailer can have a few of an item or odd lot sizes and just puts it on  line and if its your size or need, you order it at a real savings ,

          When we hear of malls closing and retail stores closing, the media jump is as if the sky is falling o the economy,   They do not look at statistics of the increase in online sales and if that same retailer may well be doing a booming business on line and not having to hire clerks and cashiers and utility bills in huge stores anymore, but are hiring  those who sent out the product via mail, Fed Ex or UPS.

     Often when I order on line I buy a certain amount and get free shipping,  and parts of the  order comes from many different locations as there is often no need to even have huge warehouses where all the products of the retailer are gathered in one place first. One may actually be getting some things direct from the factory and the retailer only takes possession first in cyber space for billing and payment.

        One has to get updated to even know what the real economy is like  But as the free labor of machines do more and more, we need to STOP THE THEFT OF THE FREE LABOR BY THE INTERNATIONAL CABAL THAT NOT ONLY HAS UNFETTERED CONTROL OF THE USA NOW BY ACT OF CONGRESS IN THE COUP OF 2002,  but has reduced the numbers of available jobs needed. 

       That is a different kind of wealth redistribution based on that FREE LABOR OF MACHINES and there is a fair and just amount already in out laws of what the owners of the systems and machines should be allowed to keep. Instead we have been 'price gouged' and huge human suffering expense and the cabal that grabbed control over 30 years ago when he new generation of systems was birthed * (now going into the cloud in the current birthing) governments did not act with the needed regulations and laws and this cabal is now shuffling data and ripping off governments getting unneeded contracts to shuffle that data and now owns it instead of the real government.

      In the USA it became a 'treasonous'  overthrow of the government  as the real government  does not own its records of us that are held in trust for us  nor  the nations for nearly all levels and all areas;  and even those  emails and phone calls being hacked do not even belong to the real government either as its a government contract. and none is really protected from misuse and real criminal use of the information.

         In the  COUP of 2002, many in  Congress did not even know what they voted to do as they  took away funding  for the real government to be able to go find out what a contractor is doing and if the laws , rules and terms of contracts are being obeyed, and since the teal government only knows what the contractor wants them to know , Congress gets false data to base new laws on  from then as they gagged themselves by rules to not mention them , contact them or have them testify in a hearing and get the real facts . That means they usually  cannot help a constituent as the issue is inside the contractor which this gag rule  is unconstitutional.

      My member of Congress should be able to locate my records and find out what is going on  using my signature to do it.

       Worse it the real criminal activity going on daily as in Medicare its being stolen fright now insider the contractors  and Congress is not allowed to know as the real government knows but does not 'officially know'  And this means that inside  collusion seems to be obviously be gong on also with the few scam providers who would never be able to steal hundreds of millions and not be detected by the contractor paying the bills if they had their processes set up as they are suppose to have by contract, The major theft if the ongoing illegal secret deal partnerships with insurers to go in and illegal alter *(hack) what ones employer or primary health plan has posted to the billing system that is contractor owned so that they get out of paying the bills primary and they get an 'illegal  dump' on to Medicare     

     Every providers, supplier and pharmacist in the country is forced to use the illegally hacked system,  if they wish to be paid as the legal option to protect them and the patient from over payment liabilities by using the conditional payment field entered with one click   has been taken out of the software program  and since there is no internal audits funded by congress, the real government has no idea this is gong on 'officially except for the few bills I was  able to get to  three medicate judges and they got the real posting form my employer under threat of subpoena from a judge from the US Department of Labor who posts from one of the few still owned government systems, but the local government  offices  in the government do not have access to it as they only get to what Lynn Blodgett et al wishes them to have from him.

     The Medicare  appellate judge affirmed that   the posting they hack and alter bi weekly since the COUP OF 2002  is accurate and I am still active duty  and those decisions ended up ignored and unenforced as the real government has no authority over the government contractors in the COUP OF 2002.

   Those are just 3 of 38 federal agency judges now being defied by the current hired  ruler of the USA, Lynn Blodgett and his over 150 companies and illegal secret deal partnerships He is just the USA hired hand of this international cabal that rules most of the governments of the world now  and each one of us when the TPP goes through and one persons can control the world from one server .


                     Its being done and much is already done for one very bad person to easily take over the world and no one human should ever be trusted with such total power as we have FREE WILL AND CAN BE TEMPTED TO DO EVIL IF TEMPTED TO AN EXTENT NO ONE EVER HAS EVER BEEN .

     Except one , Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus and we believers consider him only part human and part Divine. He resisted the temptation

     Mergers and divisions sell offs and new companies are being formed right now to off shore the new ALL SEEING EYE CLOUD to a country that our law enforcers and audits will not have access to go find out what is going  if they cannot get into another nation from which the controller of the world an be. An awesome power that no one human should ever be trusted to hold.  and almost of our software contracts are intentionally insecure to allow this stealing to go on in one program after another   of the government . We did not get the systems we taxpayers even paid for

            Blatantly criminal acts are going on as blatant theft is well documented as being done right now. But in the COUP of 2002  funding was removed to  allow any criminal investigations let alone arrest anymore and have them face  our legal system as any other major thief would have to face in our society. Many of our 'neighbors' who work for these contractors are intentionally 'mistrained 'to the point they do not even know they are working in an organized RICCO case crime syndicate, the biggest of all time and that the laws and regulations of the real government are discarded by Lynn Blodgett et all and they get the version the cabal wishes them to follow.

