
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

DAILY RECAP 7/20/16 OUR MEDICAL RECORDS UNPROTECTED SINCE 1999: ACT OF CONGRESS! President Obama Born In Topeka KS son of Jim T Parks

Proposed Bill Would Prevent Your Employer From Accessing Your Birth Control Schedule | AlterNet see my comment to the article and one can access it and others more easily on disqus lindajoyadams.

                             The HIPPAA LAW  was a PAPER TIGER*

   *(' Paper Tiger' is something on paper like a law, agreement, etc.. that sounds like it has real  power, like a tiger,  but has no power in it at all due to the full circumstances and way its worded. the only power is the paper and not what is written on it. .)

     This 'PAPER TIGER"  was and is a great expense for our medical community and generates lots of revenue for many contractors and contract auditors, etc. all part of en international cabal that is in charge of the USA since the COUP OF 2002  when congress voted, (many did not know what they did and few know now what is going on of newer members) to defunds civil and criminal over sight of government contractors and defunded the SEC to be able to unravel a maze of shell companies and illegal secret deal partnerships that now run nearly every level and part of the government leaving the real government in only allowed to know what they wish to share and in turn CONGRESS gets faulty info to base laws on. Laws that should be good and help and turn into real disasters like the HEALTH CARE LAW OF 2010  And since CONGRESS has gagged itself  to not mention a contractor, contact one or ask one to testify all they can do is vote to overturn the whole instead of fixing the crucial areas to limit the skims and scams in it that benefit this cabal to the detriment of the people and the taxpayer and would expose insurers that were not fiscally healthy enough to take on such a major program without raising premiums beyond what purchasers can afford and that is what is happening now and would have been prevented if the REAL GOVERNMENT WAS IN CHARGE TO REALLY KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH AND FACTS BEFORE THE LAWS WAS PASSED IN THE FORM IT WAS.

                   So we have one member of Congress taking on one issue of the entire government and trying to protect privacy rights that should have been put under the HIPPA laws from the beginning.

     The violations of ones privacy does not have to be done by any insurer nor ones medical provider or pharmacist..  They are under the HIPPAA laws and our good medical providers were under strict ethics laws long before any additional expensive HIPPAA law was passed to give this cabal more ways to skim monies from our precious health care dollars and raise health care costs.  They have companies to help our medical community conform to the laws, that were not even needed for the most part.

                                WHERE IS THE BREACH OF PRIVACY GOING ON?

       In 1999  THE REAL GOVERNMENT OF CONGRESS AND THE AGENCIES  contracted out to Group Health Inc the ownership of all of our medical records from any claims filed for payment to any insurer or government health plan. Nearly all came under that and even those who do not pay have a government health  program to cover the uninsured where they can file for some reimbursements also. Now all of these are under the cabal's management and since 2010 our health insurers are now government contractors also  And as such are under this immunity by defunding from Congress.


