
Sunday, July 17, 2016

DAILY RECAP 7/18/16 USA PEOPLE UNDER ATTACK : President Obama Born In Topeka KS son of Jim T Parks

202-784-5232 / 2027845232   see my detailed info when this scammer called my number.  This is a link to 800 notes. a site that is not just for finding out what 800 phone numbers belong to .   One can often find out if the call is a scam or not before one bothers to return  a phone call one does not recognize.  There are others also  and one can post as anonymous too.

    In part as I do  blog and share info and since we have no real government now to investigate crimes committed by contractors, I decided to find out what I could about this phone number. and answered the call at first as it came in on a 202 phone number.

     If one buys a cell phone in DC does one get a 202 number? I assume so and that means any scam artist can present them selves as a possible real government person more easily...

  This caller was smart enough to never specifically say he was a government employee. But said it was for HHS grants. And they are one of the bigger entities giving them out now and since most of the real government of HHS is contracted out, I have good reason to believe that some of the bogus calls come from our personal info that is now allowed to be sold from the official records, in contractor control, of those who have a MEDICARE CARD.

      Yes our info is now being sold.  and seems to be not for legitimate research purposes either. as once was and organizations had to pass real legitimates scrutiny by the real government officials to gain access.

      We have and have had Congresses since the COUP OF 2002 that either do not know or fully understand what is going on or some have been following orders of those that do not have the constitutional interests of the USA or people as their prime objective.

     IN 2002 Congress voted to defund the internal audit controls, the right to investigate and prosecut4e crimes of government contractors And then defunded the SEC  so they could not unravel an international cabal of shell companies and illegal secret deal partnerships that violate every part of anti trust laws and creating conflicts of interest beyond what any ones common sense knows is a terrible conflict , especially in health care with our good doctors, etc. being crushed under the whole corrupted mess.  And Congress has no way to find out what the real data and facts are to form good laws and do real oversight to see if laws do not work as intended as they also passed rules to UNCONSTITUTIONALLY GAG THEMSELVES TO NOT .MENTION A CONTRACTOR BY NAME , CONTACT THEM NOR ASK THEM TO APPEAR A HEARING. Its why rarely can one help a constituents anymore as most issues are with the contractors  even if they are nor aware of it.  and its not always easy to find out as even government employees are told certain offices and people they deal with are real government employees and are not as they are illegally allowed to say they are, until one delves into the issue and finds out the corporate name, etc.  real rank and file government civil servants have been kept ignorant of what is going on more than even the pubic that knows things are not as they should be and are able to ask the questions to find out.  One basic question is do you pay into FEDERAL CIVIL SERVICE ANNUITY PENSIONS IN THERI PAYCHECK AND WHAT IS THE NAE OF YOU EMPLOYER ON YOUR W-2 All public information and every federal employee knows it is. One even has the right to know ones salary and leave record also, although  most agencies will demand a freedom of information request in writing first for that kind of detail 
    Beware one who says they work for an agency as that is what a contractor does. Its who pays them and that I often not the government but a member of this international cabal that runs the USA and has us under attack when nothing is safe and secure of our persons or data in this corrupted mess. This cabal hires good people from among our neighbors and often they have no idea what they are inside of... its why 1-800 Medicate helped document this huge theft of Medicare by another contractor, and their owner not even aware of what was going on  until he found out and stopped them from ever filling out fraud reports again in violation of their CMS contract to always do so when discovered.
      Congress never got thousands of reports on this which would have caused Hillarycare to have controls in it that are so badly needed before the rest of the nation was subjected to such fraud, waste and abuse by its own contactors which even the health insurers are now, and having to hire Lynn Blodgett's companies to manage them  and the year after the contract with one company in one region was not renewed the TRUSTEES REPORT  came out and costs in Medicare had dramatically gone down and CONGRESS THOUGHT IS WAS SOMEHING THEY DID.   It was stopping a thief stealing, and they did not confirm the one person who would have continued stopping the thieves, and saving lives  but CONGRESS did nt think he was PRO LIFE ENOUGH. The crooks did not want him is my opinion of the matter.