         What we have is a BEAST SYSTEM

     that is a maze of shell companies and illegal secret deal partnerships world wide and the

   SEC *(SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION) was also defunded in the COUP OF 2OO2 IN THE E- GOVERNING LAWS / So there is no one to unravel this maze to find that horrific conflicts of interests exists and be able to offer advice and info to agencies so they do not give out contacts to companies that are only shells of the bigger beast system that has forced out any real independent now smaller companies from getting equal opportunity to get contracts  If your reason to get a contract is to be able to steal  for yourself or in partnership with others, then that company can low bid and get the contract from one who will be acting legally and has to have a higher amount to do the work and pay the overhead costs


Each one of us should be getting a subsistence amount of all basic necessities of life FREE NOW and we should not need many of these programs  that are not more costly and controlled by these unaccountable contractors to steal from. As it is now given out to this cabal to figure our payments and food stamp amounts, etc.

         The  rich man gets a certain amount of electricity free  each month the same as the poor man, The rich man may only be able to heat one room of his mansions , but the poor man his entire condo or home.  A lot is being said about free this or that and in the world of 'free labor of machines' ,each one of us should be able to work less hours if we choose to do so or unable to work and each get the basics for survival .

      If one wishes to live a better standard, then one creates a family or works and becomes wealthy in a system that is kept fair and just  as our laws say it is in a free and fair market system with s product or service every one wishes to have  or needs and then their minimal  'free labor of machines' is still  the same but only pay for part of their total living costs

      We have had this minimum for those in categories  of aged, disable and blind, and poor families with children and veterans, etc  for nearly 50 years now and even more for those based on need  . Those programs would not be needed as they would get the minimal just as the rest do and the systems would allow that amount each month to be spent. 


       What our politicians are not mentioning is this was already to have began to happen 30 years ago and a cabal grabbed the FREE LABOR OF MACHINES AND STOLE IT AND MADE MONEY OFF OF IT  instead of it being shared with each one.

        The Book of Revelation tells of a thousand years when we will all have something like this and we WILL ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS.    WITH THE ADDED FREE TIME, TO CARE FOR OUR CHILDREN, LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS WHO NEED A LITTLE EXTRA LOVE AND CARE. 
      Many ills and problems of society should diminish as no child would ever not be loved and time be available to care for them. Who would want to go to war, when things there is no need to do so and the good and better ways  of REAL FREEDOM  and individual respect are there for every one to have.

        Those in need of a little encouragement at tomes or help would have it from those of us with the extra time to share. and we could grow more of our own and more healthy food, cure diseases and every one be able to have a home   that is not a ;nanny state where one has to go beg for a few dollars of food stamps or a low income when in need. if one wishes to live a very simple life in a TINY HOUSE; then they can do this and freezing to death or starvation will not be a worry.

   Others will form families  and work and make credits for a bigger home  and have more things etc. The incentive is using ones unique gifts to pursue what one wishes to do and help     without any worry that if things do not go well financially  no one will starve or freeze to death  in a world where the FREE LABOR OF MACHINES REMOVES THAT WORRY FROM EACH AND EVERY ONE, Personal privacy and freedoms increase in such a society. What we have had is a 30 year reversal .. as

 WE GOT ROBBED EARLY ON AND NOW WE ARE 30 YEARS LATER NEARLY OVERCOME AND ENSLAVED  BY ONE ENTITY AND EVEN OUR BASIC FREEDOMS HAVE BEEN ROBBED ALSO  and the potential for a far different world where each one really is the government and decides what is to be done .

     This  is just one person's possible interpretation of what is predicted as an ideal in my faith book.

     We will not even need CONGRESSES, OR PRESIDENTS OR PARLIAMENTS, ETC.  AS EACH OF US CAN VOTE ON LINE FOR A FEW MOMENTS EACH DAY AND DECIDE WHAT IS NEEDED TO BE DONE AND GIVE THE ORDER TO THOSE WE HAVE HIRED TO DO THE WORK . SUCH AS A CITY MANAGER TYPE THAT THEN ADMINISTERS THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE.   AND WHAT IS NEEDED TO BE DONE IS OUR BEING AWARE OF THE WORLD AROUND US AND OFFERING THE SUGGESTIONS TO BE VOTED ON. Pot hole on main street noticed , should we patch or redo the road, etc.  A drought in some far away  land, should we ship some food, and supplies ?  We become the Congress and in the adulthood of humanity we will all be participants in the process .
     But with this cabal in charge is not the time for a new constitutional convention they can rob control of. and make things much worse with less privacy rights and freedoms

Linda Joy Adams 7/29/16 .



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