     And few knew as few who voted for the laws, understood what they were doing? and few know now.  The biggest battle is for those in the middle of this with the power to:
       THE WORSE THING ABOUT THIS IS THE DEATHS FROM THE DEADLY MESS SINCE THERE IS NO WAY TO CORRECT ERRORS, TYPOS , OR EVEN OTHER PATIENTS RECORDS CO MINGLED WITH YOURS, NOR CAN ANYONE GET A COPY TO EVEN FIND OUT OR SOMEONE WOULD HAVE BEEN IN COURT, A LONG TIME AGO.  I have at least 4 other patients co mingled in mine and found out because I did not sue for medical malpractice and was able to get the medical providers to tell me what happened when I had two close calls with death and real harm myself.  but one of these has been found out to be intentionally done not long after the law was passed in 1990 to cause real harm with my attempts for my civil rights and the third party law suit Federal Workers comp required me to file to reimburse the taxpayer. 
        This is the real abuses of the medical records is not just ones employer gaining access, but if one is in any kind of litigation,  real attempts to cause obstructions of ones rights to pursue those is illegally blocked.  This info that is clearly not my records, has and is causing me harm to this day and  those who did it can add yourself to the list of the ones who have the blood of 9/11/01 on you as the FBI got it and used it to discredit me not knowing it was not even my records.  This other patients and I did not even have the same doctors or medical providers. So its was obviously not any error on the part of either of our medical providers... and the source indicated where and how.  OIG was notified to no avail..... and the gates to 9.11.01 WERE LEFT WIDE OPEN  as I had already begun to try and stop it as I knew he was going to bring down those Twin Towers as he had already been obsessing over them back in 7/88  want to know more of the 9/11    NJ WHITE WASH OF THE 9/11  COMMISSION REPORTS AND WHY THEY DID NOT GO BACK BEFORE 1995.  The COUP OF 2002 HAD OCCURRED AND THEY WOULD HAVE TO HAVE RECOMMENDED IT BE OVERTHROWN BACK TO THE REAL GOVERNMENT AND SOME GO TO JAIL FOR TREASON FOR ACTS DONE SINCE 1988 AND  Mary Jo White said since 1985 in the USA. ( I only know about 1988 forward and not all then as who at SSA who met him using his real name fully knew who he was and what work he had done for the CIA in Saudi Arabia  when he transferred to us from .them? )   JUST GO TO ANY ANNIVERSARY DATE SINCE 2009 ON THIS BLOG. for more details
        We found out as we have an inside source tell us. But with no real government to protect any witness or whistle blower, there are things I have not shared here publicly for their sakes and I wish witnesses to remain alive to some day be able to have  the ideal of real justice be returned to the USA and people.
            There is no reason that when I go for a doctor visit my own doctors are not able to pull up what their own office records on me , and then check with what is on this national data base and using their own secured PIN  make the corrections. from the real ones at my doctor.     And some one review it later, etc. as the other patients records , then need to be added to their records if they can be located
       A Houston Hospital reported some time back and I linked the article to this blog. So one should be able to do a word search on this site.  They have 300 Maria Garcia's  in that city and which one is in the emergency room bed? if one appears for medical care??
     Congress did a study over a decade ago on wrongful death malpractice suits and the causes and it pointed directly to this data base.   Many more never die and never file law suits and never find out why they had a close call.  I did and those in power were very unhappy that their dirty little secret COUP OF 2002  was getting exposed. 
    I survived both close calls, because in the first one, my husband took me to another hospital and an older more seasoned doctor, used his common sense and did what he could to locate and diagnose the problem even though the dictator of the USA Lynn Blodgett obstructed the needed treatment at the time, he did what he needed to do and I signed for Doyle to go get m medical records and went on antibiotic  before I even got to the doctor in his office OR I MIGHT HAVE LOST SIGHT IN ONE EYE AS INFECTION HAD CAUSED SWELLING ON THE OPTIC NERVE AND SMASHED LENS THAT HAD BECOME BRITTLE FROM EXTENDED  YEARS USE OF CORTISONE STEROID INHALERS.
    * Since 1996, I have some antibiotics on hand to begin taking when a bacterial infection starts and then can call and get the refill, etc.  Its not difficult to know viral vs., bacterial.  If nothing else , one pill that does nothing  means viral and then I go to my antivirals of elderberry and chicken soup, etc. as any one else can do also, etc.  WORK WITH YOUR DOCTOR ON THIS  I am not one and one should not be diagnosing themselves with out medical mentoring at all.
      IN 1996, every doctor that knew me was out of tie and I went into a serous bacterial infection and ended up at the emergency room to get a prescription and they admitted me to the hospital  as the heart EKG was not normal... Infection can do this when its gone to the lungs. ...etc.   With 33 inches of snow on the way and the doctor on duty at the hospital said I was not going to get an antibiotic prescribed  I checked my self out  and went home. And suffered through another day until one of my doctor's got back and prescribed an antibiotic  and Doyle walked nearly a mile through snow banks to get the prescription and immediately it began to work but took about a month and refills to finally get it beat.   I now use an oral sinus  probiotic and cayenne pepper tea with a tiny amount of ginger t breath and then drink and  this last week is the first time I have had to take any antibiotics for 6 months.  Getting the sinus surgery to put 'windows' in them has helped also.   That is adding extra drainage holes as when exposures swell up the membranes then fluid gets trapped and bacteria breed  Getting the tea as soon as the pain begins as its painful as the beginning of this proves, can usually reverse it and keep things drained and the ginger, which is  blood thinner, but does not seem to act the same, but use very few grains helps with nausea as it drains to the stomach etc.,
     Since then every doctor, I have had allows me to have a  round on hand, etc. and we trust each other to let them know etc. common sense has to prevail on this. my doctors prescribe 300mg of Cefdinir twice daily.   ASK YOUR DOCTOR WHAT IS RIGHT AND BEST FOR YOU.,
      A later incident was when I got the wrong medication that was a blood thinner, and did not known this and began to bleed out and then googled it and found it out in the full data on the drug  and stopped its use.    and ended up with health plans paying for thousands of dollars of genetic tests to prove I should never be given a blood thinner as I already knew thins as can not take the pineapple supplement bromelain made from the stem often used for joint pains as it is one and had bleeding start and only stopped when I stopped using it although it worked great. for the joints and again found it online that it is a blood thinner. also.  . but the uncomingling of records could not be done as no real government in charge to do it or even know of it.
          Damage to sinuses  when injured on 1/10/89 means they can easily bleed when exposed to certain chemicals after becoming influenced and then blood infections,   But when the optic nerve got involved, I did not recognize this due to the lens crumbling and the intense pain for that.  
           I am not a doctor , but have been a patients of many good ones and ones who are even published by their peers in medical journals, etc. over the years when injured in 1/10/89 by a toxic cloud at work. And one expects little privacy often ones medical records when that occurs. BUT I DO EXPECT PROTECTION OF THE RECORDS FOR MISTAKES AND ERRORS AND INTENTIONAL MALFEASANCE THAT OCCURRED AND HAS CAUSED REAL HARM TO THIS DAY. BY ANOTHERS MEDICALS INSERTED IN MY SYSTEMS FILES.   One can easily verify this is they chose to as one could not be in two states at the same time could they and dates of treatment show this on the two... But no way to uncomingled this deadly mess and HOW MANY OTHER PATIENTS RECORDS ARE IN YOURS ? 
      I f you have a common name , it could be a potential and deadly shock to know and each of us should have the right to know  as common ethics for good health care any way .  if  GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS HAD NOT BEEN EXCLUDED FROM THE HIPPAA LAW AS NOT EVEN OUR INSURERS ARE NOW THEM .ALSO SINCE 2010.