    The real government has no way to verify info or the real non security of systems now and CONGRESS GET FALSE INFO TO PASS WHAT SHOULD BE GOOD LAWS THAT TURN OUT TO BE THE BIGGEST SCAMS IN HISTORY .. 

       And instead of fixing bad parts of existing laws , they vote NO 38? (lost track of the number) for Obamacare, or Hillarycare as she claims it and is the end result of what she began in 1993 in the White House in secret meetings with insurers and who else?  Congress has no way to find out what they need to do to get rid of the scams that were included in the original law that this international cabal of government contractors that now runs nearly the entire government at all levels and does in health care wanted in there to be able to steal from the USA.

     I expect the Trans Pacific partnership to be passed before the next president takes office and that means the data and records of the USA and our perosnal info in official files as well as all of our private info from business we do personal and corporately and our personal e mails and phone calls now captured by the same cabal as THE GOVT DOES NOT HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER ANY O THIS SINCE THE COUP OF 2002, ,,,,,  all of this info is in process to be off shored so if congress decided to waked up and put the real government back in charge of its data and records and be able to protect this nation and people's interests, they will be having to get permission to enter another country to investigate??? Good luck with that if its one that does not wish to cooperate!

        My prayers and condolences for those who lost lives and were injured today in Baton Rouge.... we are seeing and witnessing events of real evil and those who do these things have some how gone beyond just crimes for greed or passion anymore.   We have lost the restraint of law over this nation by acts of our elected officials and those who study these things as the bad guys/gals do know just how to manipulate this to cause real horrors to occur among us by a few that have some form of weakness to succumb to commit such evil

    In the name of YAHUSHA  whom we CHRISTIANS CALL CHRIST JESUS we rebuke you satan and your demonic demons and bind you to the pit of hell so that no one else can be tempted and possessed to commit evil acts ever again AMEN!

Those of other faiths or no faith do your thing to  stand up to evil and that begins with conducting your own lives and daily work with high ethics and obeying the laws of the land....something we have no government right now to see its being done and it is not and why I began serious blogging in 12/08. when this crime victim could get no help from the criminals due to the COUP OF 2002 and three OIGS at FTC,SSA, HHS , FBI cyber crimes, DOJ, US ATTORNEYS(WHO ALREADY KNEW) GENERAL COUNSEL FOR CMS AND SO MANY OTHERS OF THE 500 INSIDE ONE CONTRACTOR WHO HELP DOCUMENT ALL COULD NOT STOP WHAT THEY SAID WAS A TRILLION DOLLAR THEFT OF MEDICARE AS CONGRESS IN 2002 HAD DEFUNDED ANY RIGHT TO DO SO. and it continued until 11/12 from 1/06 until the acting director of CMS Berwick who was not confirmed began the process to not renew the contract but the same company and parent company now still has contracts and even more of them, and retaliation is worse for me for it. in life threatening obstructions  This is a fight for life and not just livelihood and when one carefully unravels the thread of crimes, one finds this cabal under the current hired head for the USA as named in writing and verbally by many high level officials and contractors who get their orders from his they just follows even if Lynn Blodgett.    the third leading cause of death in the USA as his and his cabal heads can be traced to the causes....that commit the ultimate evil of premature loss of life. I call it murder if done by any other person or entity in the USA and world when ones death occurs before their natural time by illegal act or acts of others  AND NO REAL GOVERNMENT ALLOWED TO STOP IT BY ACT OF CONGRESS that most there in 2002 and few newer members since then have no idea this was done and why they no longer can go find out info for themselves or cannot have the constitutional right on the floor of CONGRESS TO SAY WHAT EVERY THEY WISHED TO SAY ANYMORE! Who rums this country? Not them and not the civil service, so who? An international cabal headed by who? SATAN HIMSELF???

Linda Joy Adams 7/18/16

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