
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

DAILY RECAP 7/21/16 RIGHT TO PROTEST OR AGREE OR SUGGEST- A CIVIC DUTY TO HELP OUT ? President Obama Born In Topeka, KS son of Jim T Parks.

Moab MLP & Proposed RMP Amendments/FEIS  see the link and add your say if you feel called to so.  One can sign up on line and get notices about proposed regulations so if any that you have strong  opinions about are proposed in any part of the government you can have your right to comment on .. and even it your opinion does not make changes occur, they do get read by all and cannot affect procedures and processes put in effect even if the regulation itself is not changed. IT DOES MATTER AND ONE CAN MAKE A CHANGE SOME WHERE ALONG THE PROCESS AS THE LAW BECOMES A REGULATION AND THEM IMPLEMENTED  AND HOW ITS IMPLEMENTED. 

Part of our legal process on proposed regulations is that these have to be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER  for the public to have their right to comment on them. It seems that often nothing is changed but , one does need to try if they have concerns abut what is going to happen in some agency,

     Many of us have no special insight or training in one or more areas and commenting may or may not add much to the outcome. But in other areas one may have a lot to say of what should or should not be done.. and YOUR INPUT IS NEEDED AS PART OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESS . 

      The government is in a big mess and the real government has little control over what goes on inside the contractors;   But ones comment just might be considered and add to some positive changes...

One has to try to help make things better.

          We have had things go terribly wrong inside the US Department of he Interior and they also are the ones whose contractor of the international cabal never posted by personnel file that has been missing for many years , even though the US Department of Labor has my official jurisdiction and their still in house, very secure system has the accurate info on me.  And knows I have not yet been able to retire as my request for permanent disability has not been processed at all. And can not be unto Lynn Blodgett the hired head that runs the USA now obeys 38 federal agency judges he defies and posts my federal workers comp files and he also has not inputs any oxygen claims that have not since the COUP OF 2002 when one of his over 150 companies took over total control of Federal workers comp and my established case with already permanent medical disappears over and over and the real govt office has no access to even know what is going on .  He has more new companies  and has total control of  'every ones' workers comp now as contracted with various insurers...etc.

     Members of Congress cannot help as they have gag rules denying them to mention a contractors, contact one or ask one to testify in a hearing.   And since there has  been no budget allowed to be spent by act of congress in the e governing laws of 2002 no money can be spent to do a real internal audit  to know what is going on and check systems, etc.(lots of illegal offline ones hacking in and stealing going on that is well documented by no real government to know ;officially; and stop it.) and or investigate and prosecute crimes being committed  And the same entity of this international cabal has taken control of the USA through a maze of shell companies and illegal secret deal partnerships as the SEC  was also defunded so they can not unravel this and advise agencies that to give this company or that one a contract is causing real bad conflict's of interests as its the same controlling ownership.

      What each of us can do as voters and citizens is participate as we and wake up Congress as most of the newer member and even those around in 2002 had no idea that they had voted to overthrown the USA to the control of this cabal   and then the government contracted nearly the whole government at all levels and few  know then took away the control of the real government that the people had power over through our votes to elect those who would by the real government and hire the ones to do the work as real government employees.

     The linked press release implies that all the work will be done by the real government and yet, I know they have contractors just like the other agencies do that are just as unaccountable  if they do wrong or ignore the laws and regulations and contract terms as most now do as they please and only following the laws of the land when their owners decides to do so.

    In dealing with the government, one should try to find out if they are dealing with the real govt or a government contractor and name of company.  Contractors are told not to say and say they work for the agency when they may 'work for' but are not employed by.. Federal employees know this is public information and even the right to know includes each ones salary and leave record although one may be asked to file a FOIA request to get that much info.

      The reason this is crucial is that if you give personal and private info to a real government employee and they misuse it, they can be audited to know and arrested for illegal use of it.  A government contractor employee now has full immunity from congress even though is may be illegal they defunded any one from acting to even stop illegal behaviors. 


    A lot of us, do have interest in matters where regulations are being proposed and those who have direct interest may wish to have their say in matters.

So read the link and decide what you may or may not be called to do   Your special insight of this or any other proposal may be what is needed to make things better for all of us.
Most of those who work in the real government  and in the government contractors are our neighbors and they do wish things to be fair and just and comments made to these may be something they may be able to read and change things for the better , even if in only some small way... Many making small changes can soon change the whole world if we are on the path of good and bypass the detours into the bad of destructive forces that want to cause harm and not good.
In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may the path of good be the one we all stay on.

Linda Joy Adams 7/21/16....

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