       So if this one issue on one medical issue can be done, without this cabal forcing it not to occur, then "one small step" for the return of the US Constitutional government and those mandated in it to take care of the business of government for, of and by the people will begin to occur since the COUP OF 2002. WHEN WE LOST CONTROL OF OUR OWN GOVERNMENT AND NATION TO AN INTERNATIONAL CABAL THAT MEETS THE DEFINITION OF  A RICCO ORGANIZED CRIME RING.

    And we need to do it before all of our records, and data from our personal medical and other records to the official records of the US Government is off shored and the TPP treaty forbids us to ever have a sovereign nation again.
      In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may this one small step open the door and understanding to the inalienable rights all of us are to have and  idealized in our governing document of the US Constitution which mandates "for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation" neither that is being well served at all by the real government which has been removed from authority to do this under the COUP OF 2002.  A real government that has those precious 'checks and balances' of power in it so that no one or group can grab power and our 'inalienable rights' from us
       Many phrases are so common place in our world, that we often do not put in quotes, but since the speech of Mrs. Trump last night, I will try to be more careful and at least put the quote marks there ad let you look up where it came from . Just GOOGLE IT  Just in case some one some where or at some future time,  does not know the common language phrases or idioms  of the time and we all assume every one knows its quotes from well known sources.
     A 2012 link from Facebook was removed by face book of my personal eyewitness account of THE LITTLE RED CHURCH  etc. I have hard copies and there is a law suit others have brought.  I had begun posting here and then linking to other sites. But when this occurred back in 8/12, I then began posting on Google and they have not done this to me. at all I have never advocated any one do anything illegal and any thing I post is well documented and I am willing to testify in any court, or hearing about it as its just my personal sharing of what I know first hand and try to be careful of what I know from others and sources and say so . etc.  
If President Obama does become a leading candidate for UN Secretary General is he the best one, or is there someone else? The member nations will need to vote on this but shouldn't they know the whole truth of things about a candidate before they vote? And what I know first hand is only his origins and nothing about his later life until he became president and that is public info for all to judge for themselves. I have always said its a journey for truth and justice and not about politics and 3 died that day at the hands of others and that is an open murder case with no justice since them for his real dad and two others in the raciest attack that was to have lynched his mother ad he unborn as well as his real dad as his parents said they were and "every one knew.' a few weeks later I had an attack on my life that only by a divine miracle was I spared after it became know I was family that took care and charge  of my second cousin, his mother. 
                    That I was attempted murder of me!!! Don't I deserve justice also?? No I got censored , it now appears for it. or was it that Hillary Clinton is mentioned  as debating President Obama's mother back in the 1960 election and she was for Nixon and Ann was for Kennedy. This film was shown during the 1960 Democratic convention. I saw it and recognized her as one whom I had met and knew casually from inter school activities  etc.. and knew her in the  summer of 1958 when she had just arrived  in Topeka as I was looking for a new piano teacher as mine had retired. to attend Capper Jr HS. and did and gradated with straight A's.
       I was  invited for a club recital  at a possible new one who had moved back to Topeka and was looking for new students  and she was already a student.  She was using the last name of Dunham and had no idea she was my first cousin. Dan Pope's daughter   
Her mother had sent her to live with some of her relatives at WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH AND FRED PHELPS HAD GUARDIANSHIP  and the rest is shared on line of all the details I knew and know as an eyewitness and why it was several months of sharing to get all this out ... and then the first part removed as someone was not wishing this one person's sharing from her own personal live not to be known? And still does not.?  Now will those on the law suit help me get the whole truth out?
Linda Joy Adams 7/20/16

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